コード例 #1
 def get_previous_versions(form_id):
     form_ = XFormDeprecated.get(form_id)
     if getattr(form_, 'deprecated_form_id', None):
         return get_previous_versions(form_.deprecated_form_id) + [form_]
         return [form_]
コード例 #2
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: kennknowles/couchforms
def _handle_id_conflict(instance, attachments):
    For id conflicts, we check if the files contain exactly the same content,
    If they do, we just log this as a dupe. If they don't, we deprecate the 
    previous form and overwrite it with the new form's contents.
    def _extract_id_from_raw_xml(xml):
        # this is the standard openrosa way of doing things
        parsed = etree.XML(xml)
        meta_ns = "http://openrosa.org/jr/xforms"
        val = parsed.find("{%(ns)s}meta/{%(ns)s}instanceID" % \
                          {"ns": meta_ns})
        if val is not None and val.text:
            return val.text
        # if we get here search more creatively for some of the older
        # formats
        _PATTERNS = (r"<instanceID>([\w-]+)</instanceID>",
        for pattern in _PATTERNS:
            if re.search(pattern, xml): 
                return re.search(pattern, xml).groups()[0]
        logging.error("Unable to find conflicting matched uid in form: %s" % xml)
        return ""
    conflict_id = _extract_id_from_raw_xml(instance)
    # get old document
    existing_doc = XFormInstance.get(conflict_id)

    # compare md5s
    existing_md5 = existing_doc.xml_md5()
    new_md5 = hashlib.md5(instance).hexdigest()

    # if not same:
    # Deprecate old form (including changing ID)
    # to deprecate, copy new instance into a XFormDeprecated
    if existing_md5 != new_md5:
        doc_copy = XFormInstance.get_db().copy_doc(conflict_id)
        # get the doc back to avoid any potential bigcouch race conditions.
        # r=3 implied by class
        xfd = XFormDeprecated.get(doc_copy['id'])
        xfd.orig_id = conflict_id

        # after that delete the original document and resubmit.
        return post_xform_to_couch(instance, attachments=attachments)
        # follow standard dupe handling
        new_doc_id = uid.new()
        response, errors = post_from_settings(instance, {"uid": new_doc_id})
        if not _has_errors(response, errors):
            # create duplicate doc
            # get and save the duplicate to ensure the doc types are set correctly
            # so that it doesn't show up in our reports
            dupe = XFormDuplicate.get(response)
            dupe.problem = "Form is a duplicate of another! (%s)" % conflict_id
            return dupe
            # how badly do we care about this?
            raise CouchFormException("Problem POSTing form to couch! errors/response: %s/%s" % (errors, response))
コード例 #3
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: wbnigeria/couchforms
                logging.error("Unable to find conflicting matched uid in form: %s" % xml)
                return ""
            conflict_id = _extract_id_from_raw_xml(instance)
            # get old document
            existing_doc = XFormInstance.get(conflict_id)

            # compare md5s
            existing_md5 = existing_doc.xml_md5()
            new_md5 = hashlib.md5(instance).hexdigest()

            # if not same:
            # Deprecate old form (including changing ID)
            # to deprecate, copy new instance into a XFormDeprecated
            if existing_md5 != new_md5:
                doc_copy = XFormInstance.get_db().copy_doc(conflict_id)
                xfd = XFormDeprecated.get(doc_copy['id'])
                xfd.orig_id = conflict_id

                # after that delete the original document and resubmit.
                return post_xform_to_couch(instance, attachments=attachments)
                # follow standard dupe handling
                new_doc_id = uid.new()
                response, errors = post_from_settings(instance, {"uid": new_doc_id})
                if not _has_errors(response, errors):
                    # create duplicate doc
                    # get and save the duplicate to ensure the doc types are set correctly
                    # so that it doesn't show up in our reports
コード例 #4
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: judywawira/couchforms
                return ""

            conflict_id = _extract_id_from_raw_xml(instance)
            # get old document
            existing_doc = XFormInstance.get(conflict_id)

            # compare md5s
            existing_md5 = existing_doc.xml_md5()
            new_md5 = hashlib.md5(instance).hexdigest()

            # if not same:
            # Deprecate old form (including changing ID)
            # to deprecate, copy new instance into a XFormDeprecated
            if existing_md5 != new_md5:
                doc_copy = XFormInstance.get_db().copy_doc(conflict_id)
                xfd = XFormDeprecated.get(doc_copy['id'])
                xfd.orig_id = conflict_id
                xfd.doc_type = XFormDeprecated.__name__

                # after that delete the original document and resubmit.
                return post_xform_to_couch(instance, attachments=attachments)
                # follow standard dupe handling
                new_doc_id = uid.new()
                response, errors = post_from_settings(instance,
                                                      {"uid": new_doc_id})
                if not _has_errors(response, errors):
                    # create duplicate doc
                    # get and save the duplicate to ensure the doc types are set correctly
コード例 #5
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: johan--/commcare-hq
 def get_previous_versions(form_id):
     form_ = XFormDeprecated.get(form_id)
     if getattr(form_, 'deprecated_form_id', None):
         return get_previous_versions(form_.deprecated_form_id) + [form_]
         return [form_]