コード例 #1
    def get_data(self):
        startkey = [self.domain, self.active_location._id if self.active_location else None]
        product_cases = SPPCase.view('commtrack/product_cases',
                                     endkey=startkey + [{}],
        if self.program_id:
            product_cases = filter(lambda c: Product.get(c.product).program_id == self.program_id, product_cases)
        def latest_case(cases):
            # getting last report date should probably be moved to a util function in a case wrapper class
            return max(cases, key=lambda c: getattr(c, 'last_reported', datetime(2000, 1, 1)).date())
        cases_by_site = map_reduce(lambda c: [(tuple(c.location_),)],
                                   lambda v: reporting_status(latest_case(v), self.start_date, self.end_date),
                                   data=product_cases, include_docs=True)

        # TODO if aggregating, won't want to fetch all these locs (will only want to fetch aggregation sites)
        locs = dict((loc._id, loc) for loc in Location.view(
                keys=[path[-1] for path in cases_by_site.keys()],

        for path, status in cases_by_site.iteritems():
            loc = locs[path[-1]]

            yield {
                'loc_id': loc._id,
                'loc_path': loc.path,
                'name': loc.name,
                'type': loc.location_type,
                'reporting_status': status,
                'geo': loc._geopoint,
コード例 #2
ファイル: data_sources.py プロジェクト: rigambhir/commcare-hq
    def get_data(self, slugs=None):
        startkey = [self.domain, self.active_location._id if self.active_location else None]
        if self.active_product:

        product_cases = SPPCase.view('commtrack/product_cases', startkey=startkey, endkey=startkey + [{}], include_docs=True)

        if self.config.get('aggregate'):
            return self.aggregate_cases(product_cases, slugs)
            return self.raw_cases(product_cases, slugs)
コード例 #3
ファイル: standard.py プロジェクト: comm-scriptek/commcare-hq
    def _data(self):
        startkey = [self.domain, self.active_location._id if self.active_location else None]
        product_cases = SPPCase.view('commtrack/product_cases', startkey=startkey, endkey=startkey + [{}], include_docs=True)

        def latest_case(cases):
            # getting last report date should probably be moved to a util function in a case wrapper class
            return max(cases, key=lambda c: getattr(c, 'last_reported', datetime(2000, 1, 1)).date())
        cases_by_site = map_reduce(lambda c: [(tuple(c.location_),)],
                                   lambda v: reporting_status(latest_case(v)),
                                   data=product_cases, include_docs=True)

        def child_loc(path):
            root = self.active_location
            ix = path.index(root._id) if root else -1
                return path[ix + 1]
            except IndexError:
                return None
        def case_iter():
            for k, v in cases_by_site.iteritems():
                if child_loc(k) is not None:
                    yield (k, v)
        status_by_agg_site = map_reduce(lambda (path, status): [(child_loc(path), status)],
        sites_by_agg_site = map_reduce(lambda (path, status): [(child_loc(path), path[-1])],

        def status_tally(statuses):
            total = len(statuses)
            return map_reduce(lambda s: [(s,)], lambda v: {'count': len(v), 'pct': len(v) / float(total)}, data=statuses)
        status_counts = dict((loc_id, status_tally(statuses)) for loc_id, statuses in status_by_agg_site.iteritems())

        master_tally = status_tally(cases_by_site.values())

        locs = sorted(Location.view('_all_docs', keys=status_counts.keys(), include_docs=True), key=lambda loc: loc.name)
        def fmt(pct):
            return '%.1f%%' % (100. * pct)
        def fmt_col(loc, col_type):
            return fmt(status_counts[loc._id].get(col_type, {'pct': 0.})['pct'])
        def _rows():
            for loc in locs:
                num_sites = len(sites_by_agg_site[loc._id])
                yield [loc.name, len(sites_by_agg_site[loc._id])] + [fmt_col(loc, k) for k in ('ontime', 'late', 'nonreporting')]

        return master_tally, _rows()
コード例 #4
ファイル: standard.py プロジェクト: rigambhir/commcare-hq
    def get_prod_data(self):
        startkey = [self.domain, self.active_location._id if self.active_location else None]
        product_cases = SPPCase.view('commtrack/product_cases', startkey=startkey, endkey=startkey + [{}], include_docs=True)

        cases_by_product = map_reduce(lambda c: [(c.product,)], data=product_cases, include_docs=True)
        products = Product.view('_all_docs', keys=cases_by_product.keys(), include_docs=True)

        def status(case):
            return case.current_stock_category if is_timely(case, 1000) else 'nonreporting'

        status_by_product = dict((p, map_reduce(lambda c: [(status(c),)], len, data=cases)) for p, cases in cases_by_product.iteritems())

        cols = ['stockout', 'understock', 'adequate', 'overstock', 'nodata'] #'nonreporting', 'nodata']
        for p in sorted(products, key=lambda p: p.name):
            cases = cases_by_product.get(p._id, [])
            results = status_by_product.get(p._id, {})
            def val(key):
                return results.get(key, 0) / float(len(cases))
            yield [p.name, len(cases)] + [100. * val(key) for key in cols]
コード例 #5
ファイル: standard.py プロジェクト: comm-scriptek/commcare-hq
    def get_prod_data(self):
        startkey = [self.domain, self.active_location._id if self.active_location else None]
        product_cases = SPPCase.view('commtrack/product_cases', startkey=startkey, endkey=startkey + [{}], include_docs=True)

        cases_by_product = map_reduce(lambda c: [(c.product,)], data=product_cases, include_docs=True)
        products = Product.view('_all_docs', keys=cases_by_product.keys(), include_docs=True)

        def _sum(vals):
            return sum(vals) if vals else None

        def aggregate_product(cases):
            data = [(c.current_stock_level, c.monthly_consumption) for c in cases if is_timely(c, 1000)]
            total_stock = _sum([d[0] for d in data if d[0] is not None])
            total_consumption = _sum([d[1] for d in data if d[1] is not None])
            # exclude stock values w/o corresponding consumption figure from total months left calculation
            consumable_stock = _sum([d[0] for d in data if d[0] is not None and d[1] is not None])

            return {
                'total_stock': total_stock,
                'total_consumption': total_consumption,
                'consumable_stock': consumable_stock,

        status_by_product = dict((p, aggregate_product(cases)) for p, cases in cases_by_product.iteritems())
        for p in sorted(products, key=lambda p: p.name):
            stats = status_by_product[p._id]

            months_left = SPPCase.months_of_stock_remaining(stats['consumable_stock'], stats['total_consumption'])
            category = SPPCase.stock_category(stats['total_stock'], stats['total_consumption'], stats['consumable_stock'])

            yield [