def quickview(self, n = 25): """view top n results as painlessly as possible. >>> data.quickview(n = 5) :param n: Show top *n* results :type n: int :returns: None """ from corpkit import quickview quickview(self, n = n)
# <markdowncell> # Aside from *interrogator()* and *plot()*, there are also a few simple functions for viewing and editing results. # <headingcell level=4> # quickview() # <markdowncell> # *quickview()* is a function that quickly shows the n most frequent items in a list. Its arguments are: # # 1. an *interrogator()* result # 2. number of results to show (default = 50) # # We can see the full glory of bad OCR here: # <codecell> quickview(aust.results, n = 20) # <markdowncell> # The number shown next to the item is its index. You can use this number to refer to an entry when editing results. # <headingcell level=4> # tally() # <markdowncell> # *tally()* displays the total occurrences of results. Its first argument is the list you want tallies from. For its second argument, you can use: # * a list of indices for results you want to tally # * a single integer, which will be interpreted as the index of the item you want # * a string, 'all', which will tally every result. This could be very many results, so it may be worth limiting the number of items you pass to it with [:n], # <codecell>
#rel_riskwords = editor(rel_riskwords.totals, skip_subcorpora = [1963]) #plotter('Relative frequency of risk words', rel_riskwords.totals) # <markdowncell> # Perhaps we're interested in not only the frequency of risk words, but the frequency of different *kinds* of risk words. We actually already collected this data during our last `interrogator()` query. # We can print just the first few entries of the results list, rather than the totals list. # <codecell> # using Pandas syntax: riskwords.results.head(10) # <codecell> # using quickview from corpkit import quickview quickview(riskwords.results, n = 10) # <markdowncell> # So, let's use this data to do some more serious plotting: # <codecell> frac1 = editor(riskwords.results, '%', riskwords.totals) # an alternative syntax: # frac1 = editor(riskwords.results, '%', 'self') # <codecell> # a colormap is used for > 7 results plotter('Risk word / all risk words', frac1.results, num_to_plot = 9) # <markdowncell>
def quickview(self, n = 25): """Print top results from an interrogation or edit""" from corpkit import quickview quickview(self, n = n)