コード例 #1
def render_body(context, **pageargs):
    __M_caller = context.caller_stack._push_frame()
        __M_locals = __M_dict_builtin(pageargs=pageargs)

        def bodyclass():
            return render_bodyclass(context.locals_(__M_locals))

        def title():
            return render_title(context.locals_(__M_locals))

        timer_navigation_return_url = context.get("timer_navigation_return_url", UNDEFINED)
        accordion = context.get("accordion", UNDEFINED)
        content = context.get("content", UNDEFINED)
        course = context.get("course", UNDEFINED)

        def js_extra():
            return render_js_extra(context.locals_(__M_locals))

        timer_expiration_duration = context.get("timer_expiration_duration", UNDEFINED)
        static = _mako_get_namespace(context, "static")
        chat = context.get("chat", UNDEFINED)

        def headextra():
            return render_headextra(context.locals_(__M_locals))

        def header_extras():
            return render_header_extras(context.locals_(__M_locals))

        show_chat = context.get("show_chat", UNDEFINED)
        time_expired_redirect_url = context.get("time_expired_redirect_url", UNDEFINED)
        staff_access = context.get("staff_access", UNDEFINED)
        __M_writer = context.writer()
        # SOURCE LINE 1
        # SOURCE LINE 2
        # SOURCE LINE 3
        # SOURCE LINE 4
        if "parent" not in context._data or not hasattr(context._data["parent"], "bodyclass"):

        # SOURCE LINE 5
        if "parent" not in context._data or not hasattr(context._data["parent"], "title"):

        # SOURCE LINE 6
        if "parent" not in context._data or not hasattr(context._data["parent"], "headextra"):

        # SOURCE LINE 18
            u'\n\n<style type="text/css" media="screen">\n  [class^="icon-"], [class*=" icon-"] {font-family: "FontAwesome" !important;}\n  .course_author_image_div{border-bottom-style:solid;border-bottom-width:1px;border-bottom-color:#aaa;}\n</style>\n'
        if "parent" not in context._data or not hasattr(context._data["parent"], "header_extras"):

        # SOURCE LINE 30
        if "parent" not in context._data or not hasattr(context._data["parent"], "js_extra"):

        # SOURCE LINE 264
        # SOURCE LINE 266
        if timer_expiration_duration:
            # SOURCE LINE 267
            __M_writer(u'<div class="timer-main">\n  <div id="timer_wrapper">\n')
            # SOURCE LINE 269
            if timer_navigation_return_url:
                # SOURCE LINE 270
                __M_writer(u'    <a href="')
                __M_writer(u'" class="timer_return_url">')
                __M_writer(filters.decode.utf8(_("Return to Exam")))
            # SOURCE LINE 272
                u'    <div class="timer_label">Time Remaining:</div> <div id="exam_timer" class="timer_value">&nbsp;</div>\n  </div>\n</div>\n'
        # SOURCE LINE 276
        # SOURCE LINE 278
        if accordion:
            # SOURCE LINE 279
            __M_writer(u" ")
                context, u"/courseware/course_navigation.html", _template_uri, active_page="courseware"
        # SOURCE LINE 281
            u' \n<section class="container">\n  <div class="course-wrapper">\n<!--@begin:Change the color of the left index in My course-->\n<!--@date:2013-11-02-->\n<style type="text/css" media="screen">\n  #accordion a{color:#366092}\n</style>\n<!--@end-->    \n\n\n'
        # SOURCE LINE 292
        if accordion:
            # SOURCE LINE 293
            __M_writer(u'    <section aria-label="')
            __M_writer(filters.decode.utf8(_("Course Navigation")))
            __M_writer(u'" class="course-index">\n      <header id="open_close_accordion">\n        <a href="#">')
            # SOURCE LINE 295
            __M_writer(u'</a>\n      </header>\n      <div class="course_author_image_div">\n        <img src="')
            # SOURCE LINE 298
                u'" width="100%" alt=""/>\n      </div>\n      <div id="accordion" style="display: none">\n        <nav>\n          '
            # SOURCE LINE 302
            __M_writer(u"\n        </nav>\n      </div>\n    </section>\n")
        # SOURCE LINE 307
        __M_writer(u'\n    <section class="course-content">\n')
        # SOURCE LINE 309
        if course.hide_timer == False:
            # SOURCE LINE 310
            if course.show_external_timer == False:
                # SOURCE LINE 311
                __M_writer(u'        <div class="course_timer"></div>\n')
                # SOURCE LINE 312
                # SOURCE LINE 313
                __M_writer(u'        <div class="external_timer"></div>\n')
        # SOURCE LINE 316
        __M_writer(u"      ")
        __M_writer(u"\n    </section>\n  </div>\n</section>\n\n")
        # SOURCE LINE 321
        if show_chat:
            # SOURCE LINE 322
                u'  <div id="chat-wrapper">\n    <div id="chat-toggle" class="closed">\n      <span id="chat-open">Open Chat <em class="icon-chevron-up"></em></span>\n      <span id="chat-close">Close Chat <em class="icon-chevron-down"></em></span>\n    </div>\n    <div id="chat-block">\n'
            # SOURCE LINE 329
            __M_writer(u'      <div id="candy"></div>\n    </div>\n  </div>\n')
        # SOURCE LINE 333
        # SOURCE LINE 334
        if course.show_calculator:
            # SOURCE LINE 335
            __M_writer(u'    <div class="calc-main">\n        <a aria-label="')
            # SOURCE LINE 336
            __M_writer(filters.decode.utf8(_("Open Calculator")))
            __M_writer(u'" href="#" class="calc">')
                u'</a>\n\n        <div id="calculator_wrapper">\n            <form id="calculator">\n                <div class="input-wrapper">\n                    <input type="text" id="calculator_input" title="Calculator Input Field" />\n\n                    <div class="help-wrapper">\n                        <a href="#">'
            # SOURCE LINE 344
            __M_writer(u'</a>\n                        <dl class="help">\n                            <dt>')
            # SOURCE LINE 346
            __M_writer(u"</dt>\n                            <dd> %kMGTcmunp</dd>\n                            <dt>")
            # SOURCE LINE 348
            __M_writer(u"</dt>\n                            <dd>^ * / + - ()</dd>\n                            <dt>")
            # SOURCE LINE 350
                u"</dt>\n                            <dd>sin, cos, tan, sqrt, log10, log2, ln, arccos, arcsin, arctan, abs </dd>\n                            <dt>"
            # SOURCE LINE 352
                u'</dt>\n                            <dd>e, pi</dd>\n\n                            <!-- Students won\'t know what parallel means at this time.  Complex numbers aren\'t well tested in the courseware, so we would prefer to not expose them.  If you read the comments in the source, feel free to use them. If you run into a bug, please let us know. But we can\'t officially support them right now.\n\n                            <dt>Unsupported:</dt> <dd>||, j </dd>  -->\n                        </dl>\n                    </div>\n                </div>\n                <input id="calculator_button" type="submit" title="Calculate" value="="/>\n                <input type="text" id="calculator_output" title="Calculator Output Field" readonly />\n            </form>\n\n        </div>\n    </div>\n'
        return ""
コード例 #2
def render_body(context,active_page=None,portfolio_user=None,**pageargs):
    __M_caller = context.caller_stack._push_frame()
        __M_locals = __M_dict_builtin(portfolio_user=portfolio_user,pageargs=pageargs,active_page=active_page)
        masquerade = context.get('masquerade', UNDEFINED)
        request = context.get('request', UNDEFINED)
        def extratabs():
            return render_extratabs(context.locals_(__M_locals))
        course = context.get('course', UNDEFINED)
        user = context.get('user', UNDEFINED)
        active_page_context = context.get('active_page_context', UNDEFINED)
        staff_access = context.get('staff_access', UNDEFINED)
        __M_writer = context.writer()
        # SOURCE LINE 2
        __M_writer(u'\n<!--@begin:Hide the Dashboard button in this page-->\n<!--@date:2013-11-02-->\n<style type="text/css" media="screen">\n  .mychunks_linkwin{\n    background:#fff;\n    border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9);\n    border-radius: 0;\n    box-shadow: 0 15px 80px 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);\n    display: none;\n    left: 50%;\n    padding: 8px;\n    position: absolute;\n    width: 480px;\n    display: none;\n    margin-left:-250px;\n    top: 320px;\n    z-index: 11000;\n    height:200px;\n  }\n  .mychunks_style_button {\n    width:100px;\n    text-align:center;\n    display: block;\n    text-decoration: none!important;\n    font-family: \'Open Sans\',Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif;\n    padding: 3px 3px;\n    border-radius: 3px;\n    -moz-border-radius: 3px;\n    box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 2px #fff;\n    -o-box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 2px #fff;\n    -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 2px #fff;\n    -moz-box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 2px #fff;\n    cursor:pointer;\n  }\n  .course-tabs li{\n    margin-top:10px;\n  }\n</style>\n<!--@end-->\n\n')
        # SOURCE LINE 43
        if context.get("curr_user"):
            # SOURCE LINE 44
            __M_writer(u'  ')
            __M_locals_builtin_stored = __M_locals_builtin()
            __M_locals.update(__M_dict_builtin([(__M_key, __M_locals_builtin_stored[__M_key]) for __M_key in ['curr_user'] if __M_key in __M_locals_builtin_stored]))
            # SOURCE LINE 45
            # SOURCE LINE 46
            __M_writer(u'  ')
            __M_locals_builtin_stored = __M_locals_builtin()
            __M_locals.update(__M_dict_builtin([(__M_key, __M_locals_builtin_stored[__M_key]) for __M_key in ['curr_user'] if __M_key in __M_locals_builtin_stored]))
        # SOURCE LINE 48
        # SOURCE LINE 49

        if active_page is None and active_page_context is not UNDEFINED:
          # If active_page is not passed in as an argument, it may be in the context as active_page_context
          active_page = active_page_context
        def url_class(is_active):
          if is_active:
            return "active"
          return ""
        def url_class(tab):
          if tab.name.strip().lower()=='live hangout!':
          if tab.is_active:
            s+=" active"
          return s
        __M_locals_builtin_stored = __M_locals_builtin()
        __M_locals.update(__M_dict_builtin([(__M_key, __M_locals_builtin_stored[__M_key]) for __M_key in ['url_class','active_page'] if __M_key in __M_locals_builtin_stored]))
        # SOURCE LINE 65
        # SOURCE LINE 66
        # SOURCE LINE 67
        # SOURCE LINE 68
        __M_writer(u'\n<style>\n  /*nav.course-material ol.course-tabs li a.live_hangout{color:#8C9641;}*/\n</style>\n\n<nav class="')
        # SOURCE LINE 73
        __M_writer(u' course-material">\n  <div class="inner-wrapper">\n    <ol class="course-tabs">\n')
        # SOURCE LINE 76
        for tab in get_course_tabs(user, course, active_page):
            # SOURCE LINE 77
            if portfolio_user == user and request.GET.get('pf_id')==None or portfolio_user == None and request.GET.get('pf_id')==None or portfolio_user.id == user.id:
                # SOURCE LINE 78
                __M_writer(u'          <!--20151124 use new parameter "hide_discussions" to judge whether show "Discussion" in course navigation-->\n          <!--begin-->\n          <li>\n')
                # SOURCE LINE 81
                if tab.name!='Discussion' or tab.name=='Discussion' and not course.hide_discussions:
                    # SOURCE LINE 82
                    __M_writer(u'              <a href="')
                    __M_writer(filters.html_escape(filters.decode.utf8(tab.link )))
                    __M_writer(u'" class="')
                    __M_writer(u'">\n              ')
                    # SOURCE LINE 83
                    __M_writer(filters.html_escape(filters.decode.utf8(tab.name )))
                    # SOURCE LINE 84
                    if tab.is_active == True:
                        # SOURCE LINE 85
                        __M_writer(u'                  <span class="sr">, current location</span> \n')
                    # SOURCE LINE 87
                    if tab.has_img == True:
                        # SOURCE LINE 88
                        __M_writer(u'                  <img src="')
                        __M_writer(u'"/> \n')
                    # SOURCE LINE 90
                    __M_writer(u'              </a>\n')
                # SOURCE LINE 92
                __M_writer(u'          </li>\n          <!--end-->\n')
                # SOURCE LINE 94
                # SOURCE LINE 95
                if tab.name=='My Course Portfolio':
                    # SOURCE LINE 96
                    __M_writer(u'          <li>\n          <a href="')
                    # SOURCE LINE 97
                    __M_writer(filters.html_escape(filters.decode.utf8(tab.link )))
                    __M_writer(u'" class="')
                    __M_writer(u'">\n            ')
                    # SOURCE LINE 98
                    __M_writer(filters.html_escape(filters.decode.utf8(tab.name )))
                    # SOURCE LINE 99
                    if tab.is_active == True:
                        # SOURCE LINE 100
                        __M_writer(u'                <span class="sr">, current location</span> \n')
                    # SOURCE LINE 102
                    if tab.has_img == True:
                        # SOURCE LINE 103
                        __M_writer(u'                <img src="')
                        __M_writer(u'"/> \n')
                    # SOURCE LINE 105
                    __M_writer(u'          </a>\n      </li>\n')
                    # SOURCE LINE 107
                    # SOURCE LINE 108
                    __M_writer(u'          <li>\n          <a href="javascript:void(0);" disabled="disabled" style="color:#A4A4A4">\n            ')
                    # SOURCE LINE 110
                    __M_writer(filters.html_escape(filters.decode.utf8(tab.name )))
                    # SOURCE LINE 111
                    if tab.is_active == True:
                        # SOURCE LINE 112
                        __M_writer(u'                <span class="sr">, current location</span> \n')
                    # SOURCE LINE 114
                    if tab.has_img == True:
                        # SOURCE LINE 115
                        __M_writer(u'                <img src="')
                        __M_writer(u'"/> \n')
                    # SOURCE LINE 117
                    __M_writer(u'          </a>\n      </li>\n')
        # SOURCE LINE 122
        __M_writer(u'    \n    ')
        if 'parent' not in context._data or not hasattr(context._data['parent'], 'extratabs'):

        # SOURCE LINE 123
        # SOURCE LINE 124
        if masquerade is not UNDEFINED:
            # SOURCE LINE 125
            if staff_access and masquerade is not None:
                # SOURCE LINE 126
                __M_writer(u'          <li><a href="#" id="staffstatus">')
                __M_writer(filters.decode.utf8(_("Staff view")))
        # SOURCE LINE 129
        __M_writer(u'    <li class="my_chunks_nav_icon" style="float:right;display:none;margin-top:0px;">\n      <a style="text-decoration:none !important;padding:5px;display:none;" id="my_chunks_link" href="javascript:void(0);" user_id="')
        # SOURCE LINE 130
        __M_writer(u'">\n        <div style="width: 50px; height: 50px; background: url(\'/static/images/unchuncked.png\') repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent;" class="my_chunks_btn"></div>\n      </a>\n    </li>\n    </ol>\n  </div>\n</nav>\n\n')
        # SOURCE LINE 138
        if masquerade is not UNDEFINED:
            # SOURCE LINE 139
            if staff_access and masquerade is not None:
                # SOURCE LINE 140
                __M_writer(u'<script type="text/javascript">\nmasq = (function(){\n    var el = $(\'#staffstatus\');\n    var setstat = function(status){\n        if (status==\'student\'){\n            el.html(\'<font color="green">Student view</font>\');\n        }else{\n            el.html(\'<font color="red">Staff view</font>\');\n        }\n    }\n    setstat(\'')
                # SOURCE LINE 150
                __M_writer(u"');\n\n    el.click(function(){\n        $.ajax({ url: '/masquerade/toggle',\n                 type: 'GET',\n                 success: function(result){\n                     setstat(result.status);\n                     location.reload();\n                 },\n                 error: function() {\n                     alert('Error: cannot connect to server');\n                 }\n               });\n    });\n}() );\n</script>\n")
        # SOURCE LINE 168
        __M_writer(u'<section id="show_mychunks" class="modal" style="width:600px;">\n  <div class="inner-wrapper" style="width:578px;padding-bottom:10px !important;">\n    <header>\n      <h2 class="mychunks_title">')
        # SOURCE LINE 171
        __M_writer(filters.decode.utf8(_("ADD THIS CHUNK")))
        __M_writer(u'</h2>\n      <hr/>\n    </header>\n  <div class="mychunks_info" style="height:200px;overflow-y:auto;overflow-x:hidden;color:#000000;">\n    <center><div><img width="280" height="100" alt="course author image" src="')
        # SOURCE LINE 175
        __M_writer(u'"></div></center>\n    <div style="margin:10px 0px 10px 30px"><b>Course: </b><span id="mychunks_course_title"></span></div>\n    <div style="margin:10px 0px 10px 30px"><b>Chunk: </b><span id="mychunks_chunk_title"></span></div>\n  </div>\n  <form id="" method="post" style="padding:0px;line-height:18px;">\n   \n        <div style="width:520px;margin:10px;">\n         <div class="mychunks_content" contenteditable="true" style="width:530px;height:150px;background-color:#fff;color:black;padding:10px;border:1px solid #ccc;overflow-y:auto;"><p style="color:#D4D0C8"></p></div>\n\n          <div style="color:black;font-size:12px;color:#aaa;">\n            Maximum to 1000 Characters  (<span id="mychunks_curr_char_num">0</span>)\n          </div>\n          <div style="width:530px;height:20px;">\n            <table width="530" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">\n              <tr height="30" style="color:#000;">\n                <td widht="265" style="vertical-align:middle;">\n                  <span class="mychunks_uploadBtn" style="width:110px;cursor:pointer;">\n                    <img src="/static/images/personalmsg_upload.png" width="22" height="22"/>\n                    <span style="padding-left:2px;font-size:14px;color:#aaa;">Add Photos</span>\n                  </span>\n                  \n                  <span class="mychunks_linkBtn" style="width:100px;cursor:pointer;margin-left:5px;">\n                      <img src="/static/images/personalmsg_link.jpg" width="22" height="22"/>\n                      <span style="padding-left:2px;font-size:14px;color:#aaa;">Link</span>\n                  </span>\n                  \n                </td>\n                <td align="right" style="vertical-align:middle;">\n                  <div class="mychunks_ftg_button mychunks_style_button ftg_yellow">Update</div>\n                  <div class="mychunks_delBtn mychunks_style_button ftg_yellow" style="margin-top:10px;display:none;">Delete</div>\n                </td>\n              </tr>\n            </table>\n          </div>\n        </div>\n        <input id="mychunks_browseFile" type="file" onchange="mychunks_upload_file()" style="width:0px;"/>\n  </form>\n  <br/>\n    <div class="close-modal" id="mychunks_close">\n      <div class="inner">\n        <p>&#10005;</p>\n      </div>\n    </div>\n  </div>\n</section>\n<section id="del_mychunks" class="modal" style="width:600px;">\n  <div class="inner-wrapper" style="width:578px;padding-bottom:10px !important;">\n    <header>\n      <h2 class="mychunks_title">')
        # SOURCE LINE 223
        __M_writer(filters.decode.utf8(_("DELETE THE CHUNK")))
        __M_writer(u'</h2>\n      <hr/>\n    </header>\n    <form id="" method="post" style="padding:0px;line-height:18px;">\n   \n        <div style="width:560px;margin:10px;">\n        <div style="color:black;font-size:16px;width:540px;height:80px;padding:10px;"><center><b>Are you sure you want to delete this chunk of content?</b></center></div>\n         <center><div class="mychunks_del_button mychunks_style_button ftg_yellow">Delete</div></center>\n        </div>\n    </form>\n  <br/>\n    <div class="close-modal" id="mychunks_close">\n      <div class="inner">\n        <p>&#10005;</p>\n      </div>\n    </div>\n  </div>\n</section>\n<section id="add_mychunks" class="modal" style="width:600px;">\n  <div class="inner-wrapper" style="width:578px;padding-bottom:10px !important;">\n    <header>\n      <h2 class="mychunks_title">')
        # SOURCE LINE 244
        __M_writer(filters.decode.utf8(_("CHUNK ADDED")))
        __M_writer(u'</h2>\n      <hr/>\n    </header>\n    <form id="" method="post" style="padding:0px;line-height:18px;">\n   \n        <div style="width:560px;margin:10px;">\n        <div style="color:black;font-size:16px;width:540px;height:80px;padding:10px;"><center><b>You have successfully added this chunk to your personal collection.</b></center></div>\n         <center><div class="mychunks_add_button mychunks_style_button ftg_yellow">Done</div></center>\n        </div>\n    </form>\n  <br/>\n    <div class="close-modal" id="mychunks_add_close">\n      <div class="inner">\n        <p>&#10005;</p>\n      </div>\n    </div>\n  </div>\n</section>\n<div class="mychunks_linkwin">\n    <h3 style="padding-left:10px;"><b>Insert Hyperlink</b></h3>\n    <hr/>\n    <form style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px; float: left; width: 100%; text-align: center; position: relative;">\n      <table>\n        <tr>\n          <td style="vertical-align:middle">Insert URL:</td>\n          <td><input type="text" id="mychunks_link_url_val"style="width:100%"></td>\n        </tr>\n        <tr>\n          <td width="100" style="vertical-align:middle">Title:</td>\n          <td width="350"><input id="mychunks_link_title_val" type="text" style="width:100%"></td>\n        </tr>\n      </table>\n      <input id="mychunks_hyperlink_okBtn" type="button" value="OK" style="margin: 10px; display: inline; width: 7em;">\n      <input id="mychunks_hyperlink_cancelBtn" type="button" value="Cancel" style="margin: 10px; display: inline; width: 7em;">\n    </form>\n </div>\n')
        return ''