コード例 #1
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: k8si/word2vec
	def test_save_load(self):

		fname = 'test-data/test-counter-sampler/test-counter-sampler.gz'

		# Make a sampler with probabilities proportional to counts
		counts = range(1,6)
		counter_sampler = CounterSampler()
		for outcome, count in enumerate(counts):


		new_counter_sampler = CounterSampler()
		self.assertEqual(new_counter_sampler.counts, counts)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: k8si/word2vec
	def test_sampling(self):
		Test basic function of assigning counts, and then sampling from
		The distribution implied by those counts.
		counts = range(1,6)
		counter_sampler = CounterSampler()

		# Test asking for a single sample (where no shape tuple supplied)
		single_sample = counter_sampler.sample()
		self.assertTrue(type(single_sample) is np.int64)

		# Test asking for an array of samples (by passing a shape tuple)
		shape = (2,3,5)
		array_sample = counter_sampler.sample(shape)
		self.assertTrue(type(array_sample) is np.ndarray)
		self.assertTrue(array_sample.shape == shape)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: k8si/word2vec
	def test_counter_sampler_statistics(self):
		This tests that the sampler really does produce results whose
		statistics match those requested by the counts vector
		# Seed numpy's random function to make the test reproducible

		# Make a sampler with probabilities proportional to counts
		counts = range(1,6)
		counter_sampler = CounterSampler()
		for outcome, count in enumerate(counts):

		# Draw one hundred thousand samples, then total up the fraction of
		# each outcome obseved
		counter = Counter(counter_sampler.sample((100000,)))
		total = float(sum(counter.values()))
		found_normalized = [
			counter[i] / total for i in range(len(counts))

		# Make an list of the expected fractions by which each outcome
		# should be observed, in the limit of infinite sample
		total_in_expected = float(sum(counts))
		expected_normalized = [
			c / total_in_expected for c in counts

		# Check if each outcome was observed with a fraction that is within
		# 0.005 of the expected fraction
		close = [
			abs(f - e) < 0.005 
			for f,e in zip(found_normalized, expected_normalized)