def new_meta(**kw): kw.setdefault("domain", "test") kw.setdefault("parent_id", "test") kw.setdefault("type_code", blobs.CODES.tempfile) if kw["type_code"] == blobs.CODES.form_xml: kw.setdefault("compressed_length", -1) return BlobMeta(**kw)
def _attachment_sizes(self): if not should_use_sql_backend(self.domain): self.stdout.write('\nAttachment stats only available for SQL domains\n') return db_name = get_db_aliases_for_partitioned_query()[0] # just query one shard DB with BlobMeta.get_cursor_for_partition_db(db_name, readonly=True) as cursor: cursor.execute(""" SELECT meta.content_type, width_bucket(content_length, 0, 2900000, 10) AS bucket, min(content_length) as bucket_min, max(content_length) AS bucket_max, count(content_length) AS freq FROM blobs_blobmeta meta INNER JOIN form_processor_xforminstancesql ON meta.parent_id = form_processor_xforminstancesql.form_id WHERE content_length IS NOT NULL AND form_processor_xforminstancesql.domain = %s GROUP BY content_type, bucket ORDER BY content_type, bucket """, [self.domain]) self.stdout.write('Form attachment sizes (bytes)') self._print_table( ['Content Type', 'Count', 'Bucket range', 'Bucket (1-10)'], [ (row.content_type, row.freq, '[%s-%s]' % (row.bucket_min, row.bucket_max), row.bucket) for row in fetchall_as_namedtuple(cursor) ] )
def migrate(self, doc): if not doc.get("external_blobs"): return True type_code = self.get_type_code(doc) obj = self.blob_helper(doc, self.couchdb, type_code) domain = obj.domain if domain is None: self.error( obj, { "error": "unknown-domain", "doc_type": obj.doc_type, "doc_id": obj._id, }) domain = UNKNOWN_DOMAIN if getattr(obj, "_attachments", None): self.error( obj, { "error": "ignored-couch-attachments", "doc_type": obj.doc_type, "doc_id": obj._id, "domain": obj.domain, "attachments": obj._attachments, }) with BlobMeta.get_cursor_for_partition_value(doc['_id']) as cursor: for name, meta in obj.external_blobs.items(): if meta.blobmeta_id is not None: # blobmeta already saved continue cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO blobs_blobmeta ( domain, type_code, parent_id, name, key, content_type, content_length, created_on ) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, CLOCK_TIMESTAMP()) ON CONFLICT (key) DO NOTHING """, params=[ domain, type_code, doc["_id"], name, meta.key, meta.content_type, meta.content_length or 0, ]) self.total_blobs += 1 return True
def test_extract_form_attachment_info(self): image_1_name = "1234.jpg" image_2_name = "5678.jpg" form = { "name": "foo", "color": "bar", "image_1": image_1_name, "my_group": { "image_2": image_2_name } } attachments = { image_1_name: { "content_type": "image/jpeg", "content_length": 1024, }, image_2_name: { "content_type": "image/jpeg", "content_length": 2048, }, "form.xml": { "content_type": "text/xml", "content_length": 2048, } } with mock.patch.object(XFormInstanceSQL, 'form_data') as form_data_mock: form_data_mock.__get__ = mock.MagicMock(return_value=form) couch_xform = XFormInstance(, form=form, ) for name, meta in attachments.items(): couch_xform.deferred_put_attachment("content", name, **meta) sql_xform = XFormInstanceSQL( sql_xform.attachments_list = [ BlobMeta(name=name, **meta) for name, meta in attachments.items() ] for xform in (couch_xform, sql_xform): print(type(xform).__name__) form_info = _extract_form_attachment_info( xform, {"my_group-image_2", "image_1"}) attachments = {a['name']: a for a in form_info['attachments']} self.assertTrue(image_1_name in attachments) self.assertTrue(image_2_name in attachments) self.assertEqual(attachments[image_1_name]['question_id'], "image_1") self.assertEqual(attachments[image_2_name]['question_id'], "my_group-image_2")
def new_meta(**kw): kw.setdefault("domain", "test") kw.setdefault("parent_id", "test") kw.setdefault("type_code", blobs.CODES.form_xml) return BlobMeta(**kw)