コード例 #1
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: GeoffreyOnRails/pydici
def consultant_detail(request, consultant_id):
    """Summary page of consultant activity"""
    if not request.META.get('HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH') == 'XMLHttpRequest':
        # This view should only be accessed by ajax request. Redirect lost users
        return redirect(consultant_home, consultant_id)
        consultant = Consultant.objects.get(id=consultant_id)
        staff = consultant.team(onlyActive=True)
        month = date.today().replace(day=1)
        # Compute user current mission based on forecast
        missions = consultant.active_missions().filter(nature="PROD").filter(probability=100)
        companies = Company.objects.filter(clientorganisation__client__lead__mission__timesheet__consultant=consultant).distinct()
        business_territory = Company.objects.filter(businessOwner=consultant)
        leads_as_responsible = set(consultant.lead_responsible.active())
        leads_as_staffee = consultant.lead_set.active()
        first_day = date.today().replace(day=1)
        holidays = [h.day for h in Holiday.objects.all()]
        month_days = working_days(first_day, holidays, upToToday=False)
        done_days = consultant.done_days()
        late = working_days(first_day, holidays, upToToday=True) - done_days
        if late < 0:
            late = 0  # Don't warn user if timesheet is ok !
        to_be_done = month_days - late - done_days
        forecasting_balance = month_days - consultant.forecasted_days()
        monthTurnover = consultant.getTurnover(month)
        lastMonthTurnover = None
        day = date.today().day
        while lastMonthTurnover is None:
                lastMonthTurnover = consultant.getTurnover(previousMonth(month), previousMonth(month).replace(day=day))  # Turnover for last month up to the same day
            except ValueError:
                # Corner case, last month has fewer days than current one. Go back one day and try again till it works.
                lastMonthTurnover = None
                day -= 1
        if lastMonthTurnover:
            turnoverVariation = 100 * (monthTurnover - lastMonthTurnover) / lastMonthTurnover
            turnoverVariation = 100
    except Consultant.DoesNotExist:
        raise Http404
    return render(request, "people/consultant_detail.html",
                  {"consultant": consultant,
                   "staff": staff,
                   "missions": missions,
                   "companies": companies,
                   "business_territory": business_territory,
                   "leads_as_responsible": leads_as_responsible,
                   "leads_as_staffee": leads_as_staffee,
                   "done_days": done_days,
                   "late": late,
                   "to_be_done": to_be_done,
                   "month_days": month_days,
                   "forecasting_balance": forecasting_balance,
                   "month_turnover": monthTurnover,
                   "turnover_variation": turnoverVariation,
                   "user": request.user})
コード例 #2
ファイル: optim.py プロジェクト: xyzlat/pydici
def compute_consultant_freetime(consultants,
    """Compute freetime except for missions we want to plan
    projections: none, balanced or full. Similar to pdc review concept. Use mission probability"""
    freetime = {}
    holidays_days = Holiday.objects.all().values_list("day", flat=True)
    wdays = {
        month[0]: working_days(month[0], holidays_days)
        for month in months
    for consultant in consultants:
        freetime[consultant.trigramme] = {}
        for month in months:
            current_staffings = consultant.staffing_set.filter(
            current_staffings = current_staffings.select_related()
            if projections == "none":
                current_staffings = current_staffings.filter(
            charge = 0
            for staffing in current_staffings:
                if projections == "full":
                    charge += staffing.charge
                    charge += staffing.charge * staffing.mission.probability / 100
            freetime[consultant.trigramme][month[1]] = max(
                0, int(wdays[month[0]] - charge))
    return freetime
コード例 #3
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: fbeziaud/pydici
 def timesheet_is_up_to_date(self):
     """return tuple (previous month late days, current month late days). (0, 0) means everything is up to date. Current day is not included"""
     Timesheet = apps.get_model("staffing", "Timesheet")  # Get Timesheet with get_model to avoid circular imports
     from staffing.utils import holidayDays  # Idem
     result = []
     current_month = date.today().replace(day=1)
     for month, up_to in ((previousMonth(current_month), current_month), (current_month, date.today())):
         wd = working_days(month, holidayDays(month=month),upToToday=True)
         td = list(Timesheet.objects.filter(consultant=self, working_date__lt=up_to, working_date__gte=month).aggregate(Sum("charge")).values())[0] or 0
         result.append(wd - td)
     return result
コード例 #4
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: wejade/pydici
 def timesheet_is_up_to_date(self):
     """return tuple (previous month late days, current month late days). (0, 0) means everything is up to date. Current day is not included"""
     Timesheet = apps.get_model(
         "staffing", "Timesheet"
     )  # Get Timesheet with get_model to avoid circular imports
     from staffing.utils import holidayDays  # Idem
     result = []
     current_month = date.today().replace(day=1)
     for month, up_to in ((previousMonth(current_month), current_month),
                          (current_month, date.today())):
         wd = working_days(month, holidayDays(month=month), upToToday=True)
         td = Timesheet.objects.filter(consultant=self,
                                           Sum("charge")).values()[0] or 0
         result.append(wd - td)
     return result
コード例 #5
def consultant_detail(request, consultant_id):
    """Summary page of consultant activity"""
    if not request.META.get('HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH') == 'XMLHttpRequest':
        # This view should only be accessed by ajax request. Redirect lost users
        return redirect("people:consultant_home_by_id", consultant_id)
        consultant = Consultant.objects.get(id=consultant_id)
        staff = consultant.team(onlyActive=True)
        month = date.today().replace(day=1)
        # Compute consultant current mission based on forecast
        missions = consultant.active_missions().filter(nature="PROD").filter(lead__state="WON")
        # Identify staled missions that may need new staffing or archiving
        staled_missions = [m for m in missions if m.no_more_staffing_since()]
        # Consultant clients and missions
        companies = Company.objects.filter(clientorganisation__client__lead__mission__timesheet__consultant=consultant).distinct()
        business_territory = Company.objects.filter(businessOwner=consultant)
        leads_as_responsible = set(consultant.lead_responsible.active())
        leads_as_staffee = consultant.lead_set.active()
        # Timesheet donut data
        holidays = [h.day for h in Holiday.objects.all()]
        month_days = working_days(month, holidays, upToToday=False)
        done_days = consultant.done_days()
        late = working_days(month, holidays, upToToday=True) - done_days
        if late < 0:
            late = 0  # Don't warn user if timesheet is ok !
        # Forecast donut data
        forecasted = consultant.forecasted_days()
        to_be_done = month_days - late - done_days
        forecasting_balance = month_days - forecasted
        if forecasting_balance < 0:
            overhead = -forecasting_balance
            missing = 0
            overhead = 0
            missing = forecasting_balance
        # Turnover
        monthTurnover = consultant.getTurnover(month)
        lastMonthTurnover = None
        day = date.today().day
        while lastMonthTurnover is None:
                lastMonthTurnover = consultant.getTurnover(previousMonth(month), previousMonth(month).replace(day=day))  # Turnover for last month up to the same day
            except ValueError:
                # Corner case, last month has fewer days than current one. Go back one day and try again till it works.
                lastMonthTurnover = None
                day -= 1
        if lastMonthTurnover:
            turnoverVariation = 100 * (monthTurnover - lastMonthTurnover) / lastMonthTurnover
            turnoverVariation = 100
        # Daily rate
        fc = consultant.getFinancialConditions(month, nextMonth(month))
        if fc:
            daily_rate = int(sum([rate * days for rate, days in fc]) / sum([days for rate, days in fc]))
            daily_rate = 0
        daily_rate_objective = consultant.getRateObjective(workingDate=month, rate_type="DAILY_RATE")
        if daily_rate_objective:
            daily_rate_objective = daily_rate_objective.rate
            daily_rate_objective = daily_rate
        if daily_rate > daily_rate_objective:
            daily_overhead = daily_rate - daily_rate_objective
            daily_missing = 0
            daily_rate -= daily_overhead
            daily_overhead = 0
            daily_missing = daily_rate_objective - daily_rate
        # Production rate
        prod_rate = round(100 * consultant.getProductionRate(month, nextMonth(month)), 1)
        prod_rate_objective = consultant.getRateObjective(workingDate=month, rate_type="PROD_RATE")
        if prod_rate_objective:
            prod_rate_objective = prod_rate_objective.rate
            prod_rate_objective = prod_rate
        if prod_rate > prod_rate_objective:
            prod_overhead = round(prod_rate - prod_rate_objective, 1)
            prod_missing = 0
            prod_rate -= prod_overhead
            prod_overhead = 0
            prod_missing = round(prod_rate_objective - prod_rate, 1)
    except Consultant.DoesNotExist:
        raise Http404
    return render(request, "people/consultant_detail.html",
                  {"consultant": consultant,
                   "staff": staff,
                   "missions": missions,
                   "staled_missions": staled_missions,
                   "companies": companies,
                   "business_territory": business_territory,
                   "leads_as_responsible": leads_as_responsible,
                   "leads_as_staffee": leads_as_staffee,
                   "done_days": done_days,
                   "late": late,
                   "to_be_done": to_be_done,
                   "forecasted": forecasted,
                   "missing": missing,
                   "overhead": overhead,
                   "prod_rate": prod_rate,
                   "prod_overhead": prod_overhead,
                   "prod_missing": prod_missing,
                   "daily_rate": daily_rate,
                   "daily_overhead": daily_overhead,
                   "daily_missing": daily_missing,
                   "month_days": month_days,
                   "forecasting_balance": forecasting_balance,
                   "month_turnover": monthTurnover,
                   "turnover_variation": turnoverVariation,
                   "user": request.user})
コード例 #6
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: yurivital/pydici
def pre_billing(request, year=None, month=None, mine=False):
    """Pre billing page: help to identify bills to send"""
    if year and month:
        month = date(int(year), int(month), 1)
        month = previousMonth(date.today())

    next_month = nextMonth(month)
    timeSpentBilling = {
    }  # Key is lead, value is total and dict of mission(total, Mission billingData)
    rates = {}  # Key is mission, value is Consultant rates dict

        billing_consultant = Consultant.objects.get(
    except Consultant.DoesNotExist:
        billing_consultant = None
        mine = False

    # Check consultant timesheet to hint if billing could be done based on a clean state
    timesheet_ok = {}
    for consultant in Consultant.objects.filter(active=True,
        missions = consultant.timesheet_missions(month=month)
        timesheetData, timesheetTotal, warning = gatherTimesheetData(
            consultant, missions, month)
        days = sum([v for (k, v) in timesheetTotal.items() if k != "ticket"
                    ])  # Compute timesheet days. Remove lunch ticket count
        if days == working_days(month, holidayDays(month=month)):
            timesheet_ok[consultant.id] = True
            timesheet_ok[consultant.id] = False

    fixedPriceMissions = Mission.objects.filter(
    undefinedBillingModeMissions = Mission.objects.filter(
    if mine:
        fixedPriceMissions = fixedPriceMissions.filter(
            | Q(responsible=billing_consultant))
        undefinedBillingModeMissions = undefinedBillingModeMissions.filter(
            | Q(responsible=billing_consultant))

    fixedPriceMissions = fixedPriceMissions.order_by("lead").distinct()
    undefinedBillingModeMissions = undefinedBillingModeMissions.order_by(

    timesheets = Timesheet.objects.filter(working_date__gte=month,
    if mine:
        timesheets = timesheets.filter(
            | Q(mission__responsible=billing_consultant))
    timesheet_data = timesheets.order_by(
    for mission_id, consultant_id, charge in timesheet_data:
        mission = Mission.objects.select_related("lead").get(id=mission_id)
        if mission.lead:
            lead = mission.lead
            # Bad data, mission with nature prod without lead... This should not happened
        consultant = Consultant.objects.get(id=consultant_id)
        if not mission in rates:
            rates[mission] = mission.consultant_rates()
        if not lead in timeSpentBilling:
            timeSpentBilling[lead] = [0.0,
                                      {}]  # Lead Total and dict of mission
        if not mission in timeSpentBilling[lead][1]:
            timeSpentBilling[lead][1][mission] = [
                0.0, []
            ]  # Mission Total and detail per consultant
        total = charge * rates[mission][consultant][0]
        timeSpentBilling[lead][0] += total
        timeSpentBilling[lead][1][mission][0] += total
            to_int_or_round(charge, 2), rates[mission][consultant][0], total,
            timesheet_ok.get(consultant_id, True)

    # Sort data
    timeSpentBilling = timeSpentBilling.items()
    timeSpentBilling.sort(key=lambda x: x[0].deal_id)

    return render(
        request, "billing/pre_billing.html", {
            "time_spent_billing": timeSpentBilling,
            "fixed_price_missions": fixedPriceMissions,
            "undefined_billing_mode_missions": undefinedBillingModeMissions,
            "month": month,
            "mine": mine,
            "user": request.user
コード例 #7
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: tuxella/pydici
def pre_billing(request, year=None, month=None, mine=False):
    """Pre billing page: help to identify bills to send"""
    if year and month:
        month = date(int(year), int(month), 1)
        month = previousMonth(date.today())

    next_month = nextMonth(month)
    timeSpentBilling = {}  # Key is lead, value is total and dict of mission(total, Mission billingData)
    rates = {}  # Key is mission, value is Consultant rates dict

        billing_consultant = Consultant.objects.get(trigramme__iexact=request.user.username)
    except Consultant.DoesNotExist:
        billing_consultant = None
        mine = False

    # Check consultant timesheet to hint if billing could be done based on a clean state
    timesheet_ok = {}
    for consultant in Consultant.objects.filter(active=True, subcontractor=False):
        missions = consultant.timesheet_missions(month=month)
        timesheetData, timesheetTotal, warning = gatherTimesheetData(consultant, missions, month)
        days = sum([v for (k,v) in timesheetTotal.items() if k!="ticket"])  # Compute timesheet days. Remove lunch ticket count
        if days == working_days(month, holidayDays(month=month)):
            timesheet_ok[consultant.id] = True
            timesheet_ok[consultant.id] = False

    fixedPriceMissions = Mission.objects.filter(nature="PROD", billing_mode="FIXED_PRICE",
    undefinedBillingModeMissions = Mission.objects.filter(nature="PROD", billing_mode=None,
    if mine:
        fixedPriceMissions = fixedPriceMissions.filter(Q(lead__responsible=billing_consultant) | Q(responsible=billing_consultant))
        undefinedBillingModeMissions = undefinedBillingModeMissions.filter(Q(lead__responsible=billing_consultant) | Q(responsible=billing_consultant))

    fixedPriceMissions = fixedPriceMissions.order_by("lead").distinct()
    undefinedBillingModeMissions = undefinedBillingModeMissions.order_by("lead").distinct()

    timesheets = Timesheet.objects.filter(working_date__gte=month, working_date__lt=next_month,
                                          mission__nature="PROD", mission__billing_mode="TIME_SPENT")
    if mine:
        timesheets = timesheets.filter(Q(mission__lead__responsible=billing_consultant) | Q(mission__responsible=billing_consultant))
    timesheet_data = timesheets.order_by("mission__lead", "consultant").values_list("mission", "consultant").annotate(Sum("charge"))
    for mission_id, consultant_id, charge in timesheet_data:
        mission = Mission.objects.select_related("lead").get(id=mission_id)
        if mission.lead:
            lead = mission.lead
            # Bad data, mission with nature prod without lead... This should not happened
        consultant = Consultant.objects.get(id=consultant_id)
        if not mission in rates:
            rates[mission] = mission.consultant_rates()
        if not lead in timeSpentBilling:
            timeSpentBilling[lead] = [0.0, {}]  # Lead Total and dict of mission
        if not mission in timeSpentBilling[lead][1]:
            timeSpentBilling[lead][1][mission] = [0.0, []]  # Mission Total and detail per consultant
        total = charge * rates[mission][consultant][0]
        timeSpentBilling[lead][0] += total
        timeSpentBilling[lead][1][mission][0] += total
        timeSpentBilling[lead][1][mission][1].append([consultant, to_int_or_round(charge, 2), rates[mission][consultant][0], total, timesheet_ok.get(consultant_id, True)])

    # Sort data
    timeSpentBilling = timeSpentBilling.items()
    timeSpentBilling.sort(key=lambda x: x[0].deal_id)

    return render(request, "billing/pre_billing.html",
                  {"time_spent_billing": timeSpentBilling,
                   "fixed_price_missions": fixedPriceMissions,
                   "undefined_billing_mode_missions": undefinedBillingModeMissions,
                   "month": month,
                   "mine": mine,
                   "user": request.user})
コード例 #8
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: fbeziaud/pydici
def consultant_detail(request, consultant_id):
    """Summary page of consultant activity"""
    if not request.META.get('HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH') == 'XMLHttpRequest':
        # This view should only be accessed by ajax request. Redirect lost users
        return redirect("people:consultant_home_by_id", consultant_id)
        consultant = Consultant.objects.get(id=consultant_id)
        staff = consultant.team(onlyActive=True)
        month = date.today().replace(day=1)
        # Compute consultant current mission based on forecast
        missions = consultant.active_missions().filter(nature="PROD").filter(lead__state="WON")
        # Identify staled missions that may need new staffing or archiving
        staled_missions = [m for m in missions if m.no_more_staffing_since()]
        # Consultant clients and missions
        business_territory = Company.objects.filter(businessOwner=consultant)
        leads_as_responsible = set(consultant.lead_responsible.active())
        leads_as_staffee = consultant.lead_set.active()
        # Timesheet donut data
        holidays = [h.day for h in Holiday.objects.all()]
        month_days = working_days(month, holidays, upToToday=False)
        done_days = consultant.done_days()
        late = working_days(month, holidays, upToToday=True) - done_days
        if late < 0:
            late = 0  # Don't warn user if timesheet is ok !
        # Forecast donut data
        forecasted = consultant.forecasted_days()
        to_be_done = month_days - late - done_days
        forecasting_balance = month_days - forecasted
        if forecasting_balance < 0:
            overhead = -forecasting_balance
            missing = 0
            overhead = 0
            missing = forecasting_balance
        # Turnover
        monthTurnover = consultant.getTurnover(month)
        lastMonthTurnover = None
        day = date.today().day
        while lastMonthTurnover is None:
                lastMonthTurnover = consultant.getTurnover(previousMonth(month), previousMonth(month).replace(day=day))  # Turnover for last month up to the same day
            except ValueError:
                # Corner case, last month has fewer days than current one. Go back one day and try again till it works.
                lastMonthTurnover = None
                day -= 1
        if lastMonthTurnover:
            turnoverVariation = 100 * (monthTurnover - lastMonthTurnover) / lastMonthTurnover
            turnoverVariation = 100
        # Daily rate
        fc = consultant.getFinancialConditions(month, nextMonth(month))
        if fc:
            daily_rate = int(sum([rate * days for rate, days in fc]) / sum([days for rate, days in fc]))
            daily_rate = 0
        daily_rate_objective = consultant.getRateObjective(workingDate=month, rate_type="DAILY_RATE")
        if daily_rate_objective:
            daily_rate_objective = daily_rate_objective.rate
            daily_rate_objective = daily_rate
        if daily_rate > daily_rate_objective:
            daily_overhead = daily_rate - daily_rate_objective
            daily_missing = 0
            daily_rate -= daily_overhead
            daily_overhead = 0
            daily_missing = daily_rate_objective - daily_rate
        # Production rate
        prod_rate = round(100 * consultant.getProductionRate(month, nextMonth(month)), 1)
        prod_rate_objective = consultant.getRateObjective(workingDate=month, rate_type="PROD_RATE")
        if prod_rate_objective:
            prod_rate_objective = prod_rate_objective.rate
            prod_rate_objective = prod_rate
        if prod_rate > prod_rate_objective:
            prod_overhead = round(prod_rate - prod_rate_objective, 1)
            prod_missing = 0
            prod_rate -= prod_overhead
            prod_overhead = 0
            prod_missing = round(prod_rate_objective - prod_rate, 1)
    except Consultant.DoesNotExist:
        raise Http404
    return render(request, "people/consultant_detail.html",
                  {"consultant": consultant,
                   "staff": staff,
                   "missions": missions,
                   "staled_missions": staled_missions,
                   "business_territory": business_territory,
                   "leads_as_responsible": leads_as_responsible,
                   "leads_as_staffee": leads_as_staffee,
                   "done_days": done_days,
                   "late": late,
                   "to_be_done": to_be_done,
                   "forecasted": forecasted,
                   "missing": missing,
                   "overhead": overhead,
                   "prod_rate": prod_rate,
                   "prod_overhead": prod_overhead,
                   "prod_missing": prod_missing,
                   "daily_rate": daily_rate,
                   "daily_overhead": daily_overhead,
                   "daily_missing": daily_missing,
                   "month_days": month_days,
                   "forecasting_balance": forecasting_balance,
                   "month_turnover": monthTurnover,
                   "turnover_variation": turnoverVariation,
                   "tasks": compute_consultant_tasks(consultant),
                   "user": request.user})
コード例 #9
def consultant_detail(request, consultant_id):
    """Summary page of consultant activity"""
    if not request.META.get('HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH') == 'XMLHttpRequest':
        # This view should only be accessed by ajax request. Redirect lost users
        return redirect(consultant_home, consultant_id)
        consultant = Consultant.objects.get(id=consultant_id)
        staff = consultant.team(onlyActive=True)
        month = date.today().replace(day=1)
        # Compute user current mission based on forecast
        missions = consultant.active_missions().filter(nature="PROD").filter(
        companies = Company.objects.filter(
        business_territory = Company.objects.filter(businessOwner=consultant)
        leads_as_responsible = set(consultant.lead_responsible.active())
        leads_as_staffee = consultant.lead_set.active()
        first_day = date.today().replace(day=1)
        holidays = [h.day for h in Holiday.objects.all()]
        month_days = working_days(first_day, holidays, upToToday=False)
        done_days = consultant.done_days()
        late = working_days(first_day, holidays, upToToday=True) - done_days
        if late < 0:
            late = 0  # Don't warn user if timesheet is ok !
        to_be_done = month_days - late - done_days
        forecasting_balance = month_days - consultant.forecasted_days()
        monthTurnover = consultant.getTurnover(month)
        lastMonthTurnover = None
        day = date.today().day
        while lastMonthTurnover is None:
                lastMonthTurnover = consultant.getTurnover(
                        day=day))  # Turnover for last month up to the same day
            except ValueError:
                # Corner case, last month has fewer days than current one. Go back one day and try again till it works.
                lastMonthTurnover = None
                day -= 1
        if lastMonthTurnover:
            turnoverVariation = 100 * (monthTurnover -
                                       lastMonthTurnover) / lastMonthTurnover
            turnoverVariation = 100
    except Consultant.DoesNotExist:
        raise Http404
    return render(
        request, "people/consultant_detail.html", {
            "consultant": consultant,
            "staff": staff,
            "missions": missions,
            "companies": companies,
            "business_territory": business_territory,
            "leads_as_responsible": leads_as_responsible,
            "leads_as_staffee": leads_as_staffee,
            "done_days": done_days,
            "late": late,
            "to_be_done": to_be_done,
            "month_days": month_days,
            "forecasting_balance": forecasting_balance,
            "month_turnover": monthTurnover,
            "turnover_variation": turnoverVariation,
            "user": request.user