def get_experiment_info(checkpoint_name): exp_output_base_dir = core.data_dir() + '/outputs/' + checkpoint_name # Parse experiment config config_file = exp_output_base_dir + '/{}.yaml'.format(checkpoint_name) config = config_utils.parse_yaml_config(config_file) predictions_base_dir = exp_output_base_dir + '/predictions' return config, predictions_base_dir
def parse_yaml_config(yaml_path): """Parses a yaml config Args: yaml_path: path to yaml config Returns: config_obj: config converted to object """ # Add check for duplicate keys in yaml yaml.add_constructor(yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG, no_duplicates_constructor) with open(yaml_path, 'r') as yaml_file: config_dict = yaml.load(yaml_file) config_obj = config_dict_to_object(config_dict) config_obj.config_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(yaml_path))[0] config_obj.exp_output_dir = core.data_dir( ) + '/outputs/' + config_obj.config_name # Prepend data folder to paths paths_config = config_obj.train_config.paths_config if paths_config.checkpoint_dir is None: checkpoint_dir = config_obj.exp_output_dir + '/checkpoints' if not os.path.exists(checkpoint_dir): os.makedirs(checkpoint_dir) paths_config.checkpoint_dir = checkpoint_dir else: paths_config.checkpoint_dir = os.path.expanduser( paths_config.checkpoint_dir) paths_config.logdir = config_obj.exp_output_dir + '/logs' paths_config.pred_dir = config_obj.exp_output_dir + '/predictions' return config_obj
def main(): ######################################################### # Specify Source Folders and Parameters For Frame Reader ######################################################### data_split_dir = 'training' # Specify whether the validation or inference results need to be # visualized. #results_dir = 'validation' results_dir = 'testing' # sample_free, anchor_redundancy, black_box, bayes_od_none, # bayes_od_ci_fast. bayes_od_ci,or bayes_od_ici uncertainty_method = 'bayes_od' dataset_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/Datasets/Kitti/object/') image_dir = os.path.join(dataset_dir, data_split_dir) + '/image_2' label_dir = os.path.join(dataset_dir, data_split_dir) + '/label_2' checkpoint_name = 'retinanet_bdd' checkpoint_number = '101' if results_dir == 'testing': prediction_dir = os.path.join(core.data_dir(), 'outputs', checkpoint_name, 'predictions', results_dir, 'kitti', checkpoint_number, uncertainty_method, 'data') else: prediction_dir = os.path.join(core.data_dir(), 'outputs', checkpoint_name, 'predictions', results_dir, checkpoint_number, 'data') frames_list = os.listdir(prediction_dir) index = random.randint(0, len(frames_list) - 1) frame_id = int(frames_list[index][0:6]) # frame_id = 27 # Out of distribution example frame_id = 4079 # frame_id = 169 # Many Cars, Hard # frame_id = 2290 # Many Cars, Occlusions # frame_id = 1941 # Many Cars, Horizontal Direction # frame_id = 4032 # Orientation # frame_id = 104 # Weird Orientation # frame_id = 7047 # Weird Orientation # frame_id = 6632 # Very hard orientations # frame_id = 195 # Single Pedestrian # frame_id = 1574 # Single Pedestrian # frame_id = 332 # Multiple Hard Pedestrians # frame_id = 1193 # Multiple Hard Pedestrians # frame_id = 1274 # Multiple Cyclists print('Showing Frame: %d' % frame_id) ############# # Read Frame ############# im_path = image_dir + '/{:06d}.png'.format(frame_id) image = cv2.imread(im_path) label_path = label_dir + '/{:06d}.txt'.format(frame_id) gt_classes_hard, gt_boxes_hard = read_labels(label_path) prediction_path = prediction_dir + '/{:06d}.txt'.format(frame_id) prediction_classes, prediction_boxes, prediction_scores = read_predictions( prediction_path) max_ious = np.zeros(prediction_boxes.shape[0]) # Compute IOU between each prediction and the ground truth boxes if gt_boxes_hard.size > 0 and prediction_boxes.size > 0: for obj_idx in range(prediction_boxes.shape[0]): obj_iou_fmt = prediction_boxes[obj_idx] ious_2d = two_d_iou(obj_iou_fmt, gt_boxes_hard) max_iou = np.amax(ious_2d) max_ious[obj_idx] = max_iou ######################################################### # Draw GT and Prediction Boxes ######################################################### # Transform Predictions to left and right images image_out = draw_box_2d(image, gt_boxes_hard, gt_classes_hard, line_width=2, dataset='kitti', is_gt=True) image_out = draw_box_2d(image_out, prediction_boxes, prediction_classes, line_width=2, is_gt=False, dataset='kitti', text_to_plot=max_ious, plot_text=True) if results_dir == 'testing': cv2.imshow('Detections from ' + uncertainty_method, image_out) else: cv2.imshow('Validation Set Detections', image_out) cv2.waitKey()
def main(): # set root_dir to the correct path to your dataset folder root_dir = core.data_dir( ) + '/datasets/argoverse/argoverse-tracking/sample/' vtk_window_size = (1280, 720) argoverse_loader = ArgoverseTrackingLoader(root_dir) print('Total number of logs:', len(argoverse_loader)) argoverse_loader.print_all() for i, argoverse_data in enumerate(argoverse_loader): if i >= 3: break print(argoverse_data) argoverse_data = argoverse_loader[0] print(argoverse_data) argoverse_data = argoverse_loader.get( 'c6911883-1843-3727-8eaa-41dc8cda8993') print(argoverse_data) log_id = 'c6911883-1843-3727-8eaa-41dc8cda8993' # argoverse_loader.log_list[55] frame_idx = 150 camera = argoverse_loader.CAMERA_LIST[0] argoverse_data = argoverse_loader.get(log_id) city_name = argoverse_data.city_name print('-------------------------------------------------------') print(f'Log: {log_id}, \n\tframe: {frame_idx}, camera: {camera}') print('-------------------------------------------------------\n') lidar_points = argoverse_data.get_lidar(frame_idx) img = argoverse_data.get_image_sync(frame_idx, camera=camera) objects = argoverse_data.get_label_object(frame_idx) calib = argoverse_data.get_calibration(camera) # TODO: Calculate point colours vtk_pc = VtkPointCloudGlyph() vtk_pc.set_points(lidar_points) vtk_pc.set_point_size(2) vtk_renderer = demo_utils.setup_vtk_renderer() vtk_render_window = demo_utils.setup_vtk_render_window( 'Argoverse Demo', vtk_window_size, vtk_renderer) vtk_axes = vtk.vtkAxesActor() vtk_axes.SetTotalLength(2, 2, 2) vtk_renderer.AddActor(vtk_axes) vtk_renderer.AddActor(vtk_pc.vtk_actor) current_cam = vtk_renderer.GetActiveCamera() current_cam.SetViewUp(0, 0, 1) current_cam.SetPosition(-50, 0, 15) current_cam.SetFocalPoint(30, 0, 0) vtk_interactor = demo_utils.setup_vtk_interactor(vtk_render_window) vtk_interactor.Start()
def main(): """Interpolates the lidar point cloud using IP-Basic and saves a dense depth map of the scene. """ ############################## # Options ############################## kitti_raw_dir = os.path.expanduser( '/local-scratch/hadi/datasets/kitti_raw') drive_id = '2011_09_26_drive_0001_sync' # drive_id = '2011_09_26_drive_0039_sync' raw_data = raw_utils.get_raw_data(drive_id, kitti_raw_dir) # Fill algorithm ('ip_basic_{...}') fill_type = 'multiscale' save_depth_maps = True out_depth_map_dir = core.data_dir() + '/results/{}/depth_02_{}'.format( drive_id, fill_type) ############################## # End of Options ############################## os.makedirs(out_depth_map_dir, exist_ok=True) # Rolling average array of times for time estimation avg_time_arr_length = 5 last_fill_times = np.repeat([1.0], avg_time_arr_length) last_total_times = np.repeat([1.0], avg_time_arr_length) cam_p = raw_data.calib.P_rect_20 image_shape = raw_data.get_cam2(0).size[::-1] frames_to_use = raw_data.velo_files num_frames = len(frames_to_use) for frame_idx, velo_path in enumerate(frames_to_use): # Calculate average time with last n fill times avg_fill_time = np.mean(last_fill_times) avg_total_time = np.mean(last_total_times) # Print progress sys.stdout.write('\rProcessing {} / {}, Avg Fill Time: {:.5f}s, ' 'Avg Time: {:.5f}s, Est Time: {:.3f}s'.format( frame_idx, num_frames - 1, avg_fill_time, avg_total_time, avg_total_time * (num_frames - frame_idx))) sys.stdout.flush() # Start timing start_total_time = time.time() # Load point cloud velo_points = raw_data.get_velo(frame_idx)[:, 0:3] velo_pc_padded = transform_utils.pad_pc(velo_points.T) cam0_point_cloud = raw_data.calib.R_rect_00 @ raw_data.calib.T_cam0_velo @ velo_pc_padded cam0_point_cloud, _ = obj_utils.filter_pc_to_area( cam0_point_cloud[0:3], area_extents=np.asarray([[-40, 40], [-3, 5], [0, 80]])) # Project point cloud to create depth map projected_depths = depth_map_utils.project_depths( cam0_point_cloud, cam_p, image_shape) # Fill depth map if fill_type == 'multiscale': start_fill_time = time.time() final_depth_map, _ = ip_basic.fill_in_multiscale(projected_depths) end_fill_time = time.time() else: raise ValueError('Invalid fill algorithm') # Save depth maps if save_depth_maps: out_depth_map_path = out_depth_map_dir + '/{:010d}.png'.format( frame_idx) depth_map_utils.save_depth_map(out_depth_map_path, final_depth_map) # Stop timing end_total_time = time.time() # Update fill times last_fill_times = np.roll(last_fill_times, -1) last_fill_times[-1] = end_fill_time - start_fill_time # Update total times last_total_times = np.roll(last_total_times, -1) last_total_times[-1] = end_total_time - start_total_time
def main(): # Load configuration with open("config/default.yaml") as file: config = yaml.full_load(file) # Get directories detections_dir = os.path.join(core.data_dir(), "detections") dataset_dir = os.path.join("~/Kitti/tracking") results_dir = os.path.join(core.top_dir(), "results") plot_dir = os.path.join(results_dir, "plots") make_dir(plot_dir) ylabels = [ r"$x$ [m]", r"$y$ [m]", r"$z$ [m]", r"$\theta$ [rad]", r"$l$ [m]", r"$h$ [m]", r"$w$ [m]" ] for split in config["splits"]: for class_ in config["classes"]: seq_id = 15 gt_track_id = 2 # Load ground truth sequence = KittiSequence(detections_dir=detections_dir, dataset_dir=dataset_dir, seq_id=seq_id, split=split, class_=class_) gt_track = sequence.get_track(gt_track_id) gt_track = gt_track[:, 2:] # Load track track_dir = os.path.join(results_dir, "tracks", split, class_, str(seq_id).zfill(4)) track_id = "38882006386010313624536118754.npy" x_file = os.path.join(track_dir, "x", track_id) P_file = os.path.join(track_dir, "P", track_id) x = np.load(x_file) x = x[:7, :] P = np.load(P_file) P = P[:7, :7, :] # Compute error and std dev t = np.arange(x.shape[1]) error = x - gt_track error[3, :] = np.unwrap(error[3, :]) var = np.transpose(P.diagonal()) std_dev = np.sqrt(var) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 7)) plot_file = os.path.join(plot_dir, "error.png") for i, ylabel in enumerate(ylabels): ax = fig.add_subplot(241 + i) line1 = ax.plot(t, error[i, :]) line2 = ax.plot(t, 3 * std_dev[i, :], 'r--', t, -3 * std_dev[i, :], 'r--')[0] ax.set_xlabel('Frame') ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) fig.legend([line1, line2], labels=['Error', 'Uncertainty Envelope'], bbox_to_anchor=(0.97, 0.28), loc="center right") plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(plot_file) plt.close()
def main(): # Load configuration with open("config/default.yaml") as file: config = yaml.full_load(file) # Get directories detections_dir = os.path.join(core.data_dir(), "detections") dataset_dir = os.path.join("~/Kitti/tracking") results_dir = os.path.join(core.top_dir(), "results") duration = 0 frames = 0 for split in config["splits"]: for class_ in config["classes"]: for seq_id in range(config["num_sequences"]): print("Processing: {}".format(seq_id)) # Load detections sequence_detections = KittiSequence( detections_dir=detections_dir, dataset_dir=dataset_dir, seq_id=seq_id, split=split, class_=class_) start = time.time() sequence_tracker = Tracker(sequence_detections) duration = duration + (time.time() - start) frames = frames + len(sequence_detections) # Output text predictions if config["output_text"]: text_dir = os.path.join(results_dir, "text", split, class_) # Make file if doesn't exists if not os.path.exists(text_dir): os.makedirs(text_dir) text_file = os.path.join(text_dir, str(seq_id).zfill(4) + ".txt") sequence_tracker.generate_text_output( output_file=text_file) # Output bounding box visualization if config["output_vis"]: vis_path = os.path.join(results_dir, "vis", split, class_, str(seq_id).zfill(4)) sequence_tracker.generate_visualization( output_path=vis_path) # Output error and covariance plots if config["output_tracks"]: track_dir = os.path.join(results_dir, "tracks", split, class_, str(seq_id).zfill(4)) # Make file if doesn't exists if not os.path.exists(track_dir): os.makedirs(track_dir) sequence_tracker.generate_track_output( output_path=track_dir) print("FPS {}".format(frames / duration))
def main(): """Comparison of ground truth and ORBSLAM2 poses """ #################### # Options #################### odom_dataset_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/Kitti/odometry/dataset') # sequence = '02' # sequence = '03' # sequence = '08' sequence = '09' # sequence = '10' # sequence = '11' # sequence = '12' # vtk_window_size = (1280, 720) vtk_window_size = (960, 540) # vtk_window_size = (400, 300) point_cloud_source = 'lidar' # point_cloud_source = 'fast' # point_cloud_source = 'multiscale' # first_frame_idx = None # first_frame_pose = None # Setup odometry dataset handler odom_dataset = pykitti.odometry(odom_dataset_dir, sequence) # # Check that velo length matches timestamps? # if len(odom_dataset.velo_files) != len(odom_dataset.timestamps): # raise ValueError('velo files and timestamps have different length!') frame_range = (0, len(odom_dataset.timestamps)) # frame_range = (0, 100) # camera_viewpoint = 'front' camera_viewpoint = 'elevated' # camera_viewpoint = 'bev' buffer_size = 50 buffer_update = 10 save_screenshots = False ############################## vtk_renderer = demo_utils.setup_vtk_renderer() vtk_render_window = demo_utils.setup_vtk_render_window( 'Overlaid Point Cloud', vtk_window_size, vtk_renderer) if save_screenshots: vtk_win_to_img_filter, vtk_png_writer = vtk_utils.setup_screenshots( vtk_render_window) vtk_interactor = vtk.vtkRenderWindowInteractor() vtk_interactor.SetRenderWindow(vtk_render_window) vtk_interactor.SetInteractorStyle( vtk_utils.ToggleActorsInteractorStyle(None, vtk_renderer)) vtk_interactor.Initialize() cam_p2 = odom_dataset.calib.P_rect_20 # Load poses cam0_ref_poses_orbslam = np.loadtxt( odom_dataset_dir + '/poses_orbslam2/{}.txt'.format(sequence)) cam0_ref_poses_orbslam = np.pad(cam0_ref_poses_orbslam, ((0, 0), (0, 4)), mode='constant') cam0_ref_poses_orbslam[:, -1] = 1 cam0_ref_poses_orbslam = cam0_ref_poses_orbslam.reshape((-1, 4, 4)) cam0_ref_poses_gt = np.asarray(odom_dataset.poses, np.float32) # Setup camera if camera_viewpoint == 'front': cam0_curr_vtk_cam_pos = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] cam0_curr_vtk_focal_point = [0.0, 0.0, 20.0, 1.0] elif camera_viewpoint == 'elevated': cam0_curr_vtk_cam_pos = [0.0, -5.0, -15.0, 1.0] cam0_curr_vtk_focal_point = [0.0, 0.0, 20.0, 1.0] elif camera_viewpoint == 'bev': # camera_zoom = 1.0 cam0_curr_vtk_cam_pos = [0.0, -50.0, 10.0, 1.0] # camera_pos = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) cam0_curr_vtk_focal_point = [0.0, 0.0, 15.0, 1.0] else: raise ValueError('Invalid camera_pos', camera_viewpoint) # Create VtkAxes vtk_axes = vtk.vtkAxesActor() vtk_axes.SetTotalLength(2, 2, 2) vtk_renderer.AddActor(vtk_axes) vtk_pc_poses_orbslam = VtkPointCloudGlyph() vtk_pc_poses_gt = VtkPointCloudGlyph() vtk_pc_poses_orbslam.vtk_actor.GetProperty().SetPointSize(5) vtk_pc_poses_gt.vtk_actor.GetProperty().SetPointSize(5) actor_buffer = [] for frame_idx in range(*frame_range): print('{} / {}'.format(frame_idx, len(odom_dataset.timestamps) - 1)) # Load next frame data load_start_time = time.time() rgb_load_start = time.time() bgr_image = cv2.imread(odom_dataset.cam2_files[frame_idx]) print('rgb_load', time.time() - rgb_load_start) if point_cloud_source == 'lidar': velo_curr_points_padded = get_velo_points(odom_dataset, frame_idx) # Velo in cam0_curr cam0_curr_pc_all_padded = odom_dataset.calib.T_cam0_velo @ velo_curr_points_padded.T pass # cam0_curr_points = cam0_curr_pc.T elif point_cloud_source in ['fast', 'multiscale']: # depth_map_path = depth_map_dir + '/{:010d}.png'.format(frame_idx) # depth_map = depth_map_utils.read_depth_map(depth_map_path) # points_cam2 = depth_map_utils.get_depth_point_cloud(depth_map, cam_p).T raise NotImplementedError() else: raise ValueError('Invalid point cloud source') print('load\t\t', time.time() - load_start_time) # Project velodyne points projection_start_time = time.time() if point_cloud_source == 'lidar': # Project into image2 points_in_img2 = calib_utils.project_pc_to_image2( cam0_curr_pc_all_padded, cam_p2) points_in_img2_int = np.round(points_in_img2).astype(np.int32) image_filter = obj_utils.points_in_img_filter( points_in_img2_int, bgr_image.shape) cam0_curr_pc_padded = cam0_curr_pc_all_padded[:, image_filter] # points = points_cam2[image_mask] points_in_img_int_valid = points_in_img2_int[:, image_filter] point_colours = bgr_image[points_in_img_int_valid[1], points_in_img_int_valid[0]] else: raise ValueError('Invalid point_cloud_source', point_cloud_source) print('projection\t', time.time() - projection_start_time) # Get pose cam0_ref_pose_orbslam = cam0_ref_poses_orbslam[frame_idx] cam0_ref_pose_gt = cam0_ref_poses_gt[frame_idx] tf_cam0_ref_cam0_curr = cam0_ref_pose_orbslam cam0_ref_pc_padded = tf_cam0_ref_cam0_curr @ cam0_curr_pc_padded # VtkPointCloud vtk_pc = VtkPointCloudGlyph() vtk_pc.vtk_actor.GetProperty().SetPointSize(2) vtk_pc_start_time = time.time() vtk_pc.set_points(cam0_ref_pc_padded[0:3].T, point_colours) print('vtk_pc\t\t', time.time() - vtk_pc_start_time) # Display orbslam pose vtk_pc_poses_orbslam.set_points( cam0_ref_poses_orbslam[max(0, frame_idx - buffer_size):frame_idx + 1, 0:3, 3], np.tile([255, 0, 0], [buffer_size, 1])) # Display gt pose vtk_pc_poses_gt.vtk_actor.GetProperty().SetPointSize(5) vtk_pc_poses_gt.set_points( cam0_ref_poses_gt[max(0, frame_idx - buffer_size):frame_idx + 1, 0:3, 3], np.tile([0, 255, 0], [buffer_size, 1])) # Add vtk actors vtk_renderer.AddActor(vtk_pc.vtk_actor) vtk_renderer.AddActor(vtk_pc_poses_orbslam.vtk_actor) vtk_renderer.AddActor(vtk_pc_poses_gt.vtk_actor) cam0_ref_vtk_cam_pos = cam0_ref_vtk_focal_point = cam0_curr_vtk_focal_point) current_cam = vtk_renderer.GetActiveCamera() vtk_renderer.ResetCamera() current_cam.SetViewUp(0, -1, 0) current_cam.SetPosition(cam0_ref_vtk_cam_pos[0:3]) current_cam.SetFocalPoint(*cam0_ref_vtk_focal_point[0:3]) current_cam.Zoom(0.5) vtk_renderer.ResetCameraClippingRange() # Render render_start_time = time.time() vtk_render_window.Render() print('render\t\t', time.time() - render_start_time) actor_buffer.append(vtk_pc.vtk_actor) if len(actor_buffer) > buffer_size: if frame_idx % buffer_update != 0: actor_buffer[frame_idx - buffer_size].SetVisibility(0) if save_screenshots: screenshot_start_time = time.time() screenshot_path = core.data_dir() + '/temp/{:010d}.png'.format( frame_idx) vtk_utils.save_screenshot(screenshot_path, vtk_win_to_img_filter, vtk_png_writer) print('screenshot\t', time.time() - screenshot_start_time) print('---') for vtk_actor in actor_buffer: vtk_actor.SetVisibility(1) print('Done') # Keep window open vtk_interactor.Start()
def main(): ######################################################### # Specify Source Folders and Parameters For Frame Reader ######################################################### data_split_dir = 'val' # Specify whether the validation or inference results need to be # visualized. # results_dir = 'validation' # Or testing results_dir = 'testing' # sample_free, anchor_redundancy, black_box, bayes_od_none, # bayes_od_ci_fast. bayes_od_ci,or bayes_od_ici uncertainty_method = 'bayes_od_ci_fast' dataset_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/Datasets/bdd100k') image_dir = os.path.join(dataset_dir, 'images', '100k', data_split_dir) label_file_name = os.path.join(dataset_dir, 'labels', data_split_dir) + '.json' checkpoint_name = 'retinanet_bdd' checkpoint_number = '101' if results_dir == 'testing': prediction_dir = os.path.join(core.data_dir(), 'outputs', checkpoint_name, 'predictions', results_dir, 'bdd', checkpoint_number, uncertainty_method, 'data') else: prediction_dir = os.path.join(core.data_dir(), 'outputs', checkpoint_name, 'predictions', results_dir, checkpoint_number, 'data') prediction_file_name = os.path.join(prediction_dir, 'predictions.json') frames_list = os.listdir(image_dir) index = random.randint(0, len(frames_list)) frame_id = frames_list[index] print('Showing Frame ID:' + frame_id) ############# # Read Frame ############# im_path = image_dir + '/' + frame_id image = cv2.imread(im_path) all_labels = json.load(open(label_file_name, 'r')) category_gt, boxes_2d_gt, _ = read_bdd_format( frame_id, all_labels, categories=['car', 'truck', 'bus', 'person', 'rider', 'bike', 'motor']) all_predictions = json.load(open(prediction_file_name, 'r')) category_pred, boxes_2d_pred, _ = read_bdd_format( frame_id, all_predictions, categories=['car', 'truck', 'bus', 'person', 'rider', 'bike', 'motor']) max_ious = np.zeros(boxes_2d_pred.shape[0]) # Compute IOU between each prediction and the ground truth boxes if boxes_2d_gt.size > 0 and boxes_2d_pred.size > 0: for obj_idx in range(boxes_2d_pred.shape[0]): obj_iou_fmt = boxes_2d_pred[obj_idx] ious_2d = two_d_iou(obj_iou_fmt, boxes_2d_gt) max_iou = np.amax(ious_2d) max_ious[obj_idx] = max_iou ######################################################### # Draw GT and Prediction Boxes ######################################################### # Transform Predictions to left and right images image_out = draw_box_2d(image, boxes_2d_gt, category_gt, line_width=2, dataset='bdd', is_gt=True) image_out = draw_box_2d(image_out, boxes_2d_pred, category_pred, line_width=2, is_gt=False, dataset='bdd', text_to_plot=max_ious, plot_text=True) if results_dir == 'testing': cv2.imshow('Detections from ' + uncertainty_method, image_out) else: cv2.imshow('Validation Set Detections', image_out) cv2.waitKey()
def main(): ############################## # Options ############################## """Note: Run scripts/depth_completion/ first. Demo to show depth completed point clouds """ raw_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/Kitti/raw') drive_id = '2011_09_26_drive_0023_sync' vtk_window_size = (1280, 720) max_fps = 30.0 # point_cloud_source = 'lidar' # fill_type = None point_cloud_source = 'depth' fill_type = 'multiscale' # Load raw data drive_date = drive_id[0:10] drive_num_str = drive_id[17:21] raw_data = pykitti.raw(raw_dir, drive_date, drive_num_str) # Check that velo length matches timestamps? if len(raw_data.velo_files) != len(raw_data.timestamps): raise ValueError('velo files and timestamps have different length!') frame_range = (0, len(raw_data.timestamps)) ############################## min_loop_time = 1.0 / max_fps vtk_renderer = demo_utils.setup_vtk_renderer() vtk_render_window = demo_utils.setup_vtk_render_window( 'Overlaid Point Cloud', vtk_window_size, vtk_renderer) # Setup camera current_cam = vtk_renderer.GetActiveCamera() current_cam.SetViewUp(0, 0, 1) current_cam.SetPosition(0.0, -8.0, -15.0) current_cam.SetFocalPoint(0.0, 0.0, 20.0) current_cam.Zoom(0.7) # Create VtkAxes vtk_axes = vtk.vtkAxesActor() vtk_axes.SetTotalLength(2, 2, 2) # Setup interactor vtk_interactor = vtk.vtkRenderWindowInteractor() vtk_interactor.SetRenderWindow(vtk_render_window) vtk_interactor.SetInteractorStyle( vtk_utils.ToggleActorsInteractorStyle(None, vtk_renderer, current_cam, vtk_axes)) vtk_interactor.Initialize() if point_cloud_source not in ['lidar', 'depth']: raise ValueError( 'Invalid point cloud source {}'.format(point_cloud_source)) cam_p = raw_data.calib.P_rect_20 # Point cloud vtk_pc = VtkPointCloudGlyph() # Add actors vtk_renderer.AddActor(vtk_axes) vtk_renderer.AddActor(vtk_pc.vtk_actor) for frame_idx in range(*frame_range): loop_start_time = time.time() print('{} / {}'.format(frame_idx, len(raw_data.timestamps) - 1)) # Load next frame data load_start_time = time.time() rgb_image = np.asarray(raw_data.get_cam2(frame_idx)) bgr_image = rgb_image[..., ::-1] if point_cloud_source == 'lidar': velo_points = get_velo_points(raw_data, frame_idx) # Transform point cloud to cam_0 frame velo_curr_points_padded = np.pad(velo_points, [[0, 0], [0, 1]], constant_values=1.0, mode='constant') cam0_curr_pc_all_padded = raw_data.calib.T_cam0_velo @ velo_curr_points_padded.T # Project velodyne points projection_start_time = time.time() points_in_img = calib_utils.project_pc_to_image( cam0_curr_pc_all_padded[0:3], cam_p) points_in_img_int = np.round(points_in_img).astype(np.int32) print('projection\t', time.time() - projection_start_time) image_filter = obj_utils.points_in_img_filter( points_in_img_int, bgr_image.shape) cam0_curr_pc = cam0_curr_pc_all_padded[0:3, image_filter] points_in_img_int_valid = points_in_img_int[:, image_filter] point_colours = bgr_image[points_in_img_int_valid[1], points_in_img_int_valid[0]] elif point_cloud_source == 'depth': depth_maps_dir = core.data_dir() + \ '/depth_completion/raw/{}/depth_02_{}'.format(drive_id, fill_type) depth_map_path = depth_maps_dir + '/{:010d}.png'.format(frame_idx) depth_map = depth_map_utils.read_depth_map(depth_map_path) cam0_curr_pc = depth_map_utils.get_depth_point_cloud( depth_map, cam_p) point_colours = bgr_image.reshape(-1, 3) # Mask to valid points valid_mask = (cam0_curr_pc[2] != 0) cam0_curr_pc = cam0_curr_pc[:, valid_mask] point_colours = point_colours[valid_mask] else: raise ValueError('Invalid point cloud source') print('load\t\t', time.time() - load_start_time) # VtkPointCloud vtk_pc_start_time = time.time() vtk_pc.set_points(cam0_curr_pc.T, point_colours) print('vtk_pc\t\t', time.time() - vtk_pc_start_time) # Reset the clipping range to show all points vtk_renderer.ResetCameraClippingRange() # Render render_start_time = time.time() vtk_render_window.Render() print('render\t\t', time.time() - render_start_time) # Pause to keep frame rate under max loop_run_time = time.time() - loop_start_time print('loop\t\t', loop_run_time) if loop_run_time < min_loop_time: time.sleep(min_loop_time - loop_run_time) print('---') print('Done') # Keep window open vtk_interactor.Start()
def setup_config(args, random_seed=None, is_testing=False): """ Sets up config node with probabilistic detectron elements. Also sets up a fixed random seed for all scientific computing libraries, and sets up all supported datasets as instances of coco. Args: args (Namespace): args from argument parser random_seed (int): set a fixed random seed throughout torch, numpy, and python is_testing (bool): set to true if inference. If true function will return an error if checkpoint directory not already existing. Returns: (CfgNode) detectron2 config object """ # Get default detectron config file cfg = get_cfg() add_detr_config(cfg) add_probabilistic_config(cfg) # Update default config file with custom config file configs_dir = core.configs_dir() args.config_file = os.path.join(configs_dir, args.config_file) cfg.merge_from_file(args.config_file) # Add dropout rate for faster RCNN box head cfg.MODEL.ROI_BOX_HEAD.DROPOUT_RATE = cfg.MODEL.PROBABILISTIC_MODELING.DROPOUT_RATE # Update config with inference configurations. Only applicable for when in # probabilistic inference mode. if args.inference_config != "": args.inference_config = os.path.join(configs_dir, args.inference_config) cfg.merge_from_file(args.inference_config) # Create output directory model_name = os.path.split(os.path.split(args.config_file)[0])[-1] dataset_name = os.path.split( os.path.split(os.path.split(args.config_file)[0])[0])[-1] cfg['OUTPUT_DIR'] = os.path.join(core.data_dir(), dataset_name, model_name, os.path.split(args.config_file)[-1][:-5], 'random_seed_' + str(random_seed)) if is_testing: if not os.path.isdir(cfg['OUTPUT_DIR']): raise NotADirectoryError( "Checkpoint directory {} does not exist.".format( cfg['OUTPUT_DIR'])) os.makedirs(cfg['OUTPUT_DIR'], exist_ok=True) # copy config file to output directory copyfile( args.config_file, os.path.join(cfg['OUTPUT_DIR'], os.path.split(args.config_file)[-1])) # Freeze config file cfg['SEED'] = random_seed cfg.freeze() # Initiate default setup default_setup(cfg, args) # Setup logger for probabilistic detectron module setup_logger(output=cfg.OUTPUT_DIR, distributed_rank=comm.get_rank(), name="Probabilistic Detectron") # Set a fixed random seed for all numerical libraries if random_seed is not None: torch.manual_seed(random_seed) np.random.seed(random_seed) random.seed(random_seed) # Setup datasets if args.image_corruption_level != 0: image_root_corruption_prefix = '_' + str(args.image_corruption_level) else: image_root_corruption_prefix = None dataset_dir = os.path.expanduser(args.dataset_dir) # Handle cases when this function has been called multiple times. In that case skip fully. # Todo this is very bad practice, should fix. try: setup_all_datasets( dataset_dir, image_root_corruption_prefix=image_root_corruption_prefix) return cfg except AssertionError: return cfg