コード例 #1
def test_human_sorted_items(words, ordered):
    keys = words.split()
    items = [(k, 1) for k in keys] + [(k, 2) for k in keys]
    okeys = ordered.split()
    oitems = [(k, v) for k in okeys for v in [1, 2]]
    assert human_sorted_items(items) == oitems
    assert human_sorted_items(items, reverse=True) == oitems[::-1]
コード例 #2
ファイル: control.py プロジェクト: hugovk/coveragepy
    def _write_startup_debug(self):
        """Write out debug info at startup if needed."""
        wrote_any = False
        with self._debug.without_callers():
            if self._debug.should('config'):
                config_info = human_sorted_items(self.config.__dict__.items())
                config_info = [(k, v) for k, v in config_info
                               if not k.startswith('_')]
                write_formatted_info(self._debug, "config", config_info)
                wrote_any = True

            if self._debug.should('sys'):
                write_formatted_info(self._debug, "sys", self.sys_info())
                for plugin in self._plugins:
                    header = "sys: " + plugin._coverage_plugin_name
                    info = plugin.sys_info()
                    write_formatted_info(self._debug, header, info)
                wrote_any = True

        if wrote_any:
            write_formatted_info(self._debug, "end", ())
コード例 #3
 def debug_info(self):
     """Make a list of (name, value) pairs for writing debug info."""
     return human_sorted_items(
         (k, v) for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if not k.startswith("_")
コード例 #4
ファイル: summary.py プロジェクト: hugovk/coveragepy
    def report(self, morfs, outfile=None):
        """Writes a report summarizing coverage statistics per module.

        `outfile` is a file object to write the summary to. It must be opened
        for native strings (bytes on Python 2, Unicode on Python 3).

        self.outfile = outfile or sys.stdout

        for fr, analysis in get_analysis_to_report(self.coverage, morfs):
            self.report_one_file(fr, analysis)

        # Prepare the formatting strings, header, and column sorting.
        max_name = max([
            len(fr.relative_filename()) for (fr, analysis) in self.fr_analysis
        ] + [5])
        fmt_name = "%%- %ds  " % max_name
        fmt_skip_covered = "\n%s file%s skipped due to complete coverage."
        fmt_skip_empty = "\n%s empty file%s skipped."

        header = (fmt_name % "Name") + " Stmts   Miss"
        fmt_coverage = fmt_name + "%6d %6d"
        if self.branches:
            header += " Branch BrPart"
            fmt_coverage += " %6d %6d"
        width100 = Numbers(precision=self.config.precision).pc_str_width()
        header += "%*s" % (width100 + 4, "Cover")
        fmt_coverage += "%%%ds%%%%" % (width100 + 3, )
        if self.config.show_missing:
            header += "   Missing"
            fmt_coverage += "   %s"
        rule = "-" * len(header)

        column_order = dict(name=0, stmts=1, miss=2, cover=-1)
        if self.branches:
            column_order.update(dict(branch=3, brpart=4))

        # Write the header

        # `lines` is a list of pairs, (line text, line values).  The line text
        # is a string that will be printed, and line values is a tuple of
        # sortable values.
        lines = []

        for (fr, analysis) in self.fr_analysis:
            nums = analysis.numbers

            args = (fr.relative_filename(), nums.n_statements, nums.n_missing)
            if self.branches:
                args += (nums.n_branches, nums.n_partial_branches)
            args += (nums.pc_covered_str, )
            if self.config.show_missing:
                args += (analysis.missing_formatted(branches=True), )
            text = fmt_coverage % args
            # Add numeric percent coverage so that sorting makes sense.
            args += (nums.pc_covered, )
            lines.append((text, args))

        # Sort the lines and write them out.
        sort_option = (self.config.sort or "name").lower()
        reverse = False
        if sort_option[0] == '-':
            reverse = True
            sort_option = sort_option[1:]
        elif sort_option[0] == '+':
            sort_option = sort_option[1:]

        if sort_option == "name":
            lines = human_sorted_items(lines, reverse=reverse)
            position = column_order.get(sort_option)
            if position is None:
                raise CoverageException(
                    f"Invalid sorting option: {self.config.sort!r}")
            lines.sort(key=lambda l: (l[1][position], l[0]), reverse=reverse)

        for line in lines:

        # Write a TOTAL line if we had at least one file.
        if self.total.n_files > 0:
            args = ("TOTAL", self.total.n_statements, self.total.n_missing)
            if self.branches:
                args += (self.total.n_branches, self.total.n_partial_branches)
            args += (self.total.pc_covered_str, )
            if self.config.show_missing:
                args += ("", )
            self.writeout(fmt_coverage % args)

        # Write other final lines.
        if not self.total.n_files and not self.skipped_count:
            raise CoverageException("No data to report.")

        if self.config.skip_covered and self.skipped_count:
                fmt_skip_covered %
                (self.skipped_count, 's' if self.skipped_count > 1 else ''))
        if self.config.skip_empty and self.empty_count:
                fmt_skip_empty %
                (self.empty_count, 's' if self.empty_count > 1 else ''))

        return self.total.n_statements and self.total.pc_covered
コード例 #5
    def report(self, morfs, outfile=None):
        """Generate a Cobertura-compatible XML report for `morfs`.

        `morfs` is a list of modules or file names.

        `outfile` is a file object to write the XML to.

        # Initial setup.
        outfile = outfile or sys.stdout
        has_arcs = self.coverage.get_data().has_arcs()

        # Create the DOM that will store the data.
        impl = xml.dom.minidom.getDOMImplementation()
        self.xml_out = impl.createDocument(None, "coverage", None)

        # Write header stuff.
        xcoverage = self.xml_out.documentElement
        xcoverage.setAttribute("version", __version__)
        xcoverage.setAttribute("timestamp", str(int(time.time() * 1000)))
                f" Generated by coverage.py: {__url__} "))
            self.xml_out.createComment(f" Based on {DTD_URL} "))

        # Call xml_file for each file in the data.
        for fr, analysis in get_analysis_to_report(self.coverage, morfs):
            self.xml_file(fr, analysis, has_arcs)

        xsources = self.xml_out.createElement("sources")

        # Populate the XML DOM with the source info.
        for path in human_sorted(self.source_paths):
            xsource = self.xml_out.createElement("source")
            txt = self.xml_out.createTextNode(path)

        lnum_tot, lhits_tot = 0, 0
        bnum_tot, bhits_tot = 0, 0

        xpackages = self.xml_out.createElement("packages")

        # Populate the XML DOM with the package info.
        for pkg_name, pkg_data in human_sorted_items(self.packages.items()):
            class_elts, lhits, lnum, bhits, bnum = pkg_data
            xpackage = self.xml_out.createElement("package")
            xclasses = self.xml_out.createElement("classes")
            for _, class_elt in human_sorted_items(class_elts.items()):
            xpackage.setAttribute("name", pkg_name.replace(os.sep, '.'))
            xpackage.setAttribute("line-rate", rate(lhits, lnum))
            if has_arcs:
                branch_rate = rate(bhits, bnum)
                branch_rate = "0"
            xpackage.setAttribute("branch-rate", branch_rate)
            xpackage.setAttribute("complexity", "0")

            lnum_tot += lnum
            lhits_tot += lhits
            bnum_tot += bnum
            bhits_tot += bhits

        xcoverage.setAttribute("lines-valid", str(lnum_tot))
        xcoverage.setAttribute("lines-covered", str(lhits_tot))
        xcoverage.setAttribute("line-rate", rate(lhits_tot, lnum_tot))
        if has_arcs:
            xcoverage.setAttribute("branches-valid", str(bnum_tot))
            xcoverage.setAttribute("branches-covered", str(bhits_tot))
            xcoverage.setAttribute("branch-rate", rate(bhits_tot, bnum_tot))
            xcoverage.setAttribute("branches-covered", "0")
            xcoverage.setAttribute("branches-valid", "0")
            xcoverage.setAttribute("branch-rate", "0")
        xcoverage.setAttribute("complexity", "0")

        # Write the output file.

        # Return the total percentage.
        denom = lnum_tot + bnum_tot
        if denom == 0:
            pct = 0.0
            pct = 100.0 * (lhits_tot + bhits_tot) / denom
        return pct