コード例 #1
ファイル: Trigger.py プロジェクト: aharel/supy
    def mergeFunc(self,products) :
        for eLumis in products["staticEpochLumis"] :
            for epoch in eLumis :
                for run in eLumis[epoch] :
                    self.epochLumis[epoch][run] |= eLumis[epoch][run]
        if not self.epochLumis : return

        lumiDir = self.outputFileName
        if not os.path.exists(lumiDir) : utils.mkdir(lumiDir)
        lumis = luminosity.recordedInvMicrobarnsShotgun( [utils.jsonFromRunDict(self.epochLumis[epoch]) for epoch in self.epochLumis ] , cores = 4, cacheDir = lumiDir)
        probs = [ [1./prescale if prescale else 0 for prescale in epoch] for epoch in self.epochLumis ]
        inclu = [ [utils.unionProbability(prob[:i+1]) for i in range(len(prob))] for prob in probs ]
        thresholds = sorted(set(self.thresholds))
        inclusives = [ [max([0]+[p for p,t in zip(inc,self.thresholds) if t is thresh]) for thresh in thresholds] for inc in inclu ]
        weights = np.array(lumis).dot(inclusives) / sum(lumis)

        # write total lumi and weight by threshold
        lumiHist = r.TH1D('susyTreeLumi','luminosity from susyTree;;1/pb',1,0,1)

        weightHist = r.TH1D(self.name,";%s;%s"%(self.var,self.name), len(thresholds), np.array([0.]+thresholds+[max(thresholds)+10]))
        for i,w in enumerate(weights) : weightHist.SetBinContent(i+2, w)
        weightHist.SetBinContent(len(thresholds)+3, 1)
コード例 #2
ファイル: Other.py プロジェクト: tatiana-m/supy
    def mergeFunc(self, products) :
        d = collections.defaultdict(list)
        for lumisByRun in products["lumisByRun"] :
            for run,lumis in lumisByRun.iteritems() :
                d[run] += lumis

        d2 = {}
        for run,lumis in d.iteritems() :
            d2[run] = sorted(set(lumis))
            for ls in d2[run] :
                if 1 < lumis.count(ls) :
                    print "Run %d ls %d appears %d times in the lumiTree."%(run,ls,lumis.count(ls))

        json = utils.jsonFromRunDict(d2)
        lumi = luminosity.recordedInvMicrobarns(json)/1e6 if self.calculateLumi else -1.0
        with open(self.outputFileName,"w") as file: print >> file, str(json).replace("'",'"')
        print "Wrote %.4f/pb json to : %s"%(lumi,self.outputFileName)
        print utils.hyphens
コード例 #3
ファイル: Trigger.py プロジェクト: aharel/supy
    def mergeFunc(self,products) :
        for eLumis in products["staticEpochLumis"] :
            for epoch in eLumis :
                for run in eLumis[epoch] :
                    self.epochLumis[epoch][run] |= eLumis[epoch][run]

        lumiProbs = []
        with open(self.outputFileName,"w") as file :
            print >> file, self.triggers
            print >> file, ""
            for epoch in self.epochLumis:
                json = utils.jsonFromRunDict(self.epochLumis[epoch])
                lumi = luminosity.recordedInvMicrobarns(json)/1e6
                probs = [(thresh,1./prescale) for thresh,prescale in zip(self.thresh,epoch)[:epoch.index(1.0)+1] if prescale]
                inclusive = [(probs[i][0],probs[i+1][0] if (i<len(probs)-1) else None,utils.unionProbability(zip(*probs[:i+1])[1])) for i in range(len(probs))]
                print >> file, epoch
                print >> file, json
                print >> file, lumi, " /pb"
                print >> file, [(thresh,"%.4f"%w) for thresh,nextThresh,w in inclusive]
                print >> file, ""
        print "Wrote prescale jsons by epoch : "+self.outputFileName

        lumiVal = sum(lumi for lumi,probs in lumiProbs)
        lumiHist = r.TH1D("susyTreeLumi","luminosity from susyTree;;1/pb",1,0,1)
        ptMax = 10+max(self.thresh)
        weight = r.TH1D("prescaleWeight","prescaleWeight",ptMax,0,ptMax)
        for lumi,probs in lumiProbs :
            epochWeight = lumi / lumiVal
            for thresh,nextThresh,prob in probs:
                for bin in range(thresh,nextThresh if nextThresh else ptMax) :
                    weight.Fill(bin, epochWeight * prob)