コード例 #1
 def test_PYCBC_488(self):
     cluster = Cluster(
     with self.assertRaises(MixedAuthException) as maerr:
     exception = maerr.exception
     self.assertIsInstance(exception, MixedAuthException)
     self.assertRegex(exception.message, r'.*CertAuthenticator.*password.*')
コード例 #2
 def test_PYCBC_489(self):
     from couchbase_v2.cluster import Cluster
     with self.assertRaises(MixedAuthException) as maerr:
         cluster = Cluster(
         cb = cluster.open_bucket('pixels', password='******')
             'u:king_arthur', {
                 'name': 'Arthur',
                 'email': '*****@*****.**',
                 'interests': ['Holy Grail', 'African Swallows']
     exception = maerr.exception
     self.assertIsInstance(exception, MixedAuthException)
コード例 #3
class Cluster(CoreClient):
    def __init__(
            connection_string,  # type: str
            options=None,  # type: ClusterOptions
            bucket_factory=Bucket,  # type: Any
            **kwargs  # type: Any
        self._authenticator = kwargs.pop('authenticator', None)
        self.__is_6_5 = None
        # copy options if they exist, as we mutate it
        cluster_opts = deepcopy(options) or ClusterOptions(self._authenticator)
        if not self._authenticator:
            self._authenticator = cluster_opts.pop('authenticator', None)
            if not self._authenticator:
                raise InvalidArgumentException("Authenticator is mandatory")
        async_items = {
            k: kwargs.pop(k)
            for k in list(kwargs.keys()) if k in {'_iops', '_flags'}
        # fixup any overrides to the ClusterOptions here as well
        args, kwargs = cluster_opts.split_args(**kwargs)
        self.connstr = cluster_opts.update_connection_string(
            connection_string, **args)
        self.__admin = None
        self._cluster = CoreCluster(
            self.connstr, bucket_factory=bucket_factory)  # type: CoreCluster
        credentials = self._authenticator.get_credentials()
        self._clusteropts = dict(**credentials.get('options', {}))
        # TODO: eliminate the 'mock hack' and ClassicAuthenticator, then you can remove this as well.
        self._adminopts = dict(**self._clusteropts)
        self._connstr_opts = cluster_opts
        self.connstr = cluster_opts.update_connection_string(self.connstr)
        super(Cluster, self).__init__(connection_string=str(self.connstr),

    def connect(
            connection_string,  # type: str
            options=None,  # type: ClusterOptions
        # type: (...) -> Cluster
        Create a Cluster object.
        An Authenticator must be provided, either as the authenticator named parameter, or within the options argument.

        :param connection_string: the connection string for the cluster.
        :param options: options for the cluster.
        :param Any kwargs: Override corresponding value in options.
        return cls(connection_string, options, **kwargs)

    def _do_ctor_connect(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Cluster, self)._do_ctor_connect(*args, **kwargs)

    def _check_for_shutdown(self):
        if not self._cluster:
            raise AlreadyShutdownException(
                "This cluster has already been shutdown")

    def _admin(self):
        if not self.__admin:
            c = ConnectionString.parse(self.connstr)
            if not c.bucket:
                c.bucket = self._adminopts.pop('bucket', None)
            self.__admin = Admin(connection_string=str(c), **self._adminopts)
        return self.__admin

    def bucket(
            name  # type: str
        # type: (...) -> Bucket
        Open a bucket on this cluster.  This doesn't create a bucket, merely opens an existing bucket.

        :param name: Name of bucket to open.
        :return: The :class:~.bucket.Bucket` you requested.
        :raise: :exc:`~.exceptions.BucketDoesNotExistException` if the bucket has not been created on this cluster.
        if not self.__admin:
            self._adminopts['bucket'] = name
        return self._cluster.open_bucket(name, admin=self._admin)

    # Temporary, helpful with working around CCBC-1204.  We should be able to get rid of this
    # logic when this issue is fixed.
    def _is_6_5_plus(self):

        # lets just check once.  Below, we will only set this if we are sure about the value.
        if self.__is_6_5 is not None:
            return self.__is_6_5

            response = self._admin.http_request(path="/pools").value
            v = response.get("implementationVersion")
            # lets just get first 3 characters -- the string should be X.Y.Z-XXXX-YYYY and we only care about
            # major and minor version
            self.__is_6_5 = (float(v[:3]) >= 6.5)
        except NetworkException as e:
            # the cloud doesn't let us query this endpoint, and so lets assume this is a cloud instance.  However
            # lets not actually set the __is_6_5 flag as this also could be a transient error.  That means cloud
            # instances check every time, but this is only temporary.
            return True
        except ValueError:
            # this comes from the conversion to float -- the mock says "CouchbaseMock..."
            self.__is_6_5 = True
        return self.__is_6_5

    def query(
            statement,  # type: str
            *options,  # type: Union[QueryOptions,Any]
            **kwargs  # type: Any
        # type: (...) -> QueryResult
        Perform a N1QL query.

        :param statement: the N1QL query statement to execute
        :param options: A QueryOptions object or the positional parameters in the query.
        :param kwargs: Override the corresponding value in the Options.  If they don't match
          any value in the options, assumed to be named parameters for the query.

        :return: The results of the query or error message
            if the query failed on the server.

        :raise: :exc:`~.exceptions.QueryException` - for errors involving the query itself.  Also any exceptions
            raised by underlying system - :class:`~.exceptions.TimeoutException` for instance.

        # we could have multiple positional parameters passed in, one of which may or may not be
        # a QueryOptions.  Note if multiple QueryOptions are passed in for some strange reason,
        # all but the last are ignored.
        itercls = kwargs.pop('itercls', QueryResult)
        opt = QueryOptions()
        opts = list(options)
        for o in opts:
            if isinstance(o, QueryOptions):
                opt = o

        # if not a 6.5 cluster, we need to query against a bucket.  We think once
        # CCBC-1204 is addressed, we can just use the cluster's instance
        return self._maybe_operate_on_an_open_bucket(
            opt.to_n1ql_query(statement, *opts, **kwargs),
            err_msg="Query requires an open bucket")

    # gets a random bucket from those the cluster has opened
    def _get_an_open_bucket(self, err_msg):
        clients = [v() for k, v in self._cluster._buckets.items()]
        clients = [v for v in clients if v]
        if clients:
            return choice(clients)
        raise NoBucketException(err_msg)

    def _maybe_operate_on_an_open_bucket(self, verb, failtype, *args,
        if self._is_6_5_plus():
            kwargs.pop('err_msg', None)
            return self._operate_on_cluster(verb, failtype, *args, **kwargs)
        return self._operate_on_an_open_bucket(verb, failtype, *args, **kwargs)

    def _operate_on_an_open_bucket(self, verb, failtype, *args, **kwargs):
            return verb(
                    kwargs.pop('err_msg', 'Cluster has no open buckets')),
                *args, **kwargs)
        except Exception as e:
                    message='Cluster operation on bucket failed',
                    inner_cause=e)), e)

    def _operate_on_cluster(
            failtype,  # type: Type[CouchbaseException]

            return verb(self, *args, **kwargs)
        except Exception as e:
                    message="Cluster operation failed", inner_cause=e)), e)

    # for now this just calls functions.  We can return stuff if we need it, later.
    def _sync_operate_on_entire_cluster(self, verb, *args, **kwargs):
        clients = [v() for k, v in self._cluster._buckets.items()]
        clients = [v for v in clients if v]
        results = []
        for c in clients:
            results.append(verb(c, *args, **kwargs))
        return results

    async def _operate_on_entire_cluster(self, verb, failtype, *args,
        # if you don't have a cluster client yet, then you don't have any other buckets open either, so
        # this is the same as operate_on_cluster
        if not self._cluster._buckets:
            return self._operate_on_cluster(verb, failtype, *args, **kwargs)

        async def coroutine(client, verb, *args, **kwargs):
            return verb(client, *args, **kwargs)

        # ok, lets loop over all the buckets, and the clusterclient.  And lets do it async so it isn't miserably
        # slow.  So we will create a list of tasks and execute them together...
        tasks = [asyncio.ensure_future(coroutine(self, verb, *args, **kwargs))]
        for name, c in self._cluster._buckets.items():
            client = c()
            if client:
                tasks.append(coroutine(client, verb, *args, **kwargs))
        done, pending = await asyncio.wait(tasks)
        results = []
        for d in done:
        return results

    def analytics_query(
            self,  # type: Cluster
            statement,  # type: str,
            *options,  # type: AnalyticsOptions
        # type: (...) -> AnalyticsResult
        Executes an Analytics query against the remote cluster and returns a AnalyticsResult with the results
        of the query.

        :param statement: the analytics statement to execute
        :param options: the optional parameters that the Analytics service takes based on the Analytics RFC.
        :return: An AnalyticsResult object with the results of the query or error message if the query failed on the server.
        :raise: :exc:`~.exceptions.AnalyticsException` errors associated with the analytics query itself.
            Also, any exceptions raised by the underlying platform - :class:`~.exceptions.TimeoutException`
            for example.
        # following the query implementation, but this seems worth revisiting soon
        itercls = kwargs.pop('itercls', AnalyticsResult)
        opt = AnalyticsOptions()
        opts = list(options)
        for o in opts:
            if isinstance(o, AnalyticsOptions):
                opt = o

        return self._maybe_operate_on_an_open_bucket(
            opt.to_analytics_query(statement, *opts, **kwargs),
            err_msg='Analytics queries require an open bucket')

    def search_query(
            index,  # type: str
            query,  # type: SearchQuery
            *options,  # type: SearchOptions
        # type: (...) -> SearchResult
        Executes a Search or FTS query against the remote cluster and returns a SearchResult implementation with the
        results of the query.

        .. code-block:: python

            from couchbase.search import MatchQuery, SearchOptions

            it = cb.search('name', MatchQuery('nosql'), SearchOptions(limit=10))
            for hit in it:

        :param str index: Name of the index to use for this query.
        :param query: the fluent search API to construct a query for FTS.
        :param options: the options to pass to the cluster with the query.
        :param kwargs: Overrides corresponding value in options.
        :return: A :class:`~.search.SearchResult` object with the results of the query or error message if the query
            failed on the server.
        :raise: :exc:`~.exceptions.SearchException` Errors related to the query itself.
            Also, any exceptions raised by the underlying platform - :class:`~.exceptions.TimeoutException`
            for example.


        def do_search(dest):
            search_params = SearchOptions.gen_search_params_cls(
                index, query, *options, **kwargs)
            return search_params.itercls(search_params.body, dest,

        return self._maybe_operate_on_an_open_bucket(
            do_search, SearchException, err_msg="No buckets opened on cluster")

    _root_diag_data = {'id', 'version', 'sdk'}

    def diagnostics(
            *options,  # type: DiagnosticsOptions
        # type: (...) -> DiagnosticsResult
        Creates a diagnostics report that can be used to determine the healthfulness of the Cluster.
        :param options:  Options for the diagnostics
        :return: A :class:`~.diagnostics.DiagnosticsResult` object with the results of the query or error message if the query failed on the server.

        result = self._sync_operate_on_entire_cluster(
            CoreClient.diagnostics, **forward_args(kwargs, *options))
        return DiagnosticsResult(result)

    def ping(
            *options,  # type: PingOptions
        # type: (...) -> PingResult
        Actively contacts each of the  services and returns their pinged status.

        :param options: Options for sending the ping request.
        :param kwargs: Overrides corresponding value in options.
        :return: A :class:`~.result.PingResult` representing the state of all the pinged services.
        :raise: :class:`~.exceptions.CouchbaseException` for various communication issues.

        bucket = self._get_an_open_bucket("Ping requires an open bucket")
        if bucket:
            return PingResult(bucket.ping(*options, **kwargs))
        raise NoBucketException("ping requires a bucket be opened first")

    def users(self):
        # type: (...) -> UserManager
        Get the UserManager.

        :return: A :class:`~.management.UserManager` with which you can create or update cluster users and roles.
        return UserManager(self._admin)

    def query_indexes(self):
        # type: (...) -> QueryIndexManager
        Get the QueryIndexManager.

        :return:  A :class:`~.management.QueryIndexManager` with which you can create or modify query indexes on
            the cluster.
        return QueryIndexManager(self._admin)

    def search_indexes(self):
        # type: (...) -> SearchIndexManager
        Get the SearchIndexManager.

        :return:  A :class:`~.management.SearchIndexManager` with which you can create or modify search (FTS) indexes
            on the cluster.

        return SearchIndexManager(self._admin)

    def analytics_indexes(self):
        # type: (...) -> AnalyticsIndexManager
        Get the AnalyticsIndexManager.

        :return:  A :class:`~.management.AnalyticsIndexManager` with which you can create or modify analytics datasets,
            dataverses, etc.. on the cluster.
        return AnalyticsIndexManager(self)

    def buckets(self):
        # type: (...) -> BucketManager
        Get the BucketManager.

        :return: A :class:`~.management.BucketManager` with which you can create or modify buckets on the cluster.
        return BucketManager(self._admin)

    def disconnect(self):
        # type: (...) -> None
        Closes and cleans up any resources used by the Cluster and any objects it owns.

        :return: None
        :raise: Any exceptions raised by the underlying platform.

        # in this context, if we invoke the _cluster's destructor, that will do same for
        # all the buckets we've opened, unless they are stored elswhere and are actively
        # being used.
        self._cluster = None
        self.__admin = None

    # Only useful for 6.5 DP testing
    def _is_dev_preview(self):
        return self._admin.http_request(path="/pools").value.get(
            "isDeveloperPreview", False)

    def query_timeout(self):
        # type: (...) -> timedelta
        The timeout for N1QL query operations, as a `timedelta`. This affects the
        :meth:`query` method.  This can be set in :meth:`connect` by
        passing in a :class:`ClusterOptions` with the query_timeout set
        to the desired time.

        Timeouts may also be adjusted on a per-query basis by setting the
        :attr:`timeout` property in the options to the n1ql_query method.
        The effective timeout is either the per-query timeout or the global timeout,
        whichever is lower.
        return timedelta(

    def tracing_threshold_query(self):
        # type: (...) -> timedelta
        The tracing threshold for query response times, as `timedelta`.  This can be set in the :meth:`connect`
        by passing in a :class:`~.ClusterOptions` with the desired tracing_threshold_query set in it.

        return timedelta(seconds=self._cntl(op=_LCB.TRACING_THRESHOLD_QUERY,

    def tracing_threshold_search(self):
        # type: (...) -> timedelta
        The tracing threshold for search response times, as `timedelta`.  This can be set in the :meth:`connect`
        by passing in a :class:`~.ClusterOptions` with the desired tracing_threshold_search set in it.

        return timedelta(seconds=self._cntl(op=_LCB.TRACING_THRESHOLD_SEARCH,

    def tracing_threshold_analytics(self):
        # type: (...) -> timedelta
        The tracing threshold for analytics, as `timedelta`.  This can be set in the :meth:`connect`
        by passing in a :class:`~.ClusterOptions` with the desired tracing_threshold_analytics set in it.

        return timedelta(seconds=self._cntl(
            op=_LCB.TRACING_THRESHOLD_ANALYTICS, value_type="timeout"))

    def tracing_orphaned_queue_flush_interval(self):
        # type: (...) -> timedelta
        Returns the interval that the orphaned responses are logged, as a `timedelta`. This can be set in the
        :meth:`connect` by passing in a :class:`~.ClusterOptions` with the desired interval set in it.

        return timedelta(

    def tracing_orphaned_queue_size(self):
        # type: (...) -> int
        Returns the tracing orphaned queue size. This can be set in the :meth:`connect` by passing in a
        :class:`~.ClusterOptions` with the size set in it.

        return self._cntl(op=_LCB.TRACING_ORPHANED_QUEUE_SIZE,

    def tracing_threshold_queue_flush_interval(self):
        # type: (...) -> timedelta
        The tracing threshold queue flush interval, as a `timedelta`.  This can be set in the :meth:`connect` by
        passing in a :class:`~.ClusterOptions` with the desired interval set in it.

        return timedelta(

    def tracing_threshold_queue_size(self):
        # type: (...) -> int
        The tracing threshold queue size. This can be set in the :meth:`connect` by
        passing in a :class:`~.ClusterOptions` with the desired size set in it.

        return self._cntl(op=_LCB.TRACING_THRESHOLD_QUEUE_SIZE,

    def redaction(self):
        # type: (...) -> bool
        Returns whether or not the logs will redact sensitive information.
        return bool(self._cntl(_LCB.LCB_CNTL_LOG_REDACTION, value_type='int'))

    def compression(self):
        # type: (...) -> Compression
        Returns the compression mode to be used when talking to the server. See :class:`Compression` for
        details.  This can be set in the :meth:`connect` by passing in a :class:`~.ClusterOptions`
        with the desired compression set in it.

        return Compression.from_int(
            self._cntl(_LCB.LCB_CNTL_COMPRESSION_OPTS, value_type='int'))

    def compression_min_size(self):
        # type: (...) -> int
        Minimum size (in bytes) of the document payload to be compressed when compression enabled. This can be set
        in the :meth:`connect` by passing in a :class:`~.ClusterOptions` with the desired compression set in it.
        return self._cntl(_LCB.LCB_CNTL_COMPRESSION_MIN_SIZE,

    def compression_min_ratio(self):
        # type: (...) -> float
        Minimum compression ratio (compressed / original) of the compressed payload to allow sending it to cluster.
        This can be set in the :meth:`connect` by passing in a :class:`~.ClusterOptions` with the desired
        ratio set in it.
        return self._cntl(_LCB.LCB_CNTL_COMPRESSION_MIN_RATIO,

    def is_ssl(self):
        # type: (...) -> bool
        Read-only boolean property indicating whether SSL is used for
        this connection.

        If this property is true, then all communication between this
        object and the Couchbase cluster is encrypted using SSL.

        See :meth:`__init__` for more information on connection options.
        mode = self._cntl(op=_LCB.LCB_CNTL_SSL_MODE, value_type='int')
        return mode & _LCB.LCB_SSL_ENABLED != 0