def geo_query_map(QRY): # Check if Geolite file exists geolite_check() # Used to resolve domains to ip address resolver = dns.resolver.Resolver() resolver.nameservers = ['', '', ''] if DOMAIN.findall(QRY): try: response = resolver.query(QRY, 'A') QRY = response.rrset[-1] map_maxmind(str(QRY)) except dns.resolver.NoAnswer as err: logger.error(f"[error] {err}") except Exception as err: logger.warning(err) else: map_maxmind(QRY)
def main(): banner = ''' ________ __ ____ / ____/ /_ ___ _____/ /__ / __ \___ ____ / / / __ \/ _ \/ ___/ //_/ / /_/ / _ \/ __ \ / /___/ / / / __/ /__/ ,< / _, _/ __/ /_/ / \____/_/ /_/\___/\___/_/|_| /_/ |_|\___/ .___/ /_/ ''' print(Fore.CYAN + banner + Style.RESET_ALL) print("Check IP and Domain Reputation") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Check IP or Domain Reputation', formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, epilog=''' Geolocation Options -------------------- freegeoip [] - free/opensource geolocation service maxmind [] - uses a geolite db file for geolocation * NOTE: Use of the VirusTotal option requires an API key. The service is "free" to use, however you must register for an account to receive an API key.''') optional = parser._action_groups.pop() required = parser.add_argument_group('required arguments') required.add_argument('-q', metavar='query', help='query ip address or domain') optional.add_argument('--log', action='store_true', help='log results to file') optional.add_argument('--vt', action='store_true', help='check virustotal') group = optional.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument('--fr', action='store_true', help='use freegeoip for geolocation') group.add_argument('--mm', action='store_true', help='use maxmind (geolite) for geolocation') group.add_argument('--mx', nargs='+', metavar='FILE', help='geolocate multiple ip addresses or domains') parser._action_groups.append(optional) args = parser.parse_args() QRY = args.q if len(sys.argv[1:]) == 0: parser.print_help() parser.exit() # Initialize utilities workers = Workers(QRY) print("\n" + Fore.GREEN + "[+] Running checks..." + Style.RESET_ALL) if args.log: if not os.path.exists('logfile'): os.mkdir('logfile') dt_stamp ="%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S") file_log = logging.FileHandler(f"logfile/logfile_{dt_stamp}.txt") file_log.setFormatter( logging.Formatter("[%(asctime)s %(levelname)s] %(message)s", datefmt="%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S")) logger.addHandler(file_log) if map_free_geo(QRY) if geo_query_map(QRY) if print( colored.stylize("\n--[ Processing Geolocation Map ]--", colored.attr("bold"))) multi_map([0]) print(colored.stylize("\n--[ GeoIP Map File ]--", colored.attr("bold"))) try: multi_map_file = Path('multi_map.html').resolve(strict=True) except FileNotFoundError: "[-] Geolocation map file was not created or does not exist.") else:"[>] Geolocation map file saved to: {multi_map_file}") sys.exit(1) if args.vt: print( colored.stylize("\n--[ VirusTotal Detections ]--", colored.attr("bold"))) if not config['VIRUS-TOTAL']['api_key']: logger.warning( "Please add VirusTotal API key to the 'settings.yml' file, or add it below" ) user_vt_key = input("Enter key: ") config['VIRUS-TOTAL']['api_key'] = user_vt_key with open('settings.yml', 'w') as output: yaml.dump(config, output) api_key = config['VIRUS-TOTAL']['api_key'] virustotal = VirusTotalChk(api_key) if DOMAIN.findall(QRY): virustotal.vt_run('domains', QRY) elif IP.findall(QRY): virustotal.vt_run('ip_addresses', QRY) elif URL.findall(QRY): virustotal.vt_run('urls', QRY) else: virustotal.vt_run('files', QRY) print( colored.stylize("\n--[ Team Cymru Detection ]--", colored.attr("bold"))) workers.tc_query(qry=QRY) sys.exit("\n") if DOMAIN.findall(QRY) and not EMAIL.findall(QRY): print( colored.stylize("\n--[ Querying Domain Blacklists ]--", colored.attr("bold"))) workers.spamhaus_dbl_worker() workers.blacklist_dbl_worker() print( colored.stylize(f"\n--[ WHOIS for {QRY} ]--", colored.attr("bold"))) workers.whois_query(QRY) elif IP.findall(QRY): # Check if cloudflare ip print( colored.stylize("\n--[ Using Cloudflare? ]--", colored.attr("bold"))) if workers.cflare_results(QRY):"Cloudflare IP: Yes") else:"Cloudflare IP: No") print( colored.stylize("\n--[ Querying DNSBL Lists ]--", colored.attr("bold"))) workers.dnsbl_mapper() workers.spamhaus_ipbl_worker() print( colored.stylize("\n--[ Querying IP Blacklists ]--", colored.attr("bold"))) workers.blacklist_ipbl_worker() elif NET.findall(QRY): print( colored.stylize("\n--[ Querying NetBlock Blacklists ]--", colored.attr("bold"))) workers.blacklist_netblock_worker() else: print(Fore.YELLOW + "[!] Please enter a valid query -- Domain or IP address" + Style.RESET_ALL) print("=" * 60, "\n") parser.print_help() parser.exit() # ---[ Results output ]------------------------------- print(colored.stylize("\n--[ Results ]--", colored.attr("bold"))) TOTALS = workers.DNSBL_MATCHES + workers.BL_MATCHES BL_TOTALS = workers.BL_MATCHES if TOTALS == 0:"[-] {QRY} is not listed in any Blacklists") else: color_QRY = Fore.YELLOW + QRY + Style.BRIGHT + Style.RESET_ALL color_DNSBL_MATCHES = Fore.WHITE + Back.RED + str( workers.DNSBL_MATCHES) + Style.BRIGHT + Style.RESET_ALL color_BL_TOTALS = Fore.WHITE + Back.RED + str( BL_TOTALS) + Style.BRIGHT + Style.RESET_ALL print( f"[>] {color_QRY} is listed in {color_DNSBL_MATCHES} DNSBL lists and {color_BL_TOTALS} Blacklists\n" ) # ---[ Geo Map output ]------------------------------- if or print(colored.stylize("\n--[ GeoIP Map File ]--", colored.attr("bold"))) time_format = "%d %B %Y %H:%M:%S" try: ip_map_file = prog_root.joinpath('geomap/ip_map.html').resolve( strict=True) except FileNotFoundError: logger.warning( "[-] Geolocation map file was not created/does not exist.\n") else: ip_map_timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp( os.path.getctime(ip_map_file)) f"[>] Geolocation map file created: {ip_map_file} [{ip_map_timestamp.strftime(time_format)}]\n" )
def main(): banner = r""" ________ __ ____ / ____/ /_ ___ _____/ /__ / __ \___ ____ / / / __ \/ _ \/ ___/ //_/ / /_/ / _ \/ __ \ / /___/ / / / __/ /__/ ,< / _, _/ __/ /_/ / \____/_/ /_/\___/\___/_/|_| /_/ |_|\___/ .___/ /_/ """ print(f"{Fore.CYAN}{banner}{Style.RESET_ALL}") print("Check IP and Domain Reputation") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Check IP or Domain Reputation", formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, epilog=""" Options -------------------- freegeoip [] - free/opensource geolocation service virustotal [] - online multi-antivirus scan engine * NOTE: Use of the VirusTotal option requires an API key. The service is "free" to use, however you must register for an account to receive an API key.""", ) optional = parser._action_groups.pop() required = parser.add_argument_group("required arguments") required.add_argument("query", help="query ip address or domain") optional.add_argument("--log", action="store_true", help="log results to file") optional.add_argument("--vt", action="store_true", help="check virustotal") group = optional.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument("--fg", action="store_true", help="use freegeoip for geolocation") group.add_argument("--mx", nargs="+", metavar="FILE", help="geolocate multiple ip addresses or domains") parser._action_groups.append(optional) args = parser.parse_args() QRY = args.query if len(sys.argv[1:]) == 0: parser.print_help() parser.exit() # Initialize utilities workers = Workers(QRY) print(f"\n{Fore.GREEN}[+] Running checks...{Style.RESET_ALL}") if args.log: if not os.path.exists("logfile"): os.mkdir("logfile") dt_stamp ="%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S") file_log = logging.FileHandler(f"logfile/logfile_{dt_stamp}.txt") file_log.setFormatter( logging.Formatter("[%(asctime)s %(levelname)s] %(message)s", datefmt="%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S")) logger.addHandler(file_log) if args.fg: map_free_geo(QRY) if print( colored.stylize("\n--[ Processing Geolocation Map ]--", colored.attr("bold"))) multi_map([0]) print(colored.stylize("\n--[ GeoIP Map File ]--", colored.attr("bold"))) try: multi_map_file = Path("multi_map.html").resolve(strict=True) except FileNotFoundError: "[-] Geolocation map file was not created or does not exist.") else:"> Geolocation map file saved to: {multi_map_file}") sys.exit(1) if args.vt: print( colored.stylize("\n--[ VirusTotal Detections ]--", colored.attr("bold"))) if not config["VIRUS-TOTAL"]["api_key"]: logger.warning( "Please add VirusTotal API key to the 'settings.yml' file, or add it below" ) user_vt_key = input("Enter key: ") config["VIRUS-TOTAL"]["api_key"] = user_vt_key with open("settings.yml", "w") as output: yaml.dump(config, output) api_key = config["VIRUS-TOTAL"]["api_key"] virustotal = VirusTotalChk(api_key) if DOMAIN.findall(QRY): virustotal.vt_run("domains", QRY) elif IP.findall(QRY): virustotal.vt_run("ip_addresses", QRY) elif URL.findall(QRY): virustotal.vt_run("urls", QRY) else: virustotal.vt_run("files", QRY) print( colored.stylize("\n--[ Team Cymru Detection ]--", colored.attr("bold"))) workers.tc_query(qry=QRY) sys.exit("\n") if DOMAIN.findall(QRY) and not EMAIL.findall(QRY): print( colored.stylize("\n--[ Querying Domain Blacklists ]--", colored.attr("bold"))) workers.spamhaus_dbl_worker() workers.blacklist_dbl_worker() print( colored.stylize(f"\n--[ WHOIS for {QRY} ]--", colored.attr("bold"))) workers.whois_query(QRY) elif IP.findall(QRY): # Check if cloudflare ip print( colored.stylize("\n--[ Using Cloudflare? ]--", colored.attr("bold"))) if workers.cflare_results(QRY):"Cloudflare IP: Yes") else:"Cloudflare IP: No") print( colored.stylize("\n--[ Querying DNSBL Lists ]--", colored.attr("bold"))) workers.dnsbl_mapper() workers.spamhaus_ipbl_worker() print( colored.stylize("\n--[ Querying IP Blacklists ]--", colored.attr("bold"))) workers.blacklist_ipbl_worker() elif NET.findall(QRY): print( colored.stylize("\n--[ Querying NetBlock Blacklists ]--", colored.attr("bold"))) workers.blacklist_netblock_worker() else: print( f"{Fore.YELLOW}[!] Please enter a valid query -- Domain or IP address{Style.RESET_ALL}" ) print("=" * 60, "\n") parser.print_help() parser.exit() # ---[ Results output ]------------------------------- print(colored.stylize("\n--[ Results ]--", colored.attr("bold"))) TOTALS = workers.DNSBL_MATCHES + workers.BL_MATCHES BL_TOTALS = workers.BL_MATCHES if TOTALS == 0:"[-] {QRY} is not listed in any Blacklists\n") else: _QRY = Fore.YELLOW + QRY + Style.BRIGHT + Style.RESET_ALL _DNSBL_MATCHES = f"{Fore.WHITE}{Back.RED}{str(workers.DNSBL_MATCHES)}{Style.BRIGHT}{Style.RESET_ALL}" _BL_TOTALS = f"{Fore.WHITE}{Back.RED}{str(BL_TOTALS)}{Style.BRIGHT}{Style.RESET_ALL}" f"> {_QRY} is listed in {_DNSBL_MATCHES} DNSBL lists and {_BL_TOTALS} Blacklists\n" ) # ---[ Geo Map output ]------------------------------- if args.fg or print(colored.stylize("--[ GeoIP Map File ]--", colored.attr("bold"))) time_format = "%d %B %Y %H:%M:%S" try: ip_map_file = prog_root.joinpath("geomap/ip_map.html").resolve( strict=True) except FileNotFoundError: logger.warning( "[-] Geolocation map file was not created/does not exist.\n") else: ip_map_timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp( os.path.getctime(ip_map_file)) f"> Geolocation map file created: {ip_map_file} [{ip_map_timestamp.strftime(time_format)}]\n" )