コード例 #1
def main():
    db = Database(pull_url)
    data = getTinderboxData()
    testName = re.compile('((reftest)|(crashtests)|(xpcshell))')

    build_table = data['build_table']
    build = build_table[0]

    log_files = []

    for build in build_table:
        builds = [(
        ) for b in build if type(b) is not int and 'buildname' in b
                  and 'test' in b['buildname']]
        log_files += builds

    builds = [value for key, value in sorted(log_files)]
    for b in builds:
        tbox_id = b['logfile']
        if len(getByTinderboxID(db, tbox_id)) is 0:
            print 'skipping ' + tbox_id
コード例 #2
ファイル: fennec_tbox_cron.py プロジェクト: ncroot/brasstacks
def main():
    db = Database(pull_url)
    data = getTinderboxData()
    testName = re.compile('((reftest)|(crashtests)|(xpcshell))')

    build_table = data['build_table']
    build = build_table[0]

    for build in build_table:
        for b in [b for b in build if type(b) is not int]:
            for k in b:
                if (k == "buildname" and testName.search(b[k])):
                    print "checking out buildname: " + b[k]
                    tbox_id = b['logfile']
                    if len(getByTinderboxID(db, tbox_id)) is 0:
                        print 'skipping ' + tbox_id
コード例 #3
import os
os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] = os.path.expanduser('~/.eggs')

import couchquery
couchquery.debugging = False
from couchquery import Database

import brasstacks
from brasstacks import crashtest
from brasstacks import fennec
crashdb = Database('http://localhost:5984/crashtest')
resultdb = Database('http://localhost:5984/crashtest_results')
application = brasstacks.Stub()
                         crashtest.CrashTestApplication(crashdb, resultdb))
コード例 #4
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: jbrandtmse/couch-fdw
    def execute(self, quals, columns):

        # the row to return
        line = {}

        # noinspection PyBroadException
            # instantiate the database object
            db = Database(self.connection_string)

            debug = ''

            view_container = db.views

            # if the call is for a view
            if self.has_sub_package:

                # build the params object that will be passed to couchdb call, filled with default parameters
                params = {'startkey': None, 'endkey': {}, 'group': False, 'reduce': False}

                # check provided keys against expected keys
                provided_keys = [int(qual.field_name.split('_')[1]) for qual in quals if qual.field_name.startswith('key_')]

                expected_keys = [number for number in range(len(provided_keys))]

                error = False
                # if the provided keys not fitting with expected keys, return a blank line with the error description
                if not all(k in expected_keys for k in provided_keys):
                    error = True
                    line['_runtime_error'] = "Keys doesn't follow a correct sequence key_0 ... key_1 ... " + str(provided_keys) + ' ' + str(expected_keys)
                    insert_quals_in_output(line, quals)
                    yield line

                # and then get out
                if error is True:

                last_used_index = -1

                # clean and replace if needed the default parameters
                startkey = {}
                endkey = {}

                # portion of code to build the keys object to pass as parameters to the view call
                for qual in quals:
                    # deal with named key parameters
                    if qual.field_name.startswith('key_'):
                        last_used_index = qual.field_name.split('_')[1]
                        startkey[last_used_index] = qual.value
                        endkey[last_used_index] = qual.value
                    # deal with other parameters
                    if qual.field_name.startswith('p_'):
                        params[qual.field_name[2:]] = eval(qual.value) if qual.value != '' else qual.value

                # if provided a single key
                if last_used_index != -1:

                    params['startkey'] = []
                    params['endkey'] = []

                    for i in range(0, int(last_used_index)):


                view_container = getattr(view_container, self.sub_package)

                # do the view call with the params object as parameters
                result = getattr(view_container, self.target_view)(**params)
                # do the 'all' call
                result = getattr(view_container, self.target_view)()

            # this case covers views call
            if self.has_sub_package:
                # read the return from the call and fill the line object with the values
                for key, value in result.items():
                    # deal with the 'value'
                    line['value'] = value if not isinstance(value, dict) else json.dumps(value)
                    # deal with the 'key'
                    line['key'] = key

                    # split the 'key' into named output values
                    for column_name in columns:
                        if column_name.startswith('key_'):
                            column_index = int(column_name.split('_')[1])
                            parsed_key = eval(str(key))
                            # and then fill the correct output column
                            line[column_name] = parsed_key[column_index]

                    # insert the quals into output
                    insert_quals_in_output(line, quals)
                    # yield the line to the postgresql call
                    yield line

            # this case covers the 'all' call
                # set the column values
                for record in result:
                    for column_name in columns:
                        # if a '_doc' columm is provided, put the jsonified record to output column
                        if column_name == '_doc':
                            line[column_name] = json.dumps(record)
                            if column_name == '_runtime_error':
                                line[column_name] = debug
                                line[column_name] = record.get(column_name, None) if record is not None else None

                    # insert the quals into output
                    insert_quals_in_output(line, quals)
                    # yield the line to the postgresql call
                    yield line
            # in case of any exception, insert the exception in the column _runtime_error
            exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()

            # insert the quals into output
            insert_quals_in_output(line, quals)

            # format the message
            error_message = repr(traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback))

            # if column _runtime_error is defined, set the formatted exception in the column
            if '_runtime_error' in self.columns:
                line['_runtime_error'] = error_message
                yield line
コード例 #5
ファイル: sync.py プロジェクト: ncroot/brasstacks
def main():
    db = Database('http://localhost:5984/crashtest')
                       os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'design'),
コード例 #6
 def setUp(self):
     self.testdb = Database(testdb_url)
     self.testdb.sync_design_doc("logcompare", logcompare.design_doc)
コード例 #7
# http://docs.python.org/library/unittest.html
import unittest
import couchquery
from couchquery import Database
from couchquery import Httplib2Client
import logcompare
from logcompare import LogCompareApplication
from logcompare import Then
from logcompare import mockdata

db = Database("http://pythonesque.org:5984/logcompare")
logcompare_application = LogCompareApplication(db)

# setting up database
# testdb_url = "http://*****:*****@happyhans.couch.io/test-logcompare"
# couchquery.createdb(testdb_url)
# testdb = Database(testdb_url)
# testdb.sync_design_doc("logcompare", logcompare.design_doc)
# print testdb.views.logcompare.runCounts(reduce = True, group = True).items()

# deleting database
# couchquery.deletedb(testdb_url)

testdb_url = "http://*****:*****@happyhans.couch.io/test-logcompare"

# testdb = Database(testdb_url)
# print testdb
# couchquery.createdb(testdb_url)

class TestViews(unittest.TestCase):
コード例 #8
import os
os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] = os.path.expanduser('~/.eggs')

import couchquery
couchquery.debugging = False
from couchquery import Database

import brasstacks
from brasstacks.sitecompare import SiteCompareApplication
from brasstacks.users import UsersApplication
from brasstacks.fennec import FennecApplication
from brasstacks.tcm import TestCaseManagerApplication
from brasstacks.logcompare import LogCompareApplication
from brasstacks.firefox import FirefoxApplication

db = Database("http://localhost:5984/brasstacks")
users_application = UsersApplication(db)
sitecompare_application = SiteCompareApplication(
fennec_application = FennecApplication(
tcm_application = TestCaseManagerApplication(
logcompare_application = LogCompareApplication(
firefox_application = FirefoxApplication(

application = brasstacks.Stub()
application.add_resource('sitecompare', sitecompare_application)
application.add_resource('users', users_application)
コード例 #9
import os
os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] = os.path.expanduser('~/.eggs')

import couchquery
couchquery.debugging = False
from couchquery import Database

import brasstacks
from brasstacks.sitecompare import SiteCompareApplication
from brasstacks.users import UsersApplication
from brasstacks.fennec import FennecApplication
from brasstacks.tcm import TestCaseManagerApplication
from brasstacks.logcompare import LogCompareApplication
from brasstacks.mozmill import MozmillApplication

db = Database("http://*****:*****@happyhans.couch.io/logcompare"))
mozmill_application = MozmillApplication(

application = brasstacks.Stub()
application.add_resource('sitecompare', sitecompare_application)