コード例 #1
ファイル: function_test.py プロジェクト: romulus97/BETO
def simulate(
        variables, # planted corn stover in hectares
        LC = land_costs, # land costs per county
        C_Y = bu_per_acre_C_yield, # corn yield per acre
        LL = land_limits, # land limits
        DM = dist_map, # distance mapping
        R_idx = refinery_idx # location of refinery in simple case
    # Empty variables 
    CS_farm_kg = 0 # corn stover production in kg
    CS_cultivation_capex = 0 # total costs
    CS_cultivation_opex = 0
    CS_travel_opex = 0
    CS_flow_matrix = np.zeros((len(counties),len(counties)))
    CS_flow = 0
    CS_refinery_kg = 0
    CS_ethanol = np.zeros((len(counties),1))
    CS_refinery_opex = 0
    CS_refinery_capex = 0
    Constraints = [] # constraints
    # Cultivation and Harvesting
    for i in range(0,len(counties)):
        # Per ha values (need to expand)
        (CS_per_ha, seeds_per_ha, fertilization_per_ha, lime_per_ha)  = CS_cultivation.sim(C_Y[i])
        # kg CS produced in given county 'i'
        CS_farm_kg += CS_per_ha*variables[i]

        # Capital costs (need to expand)
        CS_cultivation_capex += variables[i]*LC[i]
        # Operating costs (need to expand)
        harvesting = 38.31*ha_to_acre # $ per ha
        CS_cultivation_opex += variables[i]*(seeds_per_ha*.00185 + fertilization_per_ha[0]*0.55 + fertilization_per_ha[1]*0.46 + fertilization_per_ha[2]*0.50 + lime_per_ha*0.01 + harvesting) #herbicide in per ha??
        # Flow to refinery
        for j in range(0,len(counties)):
            # County to county mass transfer (kg of CS) (from county 'i' to county 'j')
            CS_flow_matrix[i,j] += variables[(i+1)*len(counties) + j]
            # Travel costs in bale-miles
            CS_travel_opex += DM[i,j]*CS_flow_matrix[i,j]*(lb_to_kg)*(1/1500)*0.50 
        # Transportation constraints (flow from county 'i' must be <= mass produced)
        CS_flow = sum(CS_flow_matrix[i,:])
        Constraints.append(CS_flow - CS_farm_kg)
        # Cultivation constraints (land limits)
        Constraints.append(variables[i] - LL[i])  
    # Refinery
    for j in range(0,len(counties)):
        # Find total mass sent to refinery in county 'j'
        CS_refinery_kg = sum(CS_flow_matrix[:,j])
        # Ethanol produced at refinery in county 'j'
        CS_ethanol[j] = CS_processing.sim(CS_refinery_kg)
    # Refinery opex
    #ADD THIS        
        # Refinery capex
        if CS_refinery_kg > 0:
            scale = CS_refinery_kg/(5563*142) # Based on kg per ha and ha scaling in Jack's TEA file
            CS_refinery_capex+= 400000000*(scale)**.6
    Constraints.append(sum(CS_ethanol) - 2010000)
    Constraints = list(Constraints)
    return [CS_refinery_capex, CS_travel_opex], Constraints
コード例 #2
ファイル: platypus_BETO_V.py プロジェクト: romulus97/BETO
def simulate(
        vars,  # cultivation hectares per county, hub-to-hub biomass flows
        LC=reduced_land_costs,  # land costs per county
        C_Y=reduced_C_yield,  # corn yield per acre
        LL=reduced_land_limits,  # land limits
        DM=dist_map,  # hub to hub distances
        C2H_map=map_C2H,  # binary matrix mapping counties (rows) to hubs (columns)
        C2H=dist_C2H,  # county to hub distances
        locations=locations,  #possible location of biorefineries,

    # Empty parameters
    CS_cultivation_capex = 0
    CS_cultivation_opex = 0
    CS_travel_opex = 0
    CS_flow_matrix = np.zeros((len(hubs), len(locations)))
    CS_C2H_prod = np.zeros((len(LC), len(hubs)))
    CS_flow = 0
    CS_refinery_kg = 0
    CS_ethanol = np.zeros((len(locations), 1))
    CS_refinery_capex = 0

    Constraints = []  # constraints

    # Per ha values (need to expand)
    (CS_per_ha, seeds_per_ha, fertilization_per_ha,
     lime_per_ha) = CS_cultivation.sim(C_Y)

    # Capital costs (need to expand)
    L = np.array(LC)
    v = np.array(vars)

    CS_cultivation_capex = np.dot(v[0:len(LC)], L)

    # Cultivation and Harvesting

    # Operating costs (need to expand)
    harvesting = 38.31 * ha_to_acre  # $ per ha
    CS_cultivation_opex = np.dot(
        (seeds_per_ha * .00185 + fertilization_per_ha[0] * 0.55 +
         fertilization_per_ha[1] * 0.46 + fertilization_per_ha[2] * 0.50 +
         lime_per_ha * 0.01 + harvesting))  #herbicide in per ha??

    # Automatic flow to pre-processing hub
    CS_C2H_prod = C2H_map * CS_per_ha * v[0:len(LC)]

    CS_cultivation_opex = sum(CS_per_ha * vars[0:len(LC)] * (lb_to_kg) *
                              (1 / 1500) * 0.50 * C2H)

    # Cultivation constraints (land limits)
    for i in range(0, len(LC)):
        Constraints.append(vars[i] - LL[i] - 5)  #allow some slack in DVs


    # Flow to refinery
    for j in range(0, len(hubs)):

        for k in range(0, len(locations)):

            # Mass transfer (1Ms kg of CS) from hub 'j' to hub 'k'
                           k] = CS_flow_matrix[j, k] + vars[i + 1 + j *
                                                            len(locations) + k]

            # Travel costs in bale-miles
            CS_travel_opex += DM[j, k] * CS_flow_matrix[j, k] * (lb_to_kg) * (
                1 / 1500) * 0.50

    for j in range(0, len(hubs)):

        # Hubs collect biomass from counties
        CS_hub_kg = sum(CS_C2H_prod[:, j])

        # Transportation constraints (all delivery from hub 'j' must be <= mass produced)
        CS_flow = sum(CS_flow_matrix[j, :])
        Constraints.append(CS_flow - CS_hub_kg - 5)  #allow some slack in DVs

    # Refinery
    for k in range(0, len(locations)):

        # Find total mass received at hub 'l'
        CS_refinery_kg = sum(CS_flow_matrix[:, k])

        # Ethanol produced at refinery at hub 'l'
        CS_ethanol[k] = CS_processing.sim(CS_refinery_kg)

        # Refinery capex
        if CS_refinery_kg > 5:
            scale = CS_refinery_kg / (
                5563 * 142
            )  # Based on kg per ha and ha scaling in Jack's TEA file
            CS_refinery_capex += 400000000 * (scale)**.6

    # Sets ethanol production quota (L)
    Constraints.append(Q * 0.95 - sum(CS_ethanol)[0])
    Constraints.append(sum(CS_ethanol)[0] - Q * 1.05)

    Constraints = list(Constraints)

    # Returns list of objectives, Constraints
    return [CS_refinery_capex, CS_travel_opex], Constraints
コード例 #3
ファイル: constraint_test.py プロジェクト: romulus97/BETO
def test(DV, LC, C_Y, LL, DM, C2H_map, C2H, locations, hubs, Q):

    # Empty parameters
    CS_cultivation_capex = 0
    CS_cultivation_opex = 0
    CS_travel_opex = 0
    CS_flow_matrix = np.zeros((len(hubs), len(locations)))
    CS_C2H_prod = np.zeros((len(LC), len(hubs)))
    CS_flow = 0
    CS_refinery_kg = 0
    CS_ethanol = np.zeros((len(locations), 1))
    CS_refinery_capex = 0

    Constraints = []  # constraints

    # Cultivation and Harvesting

    for i in range(0, len(LC)):

        # Per ha values (need to expand)
        (CS_per_ha, seeds_per_ha, fertilization_per_ha,
         lime_per_ha) = CS_cultivation.sim(C_Y[i])

        # Capital costs (need to expand)
        CS_cultivation_capex += DV[i] * LC[i]

        # Operating costs (need to expand)
        harvesting = 38.31 * ha_to_acre  # $ per ha
        CS_cultivation_opex += DV[i] * (
            seeds_per_ha * .00185 + fertilization_per_ha[0] * 0.55 +
            fertilization_per_ha[1] * 0.46 + fertilization_per_ha[2] * 0.50 +
            lime_per_ha * 0.01 + harvesting)  #herbicide in per ha??

        # Automatic flow to pre-processing hub
        CS_C2H_prod[i, :] = C2H_map[i, :] * CS_per_ha * DV[i]

        CS_cultivation_opex += CS_per_ha * DV[i] * (lb_to_kg) * (
            1 / 1500) * 0.50 * C2H[i]

        # Cultivation constraints (land limits)
        Constraints.append(DV[i] - LL[i] - 5)  #allow some slack in DVs


    # Flow to refinery
    for j in range(0, len(hubs)):

        for k in range(0, len(locations)):

            # Mass transfer (1Ms kg of CS) from hub 'j' to hub 'k'
                k] = CS_flow_matrix[j, k] + DV[i + 1 + j * len(locations) + k]

            # Travel costs in bale-miles
            CS_travel_opex += DM[j, k] * CS_flow_matrix[j, k] * (lb_to_kg) * (
                1 / 1500) * 0.50

    for j in range(0, len(hubs)):

        # Hubs collect biomass from counties
        CS_hub_kg = sum(CS_C2H_prod[:, j])

        # Transportation constraints (all delivery from hub 'j' must be <= mass produced)
        CS_flow = sum(CS_flow_matrix[j, :])
        Constraints.append(CS_flow - CS_hub_kg - 5)  #allow some slack in DVs

    # Refinery
    for k in range(0, len(locations)):

        # Find total mass received at hub 'l'
        CS_refinery_kg = sum(CS_flow_matrix[:, k])

        # Ethanol produced at refinery at hub 'l'
        CS_ethanol[k] = CS_processing.sim(CS_refinery_kg)

        # Refinery capex
        if CS_refinery_kg > 5:
            scale = CS_refinery_kg / (
                5563 * 142
            )  # Based on kg per ha and ha scaling in Jack's TEA file
            CS_refinery_capex += 400000000 * (scale)**.6

    # Sets ethanol production quota (L)
    Constraints.append(Q * 0.95 - sum(CS_ethanol)[0])
    Constraints.append(sum(CS_ethanol)[0] - Q * 1.05)

    Constraints = list(Constraints)

    # Returns list of objectives, Constraints
    return [CS_refinery_capex, CS_travel_opex], Constraints
コード例 #4
ファイル: determine_quota.py プロジェクト: romulus97/BETO
def QD(groups, reduced_counties, locations):

    ##########           IMPORT DATA           ##########################

    # import county level data
    df_geo = pd.read_excel('geodata_total.xlsx', header=0)
    counties = list(df_geo['co_state'])

    #county-to-hub data
    filename = 'C2H_' + str(groups) + '.xlsx'
    df_C2H = pd.read_excel(filename, header=0)
    c = list(df_C2H['co_state'])

    #eliminate and counties that don't appear in both lists
    for i in counties:
        idx = counties.index(i)
        if i in c:
            df_geo = df_geo.drop(index=idx)

    df_geo = df_geo.reset_index(drop=True)
    counties = list(df_geo['co_state'])
    land_costs = df_geo.loc[:, 'land_cost_dpa'].values  # $ per acre
    land_limits = df_geo[
        'land_limits_acre'].values  # county ag production area in acres

    # Corn Stover
    bu_per_acre_C_yield = df_geo[
        'yield_bpa'].values  #yield in bushels per acre

    # Convert to function inputs

    reduced_land_costs = []
    reduced_land_limits = []
    reduced_C_yield = []

    # Hub grouping information, distance look-up tables
    dist_C2H = []
    county_hubs = []

    for county in reduced_counties:

        idx = counties.index(county)


        # distance from each county to pre-defined hub
        dist_C2H.append(df_C2H.loc[df_C2H['co_state'] == county,

        # list of hubs assigned to each county
        county_hubs.append(df_C2H.loc[df_C2H['co_state'] == county,

    # Pre-define location of refineries
    # put a number > 0 and < number of hubs if desired; if not, problem defaults to full list of hubs

    #hub-to-hub data
    filename = 'H2H_' + str(groups) + '.xlsx'
    df_H2H = pd.read_excel(filename, header=0)
    hubs = list(df_H2H['OriginID'].unique())

    # Convert to function inputs

    dist_map = np.zeros((len(hubs), len(locations)))

    # convert look-up table to distance matrix
    for i in range(0, len(hubs)):
        c1 = hubs[i]
        for j in range(0, len(locations)):
            c2 = hubs[locations[j] - 1]
            dist_map[i, j] = df_H2H.loc[(df_H2H['OriginID'] == c1) &
                                        (df_H2H['DestinationID'] == c2),

    map_C2H = np.zeros((len(reduced_counties), len(hubs)))

    # convert look-up table to distance matrix
    for i in range(0, len(reduced_counties)):
        h = int(county_hubs[i]) - 1
        map_C2H[i, h] = 1

    ##########           FUNCTION DEFINITION     ########################

    #pre-load test decision variables
    V = []
    for i in range(0, len(reduced_counties)):
        V.append(reduced_land_limits[i] * 0.50)  #50% of theoretical capacity

    LC = reduced_land_costs  # land costs per county
    C_Y = reduced_C_yield  # corn yield per acre
    C2H_map = map_C2H  # binary matrix mapping counties (rows) to hubs (columns)
    locations = locations  #possible location of biorefineries,
    hubs = hubs

    # Empty parameters
    CS_flow_matrix = np.zeros((len(hubs), len(locations)))
    CS_C2H_prod = np.zeros((len(LC), len(hubs)))
    CS_refinery_kg = 0
    CS_ethanol = np.zeros((len(locations), 1))

    # Cultivation and Harvesting

    for i in range(0, len(LC)):

        # Per ha values (need to expand)
        (CS_per_ha, seeds_per_ha, fertilization_per_ha,
         lime_per_ha) = CS_cultivation.sim(C_Y[i])

        # Automatic flow to pre-processing hub
        CS_C2H_prod[i, :] = C2H_map[i, :] * CS_per_ha * V[i]


    # Flow to refinery
    for j in range(0, len(hubs)):

        for k in range(0, len(locations)):

            V.append(sum(CS_C2H_prod[:, j]) * (1 / len(locations)))

            # Mass transfer (kg of CS) from hub 'j' to hub 'k'
                k] = CS_flow_matrix[j, k] + V[i + 1 + j * len(locations) + k]

    # Refinery
    for k in range(0, len(locations)):

        # Find total mass received at hub 'l'
        CS_refinery_kg = sum(CS_flow_matrix[:, k])

        # Ethanol produced at refinery at hub 'l'
        CS_ethanol[k] = CS_processing.sim(CS_refinery_kg)

    # Upper bound hub 1Ms kgs
    UB = 0
    for j in range(0, len(hubs)):
        UB = max(UB, sum(CS_C2H_prod[:, j]))

    return [sum(CS_ethanol[:]), UB]
コード例 #5
ファイル: platypus_BETO_test.py プロジェクト: romulus97/BETO
        # Hubs collect biomass from counties
        CS_hub_kg = sum(CS_C2H_prod[:, j])

        # Transportation constraints (all delivery from hub 'j' must be <= mass produced)
        CS_flow = sum(CS_flow_matrix[j, :])
        Constraints.append(CS_flow - CS_hub_kg)

    # Refinery
    for k in range(0, len(locations)):

        # Find total mass received at hub 'l'
        CS_refinery_kg = sum(CS_flow_matrix[:, k])

        # Ethanol produced at refinery at hub 'l'
        CS_ethanol[k] = CS_processing.sim(CS_refinery_kg)

        # Refinery opex
        # ADD THIS

        # Refinery capex
        if CS_refinery_kg > 0:
            scale = CS_refinery_kg / (
                5563 * 142
            )  # Based on kg per ha and ha scaling in Jack's TEA file
            CS_refinery_capex += 400000000 * (scale)**.6

    # Sets ethanol production quota (L)
    Constraints.append(1100000 - sum(CS_ethanol))
    # Constraints.append(sum(CS_ethanol) - 1300000)
    # Constraints.append(11900000-sum(CS_farm_kg))
コード例 #6
ファイル: platypus_BETO.py プロジェクト: romulus97/BETO
def simulate(
        vars, # cultivation hectares per county, hub-to-hub biomass flows
        LC = land_costs, # land costs per county
        C_Y = bu_per_acre_C_yield, # corn yield per acre
        LL = land_limits, # land limits
        DM = dist_map, # hub to hub distances
        C2H_map = map_C2H, # binary matrix mapping counties (rows) to hubs (columns)
        C2H = dist_C2H # county to hub distances
    # Empty parameters 
    CS_farm_kg = 0 # corn stover production in kg
    CS_cultivation_capex = 0 
    CS_cultivation_opex = 0
    CS_travel_opex = 0
    CS_flow_matrix = np.zeros((len(hubs),len(hubs)))
    CS_C2H_prod = np.zeros((len(counties),len(hubs)))
    CS_flow = 0
    CS_refinery_kg = 0
    CS_ethanol = np.zeros((len(hubs),1))
    CS_refinery_opex = 0
    CS_refinery_capex = 0
    Constraints = [] # constraints
    # Cultivation and Harvesting
    for i in range(0,len(counties)):
        # Per ha values (need to expand)
        (CS_per_ha, seeds_per_ha, fertilization_per_ha, lime_per_ha)  = CS_cultivation.sim(C_Y[i])
        # kg CS produced in given county 'i'
        CS_farm_kg += CS_per_ha*vars[i]

        # Capital costs (need to expand)
        CS_cultivation_capex += vars[i]*LC[i]
        # Operating costs (need to expand)
        harvesting = 38.31*ha_to_acre # $ per ha
        CS_cultivation_opex += vars[i]*(seeds_per_ha*.00185 + fertilization_per_ha[0]*0.55 + fertilization_per_ha[1]*0.46 + fertilization_per_ha[2]*0.50 + lime_per_ha*0.01 + harvesting) #herbicide in per ha??
        # Automatic flow to pre-processing hub
        CS_C2H_prod[i,:] = C2H_map[i,:]*CS_per_ha*vars[i]

        CS_cultivation_opex += CS_per_ha*vars[i]*(lb_to_kg)*(1/1500)*0.50*C2H[i]
        # Cultivation constraints (land limits)
        Constraints.append(vars[i] - LL[i])  
    # Flow to refinery
    for j in range(0,len(hubs)):
        for k in range(0,len(hubs)):
            # Mass transfer (kg of CS) from hub 'j' to hub 'k'
            CS_flow_matrix[j,k] = CS_flow_matrix[j,k] + vars[i + 1 + j*len(hubs) + k]
            # Travel costs in bale-miles
            CS_travel_opex += DM[j,k]*CS_flow_matrix[j,k]*(lb_to_kg)*(1/1500)*0.50 

    for j in range(0,len(hubs)):
        # Hubs collect biomass from counties
        CS_hub_kg = sum(CS_C2H_prod[:,j])
        # Transportation constraints (all delivery from hub 'j' must be <= mass produced)
        CS_flow = sum(CS_flow_matrix[j,:])
        Constraints.append(CS_flow - CS_hub_kg)
    # Refinery
    for j in range(0,len(hubs)):
        # Find total mass received at hub 'j'
        CS_refinery_kg = sum(CS_flow_matrix[:,j])
        # Ethanol produced at refinery at hub 'j'
        CS_ethanol[j] = CS_processing.sim(CS_refinery_kg)
    # Refinery opex      
    # ADD THIS
        # Refinery capex
        if CS_refinery_kg > 0:
            scale = CS_refinery_kg/(5563*142) # Based on kg per ha and ha scaling in Jack's TEA file
            CS_refinery_capex+= 400000000*(scale)**.6
    # Sets ethanol production quota (L)
    Constraints.append(sum(CS_ethanol) - 12100000)
    Constraints = list(Constraints)
    # Returns list of objectives, Constraints
    return [CS_refinery_capex, CS_travel_opex], Constraints