コード例 #1
def username_check(username):  # function for username vaildation
    # Checking the length of username is between 6 and 30 chracters
    if (len(username) >= 6) and (len(username) <= 30):
        # sql statement for checking existing users
        # Checks student database for username
        fetchstudents = (
            "SELECT DISTINCT Students.Username from Students WHERE Username = ?"
        # Checkes teacher databaase for username
        fetchteachers = (
            "SELECT DISTINCT Teachers.Username from Teachers WHERE Username = ?"
            [(username)])  # executes the above query on the student table
            [(username)])  # execute the above query on the teacher table
        checking = cursor.fetchall(
        )  # stores the result of sql search done on the Student table
        checking1 = cursor1.fetchall(
        )  # stores the result of sql search done on the Teacher table
        if checking or checking1:  # if checking or checking1 has values then return tkinter error
                "That username has been taken please try another one")
        else:  # if checking and checking 1 is none then return true
            return True

    else:  #if username isn't in the range then return tkinter error message
                             "Username has to be between 6 and 30 characters")
コード例 #2
def username_check(username):  # function for username vaildation
    # Checking the length of username is more than 6 charcters
    if len(username) >= 6:
        # sql statement for checking existing users
        # Checks student database for username
        fetchstudents = (
            "SELECT DISTINCT Students.Username from Students WHERE Username = ?"
        # Checkes teacher databaase for username
        fetchteachers = (
            "SELECT DISTINCT Teachers.Username from Teachers WHERE Username = ?"
            [(username)])  # executes the above query on the student table
            [(username)])  # execute the above query on the teacher table
        checking = cursor.fetchall()  # stores the result of sql search
        checking1 = cursor1.fetchall()
        if checking or checking1:
                "That username has been taken please try another one")
            return True

                             "Username has to be 6 or more characters")
コード例 #3
def teacher_email(
):  # checks the email the user entered against the teacher database
    find_teacher = ("SELECT Teachers.email FROM Teachers WHERE email = ?")
    # sql statement checks based on email variable condition
    cursor1.execute(find_teacher, [(email)])  # execution of sql statement
    checking = cursor1.fetchone()  # gets one value
    if checking is not None:  # checks based on condition that there is values to check
        db_email = checking  # sets the value db_email based on result
        if email == db_email:  # checks user input against database value
            return True  # if condition is met it returns true
        return False  # if condition not met it returns false
コード例 #4
def teacher_check(username, password):
    # Used for the login function this checks against the username and password the user enters in students table
    find_user1 = ("SELECT username,password FROM Teachers WHERE username = ?")
    # sql statement for getting the username and password
    cursor1.execute(find_user1, [(username)])  #executes the above sql code
    checking1 = cursor1.fetchone()  # fetchs one of the values
    if checking1 is not None:  # if there are values in check then it goes through this process
        db_user1, db_password1 = checking1  # gets username and password stored in the database
        if (username == db_user1) and (bcrypt.checkpw(password.encode("utf8"),
                                                      db_password1) is True):
            #checks the database username and password against the username and password stored
            return True  # if condition met return true
        return False  # if condition not met return False
コード例 #5
def get_question(type, level):  # takes in params type and level
    query = "SELECT question,answer FROM maths_questions WHERE test_type = ? AND test_level = ?"  # sql query
    resp = pd.read_sql_query(query, db, params=[
        (type), (level)
    ])  # converts sql query into a pandas dataframe
    query1 = "SELECT COUNT(question_id) FROM maths_questions WHERE test_type=? AND test_level=?"
    # gets total amount of questions for the specific type and level (amount of records that met the requirements)
    cursor1.execute(query1, [(type),
                             (level)])  # calculates the value of above query
    total = cursor1.fetchone()[0]  # stores the value to a variable total
    rand_num = random_num(
        total)  # runs the function to generate a non-duplicate random number
    if rand_num is not "stop":  # continues until rand_num is stop
        return [resp["question"][rand_num],
                resp["Answer"][rand_num]]  # returns the question and answer
        return ["No more Questions", "END"]