def handle(self, *args, **options): if len(args) != 2: raise CommandError('Usage is copy_domain %s' % self.args) sourcedb = Database(args[0]) domain = args[1].strip() all_docs = sourcedb.view("domain/docs", startkey=[domain], endkey=[domain, {}], reduce=False) total = len(all_docs) count = 0 targetdb = get_db() print "found %s matching documents in domain: %s" % (total, domain) for row in all_docs: try: count += 1 dt = DocumentTransform(sourcedb.get(row["id"]), sourcedb) save(dt, targetdb) print "Synced %s/%s docs (%s: %s)" % (count, total, row["key"][1], row["id"]) except Exception, e: print "Document %s failed! Error is: %s" % (row["id"], e)
class CouchDBDocStorage(Storage): """ CouchDBDocStorage - a Django Storage class for CouchDB. Uses the couchdb url for the database you want to connect to """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.couchdb_url = kwargs.get('db_url', settings.COUCH_DATABASE) self.db = Database(self.couchdb_url) def _put_file(self, name, content): doc_id, attachment_key=_split_file(name) self.db.put_attachment(doc_id, content, name=attachment_key) return doc_id def get_document(self, doc_id): return self.db.get(doc_id) def _open(self, name, mode='rb'): doc_id, attachment_key=_split_file(name) couchdb_file = CouchDBAttachmentFile(doc_id, attachment_key, self, mode=mode) return couchdb_file def _save(self, name, content): doc_id, attachment_key=_split_file(name) if hasattr(content, 'chunks'): content_str = ''.join(chunk for chunk in content.chunks()) else: content_str = #name = name.replace('/', '-') return self._put_file(name, content_str) def exists(self, name): doc_id, attachment_key=_split_file(name) if self.db.doc_exist(doc_id): return self.db.open_doc(doc_id)['_attachments'].has_key(attachment_key) else: return False def size(self, name): doc_id, attachment_key=_split_file(name) doc = self.get_document(doc_id) if doc: return doc['_attachments'][attachment_key]['length'] return 0 def url(self, name): doc_id, attachment_key=_split_file(name) # return urljoin(self.base_url, # os.path.join(quote_plus(, # quote_plus(name), # 'content')) return reverse('hutch.views.image_proxy', kwargs={'doc_id': doc_id, 'attachment_key': attachment_key}) def delete(self, name): doc_id, attachment_key=_split_file(name) try: doc = self.get_document(doc_id) del doc['_attachments'][attachment_key] except Exception, ex: print "Ex: %s" % ex raise IOError("File not found: %s" % name)