コード例 #1
ファイル: configuration.py プロジェクト: sivang/relaxession
def info(logger):
	s = Server()
	node_hello = s.info()
	logger.info('== Configuration ==')
	logger.info('CouchDB: %s ===' % node_hello)
	logger.info('Target hosts: %s' % NODE_LIST)
	logger.info('This host''s IP: %s', MY_IP)
	logger.info('CouchDB expected at port %s' % COUCHDB_PORT)
	logger.info('Tunnel user for SSH: %s' % TUNNEL_USER)
	logger.info('Monitoring interval for connections: %s seconds.' % MONITOR_INTERVAL)
	logger.info('Log path: %s' % LOG_PATH)
コード例 #2
ファイル: connmanager.py プロジェクト: sivang/relaxession
class Probe(Process):
    online = False
    response_time = 0
    logger = None

    def __init__(self, targets_queue, online_list, offline_list):
        self.targets_queue = targets_queue  # get a reference to the targets holding queue.
        self.online_list = online_list  # get a reference to the online_list for populating it
        self.offline_list = offline_list  # ditto
        self.logger = configuration.get_logger(logging_instance=connlogging, system_name="connmanager")

    def run(self):
        self.target = self.targets_queue.get()
        self.dbserver = Server(self.target)
            self.logger.info("Trying: %s" % self.target)
            start_time = time.time()
            info = self.dbserver.info()  # this is actually the proper request
            end_time = time.time()
        except Exception as e:
            print "CRITICAL: failed connect to %s , %s. Offline!" % (self.target, e)
            self.logger.info("Failed to connect to [%s]. Out of the online queue!" % self.target)
            print "Restaring SSH"
            self.logger.info("Restarting SSH tunnel for %s" % self.target)
            self.online = False
            self.logger.info("%s seems online." % self.target)
            self.online = True
            self.response_time = end_time - start_time
            # maintain a list of online nodes, with the response_time as the key
            # for easy sorting afterwards so we can always re-start replication connections
            # from fastest reponding node to the rest.
            self.online_list.append((self.response_time, self.target))
            self.logger.info("Probe finsihed.")
コード例 #3
class ConflictResolverTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
	""" Test conflict resolution policy when we're in the state of lag,
	    that is, there's more than 10 minutes time difference between conflicting
	    version of a document: The document with longest rev count wins.
	    If not in a lag, the latest document should win.
	database_name = 'session_store'
	repdb_name    = 'session_store_rep'
	s  = None
	db = None
	repdb = None
	docid = 'testing_doc'
	doc = None
	replicated_doc = None
	source_rev_count = 0

	def setUp(self):
		Creating connection to the database according to
		configuration, and creating docs that act in test.
		self.s = Server('http://localhost:5984')
		assert len(self.s.info())!=0, 'CouchDB server is down or not working properly.'
		self.db = self.s.get_or_create_db(self.database_name)
		self.repdb = self.s.get_or_create_db(self.repdb_name)
		self.doc = {'_id': self.docid,
				'timestamp': str(int(round(time.time()))),
				'text'	   : 'initial text',
				'rev_count': str(self.source_rev_count)}
		# clear previous test residual
		if self.docid in self.db: 
		if self.docid in self.repdb:
	def tearDown(self):
コード例 #4
class ClientServerTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.couchdb = CouchdbResource()
        self.Server = Server()

    def tearDown(self):
            del self.Server["couchdbkit_test"]
            del self.Server["couchdbkit/test"]

    def testGetInfo(self):
        info = self.Server.info()
        self.assertIn("version", info)

    def testCreateDb(self):
        res = self.Server.create_db("couchdbkit_test")
        self.assertIsInstance(res, Database)
        all_dbs = self.Server.all_dbs()
        self.assertIn("couchdbkit_test", all_dbs)
        del self.Server["couchdbkit_test"]
        res = self.Server.create_db("couchdbkit/test")
        self.assertIn("couchdbkit/test", self.Server.all_dbs())
        del self.Server["couchdbkit/test"]

    def testGetOrCreateDb(self):
        # create the database
        gocdb = self.Server.get_or_create_db("get_or_create_db")
        self.assertEqual(gocdb.dbname, "get_or_create_db")
        self.assertIn("get_or_create_db", self.Server)
        # get the database (already created)
        self.assertNotIn("get_or_create_db", self.Server)
        db = self.Server.create_db("get_or_create_db")
        self.assertIn("get_or_create_db", self.Server)
        gocdb = self.Server.get_or_create_db("get_or_create_db")
        self.assertEqual(db.dbname, gocdb.dbname)

    def testCreateInvalidDbName(self):
        def create_invalid():
            res = self.Server.create_db("123ab")

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, create_invalid)

    def testServerLen(self):
        res = self.Server.create_db("couchdbkit_test")
        self.assertGreaterEqual(len(self.Server), 1)
        del self.Server["couchdbkit_test"]

    def testServerContain(self):
        res = self.Server.create_db("couchdbkit_test")
        self.assertIn("couchdbkit_test", self.Server)
        del self.Server["couchdbkit_test"]

    def testGetUUIDS(self):
        uuid = self.Server.next_uuid()
        self.assertIsInstance(uuid, basestring)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.Server._uuids), 999)
        uuid2 = self.Server.next_uuid()
        self.assertNotEqual(uuid, uuid2)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.Server._uuids), 998)
コード例 #5
ファイル: configuration.py プロジェクト: sivang/relaxession
	logger.info('This host''s IP: %s', MY_IP)
	logger.info('CouchDB expected at port %s' % COUCHDB_PORT)
	logger.info('Tunnel user for SSH: %s' % TUNNEL_USER)
	logger.info('Monitoring interval for connections: %s seconds.' % MONITOR_INTERVAL)
	logger.info('Log path: %s' % LOG_PATH)

if __name__ == "__main__":
	Have a main entry point so configuration.py could be used to upload
	Relaxession configuration to CouchDB , and CouchDB will be used
	for the configuration storage and propogation to all nodes.
	s = Server()
	node_hello = s.info()
	logger = get_logger(logging_instance=logging,
	parser = OptionParser()
	parser.add_option("--sync", help="Sync the configuration data from configuration.py to CouchDB. "
					 "This starts a propogation process to all nodes in the NODE_LIST "
					 "And the configuration changes handler will pull them and apply "
					 "at each node's end. This will have to either trigger a restart "
					 "of the ConnectionManager or refresh the config vars in memory "
					 "and continue then. Remains to taken care by the implementation.")
	parser.add_option("--local-sync", help="Like --sync, but sync up against the local CouchDB only. "
						"Useful when you want to experiment with config values without "
						"affecting the remote nodes.")