コード例 #1
def createPost(cid):
    """Function that redirects to the review page for a particular course. This
    will provide users with a form that allows them to enter their overall rating,
    how many hours they spent on the course, and any comments they might have."""

    conn = courseBrowser.getConn('c9')
    uid = session.get('uid', False)

    edit_post = {'hours': "", 'comments': ""}

    # error if user not logged in
    if not uid:
        flash("Sorry, you have to log in before writing a review.")
        return redirect(url_for('homePage'))
        # check to see if this is an edit post request instead of a create post request
        isEditPostRequest = request.form.get('editPostRequest', False)
        edit_post = {}
        if isEditPostRequest:
            edit_post = {
                'uid': session['uid'],
                'rating': request.form.get('rating', ''),
                'hours': request.form.get('hours', ''),
                'comments': request.form.get('comments', '')
        # get information about particular course
        courseInfo = courseBrowser.getInfoAboutCourse(conn, cid)
        pastPosts = courseBrowser.get_past_posts(conn, cid)
        if 'name' in session:
            loginbanner = "Logged in as " + session['name']
        return render_template('post.html',
コード例 #2
def file_upload():
    """This route allows users to upload a file. It will first check to make sure
    that the file is not too big and that it is a type that we can handle
    (i.e. it is either a jpeg, gif, png, or pdf and not anythin else). It then
    uploads that file and saves it to our posts database under filename."""
    conn = courseBrowser.getConn('c9')
    if request.method == 'GET':
        return render_template('form.html', src='', nm='')
            f = request.files['file']
            pid = request.form.get('pid', 1)
            fsize = os.fstat(f.stream.fileno()).st_size
            print 'file size is ', fsize
            if fsize > app.config['MAX_UPLOAD']:
                raise Exception('File is too big')
            mime_type = imghdr.what(f)
            if mime_type.lower() not in ['jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'pdf']:
                raise Exception('Not a JPEG, GIF or PNG: {}'.format(mime_type))
            filename = secure_filename('{}.{}'.format(pid, mime_type))
            pathname = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOADS'], filename)
            courseBrowser.insertFile(conn, pid, filename)
            flash('Upload successful')
            return redirect(request.referrer)
        except Exception as err:
            flash('Upload failed {why}'.format(why=err))
            return redirect(request.referrer)
コード例 #3
def manageCourses():
    """Function allows admins to edit or delete courses. This will render a 
    template with all of the courses in the system. The courses will be hyperlinked
    to another page where the admins can further edit details about the course
    (specifically, the professor). They can also choose to delete any course
    they want to delete."""
    conn = courseBrowser.getConn('c9')
    loginbanner = ""
    if 'uid' in session:
        if session['isAdmin']:
            loginbanner = "Logged in as " + session['name']

            if (request.method == 'POST'):
                deleteList = request.form.getlist('deleteCourse')
                for cid in deleteList:
                    courseBrowser.deleteCourse(conn, cid)
                flash('Courses successfully deleted.')
            courses = courseBrowser.getSearchResults(conn, "", "", "", "", "")

            return render_template('manageCourses.html',
        "You need to be logged in as an administrator in order to manage courses."
    return redirect(url_for('homePage'))
コード例 #4
def join():
    """This route allows users to create a new account if they do not have
    one already."""
    conn = courseBrowser.getConn('c9')
    username = request.form.get('username')
    pw = request.form.get('password')
    adminPW = request.form.get('adminPW')

    # course examples displayed after successful login
    dummyCourses = courseBrowser.getSearchResults(conn, "", "", "", "", "")

    # FOR NOW: global admin password == 'admin'
    isAdmin = "0"
    session['isAdmin'] = False
    if adminPW == 'admin':
        isAdmin = "1"
        session['isAdmin'] = True

    # if inputs are empty, flash a message saying they can't have an empty password
    # or username
    if username == "" or pw == "":
        flash("Please enter a username and password.")
        return render_template('createAccount.html')

    # query the database to see if there is a matching username and password
    tryToLoginDict = courseBrowser.getUser(conn, username, pw, isAdmin)

    # check that credentials already exist
    # if so, flash a message
    if tryToLoginDict['response'] == 0 or tryToLoginDict['response'] == 1:
        flash("Sorry, that account already exists.")
        return render_template('createAccount.html')

    # # incorrect pw entered
    # # if the username exists in the database but the password is wrong,
    # # flash a warning to the user and redirect
    # if tryToLoginDict['response'] == 1:
    #     flash("Sorry, that account already exists.")
    #     return render_template('createAccount.html')

    # if the username is not in the database, then
    # update the database by creating a new user with that login and password information
    # creating a new user with entered username and pw
    else:  #otherwise, create a new user
        newUser = courseBrowser.createUser(conn, username, pw, isAdmin)
        session['uid'] = newUser['uid']
        session['username'] = newUser['name']
        session['name'] = newUser['name']
        return render_template('search.html',
                               loginbanner="New user created. Logged in as " +

    return redirect(url_for('homePage'))
コード例 #5
def star_course_ajax():
    """This route uses Ajax to star or favorite a course."""
    cid = request.form.get('cid')
    isFav = request.form.get('isFav')
    if 'uid' in session:
        uid = session['uid']
        conn = courseBrowser.getConn('c9')
        courseBrowser.starCourse(conn, uid, cid, isFav)
        return jsonify({})

    flash("Sorry, you have to log in before writing a review.")
    return redirect(url_for('homePage'))
コード例 #6
def fav_courses():
    """Route that renders a template that displays all of the user's favorite courses.
    A user has a favorite course if they pressed "star" for any of the courses
    in the search page."""
    conn = courseBrowser.getConn('c9')
    if 'uid' in session:
        uid = session.get('uid')
        favCourses = courseBrowser.get_fav_courses(conn, uid)
        return render_template('favCourses.html', courses=favCourses)

    flash("Sorry, you have to log in before writing a review.")
    return redirect(url_for('homePage'))
コード例 #7
def search():
    """Function for the search bar in the webpage. This function will grab the
    input user typed into the search bar and call on getSearchResults in 
    courseBrowser.py to find all courses similar to the user's input and filters
    that they choose. It will then display all of those courses that fit what
    the user is looking for."""

    # check to see if user is logged in
    loginbanner = ""
    if 'name' in session:
        loginbanner = "Logged in as " + session['name']

    # connect to database
    conn = courseBrowser.getConn('c9')

    # grab the search term, profess, semester, whether or not to filter by
    # avg rating or avg hours, and how the user wants the courses to be sorted.
    if request.method == 'POST':
        searchterm = request.form.get('searchterm', "")
        semester = request.form.get('semester_filter', "")
        prof = request.form.get('professor_filter', "")
        filter_by = request.form.get('filter_by', "")
        sort_by = request.form.get('sort_by', "")
        searchterm = request.args.get('searchterm', "")
        semester = request.args.get('semester_filter', "")
        prof = request.args.get('professor_filter', "")
        filter_by = request.form.get('filter_by', "")
        sort_by = request.args.get('sort_by', "")

    filterList = {
        'searchterm': searchterm,
        'semester': semester,
        'professor': prof,
        'filter_by': filter_by,
        'sort_by': sort_by

    uid = session.get('uid', False)
    courses = courseBrowser.getSearchResults(conn, searchterm, semester, prof,
                                             filter_by, sort_by)

    # add isFav key to mark if course is starred in coursesdict
    newCourses = courseBrowser.add_isFav_to_Dict(conn, courses, uid)

    return render_template('search.html',
コード例 #8
def editPosts():
    """Show a user's previous posts only after a user has successfully logged in"""
    conn = courseBrowser.getConn('c9')
    uid = session.get('uid', False)

    # flash error if not logged in
    if not uid:
        flash("You need to log in before you can edit your posts.")
        return redirect(url_for('homePage'))
        loginbanner = "Logged in as " + session['name']
        posts = courseBrowser.getUserPastPosts(conn, uid)
        return render_template('allPosts.html',
コード例 #9
def delete():
    """This is the route that allows users to delete a post. This will render
    a template with all of the user's past posts and a check box for each post.
    If they click on the checkbox and hit submit, it means they are deleting that
    post. If a post is deleted, it will recalculate the new averages and ratings."""
    conn = courseBrowser.getConn('c9')
    loginbanner = ""

    # check that user is logged in
    if 'uid' in session and session['uid'] is not None:
        uid = session['uid']
        if 'name' in session:
            loginbanner = "Logged in as " + session['name']
            loginbanner = "Please log in."

        if (request.method == 'POST'):
            deleteList = request.form.getlist('coursePost')
            for cid in deleteList:  # delete each post that user clicked
                courseBrowser.deletePost(conn, session['uid'], cid)
            postsDict = courseBrowser.getAllPosts(conn, session['uid'])
            flash('Posts successfully deleted.')
            return render_template('delete.html',
                                   loginbanner="Logged in as " +
        postsDict = courseBrowser.getAllPosts(conn, uid)
        if postsDict is None:
                'You have made 0 posts. You need to create a post first before you can delete it.'
            return redirect(request.referrer)
            return render_template('delete.html',
        flash('You need to login before deleting posts.')
        return redirect(url_for('homePage'))
コード例 #10
def editCourse(cid):
    """This route allows allows admins to change the professor of a specific course."""
    conn = courseBrowser.getConn('c9')
    if 'uid' in session:
        if session['isAdmin']:
            loginbanner = "Logged in as " + session['name']

            if (request.method == 'POST'):
                professor = request.form.get('newProf')
                course = courseBrowser.updateCourseProf(conn, cid, professor)
                flash('Course successfully updated.')
                return render_template('editCourse.html',

            course = courseBrowser.getInfoAboutCourse(conn, cid)
            return render_template('editCourse.html',
        "You need to be logged in as an administrator in order to manage courses."
    return redirect(url_for('homePage'))
コード例 #11
def insertCourse():
    """This route takes the name, semester, and professor provided by the user
    and then calls on the relevant query in courseBrowser.py to insert the
    new course into the database."""
    conn = courseBrowser.getConn('c9')

    uid = session.get('uid', False)

    # ensure that user is log in before they add a course
    if not uid:
        flash("Sorry, you have to log in first before adding a course.")
        return redirect(url_for('homePage'))
        # grab name and semester from form
        name = request.form.get("newcoursename")
        semester = request.form.get("newsemester").upper().encode("utf-8")
        professor = request.form.get("newprofessor")
        # ensure that the inputs are all valid
        if (len(semester) != 3) or (semester[0] != 'F' and semester[0] != 'S'
                                    ) or (not (semester[1:].isdigit())):
            flash("Invalid semester.")
        elif (len(professor) <= 0):  # check to make sure inputs are not empty
            flash("Must enter input for professor.")
        elif len(name) <= 0:
            flash("Must enter new course name.")
            if courseBrowser.insertCourse(conn, professor, name, semester,
                flash("Course added!")
                    "Uh-oh! It looks like this course already exists in our database..."
        return redirect(url_for("search"))
コード例 #12
def rateCourse():
    """This route occcurs when a user has rate a particular course. After it 
    inserts the new post into the system, it will update average rating and hours."""
    if 'uid' in session:
        # grab the uid, cid, rating, hours, and comments
        conn = courseBrowser.getConn('c9')
        uid = session['uid']
        cid = request.form.get('cid')
        rating = request.form.get('stars', '')
        hours = request.form.get('fname', '')
        comments = request.form.get('comment')

        # ensure that the inputs are not empty
        if rating == '' or hours == '':
            flash("Please enter a review.")
            result = courseBrowser.rate_course(conn, uid, cid, rating, hours,
                'The new average rating is {} and the new average hours are {}.'
                .format(result['avgrating'], result['avghours']))
        flash('You need to login!')
    return redirect(request.referrer)
コード例 #13
def login():
    """Route for logging in on the main page."""
    #create the login -- if the username is already taken, then search the database
    #for a matching username and hashed password
    conn = courseBrowser.getConn('c9')
    username = request.form.get('username')
    pw = request.form.get('password')
    adminPW = request.form.get('adminPW')

    # course examples displayed after successful login
    dummyCourses = courseBrowser.getSearchResults(conn, "", "", "", "", "")

    # FOR NOW: global admin password == 'admin'
    isAdmin = "0"
    session['isAdmin'] = False
    if adminPW == 'admin':
        isAdmin = "1"
        session['isAdmin'] = True
    # query the database to see if there is a matching username and password
    if username == "" or pw == "":
        flash("Invalid username/password.")
        return render_template('index.html')

    tryToLoginDict = courseBrowser.getUser(conn, username, pw, isAdmin)
    # valid login and pw

    if tryToLoginDict['response'] == 0:
        session['uid'] = tryToLoginDict['uid']
        session['name'] = tryToLoginDict['name']
        uid = session['uid']

        # add isFav key to mark if course is starred in dummyCourses dict
        newDummyCourses = courseBrowser.add_isFav_to_Dict(
            conn, dummyCourses, uid)

        return render_template('search.html',
                               loginbanner="Logged in as " +
    # incorrect pw entered
    # if the username exists in the database but the password is wrong,
    # flash a warning to the user and redirect
    if tryToLoginDict['response'] == 1:
        flash("Invalid username/password.")
        return render_template('index.html')
    # if the username is not in the database, then
    # update the database by creating a new user with that login and password information
    # creating a new user with entered username and pw

        #         session['uid'] = tryToLoginDict['uid']
        #         session['username'] = tryToLoginDict['name']
        #         uid = session['uid']

        #         # add isFav key to mark if course is starred in dummyCourses dict
        #         newDummyCourses = courseBrowser.add_isFav_to_Dict(conn, dummyCourses, uid)

        #         return render_template('search.html', loginbanner = "New user created. Logged in as " + str(tryToLoginDict['name']), courses=newDummyCourses, uid=uid)

        flash("Sorry, we don't recognize that account.")

    return redirect(url_for('homePage'))
コード例 #14
def pic(path):
    """Returns the picture associated with given pid."""
    conn = courseBrowser.getConn('c9')
    curs = conn.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
    return send_from_directory(app.config['UPLOADS'], path)