コード例 #1
def snatchEpisode(result, endStatus=SNATCHED):
    Contains the internal logic necessary to actually "snatch" a result that
    has been found.

    :param result: SearchResult instance to be snatched.
    :param endStatus: the episode status that should be used for the episode object once it's snatched.
    :return: boolean, True on success

    if result is None:
        return False

    result.priority = 0  # -1 = low, 0 = normal, 1 = high
    if sickrage.srConfig.ALLOW_HIGH_PRIORITY:
        # if it aired recently make it high priority
        for curEp in result.episodes:
            if date.today() - curEp.airdate <= timedelta(days=7):
                result.priority = 1
    if re.search(r'(^|[\. _-])(proper|repack)([\. _-]|$)', result.name, re.I) is not None:
        endStatus = SNATCHED_PROPER

    if result.url.startswith('magnet') or result.url.endswith('torrent'):
        result.resultType = 'torrent'

    # NZBs can be sent straight to SAB or saved to disk
    if result.resultType in ("nzb", "nzbdata"):
        if sickrage.srConfig.NZB_METHOD == "blackhole":
            dlResult = _downloadResult(result)
        elif sickrage.srConfig.NZB_METHOD == "sabnzbd":
            dlResult = SabNZBd.sendNZB(result)
        elif sickrage.srConfig.NZB_METHOD == "nzbget":
            is_proper = True if endStatus == SNATCHED_PROPER else False
            dlResult = NZBGet.sendNZB(result, is_proper)
            sickrage.srLogger.error("Unknown NZB action specified in config: " + sickrage.srConfig.NZB_METHOD)
            dlResult = False

    # TORRENTs can be sent to clients or saved to disk
    elif result.resultType == "torrent":
        # torrents are saved to disk when blackhole mode
        if sickrage.srConfig.TORRENT_METHOD == "blackhole":
            dlResult = _downloadResult(result)
            if not result.content and not result.url.startswith('magnet'):
                result.content = result.provider.getURL(result.url, needBytes=True)

            if result.content or result.url.startswith('magnet'):
                client = getClientIstance(sickrage.srConfig.TORRENT_METHOD)()
                dlResult = client.sendTORRENT(result)
                sickrage.srLogger.warning("Torrent file content is empty")
                dlResult = False
        sickrage.srLogger.error("Unknown result type, unable to download it (%r)" % result.resultType)
        dlResult = False

    if not dlResult:
        return False

    if sickrage.srConfig.USE_FAILED_DOWNLOADS:

    notifications.message('Episode snatched', result.name)


    # don't notify when we re-download an episode
    sql_l = []
    trakt_data = []
    for curEpObj in result.episodes:
        with curEpObj.lock:
            if isFirstBestMatch(result):
                curEpObj.status = Quality.compositeStatus(SNATCHED_BEST, result.quality)
                curEpObj.status = Quality.compositeStatus(endStatus, result.quality)

            sql_q = curEpObj.saveToDB(False)
            if sql_q:
                del sql_q  # cleanup

        if curEpObj.status not in Quality.DOWNLOADED:
                        curEpObj._format_pattern('%SN - %Sx%0E - %EN - %QN') + " from " + result.provider.name)
                sickrage.srLogger.debug("Failed to send snatch notification")

            trakt_data.append((curEpObj.season, curEpObj.episode))

    data = sickrage.srCore.NOTIFIERS.trakt_notifier.trakt_episode_data_generate(trakt_data)

    if sickrage.srConfig.USE_TRAKT and sickrage.srConfig.TRAKT_SYNC_WATCHLIST:
        sickrage.srLogger.debug("Add episodes, showid: indexerid " + str(result.show.indexerid) + ", Title " + str(
                result.show.name) + " to Traktv Watchlist")
        if data:
            sickrage.srCore.NOTIFIERS.trakt_notifier.update_watchlist(result.show, data_episode=data, update="add")

    if len(sql_l) > 0:
        del sql_l  # cleanup

    return True