コード例 #1
ファイル: validation.py プロジェクト: asorici/envsmth
    def is_valid(self, bundle, request=None):
        from client.api import EnvironmentResource, AreaResource
        from coresql.models import CATEGORY_CHOICES, Annotation

        ## check that we have a user
        if not bundle.request.user or bundle.request.user.is_anonymous():
            return {"__all__": "No user found in request."}

        if not bundle.data:
            return {"__all__": "No data submitted."}

        errors = {}

        if bundle.request.method.upper() == "POST":
            env_obj = None
            area_obj = None

            if "environment" in bundle.data:
                    env_obj = EnvironmentResource().get_via_uri(bundle.data["environment"])
                    env_obj = None

            if "area" in bundle.data:
                    area_obj = AreaResource().get_via_uri(bundle.data["area"])
                    area_obj = None

            if env_obj is None and area_obj is None:
                errors["environment"] = ["No or wrong environment uri"]
                errors["area"] = ["No or wrong area uri"]

            if not env_obj is None and not area_obj is None and area_obj.env != env_obj:
                errors["environment"] = ["Environment resource mismatches parent environment of area resource."]

        if not "data" in bundle.data or not bundle.data["data"]:
            errors["data"] = ["No or empty data field."]

        if not "category" in bundle.data or not (bundle.data["category"], bundle.data["category"]) in CATEGORY_CHOICES:
            errors["category"] = ["No category specified or wrong category."]

        ## some additional validation of the data field might also be possible if no errors up to now
        if not errors:
            for _, cls in Annotation.get_subclasses():
                category = bundle.data["category"]
                data = bundle.data["data"]

                if cls.is_annotation_for(category, data):
                    data_errors = cls.validate_data(category, data)
                    if data_errors:
                        errors["data"] = data_errors

                        import sys

                        print >>sys.stderr, data_errors


        return errors
コード例 #2
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: asorici/envsmth
 def hydrate(self, bundle):
     #from coresql.models import DescriptionAnnotation, EntryAnnotation, Entry
     switch after the annotation category and construct the appropriate annotation type object with
     the given data
     instantiated = False
     ## get all data from bundle.data
     user = bundle.request.user.get_profile()
     category = bundle.data['category']
     data = bundle.data['data']
     environment = None 
     area = None
         environment = EnvironmentResource().get_via_uri(bundle.data['environment'], request=bundle.request)
         environment = None
         area = AreaResource().get_via_uri(bundle.data['area'], request=bundle.request)
         area = None 
     for _, cls in Annotation.get_subclasses():
         if cls.is_annotation_for(category, data):
                 bundle.obj = cls(user = user, environment = environment, 
                                  area = area, category = category, data = data)
                 instantiated = True
             except DuplicateAnnotationException, e:
                 raise ImmediateHttpResponse(response=http.HttpForbidden(content=e.get_message()))
             except AnnotationException, ex:
                 raise ImmediateHttpResponse(response=http.HttpBadRequest(content=ex.get_message()))
コード例 #3
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: asorici/envsmth
 def build_filters(self, filters = None):
     if filters is None:
         filters = {}
     if 'environment' in filters and 'all' in filters and filters['all'] == 'true':
         if environment and all are in the filters, don't apply them any more because it will have
         already been handled in get_object_list
         del filters['environment']
         del filters['all']
     orm_filters = super(AnnotationResource, self).build_filters(filters)
     ## we now that there has to be a category in filters because of the validation
     category = filters['category']
     for _, cls in Annotation.get_subclasses():
         if cls.is_annotation_for(category, None):
             categ_specific_filters = cls.get_extra_filters(filters)
     return orm_filters
コード例 #4
    def is_valid(self, bundle, request=None):
        from client.api import EnvironmentResource, AreaResource
        from coresql.models import CATEGORY_CHOICES, Annotation

        ## check that we have a user
        if not bundle.request.user or bundle.request.user.is_anonymous():
            return {'__all__': 'No user found in request.'}

        if not bundle.data:
            return {'__all__': 'No data submitted.'}

        errors = {}

        if bundle.request.method.upper() == "POST":
            env_obj = None
            area_obj = None

            if 'environment' in bundle.data:
                    env_obj = EnvironmentResource().get_via_uri(
                    env_obj = None

            if 'area' in bundle.data:
                    area_obj = AreaResource().get_via_uri(bundle.data['area'])
                    area_obj = None

            if env_obj is None and area_obj is None:
                errors['environment'] = ['No or wrong environment uri']
                errors['area'] = ['No or wrong area uri']

            if not env_obj is None and not area_obj is None and area_obj.env != env_obj:
                errors['environment'] = [
                    "Environment resource mismatches parent environment of area resource."

        if not 'data' in bundle.data or not bundle.data['data']:
            errors['data'] = ["No or empty data field."]

        if not 'category' in bundle.data or not (
                bundle.data['category']) in CATEGORY_CHOICES:
            errors['category'] = ["No category specified or wrong category."]

        ## some additional validation of the data field might also be possible if no errors up to now
        if not errors:
            for _, cls in Annotation.get_subclasses():
                category = bundle.data['category']
                data = bundle.data['data']

                if cls.is_annotation_for(category, data):
                    data_errors = cls.validate_data(category, data)
                    if data_errors:
                        errors['data'] = data_errors

                        import sys
                        print >> sys.stderr, data_errors


        return errors