コード例 #1
ファイル: test_core_type.py プロジェクト: chenliuleo/tamarin
 def testLateOffset(self):
     """ Makes sure offsets from A01's deadline are correct. """
     # vs: A01-20380119-0314
     tests = {
         '20380119-0314': '-0d 0h 00m',
         '20380119-0315': '+0d 0h 01m',
         '20380118-0211': '-1d 1h 03m',
         '20380119-0414': '+0d 1h 00m',            
     for stamp, offset in tests.items():
         a = Assignment('A01')
         self.assertEqual(a.getLateOffset(stamp), offset)
コード例 #2
ファイル: upload.py プロジェクト: chenliuleo/tamarin
def validateUploadedFile(form):
    Processes a file upload.  
    Assumes the passed form is a valid query submission.  On an error, 
    reports what went wrong to the user. Otherwise confirms that the 
    user wants to submit the uploaded file for grading.
    printHeader("File Upload Results")
        print('<h2>File Upload Results</h2>')

        # get filename and check that file was properly uploaded
        assert 'file' in form and 'pass' in form, "Invalid form submission"
        filename = form['file'].filename
        if not filename:
            raise TamarinError('NO_FILE_UPLOADED')
            print('<!--Original filename: ' + filename + '-->')
            filename = stripFilename(filename)  #defined below
            print('<b>Filename:</b> ' + filename + '<br>')
            filecontents = form.getfirst('file')
            if not filecontents:
                raise TamarinError('EMPTY_FILE')
        # validate filename
        # authenticate user 
        match = re.match(tamarin.UPLOADED_RE, filename)
        assert match  #because filename is valid from above
        username = match.group(1)
        username = username.lower()  #for any initial uppercase letter
        assignmentName = match.group(2)
        extension = match.group(3)
        password = form.getfirst('pass')
        print('<b>Username:</b> ' + username + '<br>')
        print('<b>Password:</b> ', end='')
        if password: 
            print('*' * len(password) + '<br>')
        tamarin.authenticate(username, password)
        # validate that assignment exists
        print('<b>Assignment:</b> ' + assignmentName)  #... no <br> yet
        assignment = Assignment(assignmentName) #may throw TamarinError
        # confirm any type-specific requirements...
        # right extension?
        if extension != assignment.type.fileExt:
            raise TamarinError('WRONG_EXTENSION',
                'Your file is .' + extension + 
                ' but this assignment requires .' + assignment.type.fileExt)
        # initial cap?
        if assignment.type.initialCap and not re.match(r"^[A-Z]", filename):
            raise TamarinError('NO_INITIAL_CAP', filename)

        # check that file contents are plain text (if necessary)
        if assignment.type.encoding:
                # convert bytes to str
                filecontents = filecontents.decode(
                # files often uploaded in binary form from various OSs, 
                # so adjust line-endings
                # XXX: Still need this in Python3?
                filecontents = filecontents.replace('\r\n', '\r')
                # \n comes out properly as 0D0A on Windows
                filecontents = filecontents.replace('\r', '\n')  

            except UnicodeError as err:
                # this problem is often due to a copy-and-paste thing from a 
                # different encoding where a couple odd characters (like quotes
                # and such) come from a word processor.  So this will help 
                # students track down where their bad chars are in this most
                # common non-ASCII case
                lineCount = 1
                charCount = 1
                for char in filecontents: 
                    if char > 128:
                        print("<p><b>First non-ASCII character:</b>: ")
                        print("line " + str(lineCount) + ", char " + 
                              str(charCount) + "<br>")
                    elif char == '\n':  
                        # NOTE: line count only correct for Unix and Windows; 
                        # not old Mac, etc
                        lineCount += 1
                        charCount = 1
                        charCount += 1
                raise TamarinError('BINARY_FILE', "This assignment requires "
                    "plain text files using the " + assignment.type.encoding +
                    " (or compatible) encoding, but: " + str(err))

        # Ready to accept based on submission itself.

        # Now see if late or already submitted (for warnings) or verified        
        # Reuse filename (without extension) from above
        wildFilename = filename.replace('.', '*.', 1)        
        alreadySubmitted = glob.glob(os.path.join(tamarin.SUBMITTED_ROOT, 
        alreadyGraded = glob.glob(os.path.join(assignment.path, wildFilename))
        # but not all files in graded == a graded submission file if submitted
        # ext is same as grader output file ext, so remove grader output files
        for ag in alreadyGraded[:]: 
            if re.match(tamarin.GRADED_RE, os.path.basename(ag)):              
        # determine lateness, so can print it here
        if assignment.isLate():
            print(' (<i>Late: </i>' + assignment.getLateOffset() + ')') 
            if assignment.isTooLate():
                raise TamarinError('SUBMISSION_TOO_LATE')
            if not tamarin.MAY_RESUBMIT_LATE and \
                    (alreadySubmitted or alreadyGraded):
                raise 'RESUBMISSION_LATE'
        # has a human already verified a previous submission?
        if not tamarin.MAY_RESUMBIT_AFTER_HUMAN and alreadyGraded:
            # check if a graded file has also been verified
            for f in alreadyGraded: 
                gradedF = GradedFile(os.path.basename(f))
                if gradedF.humanVerified:
                    # oops for student: already verified
                    raise TamarinError('PREVIOUS_SUBMISSION_VERIFIED')
        # display file contents (if appropriate)
        print('<p><b>Uploaded Code:</b></p>')
        print('<pre ' if assignment.type.preformatted else '<div ')
        if not assignment.type.encoding:
            print('[ <i>binary file format: '
                  'cannot display contents here</i> ]')
            # prevent disappearing code due to code test looking like html tags
            if assignment.type.preformatted:
                print(html.escape(filecontents).replace('\n', '<br>\n'))            
        print('</pre>' if assignment.type.preformatted else '</div>')
        # Done!
        # write file (could result in an io error, handed as UNHANDLED below)
        uploadedFilename = os.path.join(tamarin.UPLOADED_ROOT, filename)
        overwrite = glob.glob(uploadedFilename)  #see if file already exists
        outfile = open(uploadedFilename, 
                       'w' if assignment.type.encoding else 'wb')

        # give success message
        print('Your code (as shown above) has been uploaded to Tamarin. ')
        if overwrite:
            print('(Doing so overwrote a previously uploaded '
                  'but unsubmitted file of the same name.) ')
        print('<i>It has not yet been submitted.</i> ')

        # warn if already submitted (and/or graded) this assignment
        if alreadySubmitted or alreadyGraded:
            print('<p><b><i>Warning:</i></b> You already have ')
            if alreadySubmitted:
                print(str(len(alreadySubmitted)) + ' file(s) submitted '
                      '(but not yet graded) ')
                if alreadyGraded:
                    print('and ')
            if alreadyGraded:
                print(str(len(alreadyGraded)) + ' file(s) graded ')
            print('for this ' + str(assignment) + ' assignment. ')
            submitCount = len(alreadySubmitted) + len(alreadyGraded)
            if tamarin.RESUBMISSION_PENALTY:
                print('If you submit this uploaded file, it will be a ' +
                      '(resubmission * ' + str(submitCount) + '), ')
                print('and so its final score will be reduced by ' + 
                      str(round(submitCount * tamarin.RESUBMISSION_PENALTY, 
                                tamarin.GRADE_PRECISION)) + 
        # provide submit button
        print("<p>If you are ready to officially submit this uploaded file "
              "for grading, click the button below. </p>")
        print('<form action="' + tamarin.CGI_URL + 'submit.py" '
              'method="post" class="html">')
        print('<input type="hidden" name="uploaded" value="' + filename + '">')
        print('<input type="submit" value="Submit this file" '
    except TamarinError as err:
        print('Due to the above error, your uploaded file was not saved. ' 
            'Please <a href="' + tamarin.CGI_URL + 'upload.py' + 
            '">return to the upload page</a> and try again.')