コード例 #1
ファイル: test_expm.py プロジェクト: raoulbq/Pade_PyCpp
 def helper(self,T,prec=10):
     Nvals = [10, 50, 100, 200]
     for n in Nvals:
         A = array(random.random((n,n)), dtype=T)
         A = A/norm(A)
         v = ones((n,1), dtype=T)
         # C++ version
         expA = zeros_like(A)
         # assertion
コード例 #2
def matrix_exp_pade_C(A, v, factor):
    r"""Compute the solution of :math:`v' = A v` with a full
    matrix exponential via Pade approximation.
    Uses an efficient C++ implementation via the Eigen matrix library.
    If the compiled module is not importable, it falls back to the scipy version.

    :param A: The matrix :math:`A` of shape :math:`N \times N`.
    :param v: The vector :math:`v` of length :math:`N`.
    :param factor: An additional scalar factor :math:`\alpha`.
    :return: The (approximate) value of :math:`\exp\left(-i \alpha A\right) v`
    import cpade
    Anew = -1.0j*A*factor
    expA = zeros_like(Anew)
    return dot(expA, v)
コード例 #3
ファイル: demo_cores.py プロジェクト: raoulbq/Pade_PyCpp
def runtiming(T, Nvals, Tc, reps):
    """runs timing with given type T"""
    print "current type:", type_to_name[T]
    Tc[T] = []
    for n in Nvals:
        print "  n:", n,
        A = array(random.random((n, n)), dtype=T)
        ctime = inf
        # time C++ version
        for r in range(reps):
            expA = zeros_like(A)

            t = time.time()
            e.expm(A, expA)  # call C version with Eigen Pade approx.
            ctime = min(ctime, time.time() - t)
        print ctime
        del A, expA
コード例 #4
ファイル: demo_expm.py プロジェクト: raoulbq/Pade_PyCpp
 for T in [float32, float64, complex64, complex128]:
     thistime = time.time()
     print "current type:", type_to_name[T]
     Tc = []
     Tp = []
     Tp2= []
     for n in Nvals:
         print "n:",n,
         A = array(random.random((n,n)), dtype=T)
         ctime = inf; ptime = inf; p2time = inf
         # time C++ version
         for r in range(Creps):
             expA = zeros_like(A)
             t = time.time()
             e.expm(A,expA) # call C version with Eigen Pade approx.
             ctime = min(ctime, time.time()-t)
         # time scipy version
         for r in range(Preps):
             t = time.time()
             expA2 = expm(A)
             ptime = min(ptime, time.time()-t)
         # time new python version
         for r in range(P2reps):
             t = time.time()
             expA3 = e2.expm(A)
             p2time = min(p2time, time.time()-t)