def test_07(self): """TestSVGlWriter.test_07(): text. Based on""" myF = io.StringIO() myViewPort = Coord.Box( Coord.Dim(12, 'cm'), Coord.Dim(4, 'cm'), ) with SVGWriter.SVGWriter(myF, myViewPort, {'viewBox': "0 0 1000 300"}) as xS: with XmlWrite.Element(xS, 'desc'): xS.characters("Example text01 - 'Hello, out there' in blue") myPt = Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(250), Coord.baseUnitsDim(150)) with SVGWriter.SVGText(xS, myPt, "Verdans", 55, {'fill': "blue"}): xS.characters('Hello, out there') #xS.comment(" Show outline of canvas using 'rect' element ") myPt = Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(1), Coord.baseUnitsDim(1)) myBx = Coord.Box(Coord.baseUnitsDim(998), Coord.baseUnitsDim(298)) with SVGWriter.SVGRect(xS, myPt, myBx, { 'fill': "none", 'stroke': "blue", 'stroke-width': "2" }): pass #print #print myF.getvalue() self.assertEqual( myF.getvalue(), """<?xml version='1.0' encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" ""> <svg height="4.00cm" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 1000 300" width="12.00cm" xmlns=""> <desc>Example text01 - 'Hello, out there' in blue</desc> <text fill="blue" font-family="Verdans" font-size="55" x="250px" y="150px">Hello, out there</text> <rect fill="none" height="298px" stroke="blue" stroke-width="2" width="998px" x="1px" y="1px" /> </svg> """)
def _writeScaleControls(self, theSvg): """Write the text elements that control re-scaling.""" myAttrs = { 'class': self.CLASS_TEXT_SCALE, } myPointP = Coord.Pt( Coord.Dim(8.0, self.COMMON_UNITS), Coord.Dim(4.0, self.COMMON_UNITS), ) with SVGWriter.SVGGroup(theSvg, {'id': 'scaleGroup'}): with SVGWriter.SVGText(theSvg, myPointP, None, None, myAttrs): theSvg.characters('Select scale (bold selected):') myAttrs['text-decoration'] = "underline" myPointP = Coord.newPt(myPointP, incX=Coord.Dim(64, 'mm'), incY=None) for scale in self.SCALE_FACTORS: myAttrs['onclick'] = "scaleGraphic(%s, '%s')" % (scale, scale) myAttrs['id'] = str(scale) if scale == self._scale: myAttrs['font-weight'] = 'bold' else: myAttrs['font-weight'] = 'normal' text = '%d%%' % int(scale * 100) with SVGWriter.SVGText(theSvg, myPointP, None, None, myAttrs): theSvg.characters(text) myPointP = Coord.newPt(myPointP, incX=Coord.Dim(5 * len(text), 'mm'), incY=None)
def writeAltTextAndMouseOverRect(self, theSvg, theId, theAltPt, theAltS, theTrigPt, theTrigRect): """Composes and writes the (pop-up) alternate text. Also writes a trigger rectangle.""" # Write a grouping element and give it the alternate ID with SVGWriter.SVGGroup(theSvg, { 'id': 't%s%s' % (theId, self.ALT_ID_SUFFIX), 'opacity': '0.0' }): altFontSize = self.ALT_FONT_PROPERTIES[ self.ALT_FONT_FAMILY]['size'] altFontLenFactor = self.ALT_FONT_PROPERTIES[ self.ALT_FONT_FAMILY]['lenFactor'] altFontHeightFactor = self.ALT_FONT_PROPERTIES[ self.ALT_FONT_FAMILY]['heightFactor'] # Compute masking box for alternate maxChars = max([len(s) for s in theAltS]) # Take around 80% of character length boxWidth = Coord.Dim(altFontSize * maxChars * altFontLenFactor, 'pt') if len(theAltS) < 2: boxHeight = Coord.Dim(altFontSize * 2, 'pt') else: boxHeight = Coord.Dim( altFontSize * len(theAltS) * altFontHeightFactor, 'pt') boxAttrs = {'fill': self.ALT_RECT_FILL} with SVGWriter.SVGRect( theSvg, theAltPt, Coord.Box(boxWidth, boxHeight), boxAttrs, ): pass # As the main text is centered and the alt text is left # justified we need to move the text plot point left by a bit. myAltTextPt = Coord.newPt( theAltPt, incX=Coord.Dim(1 * altFontSize * 3 * altFontLenFactor / 2.0, 'pt'), incY=Coord.Dim(12, 'pt'), ) with SVGWriter.SVGText(theSvg, myAltTextPt, 'Courier', altFontSize, { 'font-weight': "normal", }): self._writeStringListToTspan(theSvg, myAltTextPt, theAltS) # Add the trigger rectangle for writing on finalise boxAttrs = { 'class' : self.CLASS_RECT_INVIS, 'id' : 't%s' % theId, 'onmouseover' : "swapOpacity('t%s', 't%s')" \ % (theId, theId+self.ALT_ID_SUFFIX), 'onmouseout' : "swapOpacity('t%s', 't%s')" \ % (theId, theId+self.ALT_ID_SUFFIX), } self._triggerS.append((theTrigPt, theTrigRect, boxAttrs))
def test_06(self): """TestSVGlWriter.test_06(): a polygon. Based on""" myF = io.StringIO() myViewPort = Coord.Box( Coord.Dim(12, 'cm'), Coord.Dim(4, 'cm'), ) with SVGWriter.SVGWriter(myF, myViewPort, {'viewBox': "0 0 1200 400"}) as xS: with XmlWrite.Element(xS, 'desc'): xS.characters( 'Example line01 - lines expressed in user coordinates') #xS.comment(" Show outline of canvas using 'rect' element ") myPt = Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(1), Coord.baseUnitsDim(1)) myBx = Coord.Box(Coord.baseUnitsDim(1198), Coord.baseUnitsDim(398)) with SVGWriter.SVGRect(xS, myPt, myBx, { 'fill': "none", 'stroke': "blue", 'stroke-width': "2" }): pass # Make a group with SVGWriter.SVGPolygon(xS, [ Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(350), Coord.baseUnitsDim(75)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(379), Coord.baseUnitsDim(161)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(469), Coord.baseUnitsDim(161)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(397), Coord.baseUnitsDim(215)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(423), Coord.baseUnitsDim(301)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(350), Coord.baseUnitsDim(250)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(277), Coord.baseUnitsDim(301)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(303), Coord.baseUnitsDim(215)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(231), Coord.baseUnitsDim(161)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(321), Coord.baseUnitsDim(161)), ], { 'fill': 'red', 'stroke': 'blue', 'stroke-width': "10" }): pass #print #print myF.getvalue() self.assertEqual( myF.getvalue(), """<?xml version='1.0' encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" ""> <svg height="4.00cm" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 1200 400" width="12.00cm" xmlns=""> <desc>Example line01 - lines expressed in user coordinates</desc> <rect fill="none" height="398px" stroke="blue" stroke-width="2" width="1198px" x="1px" y="1px" /> <polygon fill="red" points="350,75 379,161 469,161 397,215 423,301 350,250 277,301 303,215 231,161 321,161" stroke="blue" stroke-width="10" /> </svg> """)
def _plotHistogram(self, theSvg, theHistDl, theTpt, theTokCounter): myTokCountTotal = theTokCounter.totalAllUnconditional # Avoid divide by zero errors assert (theTokCounter.tokenCountNonWs(isAll=False) > 0) assert (myTokCountTotal > 0) #myPos = Coord.Dim(0, self.COMMON_UNITS) myHistDl = theHistDl #self._bb.plotPointSelf(theDl) for k, myFill in self.HIST_PP_TOKEN_TYPES_COLOURS: tCount = theTokCounter.tokenCount(k, isAll=False) if tCount > 0: myWidth = self._bb.width.scale(tCount / (1.0 * myTokCountTotal)) myBox = Coord.Box(myWidth, self.HIST_DEPTH) # Convert to physical and plot with SVGWriter.SVGRect( theSvg, theTpt.boxDatumP(myHistDl, myBox), theTpt.boxP(myBox), { 'fill': myFill, 'stroke': self.HIST_RECT_COLOUR_STROKE, 'stroke-width': self.HIST_RECT_STROKE_WIDTH, }, ): pass # Increment the datum myHistDl = Coord.newPt(myHistDl, incX=myWidth, incY=None)
def _plotSelf(self, theSvg, theDatumL, theTpt, thePassNum, idStack): """Plot me to a stream at the logical datum point""" assert (not self.isRoot) if thePassNum == 0: self.commentFunctionBegin(theSvg, File=self._fileName, Node=self.nodeName, Pass=thePassNum) # Plot self if self.condCompState: if self.numTokens > 0: myAttrs = self.ATTRS_NODE_NORMAL else: myAttrs = self.ATTRS_NODE_MT else: myAttrs = self.ATTRS_NODE_CONDITIONAL if self._bb.hasSetArea: # Plot my box at: myBoxDatumP = theTpt.boxDatumP( self._bb.plotPointSelf(theDatumL), with SVGWriter.SVGRect( theSvg, myBoxDatumP, theTpt.boxP(, myAttrs, ): pass self._plotSelfInternals(theSvg, theDatumL, theTpt) elif thePassNum == 1: self._plotTextOverlay(theSvg, theDatumL, theTpt, idStack) self.commentFunctionEnd(theSvg, File=self._fileName, Node=self.nodeName, Pass=thePassNum)
def _writeTriggers(self, theSvg): """Write the rectangles that trigger pop-up text last so that they are on top.""" for aChild in self._children: aChild._writeTriggers(theSvg) for _pt, _box, _attrs in self._triggerS: with SVGWriter.SVGRect(theSvg, _pt, _box, _attrs): pass
def _writeAlternateText(self, theSvg, thePoint, theId, theText, theAltS, yOffs=Coord.Dim(0, 'pt')): """Composes and writes the (pop-up) alternate text. thePoint is the physical point to locate both texts.""" # Write a grouping element and give it the alternate ID with SVGWriter.SVGGroup(theSvg, {'id' : 't%s%s' % (theId, self.ALT_ID_SUFFIX), 'opacity' : '0.0'}): altFontSize = self.ALT_FONT_PROPERTIES[self.ALT_FONT_FAMILY]['size'] altFontLenFactor = self.ALT_FONT_PROPERTIES[self.ALT_FONT_FAMILY]['lenFactor'] altFontHeightFactor = self.ALT_FONT_PROPERTIES[self.ALT_FONT_FAMILY]['heightFactor'] # Compute masking box for alternate maxChars = max([len(s) for s in theAltS]) # Take around 80% of character length boxWidth = Coord.Dim(altFontSize * maxChars * altFontLenFactor, 'pt') if len(theAltS) < 2: boxHeight = Coord.Dim(altFontSize * 2, 'pt') else: boxHeight = Coord.Dim(altFontSize * len(theAltS) * altFontHeightFactor, 'pt') boxAttrs = { 'fill' : self.ALT_RECT_FILL } with SVGWriter.SVGRect( theSvg, # Edge the plot point up and left by a bit Coord.newPt( thePoint, incX=Coord.Dim(-1 * altFontSize * (1 + len(theText) * altFontLenFactor / 2.0), 'pt'), incY=Coord.Dim(-1*altFontHeightFactor * altFontSize, 'pt') + yOffs, ), Coord.Box(boxWidth, boxHeight), boxAttrs, ): pass # As the main text is centered and the alt text is left # justified we need to move the text plot point left by a bit. myAltTextPt = Coord.newPt( thePoint, incX=Coord.Dim(-1 * altFontSize * len(theText) * altFontLenFactor / 2.0, 'pt'), incY=yOffs, ) with SVGWriter.SVGText(theSvg, myAltTextPt, 'Courier', altFontSize, { 'font-weight' : "normal", } ): self._writeStringListToTspan(theSvg, myAltTextPt, theAltS)
def test_02(self): """TestSVGlWriter.test_02(): a circle. From""" myF = io.StringIO() myViewPort = Coord.Box( Coord.Dim(12, 'cm'), Coord.Dim(4, 'cm'), ) with SVGWriter.SVGWriter(myF, myViewPort) as xS: with XmlWrite.Element(xS, 'desc'): xS.characters( 'Example circle01 - circle filled with red and stroked with blue' ) #xS.comment(" Show outline of canvas using 'rect' element ") myPt = Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(1), Coord.baseUnitsDim(1)) myBx = Coord.Box(Coord.baseUnitsDim(1198), Coord.baseUnitsDim(398)) with SVGWriter.SVGRect(xS, myPt, myBx, { 'fill': "none", 'stroke': "blue", 'stroke-width': "2" }): pass myPt = Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(600), Coord.baseUnitsDim(200)) myRad = Coord.baseUnitsDim(100) with SVGWriter.SVGCircle(xS, myPt, myRad, { 'fill': "red", 'stroke': "blue", 'stroke-width': "10" }): pass #print #print myF.getvalue() self.assertEqual( myF.getvalue(), """<?xml version='1.0' encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" ""> <svg height="4.00cm" version="1.1" width="12.00cm" xmlns=""> <desc>Example circle01 - circle filled with red and stroked with blue</desc> <rect fill="none" height="398px" stroke="blue" stroke-width="2" width="1198px" x="1px" y="1px" /> <circle cx="600px" cy="200px" fill="red" r="100px" stroke="blue" stroke-width="10" /> </svg> """)
def _plotFileName(self, theSvg, theDatumL, theTpt): """Writes out the file name adjacent to the file box as static text.""" self.commentFunctionBegin(theSvg, File=self._fileName) if self._bb.hasSetArea: textPointP = self._fileNamePoint(theDatumL, theTpt) assert textPointP is not None myAttrs = { 'class': self.CLASS_VERDANA_12, 'opacity': '1.0', } with SVGWriter.SVGText(theSvg, textPointP, None, None, myAttrs): theSvg.characters(os.path.basename(self.nodeName)) self.commentFunctionEnd(theSvg, File=self._fileName)
def test_00(self): """TestSVGWriter.test_00(): construction.""" myF = io.StringIO() myViewPort = Coord.Box( Coord.Dim(100, 'mm'), Coord.Dim(20, 'mm'), ) with SVGWriter.SVGWriter(myF, myViewPort): pass #print #print myF.getvalue() self.assertEqual( myF.getvalue(), """<?xml version='1.0' encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" ""> <svg height="20.0mm" version="1.1" width="100.0mm" xmlns="" />\n""" )
def _plotTextOverlayHistogram(self, theSvg, theHistDl, theTpt): """Plot the text associated with a histogram.""" myCentreL = Coord.newPt(theHistDl, self._bb.width.scale(0.5), self.HIST_DEPTH.scale(0.5)) myPointP = # TODO: The myPointP.x.value + 2, myPointP.y.value - 2 # looks wrong. It is not using theTpt. myAttrs = { 'class' : self.CLASS_RECT_INVIS, 'onmouseover' : "showHistogram(%s, %s)" \ % (myPointP.x.value + 3, myPointP.y.value + 2), 'onmouseout' : "hideHistogram()", } myWidth = self._bb.width myBox = Coord.Box(myWidth, self.HIST_DEPTH) with SVGWriter.SVGRect(theSvg, theTpt.boxDatumP(theHistDl, myBox), theTpt.boxP(myBox), myAttrs): pass
def test_01(self): """TestSVGlWriter.test_01(): <desc> and four rectangles. From second example in""" myF = io.StringIO() myViewPort = Coord.Box( Coord.Dim(5, 'cm'), Coord.Dim(4, 'cm'), ) with SVGWriter.SVGWriter(myF, myViewPort) as xS: with XmlWrite.Element(xS, 'desc'): xS.characters('Four separate rectangles') myPt = Coord.Pt(Coord.Dim(0.5, 'cm'), Coord.Dim(0.5, 'cm')) myBx = Coord.Box(Coord.Dim(2.0, 'cm'), Coord.Dim(1.0, 'cm')) with SVGWriter.SVGRect(xS, myPt, myBx): pass myPt = Coord.Pt(Coord.Dim(0.5, 'cm'), Coord.Dim(2.0, 'cm')) myBx = Coord.Box(Coord.Dim(1.0, 'cm'), Coord.Dim(1.5, 'cm')) with SVGWriter.SVGRect(xS, myPt, myBx): pass myPt = Coord.Pt(Coord.Dim(3.0, 'cm'), Coord.Dim(0.5, 'cm')) myBx = Coord.Box(Coord.Dim(1.5, 'cm'), Coord.Dim(2.0, 'cm')) with SVGWriter.SVGRect(xS, myPt, myBx): pass myPt = Coord.Pt(Coord.Dim(3.5, 'cm'), Coord.Dim(3.0, 'cm')) myBx = Coord.Box(Coord.Dim(1.0, 'cm'), Coord.Dim(0.5, 'cm')) with SVGWriter.SVGRect(xS, myPt, myBx): pass myPt = Coord.Pt(Coord.Dim(0.01, 'cm'), Coord.Dim(0.01, 'cm')) myBx = Coord.Box(Coord.Dim(4.98, 'cm'), Coord.Dim(3.98, 'cm')) with SVGWriter.SVGRect(xS, myPt, myBx, attrs={ 'fill': "none", 'stroke': "blue", 'stroke-width': ".02cm", }): pass #print #print myF.getvalue() self.assertEqual( myF.getvalue(), """<?xml version='1.0' encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" ""> <svg height="4.00cm" version="1.1" width="5.00cm" xmlns=""> <desc>Four separate rectangles</desc> <rect height="1.00cm" width="2.00cm" x="0.50cm" y="0.50cm" /> <rect height="1.50cm" width="1.00cm" x="0.50cm" y="2.00cm" /> <rect height="2.00cm" width="1.50cm" x="3.00cm" y="0.50cm" /> <rect height="0.50cm" width="1.00cm" x="3.50cm" y="3.00cm" /> <rect fill="none" height="3.98cm" stroke="blue" stroke-width=".02cm" width="4.98cm" x="0.01cm" y="0.01cm" /> </svg> """)
def _writeStringListToTspan(self, theSvg, thePointX, theList): """Converts a multi-line string to tspan elements in monospaced format. theSvg is the SVG stream. theAttrs is the attributes of the enclosing <text> element. theStr is the string to write. This writes the tspan elements within an existing text element, thus: <text id="original.alt" font-family="Courier" font-size="12" text-anchor="middle" x="250" y="250"> <tspan xml:space="preserve"> One</tspan> <tspan x="250" dy="1em" xml:space="preserve"> Two</tspan> <tspan x="250" dy="1em" xml:space="preserve">Three</tspan> </text> """ #theSvg.xmlSpacePreserve() for i, aLine in enumerate(theList): elemAttrs = {}#'xml:space' : "preserve"} if i > 0: elemAttrs['x'] = SVGWriter.dimToTxt(thePointX.x) elemAttrs['dy'] = "1.5em" with XmlWrite.Element(theSvg, 'tspan', elemAttrs): theSvg.characters(aLine) theSvg.characters(' ')
def _plotRootChildToChild(self, theSvg, theDatumL, theTpt): """Join up children of root node with vertical lines.""" assert (len(self._children) > 0) assert (self.isRoot) self.commentFunctionBegin(theSvg) ptNextL = None for i, datumChildL in self._enumerateChildren(theDatumL, theTpt): if i > 0: ptPrevL = theTpt.prevdcL( self._children[i].bb.plotPointSelf(datumChildL), self._children[i], ) with SVGWriter.SVGLine( theSvg,,, self.ATTRS_LINE_ROOT_CHILDREN_JOIN, ): pass ptNextL = theTpt.nextdcL( self._children[i].bb.plotPointSelf(datumChildL), self._children[i], ) self.commentFunctionEnd(theSvg)
def plotToFileObj(self, theFileObj, theTpt): """Root level call to plot to a file object. The SVG stream is created here.""" if self._numPassesToPlotSelf < 1: raise ValueError('No self._numPassesToPlotSelf set!') # Make viewBox user coordinates * self.VIEWBOX_SCALE myRootAttrs = { # 'viewBox' : '0 0 %d %d' \ # % ( # theTpt.canvasP().width.value * self.VIEWBOX_SCALE, # theTpt.canvasP().depth.value * self.VIEWBOX_SCALE, # ), 'xmlns:xlink' : self.NAMESPACE_XLINK, } # Bit of a hacky way to add enough margin for the pop-ups or rather # drop downs. This adds space for the bottom most boxes. canvasY = theTpt.canvasP().depth + Coord.Dim(60, 'mm') + Coord.Dim(8, 'mm') myCanvas = Coord.Box( theTpt.canvasP().width + Coord.Dim(60, 'mm'), canvasY, ) # Shrink canvas if it is a large plot yOffsetForScalingText = Coord.Dim(10, 'mm') scaleIdx = self.SCALE_FACTORS.index(1) assert scaleIdx >= 0 while scaleIdx > 0 and canvasY > self.SCALE_MAX_Y: canvasY = canvasY.scale(0.5) scaleIdx -= 1 self._scale = self.SCALE_FACTORS[scaleIdx] with SVGWriter.SVGWriter(theFileObj, myCanvas, myRootAttrs, mustIndent=cpip.INDENT_ML) as myS: # yOffsetForScalingText is applied wrong, should respect theTpt myDatum = Coord.Pt( CANVAS_PADDING.prev - yOffsetForScalingText, CANVAS_PADDING.parent, ) self.writePreamble(myS) myS.comment(' Root position: %s, Sweep direction: %s canvas=%s datum=%s' \ % (theTpt.rootPos, theTpt.sweepDir, theTpt.canvasP(), myDatum), newLine=True) # Shift the drawing down a bit to make way for the scale buttons. with SVGWriter.SVGGroup(myS, {'transform' : "translate(0, 24)"}): with SVGWriter.SVGGroup(myS, { 'id' : 'graphic', 'transform' : "scale(%s)" % self.SCALE_FACTORS[scaleIdx] }): # Apply a group element for scaling the plot # More hackery: yOffsetForScalingText is applied wrong, should respect theTpt with SVGWriter.SVGRect( myS, Coord.newPt( Coord.zeroBaseUnitsPt(), incX=None, incY=yOffsetForScalingText), theTpt.canvasP(), { 'fill' : 'none', 'stroke' : 'grey', 'stroke-width' : '2', }, ): pass # Start the plot self.plotInitialise(myS, myDatum, theTpt) # Now plot all contents for p in range(self._numPassesToPlotSelf): self.plotToSVGStream(myS, myDatum, theTpt, p, []) # Finish the plot self.plotFinalise(myS, myDatum, theTpt)
def _plotSelfToChildren(self, theSvg, theDatumL, theTpt): """Plot links from me to my children to a stream at the (self) logical datum point.""" assert (len(self._children) > 0) assert (not self.isRoot) #print 'TRACE: plotSelfToChildren()', theDatumL myDatumL = self._bb.plotPointSelf(theDatumL) #nameP = self.nodeName for i, datumChildL in self._enumerateChildren(theDatumL, theTpt): if self._children[i].condCompState: if self._children[i].numTokens > 0: myAttrsTo = self.ATTRS_LINE_NORMAL_TO myAttrsFrom = self.ATTRS_LINE_NORMAL_FROM else: myAttrsTo = self.ATTRS_LINE_MT_TO myAttrsFrom = self.ATTRS_LINE_MT_FROM else: myAttrsTo = self.ATTRS_LINE_CONDITIONAL_TO myAttrsFrom = self.ATTRS_LINE_CONDITIONAL_FROM #nameC = self._children[i]._dataMap['name'] if theTpt.positiveSweepDir: childOrd = len(self._children) - i - 1 else: childOrd = i # Parent to child linePtsFirst = [ for l in ( self._bb.pcRoll(myDatumL, childOrd), self._bb.pcTo(myDatumL, childOrd), self._children[i].bb.pcLand(datumChildL), self._children[i].bb.pcStop(datumChildL), ) ] # Now child to parent linePtsSecond = [ for l in ( self._children[i].bb.cpRoll(datumChildL), self._children[i].bb.cpTo(datumChildL), self._bb.cpLand(myDatumL, childOrd), self._bb.cpStop(myDatumL, childOrd), ) ] if theTpt.positiveSweepDir: linePtsSecond, linePtsFirst = linePtsFirst, linePtsSecond j = 1 #theSvg.comment(' %s to %s ' % (nameP, nameC)) while j < len(linePtsFirst): with SVGWriter.SVGLine( theSvg, linePtsFirst[j - 1], linePtsFirst[j], myAttrsTo, ): pass j += 1 j = 1 #theSvg.comment(' %s to %s ' % (nameC, nameP)) while j < len(linePtsSecond): with SVGWriter.SVGLine( theSvg, linePtsSecond[j - 1], linePtsSecond[j], myAttrsFrom, ): pass j += 1
def test_05(self): """TestSVGlWriter.test_05(): a polyline. Based on""" myF = io.StringIO() myViewPort = Coord.Box( Coord.Dim(12, 'cm'), Coord.Dim(4, 'cm'), ) with SVGWriter.SVGWriter(myF, myViewPort, {'viewBox': "0 0 1200 400"}) as xS: with XmlWrite.Element(xS, 'desc'): xS.characters( 'Example line01 - lines expressed in user coordinates') #xS.comment(" Show outline of canvas using 'rect' element ") myPt = Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(1), Coord.baseUnitsDim(1)) myBx = Coord.Box(Coord.baseUnitsDim(1198), Coord.baseUnitsDim(398)) with SVGWriter.SVGRect(xS, myPt, myBx, { 'fill': "none", 'stroke': "blue", 'stroke-width': "2" }): pass # Make a group with SVGWriter.SVGPolyline(xS, [ Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(50), Coord.baseUnitsDim(375)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(150), Coord.baseUnitsDim(375)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(150), Coord.baseUnitsDim(325)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(250), Coord.baseUnitsDim(325)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(250), Coord.baseUnitsDim(375)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(350), Coord.baseUnitsDim(375)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(350), Coord.baseUnitsDim(250)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(450), Coord.baseUnitsDim(250)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(450), Coord.baseUnitsDim(375)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(550), Coord.baseUnitsDim(375)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(550), Coord.baseUnitsDim(175)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(650), Coord.baseUnitsDim(175)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(650), Coord.baseUnitsDim(375)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(750), Coord.baseUnitsDim(375)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(750), Coord.baseUnitsDim(100)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(850), Coord.baseUnitsDim(100)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(850), Coord.baseUnitsDim(375)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(950), Coord.baseUnitsDim(375)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(950), Coord.baseUnitsDim(25)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(1050), Coord.baseUnitsDim(25)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(1050), Coord.baseUnitsDim(375)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(1150), Coord.baseUnitsDim(375)), ], { 'fill': 'none', 'stroke': 'blue', 'stroke-width': "5" }): pass #print #print myF.getvalue() self.assertEqual( myF.getvalue(), """<?xml version='1.0' encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" ""> <svg height="4.00cm" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 1200 400" width="12.00cm" xmlns=""> <desc>Example line01 - lines expressed in user coordinates</desc> <rect fill="none" height="398px" stroke="blue" stroke-width="2" width="1198px" x="1px" y="1px" /> <polyline fill="none" points="50,375 150,375 150,325 250,325 250,375 350,375 350,250 450,250 450,375 550,375 550,175 650,175 650,375 750,375 750,100 850,100 850,375 950,375 950,25 1050,25 1050,375 1150,375" stroke="blue" stroke-width="5" /> </svg> """)
def test_04(self): """TestSVGlWriter.test_04(): a line. Based on""" myF = io.StringIO() myViewPort = Coord.Box( Coord.Dim(12, 'cm'), Coord.Dim(4, 'cm'), ) with SVGWriter.SVGWriter(myF, myViewPort) as xS: with XmlWrite.Element(xS, 'desc'): xS.characters( 'Example line01 - lines expressed in user coordinates') #xS.comment(" Show outline of canvas using 'rect' element ") myPt = Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(1), Coord.baseUnitsDim(1)) myBx = Coord.Box(Coord.baseUnitsDim(1198), Coord.baseUnitsDim(398)) with SVGWriter.SVGRect(xS, myPt, myBx, { 'fill': "none", 'stroke': "blue", 'stroke-width': "2" }): pass # Make a group with SVGWriter.SVGGroup(xS, {'stroke': 'green'}): with SVGWriter.SVGLine( xS, Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(100), Coord.baseUnitsDim(300)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(300), Coord.baseUnitsDim(100)), {'stroke-width': "5"}): pass with SVGWriter.SVGLine( xS, Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(300), Coord.baseUnitsDim(300)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(500), Coord.baseUnitsDim(100)), {'stroke-width': "10"}): pass with SVGWriter.SVGLine( xS, Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(500), Coord.baseUnitsDim(300)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(700), Coord.baseUnitsDim(100)), {'stroke-width': "15"}): pass with SVGWriter.SVGLine( xS, Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(700), Coord.baseUnitsDim(300)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(900), Coord.baseUnitsDim(100)), {'stroke-width': "20"}): pass with SVGWriter.SVGLine( xS, Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(900), Coord.baseUnitsDim(300)), Coord.Pt(Coord.baseUnitsDim(1100), Coord.baseUnitsDim(100)), {'stroke-width': "25"}): pass #print #print myF.getvalue() self.assertEqual( myF.getvalue(), """<?xml version='1.0' encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" ""> <svg height="4.00cm" version="1.1" width="12.00cm" xmlns=""> <desc>Example line01 - lines expressed in user coordinates</desc> <rect fill="none" height="398px" stroke="blue" stroke-width="2" width="1198px" x="1px" y="1px" /> <g stroke="green"> <line stroke-width="5" x1="100px" x2="300px" y1="300px" y2="100px" /> <line stroke-width="10" x1="300px" x2="500px" y1="300px" y2="100px" /> <line stroke-width="15" x1="500px" x2="700px" y1="300px" y2="100px" /> <line stroke-width="20" x1="700px" x2="900px" y1="300px" y2="100px" /> <line stroke-width="25" x1="900px" x2="1100px" y1="300px" y2="100px" /> </g> </svg> """)
def _plotHistogramLegend(self, theSvg, theTpt): """Plot a standardised legend. This is plotted as a group within a defs.""" myDatumP = Coord.Pt( Coord.Dim(0.0, self.COMMON_UNITS), Coord.Dim(0.0, self.COMMON_UNITS), ) with SVGWriter.SVGGroup(theSvg, { 'id': self.HIST_LEGEND_ID, 'opacity': '0.0' }): idVal = 0 # Outline rectangle with SVGWriter.SVGRect( theSvg, myDatumP, Coord.Box( Coord.Dim(48.0, self.COMMON_UNITS), Coord.Dim(40.0, self.COMMON_UNITS), ), { 'fill': self.ALT_RECT_FILL, 'id': '%d' % idVal, }, ): idVal += 2 myDatumP = Coord.newPt( myDatumP, incX=Coord.Dim(2.0, self.COMMON_UNITS), incY=Coord.Dim(2.0, self.COMMON_UNITS), ) myTokIdxS = list(range(len(self.HIST_PP_TOKEN_TYPES_COLOURS))) if theTpt.positiveSweepDir: myTokIdxS.reverse() for iC in myTokIdxS: myBox = Coord.Box(self.HIST_DEPTH, self.HIST_DEPTH) # Convert to physical and plot with SVGWriter.SVGRect( theSvg, myDatumP, myBox, { 'fill': self.HIST_PP_TOKEN_TYPES_COLOURS[iC][1], 'stroke': self.HIST_RECT_COLOUR_STROKE, 'stroke-width': self.HIST_RECT_STROKE_WIDTH, 'id': '%d' % idVal }, ): idVal += 2 myTextDatumP = Coord.newPt( myDatumP, incX=self.HIST_DEPTH + Coord.Dim(2.0, self.COMMON_UNITS), incY=self.HIST_DEPTH.scale(0.5), ) with SVGWriter.SVGText( theSvg, myTextDatumP, None, None, { 'font-family': 'Verdana', 'font-size': '10', 'dominant-baseline': 'middle', 'id': '%d' % idVal, }): theSvg.characters(self.HIST_PP_TOKEN_TYPES_COLOURS[iC][0]) idVal += 2 # Increment the datum myDatumP = Coord.newPt(myDatumP, incX=None, incY=self.HIST_DEPTH)
def _plotChevron(self, theSvg, theDl, theTpt): """Plots a wedge to represent the relative number of tokens in me and my children. D------------------.------------------| | | |------------------.------------------| | | A-----------B------.------D-----------| | \ . / | | \ . / | | \ . / | | \ . / | | \ . / | ------------------\C/------------------ We plot in the order D moveto A moveto B lineto C lineto D lineto B """ mySelfTokCount = self.tokenCounter.tokenCountNonWs(isAll=False) if mySelfTokCount == 0 and self._numChildSigTokens == 0: return # Find D myDl = self._bb.plotPointSelf(theDl) # Point C, all use this myPtC = Coord.newPt(myDl, self._bb.width.scale(0.5), self._bb.depth) # Increment by one or two histogram depths to point A if self.__mustPlotSelfHistogram(): myDl = Coord.newPt(myDl, None, self.HIST_DEPTH) if self.__mustPlotChildHistogram(): myDl = Coord.newPt(myDl, None, self.HIST_DEPTH) # Figure out move to B if self._numChildSigTokens == 0: # Chevron takes full width polyLogicalPtS = [ myDl, myPtC, Coord.newPt(myDl, self._bb.width, None), ] else: ratioChevron = 1.0 * mySelfTokCount / (self._numChildSigTokens + mySelfTokCount) myChevronOffset = self._bb.width.scale(0.5 * ratioChevron) #theSvg.comment(' Chevron offset: %s ' % str(myChevronOffset)) # Offset to B myDl = Coord.newPt(myDl, self._bb.width.scale(0.5) - myChevronOffset, None) polyLogicalPtS = [ myDl, myPtC, Coord.newPt(myDl, myChevronOffset.scale(2.0), None), ] polyPhysicalPtS = [ for p in polyLogicalPtS] #theSvg.comment(' \npolyPhysicalPtS: %s \n' % str([str(p) for p in polyPhysicalPtS])) j = 1 while j < len(polyPhysicalPtS): with SVGWriter.SVGLine( theSvg, polyPhysicalPtS[j - 1], polyPhysicalPtS[j], { 'stroke-width': "2", 'stroke': "black", }, ): pass j += 1