コード例 #1
ファイル: query.py プロジェクト: jasonzliang/image_retreival
  def _vote_ransac(self, queryset, dataset, mapping, results, dists):
    Applies RANSAC to database features and then votes with them.
    Note that normally we RANSAC *after* all the cells are combined,
    not on the cells individually. Experimentally this approach
    works poorly, but it might be useful as an example.

    if self.params['num_neighbors'] > 1:
      sorted_counts = self._vote_top_n(queryset, dataset, mapping, results, dists)
      sorted_counts = self._vote_matchonce(queryset, dataset, mapping, results, dists)
    # filters out outliers from counts until
    # filtered_votes(ith image) > votes(jth image) for all j != i
    # and returns top 10 filtered results
    filtered = {}
    bound = -1
    num_filt = 0
    for siftfile, matches in sorted_counts:
      if len(matches) < bound or num_filt > 10:
        INFO('stopped after filtering %d' % num_filt)
      num_filt += 1
      F, inliers = corr.find_corr(matches)
      bound = max(sum(inliers), bound)
      pts = np.ndarray(len(matches), np.object)
      pts[0:len(matches)] = matches
      if any(inliers):
        filtered[siftfile] = list(np.compress(inliers, pts))
    rsorted_counts = sorted(filtered.iteritems(), key=lambda x: len(x[1]), reverse=True)
    if not rsorted_counts:
      INFO('W: ransac rejected everything, not filtering')
      return sorted_counts
    return rsorted_counts
コード例 #2
ファイル: query.py プロジェクト: taoihsu/image_retreival
    def _vote_ransac(self, queryset, dataset, mapping, results, dists):
    Applies RANSAC to database features and then votes with them.
    Note that normally we RANSAC *after* all the cells are combined,
    not on the cells individually. Experimentally this approach
    works poorly, but it might be useful as an example.

        if self.params['num_neighbors'] > 1:
            sorted_counts = self._vote_top_n(queryset, dataset, mapping,
                                             results, dists)
            sorted_counts = self._vote_matchonce(queryset, dataset, mapping,
                                                 results, dists)
        # filters out outliers from counts until
        # filtered_votes(ith image) > votes(jth image) for all j != i
        # and returns top 10 filtered results
        filtered = {}
        bound = -1
        num_filt = 0
        for siftfile, matches in sorted_counts:
            if len(matches) < bound or num_filt > 10:
                INFO('stopped after filtering %d' % num_filt)
            num_filt += 1
            F, inliers = corr.find_corr(matches)
            bound = max(sum(inliers), bound)
            pts = np.ndarray(len(matches), np.object)
            pts[0:len(matches)] = matches
            if any(inliers):
                filtered[siftfile] = list(np.compress(inliers, pts))
        rsorted_counts = sorted(filtered.iteritems(),
                                key=lambda x: len(x[1]),
        if not rsorted_counts:
            INFO('W: ransac rejected everything, not filtering')
            return sorted_counts
        return rsorted_counts
コード例 #3
ファイル: system.py プロジェクト: taoihsu/image_retreival
def rerank_ransac(counts, C, Q):
    sorted_counts = sorted(counts.iteritems(), key=lambda x: len(x[1]), reverse=True)

    if C.amb_cutoff:
      assert C.amb_cutoff > 1
      old = sorted_counts
      sorted_counts = amb_cutoff(C, Q, sorted_counts)
      print "amb cutoff: %d -> %d" % (len(old), len(sorted_counts))
      if not sorted_counts:
        sorted_counts = old

    # tuples of (len, siftfile, matches) ordered [(1..), (2..), (3..)]
    reranked = []
    num_filt = 0

    for siftfile, matches in sorted_counts:
      # the bottom g items in 'reranked' are in their final order
      g = len(reranked) - bisect.bisect(reranked, (len(matches), None, None))
      if g >= C.ranking_min_consistent or num_filt >= C.ranking_max_considered:
        if C.verbosity > 0:
          INFO('stopped after filtering %d' % num_filt)
      num_filt += 1

      # perform ransac
      F, inliers = corr.find_corr(matches)
      if any(inliers):
        m = np.compress(inliers, matches)
        bisect.insort(reranked, (len(m), siftfile, m))

    if not reranked:
      INFO('W: no db matches passed ransac, not filtering')
      return condense2(sorted_counts), False
      return condense3(reranked), True
コード例 #4
ファイル: system.py プロジェクト: taoihsu/image_retreival
def compute_hom(C, Q, ranked_matches, comb_matches):
    match1 = any(check_img(C, Q, ranked_matches[0]))
    if not C.compute_hom:
      if match1:
      if not C.log_failures:
    if C.put_into_dirs:
        udir = os.path.join(C.resultsdir, Q.name)
        udir = C.resultsdir
    if not os.path.exists(udir):
    i = 0
    data = {}
    for matchedimg, score, pairs in ranked_matches[:C.max_matches_to_analyze]:
        i += 1
        if C.stop_on_homTrue and data.get('success'):
            break # we are done (found good homography)
        clat, clon = getlatlonfromdbimagename(C, matchedimg)
        matchimgpath = None
        # XXX this sucks, since we don't have a db image abstraction
        for ext in ['.jpg', '.JPG', '.png', '.PNG']:
          p = os.path.join(C.dbdump, '%s%s' % (matchedimg, ext))
          if os.path.exists(p):
            matchimgpath = p
        assert matchimgpath
        match = any(check_img(C, Q, ranked_matches[i-1]))

#        matches = db_matches
        # rematch for precise fit
        db_matches = comb_matches[matchedimg + 'sift.txt']
        matchsiftpath = os.path.join(C.dbdump, matchedimg + 'sift.txt')
        matches = corr.rematch(C, Q, matchsiftpath)
#        matches1 = matches
#        rp_matches = corr.rematch(C, Q, matchsiftpath)

        # concat db matches

        # find homography
        rsc_matches, H, inliers = corr.find_corr(matches, hom=True, ransac_pass=True, data=data)
        rsc_inliers = np.compress(inliers, rsc_matches).tolist()
        u = corr.count_unique_matches(rsc_inliers)

        if C.drawtopcorr or (not match and C.log_failures):
          # draw picture
          matchoutpath = os.path.join(udir, Q.name + ';match' + str(i) + ';gt' + str(match)  + ';hom' + str(data.get('success')) + ';uniq=' + str(u) + ';inliers=' + str(float(sum(inliers))/len(matches)) + ';' + matchedimg + '.jpg')
#          try:
          corr.draw_matches(C, Q, matches, rsc_matches, H, inliers, matchimgpath, matchoutpath, matchsiftpath, C.show_feature_pairs)
#          except IOError, e:
#            INFO(e)

        if C.dump_hom:
          if C.put_into_dirs:
              identifier = str(i)
              identifier = Q.name + ':' + str(i)
          H = np.matrix(np.asarray(H))
          with open(os.path.join(udir, 'homography%s.txt' % identifier), 'w') as f:
              print >> f, H
          np.save(os.path.join(udir, 'inliers%s.npy' % identifier), rsc_inliers)

        ### POSIT ###
        if C.do_posit:
            posit.do_posit(C, Q, rsc_inliers, matchsiftpath, matchimgpath)