コード例 #1
ファイル: blockfeed.py プロジェクト: shohu/counterblock
def process_cp_blockfeed():
    # initialize state
    config.state['cur_block'] = {'block_index': 0, }  # block being currently processed
    config.state['my_latest_block'] = {'block_index': 0}  # last block that was successfully processed by counterblockd
    config.state['last_message_index'] = -1  # initialize (last processed message index)
    config.state['cp_latest_block_index'] = 0  # last block that was successfully processed by counterparty
    config.state['cp_backend_block_index'] = 0  # the latest block height as reported by the cpd blockchain backend
    config.state['cp_caught_up'] = False  # whether counterparty-server is caught up to the backend (e.g. bitcoind)
    config.state['caught_up_started_events'] = False
    #^ set after we are caught up and start up the recurring events that depend on us being caught up with the blockchain

    # enabled processor functions
    logger.debug("Enabled Message Processor Functions {0}".format(MessageProcessor.active_functions()))
    logger.debug("Enabled Block Processor Functions {0}".format(BlockProcessor.active_functions()))

    def publish_mempool_tx():
        """fetch new tx from mempool"""
        mempool_txs = config.mongo_db.mempool.find(projection={'tx_hash': True})
        tx_hashes = {t['tx_hash'] for t in mempool_txs}

        params = { # get latest 1000 entries from mempool
            'order_by': 'timestamp',
            'order_dir': 'DESC'
        new_txs = util.jsonrpc_api("get_mempool", params, abort_on_error=True)
        num_skipped_tx = 0
        if new_txs:
            for new_tx in new_txs['result']:
                # skip if it's already in our mempool table
                if new_tx['tx_hash'] in tx_hashes:
                    num_skipped_tx += 1

                tx = {
                    'tx_hash': new_tx['tx_hash'],
                    'command': new_tx['command'],
                    'category': new_tx['category'],
                    'bindings': new_tx['bindings'],
                    'timestamp': new_tx['timestamp'],
                    'viewed_in_block': config.state['my_latest_block']['block_index']
                tx['_category'] = tx['category']
                tx['_message_index'] = 'mempool'
                logger.debug("Spotted mempool tx: %s" % tx)
                for function in MempoolMessageProcessor.active_functions():
                    logger.debug('starting {} (mempool)'.format(function['function']))
                    # TODO: Better handling of double parsing
                        result = function['function'](tx, json.loads(tx['bindings'])) or None
                    except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError as e:
                    if result == 'ABORT_THIS_MESSAGE_PROCESSING' or result == 'continue':
                    elif result:
                        raise Exception(
                            "Message processor returned unknown code -- processor: '%s', result: '%s'" %
                            (function, result))
        logger.debug("Mempool refresh: {} entries retrieved from counterparty-server, {} new".format(len(new_txs['result']) if new_txs else '??', (len(new_txs['result']) - num_skipped_tx) if new_txs else '??'))

    def clean_mempool_tx():
        """clean mempool transactions older than MAX_REORG_NUM_BLOCKS blocks"""
            {"viewed_in_block": {"$lt": config.state['my_latest_block']['block_index'] - config.MAX_REORG_NUM_BLOCKS}})

    def parse_message(msg):
        msg_data = json.loads(msg['bindings'])
        logger.debug("Received message %s: %s ..." % (msg['message_index'], msg))

        # out of order messages should not happen (anymore), but just to be sure
        if msg['message_index'] != config.state['last_message_index'] + 1 and config.state['last_message_index'] != -1:
            raise Exception("Message index mismatch. Next message's message_index: %s, last_message_index: %s" % (
                msg['message_index'], config.state['last_message_index']))

        for function in MessageProcessor.active_functions():
            logger.debug('MessageProcessor: starting {}'.format(function['function']))
            # TODO: Better handling of double parsing
                result = function['function'](msg, msg_data) or None
            except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError as e:

            if result in (
                    'ABORT_THIS_MESSAGE_PROCESSING', 'continue',  # just abort further MessageProcessors for THIS message
                    'ABORT_BLOCK_PROCESSING'):  # abort all further block processing, including that of all messages in the block
            elif result not in (True, False, None):
                raise Exception(
                    "Message processor returned unknown code -- processor: '%s', result: '%s'" %
                    (function, result))

        config.state['last_message_index'] = msg['message_index']
        return 'ABORT_BLOCK_PROCESSING' if result == 'ABORT_BLOCK_PROCESSING' else None

    def parse_block(block_data):
        config.state['cur_block'] = block_data
        config.state['cur_block']['block_time_obj'] \
            = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(config.state['cur_block']['block_time'])
        config.state['cur_block']['block_time_str'] = config.state['cur_block']['block_time_obj'].isoformat()

        for msg in config.state['cur_block']['_messages']:
            result = parse_message(msg)
            if result == 'ABORT_BLOCK_PROCESSING':  # reorg
                return False

        # run block processor Functions
        # block successfully processed, track this in our DB
        new_block = {
            'block_index': config.state['cur_block']['block_index'],
            'block_time': config.state['cur_block']['block_time_obj'],
            'block_hash': config.state['cur_block']['block_hash'],

        config.state['my_latest_block'] = new_block

        logger.info("Block: %i of %i [message height=%s]" % (
            if config.state['cp_backend_block_index'] else '???',
            config.state['last_message_index'] if config.state['last_message_index'] != -1 else '???'))
        return True

    # grab our stored preferences, and rebuild the database if necessary
    app_config = config.mongo_db.app_config.find()
    assert app_config.count() in [0, 1]
    if(app_config.count() == 0 or
       app_config[0]['db_version'] != config.DB_VERSION or
       app_config[0]['running_testnet'] != config.TESTNET):
        if app_config.count():
            logger.warn("counterblockd database version UPDATED (from %i to %i) or testnet setting changed (from %s to %s). REBUILDING FROM SCRATCH ..." % (
                app_config[0]['db_version'], config.DB_VERSION, app_config[0]['running_testnet'],
            logger.warn("counterblockd database app_config collection doesn't exist. BUILDING FROM SCRATCH...")
        app_config = database.reparse()
        app_config = app_config[0]
        # get the last processed block out of mongo
        my_latest_block = config.mongo_db.processed_blocks.find_one(sort=[("block_index", pymongo.DESCENDING)])
        if my_latest_block:
            # remove any data we have for blocks higher than this (would happen if counterblockd or mongo died
            # or errored out while processing a block)
            # no block state in the database yet
            config.state['my_latest_block'] = config.LATEST_BLOCK_INIT

    # avoid contacting counterparty-server (on reparse, to speed up)
    autopilot = False
    autopilot_runner = 0
    iteration = 0

    # start polling counterparty-server for new blocks
    cp_running_info = None
    while True:
        iteration += 1
        if iteration % 10 == 0:
                "Heartbeat (%s, block: %s, caught up: %s)"
                % (iteration, config.state['my_latest_block']['block_index'], fuzzy_is_caught_up()))
            "iteration: ap %s/%s, cp_latest_block_index: %s, my_latest_block: %s" % (autopilot, autopilot_runner,
                                                                                     config.state['cp_latest_block_index'], config.state['my_latest_block']['block_index']))

        if not autopilot or autopilot_runner == 0:
                cp_running_info = util.jsonrpc_api("get_running_info", abort_on_error=True)['result']
            except Exception as e:
                logger.warn("Cannot contact counterparty-server (via get_running_info)")

        # wipe our state data if necessary, if counterparty-server has moved on to a new DB version
        wipeState = False
        updatePrefs = False

        # Checking appconfig against old running info (when batch-fetching) is redundant
        if    app_config['counterpartyd_db_version_major'] is None \
           or app_config['counterpartyd_db_version_minor'] is None \
           or app_config['counterpartyd_running_testnet'] is None:
            logger.info("Updating version info from counterparty-server")
            updatePrefs = True
        elif cp_running_info['version_major'] != app_config['counterpartyd_db_version_major']:
                "counterparty-server MAJOR DB version change (we built from %s, counterparty-server is at %s). Wiping our state data." % (
                    app_config['counterpartyd_db_version_major'], cp_running_info['version_major']))
            wipeState = True
            updatePrefs = True
        elif cp_running_info['version_minor'] != app_config['counterpartyd_db_version_minor']:
                "counterparty-server MINOR DB version change (we built from %s.%s, counterparty-server is at %s.%s). Wiping our state data." % (
                    app_config['counterpartyd_db_version_major'], app_config['counterpartyd_db_version_minor'],
                    cp_running_info['version_major'], cp_running_info['version_minor']))
            wipeState = True
            updatePrefs = True
        elif cp_running_info.get('running_testnet', False) != app_config['counterpartyd_running_testnet']:
            logger.warn("counterparty-server testnet setting change (from %s to %s). Wiping our state data." % (
                app_config['counterpartyd_running_testnet'], cp_running_info['running_testnet']))
            wipeState = True
            updatePrefs = True
        if wipeState:
            app_config = database.reset_db_state()
        if updatePrefs:
            app_config['counterpartyd_db_version_major'] = cp_running_info['version_major']
            app_config['counterpartyd_db_version_minor'] = cp_running_info['version_minor']
            app_config['counterpartyd_running_testnet'] = cp_running_info['running_testnet']
            config.mongo_db.app_config.update({}, app_config)
            # reset my latest block record
            config.state['my_latest_block'] = config.LATEST_BLOCK_INIT
            config.state['caught_up'] = False

        # work up to what block counterpartyd is at
            if cp_running_info['last_block']:  # should normally exist, unless counterparty-server had an error getting it
                assert cp_running_info['last_block']['block_index']
                config.state['cp_latest_block_index'] = cp_running_info['last_block']['block_index']
            elif cp_running_info['db_caught_up']:
                config.state['cp_latest_block_index'] = cp_running_info['bitcoin_block_count']
                assert False
                "counterparty-server not returning a valid last processed block (probably is reparsing or was just restarted)."
                + " Waiting 3 seconds before trying again... (Data returned: %s, we have: %s)" % (
                    cp_running_info, config.state['cp_latest_block_index']))

        config.state['cp_backend_block_index'] = cp_running_info['bitcoin_block_count']
        config.state['cp_caught_up'] = cp_running_info['db_caught_up']

        if config.state['my_latest_block']['block_index'] < config.state['cp_latest_block_index']:
            # need to catch up
            config.state['caught_up'] = False

            # TODO: Autopilot and autopilot runner are redundant
            if config.state['cp_latest_block_index'] - config.state['my_latest_block']['block_index'] > 500:
                # we are safely far from the tip, switch to bulk-everything
                autopilot = True
                if autopilot_runner == 0:
                    autopilot_runner = 500
                autopilot_runner -= 1
                autopilot = False

            cur_block_index = config.state['my_latest_block']['block_index'] + 1
                block_data = cache.get_block_info(
                    prefetch=min(100, (config.state['cp_latest_block_index'] - config.state['my_latest_block']['block_index'])),
                    min_message_index=config.state['last_message_index'] + 1 if config.state['last_message_index'] != -1 else None)
            except Exception as e:
                logger.warn(str(e) + " Waiting 3 seconds before trying again...")

            # clean api block cache
            if config.state['cp_latest_block_index'] - cur_block_index <= config.MAX_REORG_NUM_BLOCKS:  # only when we are near the tip

                result = parse_block(block_data)
            except Exception as e:  # if anything bubbles up
                logger.exception("Unhandled exception while processing block. Rolling back, waiting 3 seconds and retrying. Error was: %s" % e)

                # counterparty-server might have gone away...
                my_latest_block = config.mongo_db.processed_blocks.find_one(sort=[("block_index", pymongo.DESCENDING)])
                if my_latest_block:

                # disable autopilot this next iteration to force us to check up against counterparty-server
                # (it will be re-enabled later on in that same iteration if we are far enough from the tip)
                autopilot = False

            if result is False:  # reorg, or block processing otherwise not completed
                autopilot = False

            if config.state['cp_latest_block_index'] - cur_block_index < config.MAX_REORG_NUM_BLOCKS:  # only when we are near the tip
        elif config.state['my_latest_block']['block_index'] > config.state['cp_latest_block_index']:
            # should get a reorg message. Just to be on the safe side, prune back MAX_REORG_NUM_BLOCKS blocks
            # before what counterpartyd is saying if we see this
                "Very odd: Ahead of counterparty-server with block indexes! Pruning back %s blocks to be safe."
                % config.MAX_REORG_NUM_BLOCKS)
            database.rollback(config.state['cp_latest_block_index'] - config.MAX_REORG_NUM_BLOCKS)
            if config.QUIT_AFTER_CAUGHT_UP:

            # ...we may be caught up (to counterpartyd), but counterpartyd may not be (to the blockchain). And if it isn't, we aren't
            config.state['caught_up'] = config.state['cp_caught_up']

            # this logic here will cover a case where we shut down counterblockd, then start it up again quickly...
            # in that case, there are no new blocks for it to parse, so config.state['last_message_index'] would otherwise remain 0.
            # With this logic, we will correctly initialize config.state['last_message_index'] to the last message ID of the last processed block
            if config.state['last_message_index'] == -1 or config.state['my_latest_block']['block_index'] == 0:
                if config.state['last_message_index'] == -1:
                    config.state['last_message_index'] = cp_running_info['last_message_index']
                if config.state['my_latest_block']['block_index'] == 0:
                    config.state['my_latest_block']['block_index'] = cp_running_info['last_block']['block_index']
                logger.info("Detected blocks caught up on startup. Setting last message idx to %s, current block index to %s ..." % (
                    config.state['last_message_index'], config.state['my_latest_block']['block_index']))

            if config.state['caught_up'] and not config.state['caught_up_started_events']:
                # start up recurring events that depend on us being fully caught up with the blockchain to run

                config.state['caught_up_started_events'] = True

            time.sleep(2)  # counterblockd itself is at least caught up, wait a bit to query again for the latest block from cpd
コード例 #2
def process_cp_blockfeed():
    # initialize state
    config.state['cur_block'] = {'block_index': 0, }  # block being currently processed
    config.state['my_latest_block'] = {'block_index': 0}  # last block that was successfully processed by counterblockd
    config.state['last_message_index'] = -1  # initialize (last processed message index)
    config.state['cp_latest_block_index'] = 0  # last block that was successfully processed by counterparty
    config.state['cp_backend_block_index'] = 0  # the latest block height as reported by the cpd blockchain backend
    config.state['cp_caught_up'] = False  # whether counterparty-server is caught up to the backend (e.g. bitcoind)
    config.state['caught_up_started_events'] = False
    #^ set after we are caught up and start up the recurring events that depend on us being caught up with the blockchain

    # enabled processor functions
    logger.debug("Enabled Message Processor Functions {0}".format(MessageProcessor.active_functions()))
    logger.debug("Enabled Block Processor Functions {0}".format(BlockProcessor.active_functions()))

    def publish_mempool_tx():
        """fetch new tx from mempool"""
        mempool_txs = config.mongo_db.mempool.find(projection={'tx_hash': True})
        tx_hashes = {t['tx_hash'] for t in mempool_txs}

        params = { # get latest 1000 entries from mempool
            'order_by': 'timestamp',
            'order_dir': 'DESC'
        new_txs = util.jsonrpc_api("get_mempool", params, abort_on_error=True)
        num_skipped_tx = 0
        if new_txs:
            for new_tx in new_txs['result']:
                # skip if it's already in our mempool table
                if new_tx['tx_hash'] in tx_hashes:
                    num_skipped_tx += 1

                tx = {
                    'tx_hash': new_tx['tx_hash'],
                    'command': new_tx['command'],
                    'category': new_tx['category'],
                    'bindings': new_tx['bindings'],
                    'timestamp': new_tx['timestamp'],
                    'viewed_in_block': config.state['my_latest_block']['block_index']
                tx['_category'] = tx['category']
                tx['_message_index'] = 'mempool'
                logger.debug("Spotted mempool tx: %s" % tx)
                for function in MempoolMessageProcessor.active_functions():
                    logger.debug('starting {} (mempool)'.format(function['function']))
                    # TODO: Better handling of double parsing
                        result = function['function'](tx, json.loads(tx['bindings'])) or None
                    except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError as e:
                    if result == 'ABORT_THIS_MESSAGE_PROCESSING' or result == 'continue':
                    elif result:
                        raise Exception(
                            "Message processor returned unknown code -- processor: '%s', result: '%s'" %
                            (function, result))
        logger.debug("Mempool refresh: {} entries retrieved from counterparty-server, {} new".format(len(new_txs['result']), len(new_txs['result']) - num_skipped_tx))

    def clean_mempool_tx():
        """clean mempool transactions older than MAX_REORG_NUM_BLOCKS blocks"""
            {"viewed_in_block": {"$lt": config.state['my_latest_block']['block_index'] - config.MAX_REORG_NUM_BLOCKS}})

    def parse_message(msg):
        msg_data = json.loads(msg['bindings'])
        logger.debug("Received message %s: %s ..." % (msg['message_index'], msg))

        # out of order messages should not happen (anymore), but just to be sure
        if msg['message_index'] != config.state['last_message_index'] + 1 and config.state['last_message_index'] != -1:
            raise Exception("Message index mismatch. Next message's message_index: %s, last_message_index: %s" % (
                msg['message_index'], config.state['last_message_index']))

        for function in MessageProcessor.active_functions():
            logger.debug('MessageProcessor: starting {}'.format(function['function']))
            # TODO: Better handling of double parsing
                result = function['function'](msg, msg_data) or None
            except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError as e:

            if result in (
                    'ABORT_THIS_MESSAGE_PROCESSING', 'continue',  # just abort further MessageProcessors for THIS message
                    'ABORT_BLOCK_PROCESSING'):  # abort all further block processing, including that of all messages in the block
            elif result not in (True, False, None):
                raise Exception(
                    "Message processor returned unknown code -- processor: '%s', result: '%s'" %
                    (function, result))

        config.state['last_message_index'] = msg['message_index']
        return 'ABORT_BLOCK_PROCESSING' if result == 'ABORT_BLOCK_PROCESSING' else None

    def parse_block(block_data):
        config.state['cur_block'] = block_data
        config.state['cur_block']['block_time_obj'] \
            = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(config.state['cur_block']['block_time'])
        config.state['cur_block']['block_time_str'] = config.state['cur_block']['block_time_obj'].isoformat()

        for msg in config.state['cur_block']['_messages']:
            result = parse_message(msg)
            if result == 'ABORT_BLOCK_PROCESSING':  # reorg
                return False

        # run block processor Functions
        # block successfully processed, track this in our DB
        new_block = {
            'block_index': config.state['cur_block']['block_index'],
            'block_time': config.state['cur_block']['block_time_obj'],
            'block_hash': config.state['cur_block']['block_hash'],

        config.state['my_latest_block'] = new_block

        logger.info("Block: %i of %i [message height=%s]" % (
            if config.state['cp_backend_block_index'] else '???',
            config.state['last_message_index'] if config.state['last_message_index'] != -1 else '???'))
        return True

    # grab our stored preferences, and rebuild the database if necessary
    app_config = config.mongo_db.app_config.find()
    assert app_config.count() in [0, 1]
    if(app_config.count() == 0 or
       app_config[0]['db_version'] != config.DB_VERSION or
       app_config[0]['running_testnet'] != config.TESTNET):
        if app_config.count():
            logger.warn("counterblockd database version UPDATED (from %i to %i) or testnet setting changed (from %s to %s). REBUILDING FROM SCRATCH ..." % (
                app_config[0]['db_version'], config.DB_VERSION, app_config[0]['running_testnet'],
            logger.warn("counterblockd database app_config collection doesn't exist. BUILDING FROM SCRATCH...")
        app_config = database.reparse()
        app_config = app_config[0]
        # get the last processed block out of mongo
        my_latest_block = config.mongo_db.processed_blocks.find_one(sort=[("block_index", pymongo.DESCENDING)])
        if my_latest_block:
            # remove any data we have for blocks higher than this (would happen if counterblockd or mongo died
            # or errored out while processing a block)
            # no block state in the database yet
            config.state['my_latest_block'] = config.LATEST_BLOCK_INIT

    # avoid contacting counterparty-server (on reparse, to speed up)
    autopilot = False
    autopilot_runner = 0
    iteration = 0

    # start polling counterparty-server for new blocks
    cp_running_info = None
    while True:
        iteration += 1
        if iteration % 10 == 0:
                "Heartbeat (%s, block: %s, caught up: %s)"
                % (iteration, config.state['my_latest_block']['block_index'], fuzzy_is_caught_up()))
            "iteration: ap %s/%s, cp_latest_block_index: %s, my_latest_block: %s" % (autopilot, autopilot_runner,
                                                                                     config.state['cp_latest_block_index'], config.state['my_latest_block']['block_index']))

        if not autopilot or autopilot_runner == 0:
                cp_running_info = util.jsonrpc_api("get_running_info", abort_on_error=True)['result']
            except Exception as e:
                logger.warn("Cannot contact counterparty-server (via get_running_info)")

        # wipe our state data if necessary, if counterparty-server has moved on to a new DB version
        wipeState = False
        updatePrefs = False

        # Checking appconfig against old running info (when batch-fetching) is redundant
        if    app_config['counterpartyd_db_version_major'] is None \
           or app_config['counterpartyd_db_version_minor'] is None \
           or app_config['counterpartyd_running_testnet'] is None:
            logger.info("Updating version info from counterparty-server")
            updatePrefs = True
        elif cp_running_info['version_major'] != app_config['counterpartyd_db_version_major']:
                "counterparty-server MAJOR DB version change (we built from %s, counterparty-server is at %s). Wiping our state data." % (
                    app_config['counterpartyd_db_version_major'], cp_running_info['version_major']))
            wipeState = True
            updatePrefs = True
        elif cp_running_info['version_minor'] != app_config['counterpartyd_db_version_minor']:
                "counterparty-server MINOR DB version change (we built from %s.%s, counterparty-server is at %s.%s). Wiping our state data." % (
                    app_config['counterpartyd_db_version_major'], app_config['counterpartyd_db_version_minor'],
                    cp_running_info['version_major'], cp_running_info['version_minor']))
            wipeState = True
            updatePrefs = True
        elif cp_running_info.get('running_testnet', False) != app_config['counterpartyd_running_testnet']:
            logger.warn("counterparty-server testnet setting change (from %s to %s). Wiping our state data." % (
                app_config['counterpartyd_running_testnet'], cp_running_info['running_testnet']))
            wipeState = True
            updatePrefs = True
        if wipeState:
            app_config = database.reset_db_state()
        if updatePrefs:
            app_config['counterpartyd_db_version_major'] = cp_running_info['version_major']
            app_config['counterpartyd_db_version_minor'] = cp_running_info['version_minor']
            app_config['counterpartyd_running_testnet'] = cp_running_info['running_testnet']
            config.mongo_db.app_config.update({}, app_config)
            # reset my latest block record
            config.state['my_latest_block'] = config.LATEST_BLOCK_INIT
            config.state['caught_up'] = False

        # work up to what block counterpartyd is at
            if cp_running_info['last_block']:  # should normally exist, unless counterparty-server had an error getting it
                assert cp_running_info['last_block']['block_index']
                config.state['cp_latest_block_index'] = cp_running_info['last_block']['block_index']
            elif cp_running_info['db_caught_up']:
                config.state['cp_latest_block_index'] = cp_running_info['bitcoin_block_count']
                assert False
                "counterparty-server not returning a valid last processed block (probably is reparsing or was just restarted)."
                + " Waiting 3 seconds before trying again... (Data returned: %s, we have: %s)" % (
                    cp_running_info, config.state['cp_latest_block_index']))

        config.state['cp_backend_block_index'] = cp_running_info['bitcoin_block_count']
        config.state['cp_caught_up'] = cp_running_info['db_caught_up']

        if config.state['my_latest_block']['block_index'] < config.state['cp_latest_block_index']:
            # need to catch up
            config.state['caught_up'] = False

            # TODO: Autopilot and autopilot runner are redundant
            if config.state['cp_latest_block_index'] - config.state['my_latest_block']['block_index'] > 500:
                # we are safely far from the tip, switch to bulk-everything
                autopilot = True
                if autopilot_runner == 0:
                    autopilot_runner = 500
                autopilot_runner -= 1
                autopilot = False

            cur_block_index = config.state['my_latest_block']['block_index'] + 1
                block_data = cache.get_block_info(
                    prefetch=min(100, (config.state['cp_latest_block_index'] - config.state['my_latest_block']['block_index'])),
                    min_message_index=config.state['last_message_index'] + 1 if config.state['last_message_index'] != -1 else None)
            except Exception as e:
                logger.warn(str(e) + " Waiting 3 seconds before trying again...")

            # clean api block cache
            if config.state['cp_latest_block_index'] - cur_block_index <= config.MAX_REORG_NUM_BLOCKS:  # only when we are near the tip

                result = parse_block(block_data)
            except Exception as e:  # if anything bubbles up
                logger.exception("Unhandled exception while processing block. Rolling back, waiting 3 seconds and retrying. Error was: %s" % e)

                # counterparty-server might have gone away...
                my_latest_block = config.mongo_db.processed_blocks.find_one(sort=[("block_index", pymongo.DESCENDING)])
                if my_latest_block:

                # disable autopilot this next iteration to force us to check up against counterparty-server
                # (it will be re-enabled later on in that same iteration if we are far enough from the tip)
                autopilot = False

            if result is False:  # reorg, or block processing otherwise not completed
                autopilot = False

            if config.state['cp_latest_block_index'] - cur_block_index < config.MAX_REORG_NUM_BLOCKS:  # only when we are near the tip
        elif config.state['my_latest_block']['block_index'] > config.state['cp_latest_block_index']:
            # should get a reorg message. Just to be on the safe side, prune back MAX_REORG_NUM_BLOCKS blocks
            # before what counterpartyd is saying if we see this
                "Very odd: Ahead of counterparty-server with block indexes! Pruning back %s blocks to be safe."
                % config.MAX_REORG_NUM_BLOCKS)
            database.rollback(config.state['cp_latest_block_index'] - config.MAX_REORG_NUM_BLOCKS)
            if config.QUIT_AFTER_CAUGHT_UP:

            # ...we may be caught up (to counterpartyd), but counterpartyd may not be (to the blockchain). And if it isn't, we aren't
            config.state['caught_up'] = config.state['cp_caught_up']

            # this logic here will cover a case where we shut down counterblockd, then start it up again quickly...
            # in that case, there are no new blocks for it to parse, so config.state['last_message_index'] would otherwise remain 0.
            # With this logic, we will correctly initialize config.state['last_message_index'] to the last message ID of the last processed block
            if config.state['last_message_index'] == -1 or config.state['my_latest_block']['block_index'] == 0:
                if config.state['last_message_index'] == -1:
                    config.state['last_message_index'] = cp_running_info['last_message_index']
                if config.state['my_latest_block']['block_index'] == 0:
                    config.state['my_latest_block']['block_index'] = cp_running_info['last_block']['block_index']
                logger.info("Detected blocks caught up on startup. Setting last message idx to %s, current block index to %s ..." % (
                    config.state['last_message_index'], config.state['my_latest_block']['block_index']))

            if config.state['caught_up'] and not config.state['caught_up_started_events']:
                # start up recurring events that depend on us being fully caught up with the blockchain to run

                config.state['caught_up_started_events'] = True

            time.sleep(2)  # counterblockd itself is at least caught up, wait a bit to query again for the latest block from cpd
コード例 #3
                autopilot_runner -= 1
                autopilot = False
            cur_block_index = config.state['my_latest_block']['block_index'] + 1
                block_data = cache.get_block_info(cur_block_index,
                    min(100, (config.state['cp_latest_block_index'] - config.state['my_latest_block']['block_index'])))
            except Exception, e:
                logger.warn(str(e) + " Waiting 3 seconds before trying again...")
            # clean api cache
            if config.state['cp_latest_block_index'] - cur_block_index <= config.MAX_REORG_NUM_BLOCKS: #only when we are near the tip


        elif config.state['my_latest_block']['block_index'] > config.state['cp_latest_block_index']:
            # should get a reorg message. Just to be on the safe side, prune back MAX_REORG_NUM_BLOCKS blocks
            # before what counterpartyd is saying if we see this
            logger.error("Very odd: Ahead of counterpartyd with block indexes! Pruning back %s blocks to be safe."
                % config.MAX_REORG_NUM_BLOCKS)
            database.rollback(config.state['cp_latest_block_index'] - config.MAX_REORG_NUM_BLOCKS)
            #...we may be caught up (to counterpartyd), but counterpartyd may not be (to the blockchain). And if it isn't, we aren't
            config.state['caught_up'] = cp_running_info['db_caught_up']
            #this logic here will cover a case where we shut down counterblockd, then start it up again quickly...
            # in that case, there are no new blocks for it to parse, so config.state['last_message_index'] would otherwise remain 0.
コード例 #4
                autopilot = False
            cur_block_index = config.state['my_latest_block']['block_index'] + 1
                block_data = cache.get_block_info(cur_block_index,
                    prefetch=min(100, (config.state['cp_latest_block_index'] - config.state['my_latest_block']['block_index'])),
                    min_message_index=config.state['last_message_index'] + 1 if config.state['last_message_index'] != -1 else None)
            except Exception, e:
                logger.warn(str(e) + " Waiting 3 seconds before trying again...")
            # clean api block cache
            if config.state['cp_latest_block_index'] - cur_block_index <= config.MAX_REORG_NUM_BLOCKS: #only when we are near the tip

                result = parse_block(block_data)
            except Exception as e: #if anything bubbles up
                logger.exception("Unhandled exception while processing block. Rolling back, waiting 3 seconds and retrying. Error was: %s" % e)

                #counterparty-server might have gone away...
                my_latest_block = config.mongo_db.processed_blocks.find_one(sort=[("block_index", pymongo.DESCENDING)])
                if my_latest_block:
                #disable autopilot this next iteration to force us to check up against counterparty-server
                # (it will be re-enabled later on in that same iteration if we are far enough from the tip)
                autopilot = False