コード例 #1
ファイル: charts.py プロジェクト: nsonnad/vincent
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Create a Vega Grouped Bar Chart"""

        if 'grouped' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['grouped'] = True

        super(GroupedBar, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        del self.data['stats']

        del self.scales['y'].type
        self.scales['y'].domain.field = 'data.val'
        self.scales['y'].domain.data = 'table'
        self.scales['x'].padding = 0.2

        del self.marks[0].from_.transform[1]
        self.marks[0].from_.transform[0].keys[0] = 'data.idx'
        enter_props = PropertySet(x=ValueRef(scale='x', field="key"),
                                  width=ValueRef(scale='x', band=True))
        self.marks[0].properties = MarkProperties(enter=enter_props)
        self.marks[0].scales = KeyedList()
        self.marks[0].scales['pos'] = Scale(name='pos', type='ordinal',

        self.marks[0].marks[0].properties.enter.width.scale = 'pos'
        self.marks[0].marks[0].properties.enter.y.field = 'data.val'
        self.marks[0].marks[0].properties.enter.x.field = 'data.group'
        self.marks[0].marks[0].properties.enter.x.scale = 'pos'

        del self.marks[0].marks[0].properties.enter.y2.field
        self.marks[0].marks[0].properties.enter.y2.value = 0
コード例 #2
ファイル: visualization.py プロジェクト: nsonnad/vincent
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Initialize a Visualization

        In addition to setting any attributes, this sets the data, marks,
        scales, and axes properties to empty KeyedLists if they aren't
        defined by the arguments.
        super(Visualization, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        for attrib in ('data', 'scales'):
            if not getattr(self, attrib):
                setattr(self, attrib, KeyedList(attr_name='name'))
        # The axes get keyed by "type" instead of name.
        if not self.axes:
            self.axes = KeyedList(attr_name='type')
        # Marks and Legends don't get keyed.
        if not self.marks:
            self.marks = []
        if not self.legends:
            self.legends = []
コード例 #3
ファイル: visualization.py プロジェクト: dnmiller/vincent
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Initialize a Visualization

        In addition to setting any attributes, this sets the data, marks,
        scales, and axes properties to empty KeyedLists if they aren't
        defined by the arguments.
        super(Visualization, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        for attrib in ('data', 'scales'):
            if not getattr(self, attrib):
                setattr(self, attrib, KeyedList(attr_name='name'))
        # The axes get keyed by "type" instead of name.
        if not self.axes:
            self.axes = KeyedList(attr_name='type')
        # Marks and Legends don't get keyed.
        if not self.marks:
            self.marks = []
        if not self.legends:
            self.legends = []
コード例 #4
ファイル: visualization.py プロジェクト: dnmiller/vincent
class Visualization(GrammarClass):
    """Visualization container class.

    This class defines the full visualization. Calling its ``to_json``
    method should return a complete Vega definition.

    The sub-elements of the visualization are stored in the ``data``,
    ``axes``, ``marks``, and ``scales`` attributes. See the docs for each
    attribute for details.
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Initialize a Visualization

        In addition to setting any attributes, this sets the data, marks,
        scales, and axes properties to empty KeyedLists if they aren't
        defined by the arguments.
        super(Visualization, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        for attrib in ('data', 'scales'):
            if not getattr(self, attrib):
                setattr(self, attrib, KeyedList(attr_name='name'))
        # The axes get keyed by "type" instead of name.
        if not self.axes:
            self.axes = KeyedList(attr_name='type')
        # Marks and Legends don't get keyed.
        if not self.marks:
            self.marks = []
        if not self.legends:
            self.legends = []

    def name(value):
        """string : Name of the visualization (optional)

    def width(value):
        """int : Width of the visualization in pixels

        Default is 500 if undefined.
        if value < 0:
            raise ValueError('width cannot be negative')

    def height(value):
        """int : Height of the visualization in pixels

        Default is 500 if undefined.
        if value < 0:
            raise ValueError('height cannot be negative')

    def viewport(value):
        """2-element list of ints : Dimensions of the viewport

        The viewport is a bounding box containing the visualization. If the
        dimensions of the visualization are larger than the viewport, then
        the visualization will be scrollable.

        If undefined, then the full visualization is shown.
        if len(value) != 2:
            raise ValueError('viewport must have 2 dimensions')
        for v in value:
            _assert_is_type('viewport dimension', v, int)
            if v < 0:
                raise ValueError('viewport dimensions cannot be negative')

    @grammar((int, dict))
    def padding(value):
        """int or dict : Padding around visualization

        The padding defines the distance between the edge of the
        visualization canvas to the visualization box. It does not count as
        part of the visualization width/height. Values cannot be negative.

        If a dict, padding must have all keys ``''top'``, ``'left'``,
        ``'right'``, and ``'bottom'`` with int values.
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            required_keys = ['top', 'left', 'right', 'bottom']
            for key in required_keys:
                if key not in value:
                    error = ('Padding must have keys "{0}".'
                             .format('", "'.join(required_keys)))
                    raise ValueError(error)
                _assert_is_type('padding: {0}'.format(key), value[key], int)
                if value[key] < 0:
                    raise ValueError('Padding cannot be negative.')
            if value < 0:
                raise ValueError('Padding cannot be negative.')

    @grammar((list, KeyedList))
    def data(value):
        """list or KeyedList of ``Data`` : Data definitions

        This defines the data being visualized. See the :class:`Data` class
        for details.
        for i, entry in enumerate(value):
            _assert_is_type('data[{0}]'.format(i), entry,  Data)

    @grammar((list, KeyedList))
    def scales(value):
        """list or KeyedList of ``Scale`` : Scale definitions

        Scales map the data from the domain of the data to some
        visualization space (such as an x-axis). See the :class:`Scale`
        class for details.
        for i, entry in enumerate(value):
            _assert_is_type('scales[{0}]'.format(i), entry, Scale)

    @grammar((list, KeyedList))
    def axes(value):
        """list or KeyedList of ``Axis`` : Axis definitions

        Axes define the locations of the data being mapped by the scales.
        See the :class:`Axis` class for details.
        for i, entry in enumerate(value):
            _assert_is_type('axes[{0}]'.format(i), entry, Axis)

    @grammar((list, KeyedList))
    def marks(value):
        """list or KeyedList of ``Mark`` : Mark definitions

        Marks are the visual objects (such as lines, bars, etc.) that
        represent the data in the visualization space. See the :class:`Mark`
        class for details.
        for i, entry in enumerate(value):
            _assert_is_type('marks[{0}]'.format(i), entry, Mark)

    @grammar((list, KeyedList))
    def legends(value):
        """list or KeyedList of ``Legends`` : Legend definitions

        Legends visualize scales, and take one or more scales as their input.
        They can be customized via a LegendProperty object.
        for i, entry in enumerate(value):
            _assert_is_type('legends[{0}]'.format(i), entry, Legend)

    def axis_titles(self, x=None, y=None):
        """Apply axis titles to the figure.

        This is a convenience method for manually modifying the "Axes" mark.

        x: string, default 'null'
            X-axis title
        y: string, default 'null'
            Y-axis title

        >>>vis.axis_titles(y="Data 1", x="Data 2")

        keys = self.axes.get_keys()

        if keys:
            for key in keys:
                if key == 'x':
                    self.axes[key].title = x
                elif key == 'y':
                    self.axes[key].title = y
            self.axes.extend([Axis(type='x', title=x), Axis(type='y', title=y)])

    def legend(self, title=None, scale='color'):
        """Convience method for adding a legend to the figure.

        Important: This defaults to the color scale that is generated with Line,
        Area, Stacked Line, etc charts. For bar charts, the scale ref is usually

        title: string, default None
            Legend Title
        scale: string, default 'color'
            Scale reference for legend


        self.legends.append(Legend(title=title, fill=scale, offset=0))

    def colors(self, brew=None):
        """Convenience method for adding color brewer scales to charts with a
        color scale, such as stacked or grouped bars.

        See the colors here: http://colorbrewer2.org/

        Or here: http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/5577023

        This assumes that a 'color' scale exists on your chart.

        brew: string, default None
            Color brewer scheme (BuGn, YlOrRd, etc)
        self.scales['color'].range = brews[brew]

    def validate(self, require_all=True, scale='colors'):
        """Validate the visualization contents.

        require_all : boolean, default True
            If True (default), then all fields ``data``, ``scales``,
            ``axes``, and ``marks`` must be defined. The user is allowed to
            disable this if the intent is to define the elements

        If the contents of the visualization are not valid Vega, then a
        :class:`ValidationError` is raised.
        super(self.__class__, self).validate()
        required_attribs = ('data', 'scales', 'axes', 'marks')
        for elem in required_attribs:
            attr = getattr(self, elem)
            if attr:
                # Validate each element of the sets of data, etc
                for entry in attr:
                names = [a.name for a in attr]
                if len(names) != len(set(names)):
                    raise ValidationError(elem + ' has duplicate names')
            elif require_all:
                raise ValidationError(
                    elem + ' must be defined for valid visualization')

    def display(self):
        """Display visualization inline in IPython notebook"""

        from IPython.core.display import display, HTML, Javascript

        # Copied from vincent.ipynb:
        # HACK: use a randomly chosen unique div id
        id = random.randint(0, 2 ** 16)
        a = HTML('<div id="vis%d"></div>' % id)
        b = Javascript('vg.parse.spec(%s, function(chart) '
                       '{ chart({el:"#vis%d"}).update(); });' %
                       (self.to_json(pretty_print=False), id))
        display(a, b)
コード例 #5
ファイル: visualization.py プロジェクト: nsonnad/vincent
class Visualization(GrammarClass):
    """Visualization container class.

    This class defines the full visualization. Calling its ``to_json``
    method should return a complete Vega definition.

    The sub-elements of the visualization are stored in the ``data``,
    ``axes``, ``marks``, and ``scales`` attributes. See the docs for each
    attribute for details.
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Initialize a Visualization

        In addition to setting any attributes, this sets the data, marks,
        scales, and axes properties to empty KeyedLists if they aren't
        defined by the arguments.
        super(Visualization, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        for attrib in ('data', 'scales'):
            if not getattr(self, attrib):
                setattr(self, attrib, KeyedList(attr_name='name'))
        # The axes get keyed by "type" instead of name.
        if not self.axes:
            self.axes = KeyedList(attr_name='type')
        # Marks and Legends don't get keyed.
        if not self.marks:
            self.marks = []
        if not self.legends:
            self.legends = []

    def name(value):
        """string : Name of the visualization (optional)

    def width(value):
        """int : Width of the visualization in pixels

        Default is 500 if undefined.
        if value < 0:
            raise ValueError('width cannot be negative')

    def height(value):
        """int : Height of the visualization in pixels

        Default is 500 if undefined.
        if value < 0:
            raise ValueError('height cannot be negative')

    def viewport(value):
        """2-element list of ints : Dimensions of the viewport

        The viewport is a bounding box containing the visualization. If the
        dimensions of the visualization are larger than the viewport, then
        the visualization will be scrollable.

        If undefined, then the full visualization is shown.
        if len(value) != 2:
            raise ValueError('viewport must have 2 dimensions')
        for v in value:
            _assert_is_type('viewport dimension', v, int)
            if v < 0:
                raise ValueError('viewport dimensions cannot be negative')

    @grammar((int, dict, str))
    def padding(value):
        """int or dict : Padding around visualization

        The padding defines the distance between the edge of the
        visualization canvas to the visualization box. It does not count as
        part of the visualization width/height. Values cannot be negative.

        If a dict, padding must have all keys ``''top'``, ``'left'``,
        ``'right'``, and ``'bottom'`` with int values.
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            required_keys = ['top', 'left', 'right', 'bottom']
            for key in required_keys:
                if key not in value:
                    error = ('Padding must have keys "{0}".'.format(
                        '", "'.join(required_keys)))
                    raise ValueError(error)
                _assert_is_type('padding: {0}'.format(key), value[key], int)
                if value[key] < 0:
                    raise ValueError('Padding cannot be negative.')
            if value < 0:
                raise ValueError('Padding cannot be negative.')

    @grammar((list, KeyedList))
    def data(value):
        """list or KeyedList of ``Data`` : Data definitions

        This defines the data being visualized. See the :class:`Data` class
        for details.
        for i, entry in enumerate(value):
            _assert_is_type('data[{0}]'.format(i), entry, Data)

    @grammar((list, KeyedList))
    def scales(value):
        """list or KeyedList of ``Scale`` : Scale definitions

        Scales map the data from the domain of the data to some
        visualization space (such as an x-axis). See the :class:`Scale`
        class for details.
        for i, entry in enumerate(value):
            _assert_is_type('scales[{0}]'.format(i), entry, Scale)

    @grammar((list, KeyedList))
    def axes(value):
        """list or KeyedList of ``Axis`` : Axis definitions

        Axes define the locations of the data being mapped by the scales.
        See the :class:`Axis` class for details.
        for i, entry in enumerate(value):
            _assert_is_type('axes[{0}]'.format(i), entry, Axis)

    @grammar((list, KeyedList))
    def marks(value):
        """list or KeyedList of ``Mark`` : Mark definitions

        Marks are the visual objects (such as lines, bars, etc.) that
        represent the data in the visualization space. See the :class:`Mark`
        class for details.
        for i, entry in enumerate(value):
            _assert_is_type('marks[{0}]'.format(i), entry, Mark)

    @grammar((list, KeyedList))
    def legends(value):
        """list or KeyedList of ``Legends`` : Legend definitions

        Legends visualize scales, and take one or more scales as their input.
        They can be customized via a LegendProperty object.
        for i, entry in enumerate(value):
            _assert_is_type('legends[{0}]'.format(i), entry, Legend)

    def axis_titles(self, x=None, y=None):
        """Apply axis titles to the figure.

        This is a convenience method for manually modifying the "Axes" mark.

        x: string, default 'null'
            X-axis title
        y: string, default 'null'
            Y-axis title

        >>>vis.axis_titles(y="Data 1", x="Data 2")

        keys = self.axes.get_keys()

        if keys:
            for key in keys:
                if key == 'x':
                    self.axes[key].title = x
                elif key == 'y':
                    self.axes[key].title = y
                [Axis(type='x', title=x),
                 Axis(type='y', title=y)])

    def legend(self, title=None, scale='color'):
        """Convience method for adding a legend to the figure.

        Important: This defaults to the color scale that is generated with Line,
        Area, Stacked Line, etc charts. For bar charts, the scale ref is usually

        title: string, default None
            Legend Title
        scale: string, default 'color'
            Scale reference for legend


        self.legends.append(Legend(title=title, fill=scale, offset=0))

    def colors(self, brew=None):
        """Convenience method for adding color brewer scales to charts with a
        color scale, such as stacked or grouped bars.

        See the colors here: http://colorbrewer2.org/

        Or here: http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/5577023

        This assumes that a 'color' scale exists on your chart.

        brew: string, default None
            Color brewer scheme (BuGn, YlOrRd, etc)
        self.scales['color'].range = brews[brew]

    def validate(self, require_all=True, scale='colors'):
        """Validate the visualization contents.

        require_all : boolean, default True
            If True (default), then all fields ``data``, ``scales``,
            ``axes``, and ``marks`` must be defined. The user is allowed to
            disable this if the intent is to define the elements

        If the contents of the visualization are not valid Vega, then a
        :class:`ValidationError` is raised.
        super(self.__class__, self).validate()
        required_attribs = ('data', 'scales', 'axes', 'marks')
        for elem in required_attribs:
            attr = getattr(self, elem)
            if attr:
                # Validate each element of the sets of data, etc
                for entry in attr:
                names = [a.name for a in attr]
                if len(names) != len(set(names)):
                    raise ValidationError(elem + ' has duplicate names')
            elif require_all:
                raise ValidationError(
                    elem + ' must be defined for valid visualization')

    def display(self):
        """Display visualization inline in IPython notebook"""

        from IPython.core.display import display, HTML, Javascript

        # Copied from vincent.ipynb:
        # HACK: use a randomly chosen unique div id
        id = random.randint(0, 2**16)
        a = HTML('<div id="vis%d"></div>' % id)
        b = Javascript('vg.parse.spec(%s, function(chart) '
                       '{ chart({el:"#vis%d"}).update(); });' %
                       (self.to_json(pretty_print=False), id))
        display(a, b)