コード例 #1
def test_static_stability_analysis():
    """Test function 'staticStabilityAnalysis'"""

    MODULE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    cpacs_path = os.path.join(MODULE_DIR, "ToolInput", "CPACSTestStability.xml")
    cpacs_out_path = os.path.join(MODULE_DIR, "ToolOutput", "CPACSTestStability.xml")
    csv_path = MODULE_DIR + "/ToolInput/csvtest.csv"

    tixi = open_tixi(cpacs_path)
    # Get Aeromap UID list

    # aeromap_uid = uid_list[0]
    # # Import aeromap from the CSV to the xml

    # close_tixi(tixi, cpacs_out_path)

    # Make the static stability analysis, on the modified xml file
    static_stability_analysis(cpacs_path, cpacs_out_path)

    tixi = open_tixi(cpacs_out_path)
    static_xpath = "/cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/stability/static"
    long_static_stable = get_value(tixi, static_xpath + "/results/longitudinalStaticStable")
    lat_static_stable = get_value(tixi, static_xpath + "/results/lateralStaticStable")
    dir_static_stable = get_value(tixi, static_xpath + "/results/directionnalStaticStable")

    assert long_static_stable
    assert lat_static_stable
    assert not dir_static_stable

    trim_longi_alt = get_value(tixi, static_xpath + "/trimConditions/longitudinal/altitude")
    trim_longi_mach = get_value(tixi, static_xpath + "/trimConditions/longitudinal/machNumber")
    trim_longi_aoa = get_value(tixi, static_xpath + "/trimConditions/longitudinal/angleOfAttack")
    trim_longi_aos = get_value(tixi, static_xpath + "/trimConditions/longitudinal/angleOfSideslip")

    assert trim_longi_alt == 1400
    assert trim_longi_mach == 0.6
    assert trim_longi_aoa == 3.25808
    assert trim_longi_aos == 0

    trim_dir_alt = get_string_vector(tixi, static_xpath + "/trimConditions/directional/altitude")
    trim_dir_mach = get_string_vector(
        tixi, static_xpath + "/trimConditions/directional/machNumber"
    trim_dir_aoa = get_string_vector(
        tixi, static_xpath + "/trimConditions/directional/angleOfAttack"
    trim_dir_aos = get_string_vector(
        tixi, static_xpath + "/trimConditions/directional/angleOfSideslip"

    assert trim_dir_alt == ["2400", "2500", "2600", "2700"]
    assert trim_dir_mach == ["0.6", "0.5", "0.5", "0.5"]
    assert trim_dir_aoa == ["1", "2", "4", "2.5"]
    assert trim_dir_aos == ["0", "0", "0", "0"]

コード例 #2
def export_aeromaps(cpacs_path, cpacs_out_path):

    cpacs = CPACS(cpacs_path)

    aeromap_to_export_xpath = CEASIOMPY_XPATH + "/export/aeroMapToExport"

    aeromap_uid_list = []
    aeromap_uid_list = get_string_vector(cpacs.tixi, aeromap_to_export_xpath)

    results_dir = get_results_directory("ExportCSV")

    for aeromap_uid in aeromap_uid_list:
        aeromap = cpacs.get_aeromap_by_uid(aeromap_uid)

        csv_path = Path(results_dir, f"{aeromap_uid}.csv")

        log.info(f"Aeromap(s) has been saved to {csv_path}")

    cpacs.save_cpacs(cpacs_out_path, overwrite=True)
コード例 #3
def plot_aero_coef(cpacs_path, cpacs_out_path):
    """Plot Aero coefficients from the chosen aeroMap in the CPACS file

    Function 'plot_aero_coef' can plot one or several aeromap from the CPACS
    file according to some user option, these option will be shown in the the
    SettingGUI or default values will be used.

        cpacs_path (str): Path to CPACS file
        cpacs_out_path (str):Path to CPACS output file

    # Open TIXI handle
    cpacs = CPACS(cpacs_path)

    # Get aeroMap list to plot
    aeromap_to_plot_xpath = PLOT_XPATH + "/aeroMapToPlot"
    aeromap_uid_list = []

    # Option to select aeromap manualy
    manual_selct = get_value_or_default(cpacs.tixi, PLOT_XPATH + "/manualSelection", False)
    if manual_selct:
        aeromap_uid_list = open_select_aeromap_gui(cpacs)
        create_branch(cpacs.tixi, aeromap_to_plot_xpath)
        add_string_vector(cpacs.tixi, aeromap_to_plot_xpath, aeromap_uid_list)

            aeromap_uid_list = get_string_vector(cpacs.tixi, aeromap_to_plot_xpath)
        except ValueError:
            # If aeroMapToPlot is not define, select manualy anyway
            aeromap_uid_list = open_select_aeromap_gui(cpacs)
            create_branch(cpacs.tixi, aeromap_to_plot_xpath)
            add_string_vector(cpacs.tixi, aeromap_to_plot_xpath, aeromap_uid_list)

    # Create DataFrame from aeromap(s)
    aeromap_df_list = []
    for aeromap_uid in aeromap_uid_list:
        aeromap_df = cpacs.get_aeromap_by_uid(aeromap_uid).df
        aeromap_df["uid"] = aeromap_uid

    aeromap = pd.concat(aeromap_df_list, ignore_index=True)

    if len(aeromap_uid_list) > 1:
        uid_crit = None
        uid_crit = aeromap_uid_list[0]

    # Default options
    title = cpacs.ac_name
    criterion = pd.Series([True] * len(aeromap.index))
    groupby_list = ["uid", "machNumber", "altitude", "angleOfSideslip"]

    # Get criterion from CPACS
    crit_xpath = PLOT_XPATH + "/criterion"
    alt_crit = get_value_or_default(cpacs.tixi, crit_xpath + "/alt", "None")
    mach_crit = get_value_or_default(cpacs.tixi, crit_xpath + "/mach", "None")
    aos_crit = get_value_or_default(cpacs.tixi, crit_xpath + "/aos", "None")

    cpacs.save_cpacs(cpacs_out_path, overwrite=True)

    # Modify criterion and title according to user option
    if len(aeromap["altitude"].unique()) == 1:
        title += " - Alt = " + str(aeromap["altitude"].loc[0])
    elif alt_crit not in NONE_LIST:
        criterion = criterion & (aeromap.altitude == alt_crit)
        title += " - Alt = " + str(alt_crit)

    if len(aeromap["machNumber"].unique()) == 1:
        title += " - Mach = " + str(aeromap["machNumber"].loc[0])
    elif mach_crit not in NONE_LIST:
        criterion = criterion & (aeromap.machNumber == mach_crit)
        title += " - Mach = " + str(mach_crit)

    if len(aeromap["angleOfSideslip"].unique()) == 1:
        title += " - AoS = " + str(aeromap["angleOfSideslip"].loc[0])
    elif aos_crit not in NONE_LIST:
        criterion = criterion & (aeromap.angleOfSideslip == aos_crit)
        title += " - AoS = " + str(aos_crit)

    if uid_crit is not None and len(groupby_list) > 1:
        criterion = criterion & (aeromap.uid == uid_crit)
        title += " - " + uid_crit

    # Plot settings
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 3)
    fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=14)
    axs[0, 1].axhline(y=0.0, color="k", linestyle="-")  # Line at Cm=0

    # Plot aerodynamic coerfficients
    for value, grp in aeromap.loc[criterion].groupby(groupby_list):

        legend = write_legend(groupby_list, value)

        axs[0, 0].plot(grp["angleOfAttack"], grp["cl"], "x-", label=legend)
        axs[1, 0].plot(grp["angleOfAttack"], grp["cd"], "x-")
        axs[0, 1].plot(grp["angleOfAttack"], grp["cms"], "x-")
        axs[1, 1].plot(grp["angleOfAttack"], grp["cl"] / grp["cd"], "x-")
        axs[0, 2].plot(grp["cd"], grp["cl"], "x-")
        axs[1, 2].plot(grp["cl"], grp["cl"] / grp["cd"], "x-")

    # Set subplot options
    subplot_options(axs[0, 0], "CL", "AoA")
    subplot_options(axs[1, 0], "CD", "AoA")
    subplot_options(axs[0, 1], "Cm", "AoA")
    subplot_options(axs[1, 1], "CL/CD", "AoA")
    subplot_options(axs[0, 2], "CL", "CD")
    subplot_options(axs[1, 2], "CL/CD", "CL")

    fig.legend(loc="upper right")
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self, tabs, cpacs, module_name):
        """Tab class

            A tab will only be created if the module actually has
            any settings which are to be shown

            tabs (object): Tab object
            cpacs (object): CPACS object
            module_name (str): String of the module name for which a tab is to be created

        self.var_dict = {}
        self.group_dict = {}

        self.module_name = module_name
        self.tabs = tabs
        self.cpacs = cpacs
        self.tab = tk.Frame(tabs, borderwidth=1)
        tabs.add(self.tab, text=module_name)

        # Get GUI dict from specs
        specs = mi.get_specs_for_module(module_name)

        self.gui_dict = specs.cpacs_inout.get_gui_dict()

        # canvas has replaced self.tab in the following lines
        space_label = tk.Label(self.tab, text=" ")
        space_label.grid(column=0, row=0)

        row_pos = 1

        for (
            (name, def_value, dtype, unit, xpath, description, group),
        ) in self.gui_dict.items():
            # Create a LabelFrame for new groupe
            if group:
                if group not in self.group_dict:
                    self.labelframe = tk.LabelFrame(self.tab, text=group)
                        column=0, row=row_pos, columnspan=3, sticky=tk.W, padx=15, pady=5
                    self.group_dict[group] = self.labelframe
                parent = self.group_dict[group]
            else:  # if not a group, use tab as parent
                parent = self.tab

            # Name label for variable
            if name not in ["__AEROMAP_SELECTION", "__AEROMAP_CHECHBOX"]:
                self.name_label = tk.Label(parent, text=name)
                self.name_label.grid(column=0, row=row_pos, sticky=tk.W, padx=5, pady=5)

            # Type and Value
            if dtype is bool:
                self.var_dict[key] = tk.BooleanVar()
                value = get_value_or_default(self.cpacs.tixi, xpath, def_value)
                bool_entry = tk.Checkbutton(parent, text="", variable=self.var_dict[key])
                bool_entry.grid(column=1, row=row_pos, padx=5, pady=5)

            elif dtype is int:
                value = get_value_or_default(self.cpacs.tixi, xpath, def_value)
                self.var_dict[key] = tk.IntVar()
                value_entry = tk.Entry(parent, bd=2, width=8, textvariable=self.var_dict[key])
                value_entry.grid(column=1, row=row_pos, padx=5, pady=5)

            elif dtype is float:
                value = get_value_or_default(self.cpacs.tixi, xpath, def_value)
                self.var_dict[key] = tk.DoubleVar()
                value_entry = tk.Entry(parent, bd=2, width=8, textvariable=self.var_dict[key])
                value_entry.grid(column=1, row=row_pos, padx=5, pady=5)

            elif dtype == "pathtype":

                value = get_value_or_default(self.cpacs.tixi, xpath, def_value)
                self.var_dict[key] = tk.StringVar()
                value_entry = tk.Entry(parent, textvariable=self.var_dict[key])
                value_entry.grid(column=1, row=row_pos, padx=5, pady=5)

                self.key = key
                self.browse_button = tk.Button(parent, text="Browse", command=self._browse_file)
                self.browse_button.grid(column=2, row=row_pos, padx=5, pady=5)

            elif dtype is list:
                if name == "__AEROMAP_SELECTION":

                    # Get the list of all AeroMaps
                    self.aeromap_uid_list = self.cpacs.get_aeromap_uid_list()

                    # Try to get the pre-selected AeroMap from the xpath
                        selected_aeromap = get_value(self.cpacs.tixi, xpath)
                        selected_aeromap_index = self.aeromap_uid_list.index(selected_aeromap)
                        selected_aeromap = ""
                        selected_aeromap_index = 0

                    self.labelframe = tk.LabelFrame(parent, text="Choose an AeroMap")
                        column=0, row=row_pos, columnspan=3, sticky=tk.W, padx=15, pady=5

                    # The Combobox is directly use as the varaible
                    self.var_dict[key] = ttk.Combobox(
                        self.labelframe, values=self.aeromap_uid_list
                    self.var_dict[key].grid(column=1, row=row_pos, padx=15, pady=5)

                elif name == "__AEROMAP_CHECHBOX":

                    # Just to find back the name when data are saved
                    self.var_dict[key] = None
                    # __AEROMAP_CHECHBOX is a bit different, data are saved in their own dictionary
                    self.aeromap_var_dict = {}

                    # Get the list of all AeroMaps
                    self.aeromap_uid_list = self.cpacs.get_aeromap_uid_list()
                    self.labelframe = tk.LabelFrame(parent, text="Selecte AeroMap(s)")
                        column=0, row=row_pos, columnspan=3, sticky=tk.W, padx=15, pady=5

                    # Try to get pre-selected AeroMaps from the xpath
                        selected_aeromap = get_string_vector(self.cpacs.tixi, xpath)
                    except ValueError:
                        selected_aeromap = ""

                    # Create one checkbox for each AeroMap
                    for aeromap in self.aeromap_uid_list:
                        self.aeromap_var_dict[aeromap] = tk.BooleanVar()

                        # if aeromap in selected_aeromap:
                        # For now, set all to True

                        aeromap_entry = tk.Checkbutton(
                            self.labelframe, text=aeromap, variable=self.aeromap_var_dict[aeromap]
                        aeromap_entry.pack(padx=5, pady=3, anchor=tk.W)  # side=tk.TOP)

                else:  # Other kind of list (not aeroMap)

                    # 'def_value' will be the list of possibilies in this case

                    # Try to get the pre-selected AeroMap from the xpath
                    try:  # TODO Should be retested...
                        selected_value = get_value(self.cpacs.tixi, xpath)
                        selected_value_index = def_value.index(selected_value)
                        selected_value = ""
                        selected_value_index = 0

                    # The Combobox is directly use as the varaible
                    self.var_dict[key] = ttk.Combobox(parent, width=12, values=def_value)
                    self.var_dict[key].grid(column=1, row=row_pos, padx=5, pady=5)

                value = get_value_or_default(self.cpacs.tixi, xpath, def_value)
                self.var_dict[key] = tk.StringVar()
                value_entry = tk.Entry(parent, textvariable=self.var_dict[key])
                value_entry.grid(column=1, row=row_pos, padx=5, pady=5)

            # Units
            if unit and unit != "1":
                unit_label = tk.Label(parent, text=pretty_unit(unit))
                unit_label.grid(column=2, row=row_pos)

            row_pos += 1
コード例 #5
def add_skin_friction(cpacs_path, cpacs_out_path):
    """Function to add the skin frictions drag coefficient to aerodynamic coefficients

    Function 'add_skin_friction' add the skin friction drag 'cd0' to  the
    SU2 and pyTornado aeroMap, if their UID is not given, it will add skin
    friction to all aeroMap. For each aeroMap it creates a new aeroMap where
    the skin friction drag coefficient is added with the correct projections.

        cpacs_path (str):  Path to CPACS file
        cpacs_out_path (str): Path to CPACS output file

    # Load a CPACS file
    cpacs = CPACS(cpacs_path)

    analyses_xpath = "/cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/geometry/analysis"

    # Required input data from CPACS
    wetted_area = get_value(cpacs.tixi, analyses_xpath + "/wettedArea")

    # Wing area/span, default values will be calculated if no value found in the CPACS file
    wing_area_xpath = analyses_xpath + "/wingArea"
    wing_area = get_value_or_default(cpacs.tixi, wing_area_xpath,
    wing_span_xpath = analyses_xpath + "/wingSpan"
    wing_span = get_value_or_default(cpacs.tixi, wing_span_xpath,

    # Get aeroMapToCalculate
    aeroMap_to_calculate_xpath = SF_XPATH + "/aeroMapToCalculate"
    if cpacs.tixi.checkElement(aeroMap_to_calculate_xpath):
        aeromap_uid_list = get_string_vector(cpacs.tixi,
        aeromap_uid_list = []

    # If no aeroMap in aeroMapToCalculate, get all existing aeroMap
    if len(aeromap_uid_list) == 0:
        aeromap_uid_list = cpacs.get_aeromap_uid_list()

        if not aeromap_uid_list:
            raise ValueError(
                "No aeroMap has been found in this CPACS file, skin friction cannot be added!"

    # Get unique aeroMap list
    aeromap_uid_list = list(set(aeromap_uid_list))
    new_aeromap_uid_list = []

    # Add skin friction to all listed aeroMap
    for aeromap_uid in aeromap_uid_list:

        log.info("adding skin friction coefficients to: " + aeromap_uid)

        aeromap = cpacs.get_aeromap_by_uid(aeromap_uid)

        # Create new aeromap object to store coef with added skin friction
        aeromap_sf = cpacs.duplicate_aeromap(aeromap_uid,
                                             aeromap_uid + "_SkinFriction")
        aeromap_sf.description = (
            aeromap_sf.description +
            " Skin friction has been add to this AeroMap.")

        # Add skin friction to all force coefficient (with projections)
        aeromap_sf.df["cd"] = aeromap.df.apply(
            lambda row: row["cd"] + estimate_skin_friction_coef(
                wetted_area, wing_area, wing_span, row["machNumber"], row[
                    "altitude"]) * math.cos(math.radians(row["angleOfAttack"]))
            * math.cos(math.radians(row["angleOfSideslip"])),

        aeromap_sf.df["cl"] = aeromap.df.apply(
            lambda row: row["cl"] + estimate_skin_friction_coef(
                wetted_area, wing_area, wing_span, row[
                    "machNumber"], row["altitude"]) * math.sin(

        aeromap_sf.df["cs"] = aeromap.df.apply(
            lambda row: row["cs"] + estimate_skin_friction_coef(
                wetted_area, wing_area, wing_span, row["machNumber"], row[
                    "altitude"]) * math.sin(

        # TODO: Should we change something in moment coef?
        # e.i. if a force is not apply at aero center...?


    # Get aeroMap list to plot
    plot_xpath = "/cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/aerodynamics/plotAeroCoefficient"
    aeromap_to_plot_xpath = plot_xpath + "/aeroMapToPlot"

    if cpacs.tixi.checkElement(aeromap_to_plot_xpath):
        aeromap_uid_list = get_string_vector(cpacs.tixi, aeromap_to_plot_xpath)
        new_aeromap_to_plot = aeromap_uid_list + new_aeromap_uid_list
        new_aeromap_to_plot = list(set(new_aeromap_to_plot))
        add_string_vector(cpacs.tixi, aeromap_to_plot_xpath,
        create_branch(cpacs.tixi, aeromap_to_plot_xpath)
        add_string_vector(cpacs.tixi, aeromap_to_plot_xpath,

    log.info('AeroMap "' + aeromap_uid + '" has been added to the CPACS file')

    cpacs.save_cpacs(cpacs_out_path, overwrite=True)
コード例 #6
def generate_su2_cfd_config(cpacs_path, cpacs_out_path, wkdir):
    """Function to create SU2 confif file.

    Function 'generate_su2_cfd_config' reads data in the CPACS file and generate
    configuration files for one or multible flight conditions (alt,mach,aoa,aos)

        * SU2 config template: https://github.com/su2code/SU2/blob/master/config_template.cfg

        cpacs_path (str): Path to CPACS file
        cpacs_out_path (str):Path to CPACS output file
        wkdir (str): Path to the working directory


    # Get value from CPACS
    cpacs = CPACS(cpacs_path)

    # Get SU2 mesh path
    su2_mesh_path = get_value(cpacs.tixi, SU2MESH_XPATH)

    # Get SU2 settings
    max_iter_xpath = SU2_XPATH + "/settings/maxIter"
    max_iter = get_value_or_default(cpacs.tixi, max_iter_xpath, 200)
    cfl_nb_xpath = SU2_XPATH + "/settings/cflNumber"
    cfl_nb = get_value_or_default(cpacs.tixi, cfl_nb_xpath, 1.0)
    mg_level_xpath = SU2_XPATH + "/settings/multigridLevel"
    mg_level = get_value_or_default(cpacs.tixi, mg_level_xpath, 3)

    # Mesh Marker
    bc_wall_xpath = SU2_XPATH + "/boundaryConditions/wall"
    bc_farfield_xpath = SU2_XPATH + "/boundaryConditions/farfield"
    bc_wall_list, engine_bc_list = get_mesh_marker(su2_mesh_path)

    create_branch(cpacs.tixi, bc_wall_xpath)
    bc_wall_str = ";".join(bc_wall_list)
    cpacs.tixi.updateTextElement(bc_wall_xpath, bc_wall_str)

    create_branch(cpacs.tixi, bc_farfield_xpath)
    bc_farfiled_str = ";".join(engine_bc_list)
    cpacs.tixi.updateTextElement(bc_farfield_xpath, bc_farfiled_str)

    # Fixed CL parameters
    fixed_cl_xpath = SU2_XPATH + "/fixedCL"
    fixed_cl = get_value_or_default(cpacs.tixi, fixed_cl_xpath, "NO")
    target_cl_xpath = SU2_XPATH + "/targetCL"
    target_cl = get_value_or_default(cpacs.tixi, target_cl_xpath, 1.0)

    if fixed_cl == "NO":
        active_aeroMap_xpath = SU2_XPATH + "/aeroMapUID"
        aeromap_uid = get_value(cpacs.tixi, active_aeroMap_xpath)

            f'Configuration file for "{aeromap_uid}" calculation will be created.'

        active_aeromap = cpacs.get_aeromap_by_uid(aeromap_uid)

        # Get parameters of the aeroMap (altitude, machNumber, angleOfAttack, angleOfSideslip)
        alt_list = active_aeromap.get("altitude").tolist()
        mach_list = active_aeromap.get("machNumber").tolist()
        aoa_list = active_aeromap.get("angleOfAttack").tolist()
        aos_list = active_aeromap.get("angleOfSideslip").tolist()

        param_count = len(alt_list)

    else:  # if fixed_cl == 'YES':
            "Configuration file for fixed CL calculation will be created.")

        # Parameters fixed CL calulation
        param_count = 1

        # Create a new aeroMap
        fix_cl_aeromap = cpacs.create_aeromap("aeroMap_fixedCL_SU2")
        fix_cl_aeromap.description = "AeroMap created for SU2 fixed CL value of: " + str(

        # Get cruise mach and altitude
        cruise_mach_xpath = RANGE_XPATH + "/cruiseMach"
        mach = get_value_or_default(cpacs.tixi, cruise_mach_xpath, 0.78)
        cruise_alt_xpath = RANGE_XPATH + "/cruiseAltitude"
        alt = get_value_or_default(cpacs.tixi, cruise_alt_xpath, 12000)

        # Add new parameters to the aeroMap and save it
        fix_cl_aeromap.add_row(alt=alt, mach=mach, aos=0.0, aoa=0.0)

        # Parameter lists
        alt_list = [alt]
        mach_list = [mach]
        aoa_list = [0.0]
        aos_list = [0.0]

    # Get and modify the default configuration file
    cfg = ConfigFile(DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH)

    # General parmeters
    cfg["REF_LENGTH"] = cpacs.aircraft.ref_lenght
    cfg["REF_AREA"] = cpacs.aircraft.ref_area
    cfg["REF_ORIGIN_MOMENT_X"] = cpacs.aircraft.ref_point_x
    cfg["REF_ORIGIN_MOMENT_Y"] = cpacs.aircraft.ref_point_y
    cfg["REF_ORIGIN_MOMENT_Z"] = cpacs.aircraft.ref_point_z

    # Settings
    cfg["INNER_ITER"] = int(max_iter)
    cfg["CFL_NUMBER"] = cfl_nb
    cfg["MGLEVEL"] = int(mg_level)

    # Fixed CL mode (AOA will not be taken into account)
    cfg["FIXED_CL_MODE"] = fixed_cl
    cfg["TARGET_CL"] = target_cl
    cfg["DCL_DALPHA"] = "0.1"
    cfg["UPDATE_AOA_ITER_LIMIT"] = "50"
    cfg["ITER_DCL_DALPHA"] = "80"
    # TODO: correct value for the 3 previous parameters ??

    # Mesh Marker
    bc_wall_str = "(" + ",".join(bc_wall_list) + ")"
    cfg["MARKER_EULER"] = bc_wall_str
    cfg["MARKER_FAR"] = " (Farfield, " + ",".join(engine_bc_list) + ")"
    cfg["MARKER_SYM"] = " (0)"  # TODO: maybe make that a variable?
    cfg["MARKER_PLOTTING"] = bc_wall_str
    cfg["MARKER_MONITORING"] = bc_wall_str
    cfg["MARKER_MOVING"] = "( NONE )"  # TODO: when do we need to define MARKER_MOVING?
    cfg["DV_MARKER"] = bc_wall_str

    # Parameters which will vary for the different cases (alt,mach,aoa,aos)
    for case_nb in range(param_count):

        cfg["MESH_FILENAME"] = su2_mesh_path

        alt = alt_list[case_nb]
        mach = mach_list[case_nb]
        aoa = aoa_list[case_nb]
        aos = aos_list[case_nb]

        Atm = Atmosphere(alt)

        cfg["MACH_NUMBER"] = mach
        cfg["AOA"] = aoa
        cfg["SIDESLIP_ANGLE"] = aos
        cfg["FREESTREAM_PRESSURE"] = Atm.pressure[0]
        cfg["FREESTREAM_TEMPERATURE"] = Atm.temperature[0]
        cfg["ROTATION_RATE"] = "0.0 0.0 0.0"

        config_file_name = "ConfigCFD.cfg"

        case_dir_name = "".join([
            str(round(mach, 2)),
            str(round(aoa, 1)),
            str(round(aos, 1)),

        case_dir_path = os.path.join(wkdir, case_dir_name)
        if not os.path.isdir(case_dir_path):

        config_output_path = os.path.join(wkdir, case_dir_name,
        cfg.write_file(config_output_path, overwrite=True)

        # Damping derivatives
        damping_der_xpath = SU2_XPATH + "/options/clalculateDampingDerivatives"
        damping_der = get_value_or_default(cpacs.tixi, damping_der_xpath,

        if damping_der:

            rotation_rate_xpath = SU2_XPATH + "/options/rotationRate"
            rotation_rate = get_value_or_default(cpacs.tixi,
                                                 rotation_rate_xpath, 1.0)

            cfg["GRID_MOVEMENT"] = "ROTATING_FRAME"

            cfg["ROTATION_RATE"] = str(rotation_rate) + " 0.0 0.0"
            os.mkdir(os.path.join(wkdir, case_dir_name + "_dp"))
            config_output_path = os.path.join(wkdir, case_dir_name + "_dp",
            cfg.write_file(config_output_path, overwrite=True)

            cfg["ROTATION_RATE"] = "0.0 " + str(rotation_rate) + " 0.0"
            os.mkdir(os.path.join(wkdir, case_dir_name + "_dq"))
            config_output_path = os.path.join(wkdir, case_dir_name + "_dq",
            cfg.write_file(config_output_path, overwrite=True)

            cfg["ROTATION_RATE"] = "0.0 0.0 " + str(rotation_rate)
            os.mkdir(os.path.join(wkdir, case_dir_name + "_dr"))
            config_output_path = os.path.join(wkdir, case_dir_name + "_dr",
            cfg.write_file(config_output_path, overwrite=True)
            log.info("Damping derivatives cases directory has been created.")

        # Control surfaces deflections
        control_surf_xpath = SU2_XPATH + "/options/clalculateCotrolSurfacesDeflections"
        control_surf = get_value_or_default(cpacs.tixi, control_surf_xpath,

        if control_surf:

            # Get deformed mesh list
            su2_def_mesh_xpath = SU2_XPATH + "/availableDeformedMesh"
            if cpacs.tixi.checkElement(su2_def_mesh_xpath):
                su2_def_mesh_list = get_string_vector(cpacs.tixi,
                log.warning("No SU2 deformed mesh has been found!")
                su2_def_mesh_list = []

            for su2_def_mesh in su2_def_mesh_list:

                mesh_path = os.path.join(wkdir, "MESH", su2_def_mesh)

                config_dir_path = os.path.join(
                    wkdir, case_dir_name + "_" + su2_def_mesh.split(".")[0])
                cfg["MESH_FILENAME"] = mesh_path

                config_file_name = "ConfigCFD.cfg"
                config_output_path = os.path.join(wkdir, config_dir_path,
                cfg.write_file(config_output_path, overwrite=True)

    # TODO: change that, but if it is save in tooloutput it will be erease by results...
    cpacs.save_cpacs(cpacs_out_path, overwrite=True)