コード例 #1
def acc_rate(predictions, labels):
    Return the error rate based on dense predictions and labels.
    :param predictions: list of output predictions
    :param labels: list of ground truths
    assert len(predictions) == len(labels), "Number of predictions and labels don't equal."
    err = np.array([])
    n = len(predictions)
    for i in range(n):
        err = np.hstack((err, (100.0 * np.average(
            np.argmax(predictions[i], -1) == np.argmax(utils.crop_to_shape(labels[i], predictions[i].shape), -1)))))
    return err
コード例 #2
def auc_score(predictions, labels):
    Return the auc score based on dense predictions and labels.
    :param predictions: list of output predictions
    :param labels: list of ground truths
    assert len(predictions) == len(labels), "Number of predictions and labels don't equal."
    auc = np.array([])
    n = len(predictions)
    n_class = np.shape(labels[0])[-1]
    for i in range(n):
        flat_score = np.reshape(predictions[i], [-1, n_class])
        flat_true = np.reshape(utils.crop_to_shape(labels[i], predictions[i].shape), [-1, n_class])
        auc = np.hstack((auc, roc_auc_score(flat_true, flat_score)))
    return auc
コード例 #3
def average_foreground_jaccard(predictions, labels):
    Return the averaged foreground Jaccard based on dense predictions and labels.

    :param predictions: list of output predictions
    :param labels: list of ground truths
    n_class = labels[0].shape[-1]
    n = len(predictions)
    jaccard = np.empty([n])
    for i in range(n):
        pred = np.array(predictions[i])
        label = utils.crop_to_shape(np.array(labels[i]), pred.shape)
        Jaccard = OverlapMetrics(n_class, mode='np')
        jaccard[i] = Jaccard.averaged_foreground_jaccard(label, pred)

    return jaccard
コード例 #4
def average_foreground_dice(predictions, labels):
    Return the dice score based on dense predictions and labels.
    :param predictions: list of output predictions
    :param labels: list of ground truths
    assert len(predictions) == len(labels), "Number of predictions and labels don't equal."
    n_class = labels[0].shape[-1]
    dice = np.array([])
    n = len(predictions)
    for i in range(n):
        pred = np.array(predictions[i])
        label = utils.crop_to_shape(np.array(labels[i]), pred.shape)
        Dice = OverlapMetrics(n_class, mode='np')
        dice = np.hstack((dice, Dice.averaged_foreground_dice(label, pred)))

    return dice
コード例 #5
def myocardial_dice_score(predictions, labels):
    Return the myocardial dice score between predictions and ground truths.

    :param predictions: list of output predictions
    :param labels: list of ground truths
    :return: a list of myocardial dice score

    assert len(predictions) == len(labels), "Number of predictions and labels don't equal."

    n = len(predictions)
    dice = np.zeros([n])
    for i in range(n):
        pred = np.array(predictions[i])
        label = utils.crop_to_shape(np.array(labels[i]), pred.shape)
        dice[i] = OverlapMetrics(mode='np').class_specific_dice(label, pred, i=1)

    return dice
コード例 #6
        # pre-processing for image and label
        image_data = process_image(image)
        label_data = process_label(label, label_intensities)

        # produce gradient images
        image_grad = utils.compute_gradnorm_from_volume(np.sum(image_data, axis=-1, keepdims=True), mode='np')
        label_grad = utils.compute_gradnorm_from_volume(label_data, mode='np')

        # save into nifty files
        # grad_nii = nib.Nifti1Image(image_grad.squeeze(0), affine=affine, header=header)
        # nib.save(grad_nii, os.path.join(save_path, image_name.replace(image_suffix, 'image_grad.nii.gz')))
        # grad_nii = nib.Nifti1Image(label_grad.squeeze(0), affine=affine, header=header)
        # nib.save(grad_nii, os.path.join(save_path, image_name.replace(image_suffix, 'label_grad.nii.gz')))

        # crop data
        image_grad_crop = utils.crop_to_shape(image_grad, (80, 80, 80))
        label_grad_crop = utils.crop_to_shape(label_grad, (80, 80, 80))

        # # compute local conditional entropy
        lecc = np.concatenate([mi.lecc(image_grad_crop, label_grad_crop[..., i, None])
                               for i in range(len(label_intensities))], axis=-1)
        # lecc = losses._lecc(image_grad_crop, label_grad_crop[..., 0, None], n_bins=4, win=7, sigma=3)

        # save into nifty files
        lecc_nii = nib.Nifti1Image(utils.pad_to_shape_image(mi._normalize(-lecc),
                                                               original_size, mode='np', method='edge').squeeze(0),
                                   affine=affine, header=header)
        nib.save(lecc_nii, os.path.join(save_path, image_name.replace(image_suffix, 'lecc.nii.gz')))

        time_end = time.time()
        print("Elapsing time: %s" % (time_end - time_start))