def repel(self, cf_position, ob_position, cf_id, ob_id): # Get x,y velocities from tangential repulsion tan_angle = math.atan2(cf_position[1] - ob_position[1], cf_position[0] - ob_position[0]) tan_angle = (tan_angle + 2 * math.pi) % (2 * math.pi) vel_xy = np.array([math.cos(tan_angle), math.sin(tan_angle)]) # Convert to max velocities for avoidance for i in range(2): if vel_xy[i] > 0: vel_xy[i] = 0.3 elif vel_xy[i] < 0: vel_xy[i] = -0.3 # Get vertical avoidance z_increase = cf_position[2] >= ob_position[2] action_msg = Hover() action_msg.vx = vel_xy[0] action_msg.vy = vel_xy[1] action_msg.zDistance = cf_position[2] action_msg.yawrate = 0 # Num times to send the repulison Hover cmd for _ in range(2): cf_position = self.get_position(self.cf_id) # Bounce drone off right wall if cf_position[0] >= 9.5 and action_msg.vx > 0: action_msg.vx = 0 cf_position = self.get_position(self.cf_id) # Bounce drone off left wall elif cf_position[0] <= -9.5 and action_msg.vx < 0: action_msg.vx = 0 cf_position = self.get_position(self.cf_id) # Bounce drone off back wall if cf_position[1] >= 9.5 and action_msg.vy > 0: action_msg.vy = 0 cf_position = self.get_position(self.cf_id) # Bounce drone off front wall elif cf_position[1] <= -9.5 and action_msg.vy < 0: action_msg.vy = 0 cf_position = self.get_position(self.cf_id) # Move cf upwards or downwards based on relative position of obstacle if z_increase: action_msg.zDistance += 0.1 else: action_msg.zDistance -= 0.1 action_msg.zDistance = np.clip(action_msg.zDistance, 0.5, 9.5) print('Repel %i from %i' % (cf_id, ob_id)) self.hover_pub.publish(action_msg) time.sleep(0.3)
def process_action(self, action): action[0] = self.unnormalize(action[0], -0.4, 0.4) action[1] = self.unnormalize(action[1], -0.4, 0.4) action[2] = self.unnormalize(action[2], 0.25, 9.75) action[3] = self.unnormalize(action[3], -100, 100) cf_posititon = self.get_position(1) # Bounce drone off right wall if cf_posititon[0] >= 4.5 and action[0] > 0: action[0] = 0 cf_posititon = self.get_position(1) # Bounce drone off left wall elif cf_posititon[0] <= -4.5 and action[0] < 0: action[0] = 0 cf_posititon = self.get_position(1) # Bounce drone off back wall if cf_posititon[1] >= 4.5 and action[1] > 0: action[1] = 0 cf_posititon = self.get_position(1) # Bounce drone off front wall elif cf_posititon[1] <= -4.5 and action[1] < 0: action[1] = 0 cf_posititon = self.get_position(1) # Option 1: Hovering movements action_msg = Hover() action_msg.vx = action[0] action_msg.vy = action[1] action_msg.zDistance = action[2] # action_msg.yawrate = action[3] action_msg.yawrate = 0 # Option 2: Velocity movements # action_msg = Twist() # action_msg.linear.x = action[0] # action_msg.linear.y = action[1] # action_msg.linear.z = action[2] # action_msg.angular.z = 0 # Option 3: Positon movements # action_msg = Position() # action_msg.x = action[0] # action_msg.y = action[1] # action_msg.z = action[2] # action_msg.yaw = 0 return action_msg
def process_action(self, action): """ Converts an array of actions into the necessary ROS msg type. Args: action (ndarray): Array containing the desired velocties along the x, y, and z axes. Returns: Hover: ROS msg type necessary to publish a velocity command. """ cf_posititon = self.get_position(self.cf_id) # Bounce drone off right wall if cf_posititon[0] >= 4.5 and action[0] > 0: action[0] = 0 cf_posititon = self.get_position(self.cf_id) # Bounce drone off left wall elif cf_posititon[0] <= -4.5 and action[0] < 0: action[0] = 0 cf_posititon = self.get_position(self.cf_id) # Bounce drone off back wall if cf_posititon[1] >= 4.5 and action[1] > 0: action[1] = 0 cf_posititon = self.get_position(self.cf_id) # Bounce drone off front wall elif cf_posititon[1] <= -4.5 and action[1] < 0: action[1] = 0 # cf_posititon = self.get_position() # Option 1: Hovering movements action_msg = Hover() action_msg.vx = action[0] action_msg.vy = action[1] action_msg.zDistance = action[2] action_msg.yawrate = 0 return action_msg
def reset(self): self.gazebo.unpauseSim() # Known issue with cmd_vel(), so we must send a few zero velocities initially # in order to use cmd_vel in step() # action_msg = Twist() # action_msg.linear.x = 0 # pitch # action_msg.linear.y = 0 # roll # action_msg.linear.z = 0 # thrust # action_msg.angular.z = 0 # yaw # for _ in range(3): # self.vel_pub.publish(action_msg) # time.sleep(0.3) self.steps = 0 print('Start Reset') reset_positions = self.random_position(-4, 5, 1, 10, 1) action_msg = Hover() action_msg.vx = 0 action_msg.vy = 0 action_msg.zDistance = reset_positions[0][2] action_msg.yawrate = 0 while abs(self.get_position()[2] - reset_positions[0][2]) > 0.5: self.hover_pub.publish(action_msg) time.sleep(0.3) # check if drone flipped during the reset roll = self.get_roll_pitch_yaw()[0] if abs(roll) >= 60: self.kill_sim() time.sleep(20) self.gazebo_process, self.cf_process = self.launch_sim() action_msg = Position() action_msg.x = reset_positions[0][0] action_msg.y = reset_positions[0][1] action_msg.z = reset_positions[0][2] action_msg.yaw = 0 while self.distance_between_points(self.get_position(), reset_positions[0]) > 1: self.position_pub.publish(action_msg) time.sleep(0.3) # check if drone flipped during the reset roll = self.get_roll_pitch_yaw()[0] if abs(roll) >= 60: self.kill_sim() time.sleep(20) self.gazebo_process, self.cf_process = self.launch_sim() print('End Reset') # Connect to Crazyflie and enable high-level control # = crazyflie.Crazyflie("cf1", "/cf1") #"commander/enHighLevel", 1) # reset_positions = self.random_position(-4, 5, 1, 10, 1) # print('Start Reset') # if self.first_reset: # = reset_positions[0][2], duration = 4) # time.sleep(4) # # check if need to get individual values from np array #[reset_positions[0][0], reset_positions[0][1], reset_positions[0][2]], yaw=0.0, duration=4) # time.sleep(4) # print('End Reset') observation = self.get_observation() self.gazebo.pauseSim() # self.first_reset = False return observation
def process_action(self, action): """ Converts an array of actions into the necessary ROS msg type. Args: action (ndarray): Array containing the desired velocties along the x, y, and z axes. Returns: Hover: ROS msg type necessary to publish a velocity command. """ action[0] = self.unnormalize(action[0], -0.4, 0.4) action[1] = self.unnormalize(action[1], -0.4, 0.4) action[2] = self.unnormalize(action[2], 0.25, 9.75) # action[3] = self.unnormalize(action[3], -200, 200) # action[0] = self.unnormalize(action[0], -30, 30) # action[1] = self.unnormalize(action[1], -30, 30) # action[2] = self.unnormalize(action[2], 10000, 60000) # action[3] = self.unnormalize(action[3], -200, 200) cf_posititon = self.get_position() # Bounce drone off right wall if cf_posititon[0] >= 4.5 and action[0] > 0: action[0] = 0 cf_posititon = self.get_position() # Bounce drone off left wall elif cf_posititon[0] <= -4.5 and action[0] < 0: action[0] = 0 cf_posititon = self.get_position() # Bounce drone off back wall if cf_posititon[1] >= 4.5 and action[1] > 0: action[1] = 0 cf_posititon = self.get_position() # Bounce drone off front wall elif cf_posititon[1] <= -4.5 and action[1] < 0: action[1] = 0 cf_posititon = self.get_position() # # Bounce drone off ceiling # if cf_posititon[2] >= 9 and action[2] > 35000: # action[2] = 30000 # cf_posititon = self.get_position() # # Bounce drone off floor # elif cf_posititon[2] <= 1 and action[2] < 35000: # print('up!') # action[2] = 60000 # Option 1: Hovering movements action_msg = Hover() action_msg.vx = action[0] action_msg.vy = action[1] action_msg.zDistance = action[2] # action_msg.yawrate = action[3] action_msg.yawrate = 0 # Option 2: Velocity movements # action_msg = Twist() # action_msg.linear.x = action[0] # pitch # action_msg.linear.y = action[1] # roll # action_msg.linear.z = action[2] # thrust # action_msg.angular.z = 0 # yaw # Option 3: Positon movements # action_msg = Position() # action_msg.x = action[0] # action_msg.y = action[1] # action_msg.z = action[2] # action_msg.yaw = 0 return action_msg
zDistance -= 0.2 stop_pub.publish(stop_msg) if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('hover', anonymous=True) worldFrame = rospy.get_param("~worldFrame", "/world") rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10 hz name = "cmd_hover" msg = Hover() msg.header.seq = 0 msg.header.stamp = msg.header.frame_id = worldFrame msg.yawrate = 0 pub = rospy.Publisher(name, Hover, queue_size=1) stop_pub = rospy.Publisher("cmd_stop", Stop, queue_size=1) stop_msg = Stop() stop_msg.header.seq = 0 stop_msg.header.stamp = stop_msg.header.frame_id = worldFrame rospy.wait_for_service('update_params') rospy.loginfo("found update_params service") update_params = rospy.ServiceProxy('update_params', UpdateParams) rospy.set_param("kalman/resetEstimation", 1) update_params(["kalman/resetEstimation"])
msgPos.header.stamp = msgPos.header.frame_id = worldFrame msgPos.x = 0.0 msgPos.y = 0.0 msgPos.z = 0.0 msgPos.yaw = 0.0 pubPos = rospy.Publisher("cmd_setpoint", Position, queue_size=1) #for velocity/hover mode msgHov = Hover() msgHov.header.seq = 0 msgHov.header.stamp = msgHov.header.frame_id = worldFrame msgHov.vx = 0.0 msgHov.vy = 0.0 msgHov.zDistance = 0.0 msgHov.yawrate = 0.0 pubHov = rospy.Publisher("cmd_hover", Hover, queue_size=1) #to stop, don't really need this? stop_pub = rospy.Publisher("cmd_stop", Empty, queue_size=1) stop_msg = Empty() rospy.wait_for_service('update_params') rospy.loginfo("found update_params service") update_params = rospy.ServiceProxy('update_params', UpdateParams) rospy.set_param("kalman/resetEstimation", 1) update_params(["kalman/resetEstimation"]) rospy.sleep(0.1) rospy.set_param("kalman/resetEstimation", 0) update_params(["kalman/resetEstimation"]) rospy.sleep(0.1)