def install_files(self, PRODUCT): """Configure required log files.""" dbus_service = DbusServiceHandler() # Copy rsyslog configuration if not os.path.exists(self.RSYSLOG_CONF): shutil.copyfile( "%s/low-level/files/%s" % (SSPL_BASE_DIR, self.RSYSLOG_CONF), self.RSYSLOG_CONF) if not os.path.exists(self.RSYSLOG_SSPL_CONF): shutil.copyfile( "%s/low-level/files/%s" % (SSPL_BASE_DIR, self.RSYSLOG_SSPL_CONF), self.RSYSLOG_SSPL_CONF) # Create soft link for SINGLE product name service to existing LDR_R1, LR2 service # Instead of keeping separate service file for SINGLE product with same content. currentProduct = "%s/conf/sspl-ll.service.%s" % (SSPL_BASE_DIR, PRODUCT) if (PRODUCT == "SINGLE" and not os.path.exists(currentProduct)) or \ (PRODUCT == "DUAL" and not os.path.exists(currentProduct)): os.symlink("%s/conf/sspl-ll.service.%s" % (SSPL_BASE_DIR, PRODUCT), currentProduct) if PRODUCT == "CLUSTER" and not os.path.exists(currentProduct): os.symlink("%s/conf/sspl-ll.service.LR2" % (SSPL_BASE_DIR), currentProduct) # Copy sspl-ll.service file and enable service shutil.copyfile(currentProduct, "/etc/systemd/system/sspl-ll.service") dbus_service.enable('sspl-ll.service') daemon_reload_cmd = "systemctl daemon-reload" output, error, returncode = SimpleProcess(daemon_reload_cmd).run() if returncode != 0: raise SetupError(returncode, error, daemon_reload_cmd) # Copy IEC mapping files os.makedirs("%s/iem/iec_mapping" % (PRODUCT_BASE_DIR), exist_ok=True) distutils.dir_util.copy_tree( "%s/low-level/files/iec_mapping/" % (SSPL_BASE_DIR), "%s/iem/iec_mapping" % (PRODUCT_BASE_DIR)) # Skip this step if sspl is being configured for node replacement scenario as sspl configurations are # already available in consul on the healthy node # Running script for fetching the config using salt and feeding values to consul # Onward LR2, consul will be abstracted out and it won't exit as hard dependeny of SSPL if PRODUCT == "LDR_R1": if not os.path.exists(REPLACEMENT_NODE_ENV_VAR_FILE): config_from_salt = "%s/ %s %s" % ( self._script_dir, self.ENVIRONMENT, PRODUCT) output, error, returncode = SimpleProcess( config_from_salt).run() if returncode != 0: raise SetupError(returncode, error, config_from_salt)
class SSPLPostInstall: """Prepare environment for SSPL service.""" name = "sspl_post_install" def __init__(self): """Initialize varibales for post install.""" consts.SSPL_LOG_PATH = "/var/log/%s/sspl/" % consts.PRODUCT_FAMILY consts.SSPL_BUNDLE_PATH = "/var/%s/sspl/bundle/" % consts.PRODUCT_FAMILY self.state_file = "%s/state.txt" % consts.DATA_PATH self.dbus_service = DbusServiceHandler() def validate(self): """Check below requirements are met in setup. 1. Check if given product is supported by SSPL 2. Check if given setup is supported by SSPL 3. Check if required pre-requisites softwares are installed. 4. Validate BMC connectivity 5. Validate storage controller connectivity """ machine_id = Utility.get_machine_id() # Validate input/provisioner configs self.product = Utility.get_config_value(consts.PRVSNR_CONFIG_INDEX, "cortx>release>product") self.setup = Utility.get_config_value(consts.PRVSNR_CONFIG_INDEX, "cortx>release>setup") node_type = Utility.get_config_value(consts.PRVSNR_CONFIG_INDEX, "server_node>%s>type" % machine_id) if node_type.lower() not in ["vm", "virtual"]: bmc_ip = Utility.get_config_value(consts.PRVSNR_CONFIG_INDEX, "server_node>%s>bmc>ip" % machine_id) enclosure_id = Utility.get_config_value(consts.PRVSNR_CONFIG_INDEX, "server_node>%s>storage>enclosure_id" % machine_id) primary_ip = Utility.get_config_value(consts.PRVSNR_CONFIG_INDEX, "storage_enclosure>%s>controller>primary>ip" % enclosure_id) secondary_ip = Utility.get_config_value(consts.PRVSNR_CONFIG_INDEX, "storage_enclosure>%s>controller>secondary>ip" % enclosure_id) # Validate product support if self.product not in consts.enabled_products: raise SetupError(errno.EINVAL, "Product '%s' is not in sspl supported product list: %s", self.product, consts.enabled_products) # Validate setup support if self.setup not in consts.setups: raise SetupError(errno.EINVAL, "Setup '%s' is not in sspl supported setup list: %s", self.setup, consts.setups) # Validate required pip3s and rpms are installed self.validate_dependencies(self.setup) # Validate BMC & Storage controller IP reachability if node_type.lower() not in ["vm", "virtual"]: # cluster_id required for decrypting the secret is only available from # the prepare stage. However accessibility validation will be done in # prepare stage. So at this time, validating ip reachability is fine. NetworkV().validate("connectivity", [bmc_ip, primary_ip, secondary_ip]) @staticmethod def validate_dependencies(setup): """Validate pre-requisites software packages.""" pip3_3ps_packages_main = { "cryptography": "2.8", "jsonschema": "3.2.0", "pika": "1.1.0", "pyinotify": "0.9.6", "python-daemon": "2.2.4", "requests": "2.25.1", "zope.component": "4.6.2", "zope.event": "4.5.0", "zope.interface": "5.2.0" } rpm_3ps_packages = { "hdparm": "9.43", "ipmitool": "1.8.18", "lshw": "B.02.18", "python3": "3.6.8", "python36-dbus": "1.2.4", "python36-gobject": "3.22.0", "python36-paramiko": "2.1.1", "python36-psutil": "5.6.7", "shadow-utils": "4.6", "smartmontools": "7.0", "systemd-python36": "1.0.0", "udisks2": "2.8.4" } ssu_dependency_rpms = [ "sg3_utils", "gemhpi", "pull_sea_logs", "python-hpi", "zabbix-agent-lib", "zabbix-api-gescheit", "zabbix-xrtx-lib", "python-openhpi-baselib", "zabbix-collector" ] ssu_required_process = [ "openhpid", "dcs-collectord" ] vm_dependency_rpms = [] pkg_validator = PkgV() pkg_validator.validate_pip3_pkgs(host=socket.getfqdn(), pkgs=pip3_3ps_packages_main, skip_version_check=False) pkg_validator.validate_rpm_pkgs(host=socket.getfqdn(), pkgs=rpm_3ps_packages, skip_version_check=False) # Check for sspl required processes and misc dependencies if # setup/role is other than cortx if setup == "ssu": pkg_validator.validate("rpms", ssu_dependency_rpms) ServiceV().validate("isrunning", ssu_required_process) elif setup == "vm" or setup == "gw" or setup == "cmu": # No dependency currently. Keeping this section as it # may be needed in future. pkg_validator.validate("rpms", vm_dependency_rpms) # No processes to check in VM environment def process(self): """Create SSPL user and required config files.""" self.create_sspl_conf() # Load sspl config Conf.load(consts.SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, consts.sspl_config_path) self.create_user() self.create_directories_and_ownership() self.configure_sspl_syslog() self.install_sspl_service_files() self.enable_sspl_service() def create_sspl_conf(self): """Install product specific sspl config.""" # Copy and load product specific sspl config if not os.path.exists(consts.file_store_config_path): shutil.copyfile("%s/conf/sspl.conf.%s.yaml" % (consts.SSPL_BASE_DIR, self.product), consts.file_store_config_path) def create_user(self): """Add sspl-ll user and validate user creation.""" os.system("/usr/sbin/useradd -r %s -s /sbin/nologin \ -c 'User account to run the %s service'" % (consts.USER, consts.USER)) usernames = [x[0] for x in pwd.getpwall()] if consts.USER not in usernames: raise SetupError(errno.EINVAL, "User %s doesn't exit. Please add user." % consts.USER) # Add sspl-ll user to required groups and sudoers file etc. sspl_reinit = "%s/low-level/framework/sspl_reinit" % consts.SSPL_BASE_DIR _ , error, rc = SimpleProcess(sspl_reinit).run() if rc: raise SetupError(rc, "%s failed for with error : %e", sspl_reinit, error) def create_directories_and_ownership(self): """Create ras persistent cache directory and state file. Assign ownership recursively on the configured directory. The created state file will be used later by SSPL resourse agent(HA). """ # Extract the data path sspldp = Utility.get_config_value(consts.SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "SYSTEM_INFORMATION>data_path") if not sspldp: raise SetupError(errno.EINVAL, "Data path not set in sspl.conf") sspl_uid = Utility.get_uid(consts.USER) sspl_gid = Utility.get_gid(consts.USER) if sspl_uid == -1 or sspl_gid == -1: raise SetupError(errno.EINVAL, "No user found with name : %s", consts.USER) # Create sspl data directory if not exists os.makedirs(sspldp, exist_ok=True) # Create state file under sspl data directory if not os.path.exists(self.state_file): file = open(self.state_file, "w") file.close() Utility.set_ownership_recursively(consts.SSPL_CONFIGURED_DIR,sspl_uid,sspl_gid) # Create SSPL log and bundle directories os.makedirs(consts.SSPL_LOG_PATH, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(consts.SSPL_BUNDLE_PATH, exist_ok=True) # Create /tmp/dcs/hpi if required. Not required for '<product>' role if self.setup != "cortx": os.makedirs(consts.HPI_PATH, mode=0o777, exist_ok=True) zabbix_uid = Utility.get_uid("zabbix") if zabbix_uid != -1: os.chown(consts.HPI_PATH, zabbix_uid, -1) # Create mdadm.conf to set ACL on it. with open(consts.MDADM_PATH, 'a'): os.utime(consts.MDADM_PATH) os.chmod(consts.MDADM_PATH, mode=0o666) os.chown(consts.MDADM_PATH, sspl_uid, -1) def configure_sspl_syslog(self): """Configure log file path in rsyslog and update logrotate config file.""" system_files_root = "%s/low-level/files" % consts.SSPL_BASE_DIR sspl_log_file_path = Utility.get_config_value(consts.SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "SYSTEM_INFORMATION>sspl_log_file_path") sspl_sb_log_file_path = sspl_log_file_path.replace("/sspl.log","/sspl_support_bundle.log") iem_log_file_path = Utility.get_config_value(consts.SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "IEMSENSOR>log_file_path") manifest_log_file_path = sspl_log_file_path.replace("/sspl.log","/manifest.log") # IEM configuration os.makedirs("%s/iem/iec_mapping" % consts.PRODUCT_BASE_DIR, exist_ok=True) distutils.dir_util.copy_tree("%s/iec_mapping/" % system_files_root, "%s/iem/iec_mapping" % consts.PRODUCT_BASE_DIR) if not os.path.exists(consts.RSYSLOG_IEM_CONF): shutil.copyfile("%s/%s" % (system_files_root, consts.RSYSLOG_IEM_CONF), consts.RSYSLOG_IEM_CONF) # Update log location as per sspl.conf Utility.replace_expr(consts.RSYSLOG_IEM_CONF, 'File.*[=,"]', 'File="%s"' % iem_log_file_path) # SSPL rsys log configuration if not os.path.exists(consts.RSYSLOG_SSPL_CONF): shutil.copyfile("%s/%s" % (system_files_root, consts.RSYSLOG_SSPL_CONF), consts.RSYSLOG_SSPL_CONF) # Update log location as per sspl.conf Utility.replace_expr(consts.RSYSLOG_SSPL_CONF, 'File.*[=,"]', 'File="%s"' % sspl_log_file_path) # Manifest Bundle log configuration if not os.path.exists(consts.RSYSLOG_MSB_CONF): shutil.copyfile("%s/%s" % (system_files_root, consts.RSYSLOG_MSB_CONF), consts.RSYSLOG_MSB_CONF) # Update log location as per sspl.conf Utility.replace_expr(consts.RSYSLOG_MSB_CONF, 'File.*[=,"]', 'File="%s"' % manifest_log_file_path) # Support Bundle log configuration if not os.path.exists(consts.RSYSLOG_SB_CONF): shutil.copyfile("%s/%s" % (system_files_root, consts.RSYSLOG_SB_CONF), consts.RSYSLOG_SB_CONF) # Update log location as per sspl.conf Utility.replace_expr(consts.RSYSLOG_SB_CONF, 'File.*[=,"]', 'File="%s"' % sspl_sb_log_file_path) # Configure logrotate # Create logrotate dir in case it's not present os.makedirs(consts.LOGROTATE_DIR, exist_ok=True) Utility.replace_expr("%s/etc/logrotate.d/iem_messages" % system_files_root, 0, iem_log_file_path) Utility.replace_expr("%s/etc/logrotate.d/sspl_logs" % system_files_root, 0, sspl_log_file_path) Utility.replace_expr("%s/etc/logrotate.d/sspl_sb_logs" % system_files_root, 0, sspl_sb_log_file_path) shutil.copy2("%s/etc/logrotate.d/iem_messages" % system_files_root, consts.IEM_LOGROTATE_CONF) shutil.copy2("%s/etc/logrotate.d/sspl_logs" % system_files_root, consts.SSPL_LOGROTATE_CONF) shutil.copy2("%s/etc/logrotate.d/manifest_logs" % system_files_root, consts.MSB_LOGROTATE_CONF) shutil.copy2("%s/etc/logrotate.d/sspl_sb_logs" % system_files_root, consts.SB_LOGROTATE_CONF) # This rsyslog restart will happen after successful updation of rsyslog # conf file and before sspl starts. If at all this will be removed from # here, there will be a chance that SSPL intial logs will not be present in # "/var/log/<product>/sspl/sspl.log" file. So, initial logs needs to be collected from # "/var/log/messages" service = DbusServiceHandler() service.restart('rsyslog.service') def install_sspl_service_files(self): """Copy service file to systemd location based on product.""" # Create soft link for SINGLE product name service to existing LDR_R1, LR2 service # Instead of keeping separate service file for SINGLE product with same content. currentProduct = "%s/conf/sspl-ll.service.%s" % (consts.SSPL_BASE_DIR, self.product) if (self.product == "SINGLE" and not os.path.exists(currentProduct)) or \ (self.product == "DUAL" and not os.path.exists(currentProduct)): os.symlink("%s/conf/sspl-ll.service.%s" % (consts.SSPL_BASE_DIR, self.product), currentProduct) if self.product == "CLUSTER" and not os.path.exists(currentProduct): os.symlink("%s/conf/sspl-ll.service.LR2" % (consts.SSPL_BASE_DIR), currentProduct) shutil.copyfile(currentProduct, "/etc/systemd/system/sspl-ll.service") def enable_sspl_service(self): """Enable sspl-ll service.""" self.dbus_service.enable("sspl-ll.service") daemon_reload_cmd = "systemctl daemon-reload" output, error, rc = SimpleProcess(daemon_reload_cmd).run() if rc != 0: raise SetupError(rc, error, daemon_reload_cmd)
class SSPLTestCmd: """Starts test based on plan (sanity|alerts|self_primary|self_secondary).""" def __init__(self, args: list): self.args = args = "sspl_test" self.plan = "self" self.avoid_rmq = False self.dbus_service = DbusServiceHandler() if args.config and args.config[0]: self.sspl_test_gc_url = args.config[0] else: self.sspl_test_gc_url = global_config_path self.sspl_test_gc_copy_file = "/etc/sspl_test_gc_url.yaml" def validate(self): """Check for required packages are installed.""" # RPM dependency rpm_deps = {"cortx-sspl-test": None} # python 3rd party package dependency pip3_3ps_packages_test = {"Flask": "1.1.1"} pkg_validator = PkgV() pkg_validator.validate_pip3_pkgs(host=socket.getfqdn(), pkgs=pip3_3ps_packages_test, skip_version_check=False) pkg_validator.validate_rpm_pkgs(host=socket.getfqdn(), pkgs=rpm_deps, skip_version_check=True) # Load global, sspl and test configs Conf.load(SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, sspl_config_path) Conf.load(SSPL_TEST_CONFIG_INDEX, sspl_test_config_path) # Take copy of supplied config passed to sspl_test and load it with open(self.sspl_test_gc_copy_file, "w") as f: f.write("") self.sspl_test_gc_copy_url = "yaml://%s" % self.sspl_test_gc_copy_file Conf.load(SSPL_TEST_GLOBAL_CONFIG, self.sspl_test_gc_copy_url) Conf.load("global_config", self.sspl_test_gc_url) Conf.copy("global_config", SSPL_TEST_GLOBAL_CONFIG) # Validate input configs machine_id = Utility.get_machine_id() self.node_type = Conf.get(SSPL_TEST_GLOBAL_CONFIG, "server_node>%s>type" % machine_id) enclosure_id = Conf.get( SSPL_TEST_GLOBAL_CONFIG, "server_node>%s>storage>enclosure_id" % machine_id) self.enclosure_type = Conf.get( SSPL_TEST_GLOBAL_CONFIG, "storage_enclosure>%s>type" % enclosure_id) def process(self): """Run test using user requested test plan.""" self.plan = self.args.plan[0] self.avoid_rmq = self.args.avoid_rmq # if self.plan is other than "self" # then only config change and service restart is required. if self.plan not in ["self", "self_primary", "self_secondary"]: # Take back up of sspl test config sspl_test_backup = '/etc/sspl_tests.conf.back' shutil.copyfile(sspl_test_file_path, sspl_test_backup) # Add global config in sspl_test config and revert the changes once test completes. # Global config path in sspl_tests.conf will be referred by sspl_tests later sspl_global_config_url = Conf.get( SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "SYSTEM_INFORMATION>global_config_copy_url") Conf.set(SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "SYSTEM_INFORMATION>global_config_copy_url", self.sspl_test_gc_copy_url) # Enable & disable sensors based on environment update_sensor_info(SSPL_TEST_CONFIG_INDEX, self.node_type, self.enclosure_type) # TODO: Move lines 99-131 & 152-159 to RunQATest class # Create dummy service and add service name in /etc/sspl.conf service_name = "dummy_service.service" service_file_path_src = f"{TEST_DIR}/alerts/os/dummy_service_files/dummy_service.service" service_executable_code_src = f"{TEST_DIR}/alerts/os/dummy_service_files/" service_file_path_des = "/etc/systemd/system" service_executable_code_des = "/var/cortx/sspl/test" os.makedirs(service_executable_code_des, 0o777, exist_ok=True) shutil.copy(service_executable_code_src, f'{service_executable_code_des}/') # Make service file executable. cmd = f"chmod +x {service_executable_code_des}/" _, error, returncode = SimpleProcess(cmd).run() if returncode != 0: print("%s error occurred while executing cmd: %s" % (error, cmd)) print("failed to assign execute permission for"\ " dummy_service will fail.") # Copy service file to /etc/systemd/system/ path. shutil.copyfile(service_file_path_src, f'{service_file_path_des}/dummy_service.service') cmd = "systemctl daemon-reload" _, error, returncode = SimpleProcess(cmd).run() if returncode != 0: print(f"failed to execute '{cmd}', systemctl will be unable"\ f" to manage the dummy_service.service \nError: {error}") self.dbus_service.enable(service_name) self.dbus_service.start(service_name) service_list = Conf.get(SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "SERVICEMONITOR>monitored_services") service_list.append(service_name) Conf.set(SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "SERVICEMONITOR>monitored_services", service_list) threshold_inactive_time_original = Conf.get( SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "SERVICEMONITOR>threshold_inactive_time") threshold_inactive_time_new = 30 Conf.set(SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "SERVICEMONITOR>threshold_inactive_time", threshold_inactive_time_new) # TODO: Convert shell script to python # from cortx.sspl.sspl_test.run_qa_test import RunQATest # RunQATest(self.plan, self.avoid_rmq).run() CMD = "%s/ %s %s" % (TEST_DIR, self.plan, self.avoid_rmq) try: output, error, rc = SimpleProcess(CMD).run( realtime_output=True) except KeyboardInterrupt: rc = 1 error = "KeyboardInterrupt occurred while executing sspl test." # Restore the original path/file & service, then throw exception # if execution is failed. service_list.remove(service_name) Conf.set(SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "SERVICEMONITOR>monitored_services", service_list) Conf.set(SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "SERVICEMONITOR>threshold_inactive_time", threshold_inactive_time_original) Conf.set(SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "SYSTEM_INFORMATION>global_config_copy_url", sspl_global_config_url) shutil.copyfile(sspl_test_backup, sspl_test_file_path) if rc != 0: raise TestException("%s - ERROR: %s - CMD %s" % (, error, CMD)) else: # TODO: Convert shell script to python # from cortx.sspl.sspl_test.run_qa_test import RunQATest # RunQATest(self.plan, self.avoid_rmq).run() try: CMD = "%s/ %s %s" % (TEST_DIR, self.plan, self.avoid_rmq) output, error, returncode = SimpleProcess(CMD).run( realtime_output=True) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise TestException( "KeyboardInterrupt occurred while executing sspl test.") except Exception as error: raise TestException( "Error occurred while executing self test: %s" % error)
class SSPLTestCmd: """Starts test based on plan (sanity|alerts|self_primary|self_secondary).""" def __init__(self, args: list): self.args = args = "sspl_test" self.plan = "self_primary" self.avoid_rmq = False self.dbus_service = DbusServiceHandler() # Load global, sspl and test configs Conf.load(SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, sspl_config_path) global_config_url = Conf.get( SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "SYSTEM_INFORMATION>global_config_copy_url") Conf.load(GLOBAL_CONFIG_INDEX, global_config_url) Conf.load(SSPL_TEST_CONFIG_INDEX, sspl_test_config_path) @staticmethod def validate(): """Check for required packages are installed.""" # python 3rd party package dependency pip3_3ps_packages_test = {"Flask": "1.1.1"} pkg_validator = PkgV() pkg_validator.validate_pip3_pkgs(host=None, pkgs=pip3_3ps_packages_test, skip_version_check=False) def process(self): self.plan = self.args.plan[0] self.avoid_rmq = self.args.avoid_rmq # Take back up of sspl test config sspl_test_backup = '/etc/sspl_tests.conf.back' shutil.copyfile(sspl_test_file_path, sspl_test_backup) # Add global config in sspl_test config and revert the changes once test completes. # Global config path in sspl_tests.conf will be referred by sspl_tests later global_config_copy_url = Conf.get( SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "SYSTEM_INFORMATION>global_config_copy_url") Conf.copy(GLOBAL_CONFIG_INDEX, SSPL_TEST_CONFIG_INDEX) Conf.set(SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "SYSTEM_INFORMATION>global_config_copy_url", sspl_test_config_path) # Enable & disable sensors based on environment update_sensor_info(SSPL_TEST_CONFIG_INDEX) # Get rabbitmq values from sspl.conf and update sspl_tests.conf rmq_passwd = Conf.get(SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "RABBITMQEGRESSPROCESSOR>password") Conf.set(SSPL_TEST_CONFIG_INDEX, "RABBITMQEGRESSPROCESSOR>password", rmq_passwd) # TODO: Move lines 90-116 & 125-127 to RunQATest class # Create dummy service and add service name in /etc/sspl.conf service_name = "dummy_service.service" service_file_path_src = f"{TEST_DIR}/alerts/os/dummy_service_files/dummy_service.service" service_executable_code_src = f"{TEST_DIR}/alerts/os/dummy_service_files/" service_file_path_des = "/etc/systemd/system" service_executable_code_des = "/var/cortx/sspl/test" os.makedirs(service_executable_code_des, 0o777, exist_ok=True) shutil.copy(service_executable_code_src, f'{service_executable_code_des}/') # Make service file executable. cmd = f"chmod +x {service_executable_code_des}/" _, error, returncode = SimpleProcess(cmd).run() if returncode != 0: print("%s error occurred while executing cmd: %s" % (error, cmd)) print("failed to assign execute permission for"\ " dummy_service will fail.") # Copy service file to /etc/systemd/system/ path. shutil.copyfile(service_file_path_src, f'{service_file_path_des}/dummy_service.service') cmd = "systemctl daemon-reload" _, error, returncode = SimpleProcess(cmd).run() if returncode != 0: print(f"failed to execute '{cmd}', systemctl will be unable"\ f" to manage the dummy_service.service \nError: {error}") self.dbus_service.enable(service_name) self.dbus_service.start(service_name) service_list = Conf.get(SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "SERVICEMONITOR>monitored_services") service_list.append(service_name) Conf.set(SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "SERVICEMONITOR>monitored_services", service_list) threshold_inactive_time_original = Conf.get( SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "SERVICEMONITOR>threshold_inactive_time") threshold_inactive_time_new = 30 Conf.set(SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "SERVICEMONITOR>threshold_inactive_time", threshold_inactive_time_new) # TODO: Convert shell script to python # from cortx.sspl.sspl_test.run_qa_test import RunQATest # RunQATest(self.plan, self.avoid_rmq).run() CMD = "%s/ %s %s" % (TEST_DIR, self.plan, self.avoid_rmq) output, error, returncode = SimpleProcess(CMD).run( realtime_output=True) # Restore the original path/file & service, then throw exception # if execution is failed. service_list.remove(service_name) Conf.set(SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "SERVICEMONITOR>monitored_services", service_list) Conf.set(SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "SERVICEMONITOR>threshold_inactive_time", threshold_inactive_time_original) Conf.set(SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "SYSTEM_INFORMATION>global_config_copy_url", global_config_copy_url) shutil.copyfile(sspl_test_backup, sspl_test_file_path) self.dbus_service.restart('sspl-ll.service') if returncode != 0: raise SetupError(returncode, "%s - ERROR: %s - CMD %s",, error, CMD)
class SSPLTestCmd: """Starts test based on plan (sanity|alerts|dev_sanity|full|performance|scalability|regression).""" def __init__(self, args: list): self.args = args = "sspl_test" self.plan = "sanity" self.coverage_enabled = self.args.coverage self.dbus_service = DbusServiceHandler() if args.config and args.config[0]: self.sspl_test_gc_url = args.config[0] else: self.sspl_test_gc_url = global_config_path self.sspl_test_gc_copy_file = "/etc/sspl_test_gc_url.yaml" def validate(self): """Check for required packages are installed.""" # RPM dependency rpm_deps = {"cortx-sspl-test": None} # python 3rd party package dependency pip3_packages_dep = {"Flask": "1.1.1", "coverage": "5.5"} if not self.coverage_enabled: pip3_packages_dep.pop("coverage") # Validate pip3 python pkg with required version. for pkg, version in pip3_packages_dep.items(): installed_pkg = None uninstalled_pkg = False try: pkg_req = Requirement.parse(f"{pkg}=={version}") installed_pkg = working_set.find(pkg_req) except VersionConflict: cmd = f'pip3 uninstall -y {pkg}' _, err, ret = SimpleProcess(cmd).run() if ret: raise TestException( "Failed to uninstall the pip3 pkg: %s(v%s), " "due to an Error: %s" % (pkg, version, err)) uninstalled_pkg = True except Exception as err: raise TestException("Failed at verification of pip3 pkg: %s, " "due to an Error: %s" % (pkg, err)) if not installed_pkg or uninstalled_pkg: cmd = f'pip3 install {pkg}=={version}' _, err, ret = SimpleProcess(cmd).run() if ret: raise TestException( "Failed to install the pip3 pkg: %s(v%s), " "due to an Error: %s" % (pkg, version, err))"Ensured Package Dependency: {pkg}(v{version}).") # Validate rpm dependencies pkg_validator = PkgV() pkg_validator.validate_rpm_pkgs(host=socket.getfqdn(), pkgs=rpm_deps, skip_version_check=True) # Load global, sspl and test configs Conf.load(SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, sspl_config_path) Conf.load(SSPL_TEST_CONFIG_INDEX, sspl_test_config_path) # Take copy of supplied config passed to sspl_test and load it with open(self.sspl_test_gc_copy_file, "w") as f: f.write("") self.sspl_test_gc_copy_url = "yaml://%s" % self.sspl_test_gc_copy_file Conf.load(SSPL_TEST_GLOBAL_CONFIG, self.sspl_test_gc_copy_url) Conf.load("global_config", self.sspl_test_gc_url) Conf.copy("global_config", SSPL_TEST_GLOBAL_CONFIG) # Validate input configs machine_id = Utility.get_machine_id() self.node_type = Conf.get(SSPL_TEST_GLOBAL_CONFIG, "server_node>%s>type" % machine_id) enclosure_id = Conf.get( SSPL_TEST_GLOBAL_CONFIG, "server_node>%s>storage>enclosure_id" % machine_id) self.enclosure_type = Conf.get( SSPL_TEST_GLOBAL_CONFIG, "storage_enclosure>%s>type" % enclosure_id) def process(self): """Run test using user requested test plan.""" self.plan = self.args.plan[0] # if self.plan is other than "self" # then only config change and service restart is required. if self.plan not in IVT_TEST_PLANS: # Take back up of sspl test config sspl_test_backup = '/etc/sspl_tests.conf.back' shutil.copyfile(sspl_test_file_path, sspl_test_backup) # Add global config in sspl_test config and revert the changes once # test completes. Global config path in sspl_tests.conf will be # referred by sspl_tests later sspl_global_config_url = Conf.get( SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "SYSTEM_INFORMATION>global_config_copy_url") Conf.set(SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "SYSTEM_INFORMATION>global_config_copy_url", self.sspl_test_gc_copy_url) # Enable & disable sensors based on environment update_sensor_info(SSPL_TEST_CONFIG_INDEX, self.node_type, self.enclosure_type) # TODO: Move lines 99-131 & 152-159 to RunQATest class # Create dummy service and add service name in /etc/sspl.conf service_name = "dummy_service.service" service_file_path_src = \ f"{TEST_DIR}/alerts/os/dummy_service_files/dummy_service.service" service_executable_code_src = \ f"{TEST_DIR}/alerts/os/dummy_service_files/" service_file_path_des = "/etc/systemd/system" service_executable_code_des = "/var/cortx/sspl/test" os.makedirs(service_executable_code_des, 0o777, exist_ok=True) shutil.copy(service_executable_code_src, f'{service_executable_code_des}/') # Make service file executable. cmd = f"chmod +x {service_executable_code_des}/" _, error, returncode = SimpleProcess(cmd).run() if returncode != 0: logger.error("%s error occurred while executing cmd: %s" % (error, cmd)) logger.error("failed to assign execute permission for" " dummy_service will fail.") # Copy service file to /etc/systemd/system/ path. shutil.copyfile(service_file_path_src, f'{service_file_path_des}/dummy_service.service') cmd = "systemctl daemon-reload" _, error, returncode = SimpleProcess(cmd).run() if returncode != 0: logger.error(f"failed to execute '{cmd}'," "systemctl will be unable to manage the" f"dummy_service.service \n Error: {error}") self.dbus_service.enable(service_name) self.dbus_service.start(service_name) service_list = Conf.get(SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "SERVICEMONITOR>monitored_services") service_list.append(service_name) Conf.set(SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "SERVICEMONITOR>monitored_services", service_list) threshold_inactive_time_original = Conf.get( SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "SERVICEMONITOR>threshold_inactive_time") threshold_inactive_time_new = 30 Conf.set(SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "SERVICEMONITOR>threshold_inactive_time", threshold_inactive_time_new) cpu_usage_alert_wait = Conf.get( SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "NODEDATAMSGHANDLER>high_cpu_usage_wait_threshold") memory_usage_alert_wait = Conf.get( SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "NODEDATAMSGHANDLER>high_memory_usage_wait_threshold") cpu_usage_alert_wait_new = 10 memory_usage_alert_wait_new = 20 Conf.set(SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "NODEDATAMSGHANDLER>high_cpu_usage_wait_threshold", cpu_usage_alert_wait_new) Conf.set(SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "NODEDATAMSGHANDLER>high_memory_usage_wait_threshold", memory_usage_alert_wait_new) # TODO: Convert shell script to python # from cortx.sspl.sspl_test.run_qa_test import RunQATest # RunQATest(self.plan, self.coverage_enabled).run() CMD = "%s/ --plan %s --coverage %s"\ %(TEST_DIR, self.plan, self.coverage_enabled) try: _, error, rc = SimpleProcess(CMD).run(realtime_output=True) except KeyboardInterrupt: rc = 1 error = "KeyboardInterrupt occurred while executing sspl test." logger.error("%s - ERROR: %s - CMD %s" % (, error, CMD)) # Restore the original path/file & service, then throw exception # if execution is failed. service_list.remove(service_name) Conf.set(SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "SERVICEMONITOR>monitored_services", service_list) Conf.set(SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "SERVICEMONITOR>threshold_inactive_time", threshold_inactive_time_original) Conf.set(SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "SYSTEM_INFORMATION>global_config_copy_url", sspl_global_config_url) Conf.set(SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "NODEDATAMSGHANDLER>high_cpu_usage_wait_threshold", cpu_usage_alert_wait) Conf.set(SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "NODEDATAMSGHANDLER>high_memory_usage_wait_threshold", memory_usage_alert_wait) shutil.copyfile(sspl_test_backup, sspl_test_file_path) if rc != 0: raise TestException("%s - ERROR: %s - CMD %s" % (, error, CMD)) print('Restarting the SSPL service..') CMD = "systemctl restart sspl-ll" try: SimpleProcess(CMD).run(realtime_output=True) except Exception as error: raise TestException( "Error occurred while executing sspl tests: %s" % error) elif self.plan in NOT_IMPLEMENTED_TEST_PLANS: print("Tests skipped, test plan %s not applicable for SSPL." % (self.plan)) return 0 else: # TODO: Convert shell script to python # from cortx.sspl.sspl_test.run_qa_test import RunQATest # RunQATest(self.plan).run() try: CMD = "%s/ --plan %s" % (TEST_DIR, self.plan) _, error, returncode = SimpleProcess(CMD).run( realtime_output=True) except KeyboardInterrupt: msg = "KeyboardInterrupt occurred while executing sspl test." logger.error(msg) raise TestException(msg) except Exception as error: msg = "Error occurred while executing self test: %s" % error logger.error(msg) raise TestException(msg)
class SSPLPostInstall: """Prepare environment for SSPL service.""" name = "sspl_post_install" def __init__(self): """Initialize varibales for post install.""" consts.SSPL_LOG_PATH = "/var/log/%s/sspl/" % consts.PRODUCT_FAMILY consts.SSPL_BUNDLE_PATH = "/var/%s/sspl/bundle/" % consts.PRODUCT_FAMILY self.state_file = "%s/state.txt" % consts.DATA_PATH def validate(self): """Check below requirements are met in setup. 1. Check if given product is supported by SSPL 2. Check if given setup is supported by SSPL 3. Check if required pre-requisites softwares are installed. 4. Validate BMC connectivity 5. Validate storage controller connectivity """ machine_id = Utility.get_machine_id() # Validate input/provisioner configs self.product = Utility.get_config_value(consts.PRVSNR_CONFIG_INDEX, "cortx>release>product") self.setup = Utility.get_config_value(consts.PRVSNR_CONFIG_INDEX, "cortx>release>setup") node_type = Utility.get_config_value( consts.PRVSNR_CONFIG_INDEX, "server_node>%s>type" % machine_id) if node_type.lower() not in ["vm", "virtual"]: bmc_ip = Utility.get_config_value( consts.PRVSNR_CONFIG_INDEX, "server_node>%s>bmc>ip" % machine_id) enclosure_id = Utility.get_config_value( consts.PRVSNR_CONFIG_INDEX, "server_node>%s>storage>enclosure_id" % machine_id) Utility.get_config_value(consts.PRVSNR_CONFIG_INDEX, "storage_enclosure>%s>type" % enclosure_id) primary_ip = Utility.get_config_value( consts.PRVSNR_CONFIG_INDEX, "storage_enclosure>%s>controller>primary>ip" % enclosure_id) secondary_ip = Utility.get_config_value( consts.PRVSNR_CONFIG_INDEX, "storage_enclosure>%s>controller>secondary>ip" % enclosure_id) # Validate product support if self.product not in consts.enabled_products: msg = "Product '%s' is not in sspl supported product list: %s" % ( self.product, consts.enabled_products) logger.error(msg) raise SetupError(errno.EINVAL, msg) # Validate setup support if self.setup not in consts.setups: msg = "Setup '%s' is not in sspl supported setup list: %s" % ( self.setup, consts.setups) logger.error(msg) raise SetupError(errno.EINVAL, msg) # Validate required pip3s and rpms are installed self.validate_dependencies(self.setup) # Validate BMC & Storage controller IP reachability if node_type.lower() not in ["vm", "virtual"]: # cluster_id required for decrypting the secret is only available from # the prepare stage. However accessibility validation will be done in # prepare stage. So at this time, validating ip reachability is fine. max_retry = 3 for i in range(max_retry): try: NetworkV().validate("connectivity", [bmc_ip, primary_ip, secondary_ip]) break except VError: if i == (max_retry - 1): raise time.sleep(1) @staticmethod def validate_dependencies(setup): """Validate pre-requisites software packages.""" pip3_3ps_packages_main = { "cryptography": "2.8", "jsonschema": "3.2.0", "pika": "1.1.0", "pyinotify": "0.9.6", "python-daemon": "2.2.4", "requests": "2.25.1", "zope.component": "4.6.2", "zope.event": "4.5.0", "zope.interface": "5.2.0" } rpm_3ps_packages = { "hdparm": "9.43", "ipmitool": "1.8.18", "lshw": "B.02.18", "python3": "3.6.8", "python36-dbus": "1.2.4", "python36-gobject": "3.22.0", "python36-paramiko": "2.1.1", "python36-psutil": "5.6.7", "shadow-utils": "4.6", "smartmontools": "7.0", "systemd-python36": "1.0.0", "udisks2": "2.8.4" } ssu_dependency_rpms = [ "sg3_utils", "gemhpi", "pull_sea_logs", "python-hpi", "zabbix-agent-lib", "zabbix-api-gescheit", "zabbix-xrtx-lib", "python-openhpi-baselib", "zabbix-collector" ] ssu_required_process = ["openhpid", "dcs-collectord"] vm_dependency_rpms = [] pkg_validator = PkgV() pkg_validator.validate_pip3_pkgs(host=socket.getfqdn(), pkgs=pip3_3ps_packages_main, skip_version_check=False) pkg_validator.validate_rpm_pkgs(host=socket.getfqdn(), pkgs=rpm_3ps_packages, skip_version_check=False) # Check for sspl required processes and misc dependencies if # setup/role is other than cortx if setup == "ssu": pkg_validator.validate("rpms", ssu_dependency_rpms) ServiceV().validate("isrunning", ssu_required_process) elif setup == "vm" or setup == "gw" or setup == "cmu": # No dependency currently. Keeping this section as it # may be needed in future. pkg_validator.validate("rpms", vm_dependency_rpms) # No processes to check in VM environment def process(self): """Create SSPL user and required config files.""" # dbus module import is implicit in cortx utils. Keeping this # after dependency validation will enrich the use of # validate_dependencies() method. from cortx.utils.service import DbusServiceHandler self.dbus_service = DbusServiceHandler() # Create and load sspl config self.create_sspl_conf() Conf.load(consts.SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, consts.sspl_config_path) # Update sspl.conf with provisioner supplied input config copy Conf.set(consts.SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "SYSTEM_INFORMATION>global_config_copy_url", consts.global_config_path) self.create_user() self.create_directories_and_ownership() self.install_sspl_service_files() self.enable_sspl_service() def create_sspl_conf(self): """Install product specific sspl config.""" # Copy and load product specific sspl config if not os.path.exists(consts.file_store_config_path): shutil.copyfile( "%s/conf/sspl.conf.%s.yaml" % (consts.SSPL_BASE_DIR, self.product), consts.file_store_config_path) def validate_user_existence(self): max_retry = 3 for i in range(max_retry): sspl_uid = Utility.get_uid(consts.USER) if sspl_uid != -1: break else: if i == (max_retry - 1): msg = "No user found with name : %s" % (consts.USER) logger.error(msg) raise SetupError(errno.EINVAL, msg) time.sleep(1) def validate_group_existence(self): max_retry = 3 for i in range(max_retry): sspl_gid = Utility.get_gid(consts.USER) if sspl_gid != -1: break else: if i == (max_retry - 1): msg = "No group found with name : %s" % (consts.USER) logger.error(msg) raise SetupError(errno.EINVAL, msg) time.sleep(1) def create_user(self): """Add sspl-ll user and validate user creation.""" command = f"/usr/sbin/useradd -r {consts.USER} -s /sbin/nologin \ -c 'User account to run the {consts.USER} service'" _, error, rc = SimpleProcess(command).run() # rc 9 means user already exists if rc != 0 and rc != 9: logger.error(f"Failed to create sspl user. ERROR: {error}") raise SetupError(rc, error, command) self.validate_user_existence() self.validate_group_existence() # Add sspl-ll user to required groups and sudoers file etc. sspl_reinit = "%s/low-level/framework/sspl_reinit" % consts.SSPL_BASE_DIR _, error, rc = SimpleProcess(sspl_reinit).run() if rc: msg = "%s failed for with error : %e" % (sspl_reinit, error) logger.error(msg) raise SetupError(rc, msg) def create_directories_and_ownership(self): """Create ras persistent cache directory and state file. Assign ownership recursively on the configured directory. The created state file will be used later by SSPL resourse agent(HA). """ # Extract the data path sspldp = Utility.get_config_value(consts.SSPL_CONFIG_INDEX, "SYSTEM_INFORMATION>data_path") if not sspldp: raise SetupError(errno.EINVAL, "Data path not set in sspl.conf") sspl_uid = Utility.get_uid(consts.USER) sspl_gid = Utility.get_gid(consts.USER) # Create sspl data directory if not exists os.makedirs(sspldp, exist_ok=True) # Create state file under sspl data directory if not os.path.exists(self.state_file): file = open(self.state_file, "w") file.close() # Create SSPL log and bundle directories os.makedirs(consts.SSPL_LOG_PATH, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(consts.SSPL_BUNDLE_PATH, exist_ok=True) # set ownership for SSPL dirs list_root_dir = [consts.SSPL_CONFIGURED_DIR, consts.SSPL_LOG_PATH] Utility.set_ownership_recursively(list_root_dir, sspl_uid, sspl_gid) # Create /tmp/dcs/hpi if required. Not required for '<product>' role if self.setup != "cortx": os.makedirs(consts.HPI_PATH, mode=0o777, exist_ok=True) zabbix_uid = Utility.get_uid("zabbix") if zabbix_uid != -1: os.chown(consts.HPI_PATH, zabbix_uid, -1) # Create mdadm.conf to set ACL on it. with open(consts.MDADM_PATH, 'a'): os.utime(consts.MDADM_PATH) os.chmod(consts.MDADM_PATH, mode=0o666) os.chown(consts.MDADM_PATH, sspl_uid, -1) def install_sspl_service_files(self): """Copy service file to systemd location based on product.""" # Create soft link for SINGLE product name service to existing LDR_R1, LR2 service # Instead of keeping separate service file for SINGLE product with same content. currentProduct = "%s/conf/sspl-ll.service.%s" % (consts.SSPL_BASE_DIR, self.product) if (self.product == "SINGLE" and not os.path.exists(currentProduct)) or \ (self.product == "DUAL" and not os.path.exists(currentProduct)): os.symlink( "%s/conf/sspl-ll.service.%s" % (consts.SSPL_BASE_DIR, self.product), currentProduct) if self.product == "CLUSTER" and not os.path.exists(currentProduct): os.symlink("%s/conf/sspl-ll.service.LR2" % (consts.SSPL_BASE_DIR), currentProduct) shutil.copyfile(currentProduct, "/etc/systemd/system/sspl-ll.service") def enable_sspl_service(self): """Enable sspl-ll service.""" self.dbus_service.enable("sspl-ll.service") daemon_reload_cmd = "systemctl daemon-reload" output, error, rc = SimpleProcess(daemon_reload_cmd).run() if rc != 0: logger.error(f"Failed in enable sspl service. ERROR: {error}") raise SetupError(rc, error, daemon_reload_cmd)