def parse_args(): """ Parse the arguments from the given command line Args: args (list<str>): List of arguments to parse. If None, the default sys.argv will be parsed """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--test', type=int, default=0, help='Test mode') parser.add_argument( '--maxLength', type=int, default=40, help= 'Maximum length of the sentence (for input and output), define number of maximum step of the RNN' ) parser.add_argument( '--filterVocab', type=int, default=1, help= 'Remove rarely used words (by default words used only once). 0 to keep all words.' ) parser.add_argument( '--vocabularySize', type=int, default=40000, help='Limit the number of words in the vocabulary (0 for unlimited)') parser.add_argument('--corpus', choices=TextData.corpusChoices(), default=TextData.corpusChoices()[0], help='Corpus on which extract the dataset.') parser.add_argument('--rootDir', type=str, default='corpus', help='Folder where to look for the models and data') parser.add_argument( '--datasetTag', type=str, default='', help= 'Add a tag to the dataset (file where to load the vocabulary and the precomputed samples, not the original corpus). Useful to manage multiple versions. Also used to define the file used for the lightweight format.' ) # The samples are computed from the corpus if it does not exist already. There are saved in \'data/samples/\' parser.add_argument( '--skipLines', action='store_true', default=True, help= 'Generate training samples by only using even conversation lines as questions (and odd lines as answer). Useful to train the network on a particular person.' ) args = parser.parse_args() return args
def main(): # global text_data args = parse_args() text_data = TextData(args) try: if args.test: gen_test_interactive(text_data) else: # Step 1: Pre train the Generator and get the GEN_0 model gen_pre_train(text_data) # Step 2: GEN model test # gen_test_interactive(text_data) # Step 3: Pre train the Discriminator and get the DISC_0 model # disc_pre_train(text_data) # Step 4: Train the GEN model and DISC model using AL/RL # al_train(text_data) # Step 5: GEN model test # gen_test_interactive(text_data) # integration test # connection.start_server(text_data, True) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
def main(): # global text_data args = parse_args() text_data = TextData(args) try: if args.test: gen_test_interactive(text_data) else: #gen_pre_train(text_data) gen_test_interactive(text_data) #disc_pre_train(text_data) #al_train(text_data) gen_test_interactive(text_data) connection.start_server(text_data, True) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
from corpus.textdata import TextData import csv from collections import Counter import numpy as np textdata = TextData("data/kvret_train_public.json", "data/kvret_dev_public.json", "data/kvret_test_public.json") texts = [] for i in textdata.trainingSamples: texts.append(textdata.sequence2str(i[0], clean=True).split(" ")) texts.append(textdata.sequence2str(i[1], clean=True).split(" ")) with open("data/samples/emb_in.txt", "w") as output: writer = csv.writer(output, lineterminator='\n', delimiter=' ', quotechar=',', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) writer.writerows(texts) comatrix = Counter() for i in textdata.trainingSamples: for triple in i[2]: comatrix[(triple[0], triple[2])] += 1 kb = [] kb_comb = [] for (ei, ej) in comatrix: kb.append([textdata.id2word[ei], textdata.id2word[ej]]) ALPHA = 0.55
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import hypertools as hyp import numpy as np from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from corpus.textdata import TextData glove_filename = "data/samples/jointEmbedding.txt" textdata = TextData("data/kvret_train_public.json", "data/kvret_dev_public.json", "data/kvret_test_public.json", glove_filename) x = [] s = [] plotting_sentences = [ "i have a doctor appointment next month on the 13 th at 11 am with tom please set a reminder", "navigate to my friend's home please do you know the address of friend's home actually i need to go home the quickest route please,the quickest route home is 4_miles away with heavy_traffic located at 5671_barringer_street", "what's the forecast in carson for this weekend,in carson it will be foggy on saturday and dew on sunday" ] # plt.scatter(representation[0], representation[1]) # plt.annotate(word, xy=(representation[0], representation[1]), xytext=(5, 2), # textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='bottom') for sentence in plotting_sentences: for word in sentence.split(" "): x.append(textdata.word_to_embedding_dict[word]) s.append(word) hyp.plot(np.array(x),
def main(attention, attention_architecture): # sys.stdout = open('trained_model/log.txt', 'w') print (tf.__version__) steps_per_eval=10 if attention_architecture: attention_architecture = attention_architecture # standard || KVAttention else: attention_architecture ="standard" #standard || KVAttention train_file = 'data/kvret_train_public.json' valid_file = 'data/kvret_dev_public.json' test_file = 'data/kvret_test_public.json' model_dir="trained_model" textData = TextData(train_file, valid_file, test_file) voc_size = textData.getVocabularySize() batch_size = 256 eos=1 maxLengthEnco = textData.getInputMaxLength() maxLengthDeco = textData.getTargetMaxLength() print ("Max Decodder", textData.getTargetMaxLength()) train_graph = tf.Graph() with train_graph.as_default(), tf.container("train"): model_device_fn = None with tf.device(model_device_fn): if attention_architecture == "standard": model = Seq2Seq( 200, vocab_size=voc_size, encoder_len=maxLengthEnco, decoder_len=maxLengthDeco, batch_size=batch_size, stop_symbols=eos, use_attn=attention ) if attention: model_dir = "trained_model/AttnSeq2Seq" else: model_dir = "trained_model/Seq2Seq" elif attention_architecture == "KVAttention": model_creator = Seq2SeqKV #train_sess = tf.Session() config_proto = get_config_proto( log_device_placement=False, num_intra_threads=0, num_inter_threads=0) train_sess = tf.Session(target="", config=config_proto, graph=train_graph) if not os.path.exists(model_dir+"/stats.txt"): with open(model_dir+"/stats.txt", "a") as myfile: myfile.write("Training_Epoch\t Epoch_loss\t Epoch_Bleu\t Validation_loss\t Valid_Bleu\n") """Create translation model and initialize or load parameters in session.""" latest_ckpt = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(model_dir) if latest_ckpt: model.saver.restore(train_sess, latest_ckpt) print("Model restored.") print("Current Global step", model.global_step.eval(train_sess)) global_step = model.global_step.eval(train_sess) else: start_time = time.time() with train_graph.as_default(): global_step = 0 n_epoch = 2000 epoch_step = global_step loss_history = [] valid_loss_history = [] while epoch_step < n_epoch: try: epoch_step += 1 all_predicted = [] target_batches = [] epoch_loss = 0 batches = textData.getBatches(batch_size) for current_step in range(0,len(batches)): nextBatch = batches[current_step] # Training pass feedDict = {} model.update_feed_dict(feedDict, nextBatch.encoderSeqs, nextBatch.decoderSeqs, nextBatch.targetSeqs, nextBatch.weights) [out, batch_predictions, batch_loss, _] =[model.outputs, model.predictions, model.total_loss, model.training_op], feed_dict=feedDict) loss_history.append(batch_loss) epoch_loss += batch_loss all_predicted.append(batch_predictions) target_batches.append(np.transpose(nextBatch.decoderSeqs)) if epoch_step % steps_per_eval == 0: candidates, references =textData.get_candidates(target_batches,all_predicted) training_metric_score = nltk.translate.bleu_score.corpus_bleu(references, candidates) eval_loss, eval_metric_score = evaluate(model, textData, train_sess) with open(model_dir + "/stats.txt", "a") as myfile: myfile.write(str(epoch_step)+"\t "+str(epoch_loss)+"\t "+str(training_metric_score)+"\t "+str(eval_loss)+"\t "+str(eval_metric_score)+"\n") # Save checkpoint train_sess, os.path.join(model_dir, "translate.ckpt"), global_step=epoch_step) print('Epoch', epoch_step) print('Training loss', epoch_loss) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): # If the user press Ctrl+C while testing progress print('Interruption detected, exiting the program...') break model.global_step=epoch_step # Save checkpoint, os.path.join(model_dir, "translate.ckpt"), global_step=epoch_step)
# from torch.autograd import Variable from corpus.textdata import TextData import torch import torch # glove_filename = "data/samples/joint_model" textdata = TextData("data/kvret_train_public.json", "data/kvret_dev_public.json", "data/kvret_test_public.json") from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity import numpy as np # x = textdata.word_to_embedding_dict["parking_garage"].reshape(1, -1) # y = textdata.word_to_embedding_dict["dish_parking"].reshape(1, -1) # y2 = textdata.word_to_embedding_dict["clear_sky"].reshape(1, -1) # print(cosine_similarity(x,y2)) batches = textdata.getBatches(120, valid=True, transpose=False) for batch in batches: input_batch = Variable(torch.LongTensor(batch.encoderSeqs)).transpose(0, 1) for i in batch.encoderMaskSeqs: print(len(i)) target_batch = Variable(torch.LongTensor(batch.targetSeqs)).transpose(0, 1) input_batch_mask = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(batch.encoderMaskSeqs)).transpose(0, 1) target_batch_mask = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(batch.decoderMaskSeqs)).transpose(0, 1)