def update_facility_cases_from_dhis2_data_elements( period: Optional[str] = None, print_notifications: bool = False, ): """ Update facility_supervision cases with indicators collected in DHIS2 over the last quarter. :param period: The period of data to import. e.g. "2020Q1". Defaults to last quarter. :param print_notifications: If True, notifications are printed, otherwise they are emailed. """ if not domain_exists(DOMAIN): return dhis2_server = get_dhis2_server(print_notifications) try: clays = get_clays() with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=MAX_THREAD_WORKERS) as executor: futures = (executor.submit(set_case_updates, dhis2_server, clay, period) for clay in clays) for futures_chunk in chunked(as_completed(futures), 100): case_blocks_chunk = [f.result() for f in futures_chunk] save_cases(case_blocks_chunk) except Exception as err: handle_error(err, dhis2_server, print_notifications) else: handle_success(dhis2_server, print_notifications)
def test_deleted_domain_exists(self): x = Domain(name='x') y = Domain(name='y') y.delete(leave_tombstone=True) self.addCleanup(x.delete) self.addCleanup(y.delete) self.assertTrue(domain_exists('x')) self.assertFalse(deleted_domain_exists('x')) self.assertTrue(domain_or_deleted_domain_exists('x')) self.assertFalse(domain_exists('y')) self.assertTrue(deleted_domain_exists('y')) self.assertTrue(domain_or_deleted_domain_exists('y')) self.assertTrue(len(list(iter_all_domains_and_deleted_domains_with_name('x'))), 1) self.assertTrue(len(list(iter_all_domains_and_deleted_domains_with_name('y'))), 1)
def link_domains(couch_user, upstream_domain, downstream_domain): if not domain_exists(downstream_domain): error = gettext("The project space {} does not exist. Verify that the name is correct, and that the " "domain has not been deleted.").format(downstream_domain) raise DomainDoesNotExist(error) if get_active_domain_link(upstream_domain, downstream_domain): error = gettext( "The project space {} is already a downstream project space of {}." ).format(downstream_domain, upstream_domain) raise DomainLinkAlreadyExists(error) if not user_has_admin_access_in_all_domains(couch_user, [upstream_domain, downstream_domain]): error = gettext("You must be an admin in both project spaces to create a link.") raise DomainLinkNotAllowed(error) return DomainLink.link_domains(downstream_domain, upstream_domain)
def should_create_invoice(subscription, domain, invoice_start, invoice_end): if not domain_exists(domain) and deleted_domain_exists(domain): # domain has been deleted, ignore return False if subscription.is_trial: log_accounting_info( "Skipping invoicing for Subscription %s because it's a trial." % return False if subscription.skip_invoicing_if_no_feature_charges and not \ subscription.plan_version.feature_charges_exist_for_domain(domain): log_accounting_info( "Skipping invoicing for Subscription %s because there are no feature charges." % return False if subscription.date_start > invoice_end: # No invoice gets created if the subscription didn't start in the previous month. return False if subscription.date_end and subscription.date_end <= invoice_start: # No invoice gets created if the subscription ended before the invoicing period. return False return True