コード例 #1
 def generateDisconinousFeatures(configuration, sent, transDic):
     tokens = Sentence.getTokens([configuration.stack[-1]])
     tokenTxt = Sentence.getTokenLemmas(tokens)
     for key in Corpus.mweDictionary.keys():
         if tokenTxt in key and tokenTxt != key:
             bufidx = 0
             for bufElem in configuration.buffer[:5]:
                 if bufElem.lemma != '' and (
                                 (tokenTxt + ' ' + bufElem.lemma) in key or (bufElem.lemma + ' ' + tokenTxt) in key):
                     transDic['S0B' + str(bufidx) + 'ArePartsOfMWE'] = True
                     transDic['S0B' + str(bufidx) + 'ArePartsOfMWEDistance'] = sent.tokens.index(
                         bufElem) - sent.tokens.index(tokens[-1])
                 bufidx += 1
コード例 #2
 def areInLexic(tokensList):
     if Sentence.getTokenLemmas(tokensList) in Corpus.mweDictionary.keys():
         return True
     return False