def main(self): with tf.Session() as sess: # "D://pyworks//yolo//videoplayback.mp4" cap = cv2.VideoCapture(self.url1) while (cap.isOpened()): ret, frame = img = cv2.resize(frame, (416, 416)) copy_img = img.copy() imge = np.array(img).reshape(-1, 416, 416, 3) start_time = time.time() preds =, {self.inputs: self.model.preprocess(imge)}) print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) boxes = self.model.get_boxes(preds, imge.shape[1:3]) cv2.namedWindow('image', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.resizeWindow('image', 700, 700) # print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) boxes1 = np.array(boxes) for j in self.list_of_classes: count = 0 if str(j) in self.classes: lab = self.classes[str(j)] if len(boxes1) != 0: for i in range(len(boxes1[j])): box = boxes1[j][i] if boxes1[j][i][4] >= 0.5: count += 1 #crop_img = copy_img[int(box[0]):int(box[2]), int(box[1]):int(box[3])] print(box) #crop_img = copy_img[int(box[1]):int(box[1] + int(box[3])), int(box[0]):int(box[0] + int(box[2]))] #(xLeftBottom, yLeftBottom), (xRightTop, yRightTop) crop_img = copy_img[int(box[1]):int(box[3]), int(box[0]):int(box[2])] cv2.rectangle(img, (box[0], box[1]), (box[2], box[3]), (0, 255, 0), 1) cv2.putText(img, lab, (box[0], box[1]), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, .5, (0, 0, 255), lineType=cv2.LINE_AA) # crop_img = copy_img[int(box[0]):int(box[2]), int(box[1]):int(box[3])] #crop_img = cv2.resize(crop_img, (416, 416)) cv2.imshow("cropped_image", crop_img) cv2.waitKey(1) dir = "temp/" + lab + "/" createFolder(dir) s1 = dir + '{}.jpg'.format(self.count) self.count = self.count + 1 cv2.imwrite(s1, crop_img) print(lab, ": ", count) cv2.imshow("image", img) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def ribs(params, voidcount, voidrad, frame_count=1000): calc = IdealBrittleSolid(rc=params.rc, k=params.k, a=params.a, beta=params.beta) x_dimer = np.linspace(params.a - (params.rc - params.a), params.a + 1.1 * (params.rc - params.a), 51) dimers = [ Atoms('Si2', [(0, 0, 0), (x, 0, 0)], cell=[10., 10., 10.], pbc=True) for x in x_dimer ] calc.set_reference_crystal(dimers[0]) e_dimer = [] f_dimer = [] f_num = [] for d in dimers: d.set_calculator(calc) e_dimer.append(d.get_potential_energy()) f_dimer.append(d.get_forces()) f_num.append(calc.calculate_numerical_forces(d)) e_dimer = np.array(e_dimer) f_dimer = np.array(f_dimer) f_num = np.array(f_num) assert abs(f_dimer - f_num).max() < 0.1 #! crystal is created here, the length and height can be modified here as well #! edit 3N changed to different values to test crystal = triangular_lattice_slab(params.a, params.lm * params.N, params.N) calc.set_reference_crystal(crystal) crystal.set_calculator(calc) e0 = crystal.get_potential_energy() l = crystal.cell[0, 0] h = crystal.cell[1, 1] print('l=', l, 'h=', h) # compute surface (Griffith) energy b = crystal.copy() b.set_calculator(calc) shift = calc.parameters['rc'] * 2 y = crystal.positions[:, 1] b.positions[y > h / 2, 1] += shift b.cell[1, 1] += shift e1 = b.get_potential_energy() E_G = (e1 - e0) / l print('Griffith energy', E_G) # compute Griffith strain eps = 0.0 # initial strain is zero eps_max = 2 / np.sqrt(3) * (params.rc - params.a) * np.sqrt( params.N - 1) / h # Griffith strain assuming harmonic energy deps = eps_max / 100. # strain increment e_over_l = 0.0 # initial energy per unit length is zero energy = [] strain = [] while e_over_l < E_G: c = crystal.copy() c.set_calculator(calc) c.positions[:, 1] *= (1.0 + eps) c.cell[1, 1] *= (1.0 + eps) e_over_l = c.get_potential_energy() / l energy.append(e_over_l) strain.append(eps) eps += deps energy = np.array(energy) eps_of_e = interp1d(energy, strain, kind='linear') eps_G = eps_of_e(E_G) print('Griffith strain', eps_G) c = crystal.copy()['E_G'] = E_G['eps_G'] = eps_G # open up the cell along x and y by introducing some vaccum orig_cell_width = c.cell[0, 0] orig_cell_height = c.cell[1, 1], axis=0), axis=1) # centre the slab on the origin c.positions[:, 0] -= c.positions[:, 0].mean() c.positions[:, 1] -= c.positions[:, 1].mean()['cell_origin'] = [-c.cell[0, 0] / 2, -c.cell[1, 1] / 2, 0.0]'', c, format='extxyz') width = (c.positions[:, 0].max() - c.positions[:, 0].min()) height = (c.positions[:, 1].max() - c.positions[:, 1].min())['OrigHeight'] = height print(( 'Made slab with %d atoms, original width and height: %.1f x %.1f A^2' % (len(c), width, height))) top = c.positions[:, 1].max() bottom = c.positions[:, 1].min() left = c.positions[:, 0].min() right = c.positions[:, 0].max() crack_seed_length = 0.2 * width strain_ramp_length = 8.0 * params.a # make this bigger until crack looks nicer delta_strain = params.strain_rate * params.dt # fix top and bottom rows, and setup Stokes damping mask # initial use constant strain set_constraints(c, params.a) # apply initial displacment field c.positions[:, 1] += thin_strip_displacement_y( c.positions[:, 0], c.positions[:, 1], * eps_G, left + crack_seed_length, left + crack_seed_length + strain_ramp_length) print('Applied initial load: delta=%.2f strain=%.4f' % (, * eps_G))'', c, format='extxyz') c.set_calculator(calc) cl, cs, cr = calc.get_wave_speeds(c) print("rayleigh speed = %f" % cr) # relax initial structure # opt = FIRE(c) #'', c, format='extxyz') #length and height of the slab is defined here L = params.N * params.lm H = params.N * 2 #Atomic Void Simulations #😵------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #the following lines of code were written to convert 1D positions into a 2D array #so as to make manipulation of slab easier if True: #void parameters are defined here. #around a max of [0.3--1.7] recommended y_offset = 0.1 #y offset is a fraction of distance from the end of the slab x_offset = 0.4 rad = voidrad #this reference code is for 160x40 slab #in steps of 40 i.e. the height, create a list upto the length of slab #row0 = range(0,6400,40) row0 = range(0, len(c), H) #the 2D array will be held in slab slab = [] for col in range(H): row = [] for r in row0: i = col + r row.append(c.positions[i]) slab.append(row) slab = np.array(slab) #all items in the array reversed, needed because the salb is built from bottom left up #in other words, reflected in x axis slab = slab[::-1] # print(slab[0]) # slab[modifiers.mask(h=H,w=L, center=[int(L*x_offset),int((H - 1)*y_offset)], radius=rad)] = 0 #multiple voids if need be if True: for i in range(voidcount): y_offset = rand.uniform(0.1, 0.9) x_offset = rand.uniform(0.3, 0.95) slab[modifiers.mask( h=H, w=L, center=[int(L * x_offset), int((H - 1) * y_offset)], radius=rad)] = 0 #reversed the slab back again here slab = slab[::-1] # # this is a useful text-array representation of the slab, for debugging purposes # mtext = open('masktest.txt','w') # for row in slab: # mtext.write(str(row).replace("\n",",")+"\n") # mtext.close slab_1d = [] for col in range(L): for row in range(H): slab_1d.append(slab[row, col]) slab_1d = np.array(slab_1d) todel = [] for i in range(len(c)): if slab_1d[i][2] == 0: todel.append(i) print(todel) del c[todel] # return #End of Void Simulation #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Grain Boundary Simulations #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if False: hi = 2 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #! replaced velcityVerlet with Lagevin to add temperature parameter if params.v_verlet: dyn = VelocityVerlet(c, params.dt * units.fs, logfile=None) # set_initial_velocities(dyn.atoms) else: print("Using NVT!") # mbd(c, 20 * units.kB, force_temp = True) # dyn = Langevin(c,params.dt*units.fs,params.T*units.kB, 5) dyn = NVTBerendsen(c, params.dt * units.fs, params.T, taut=0.5 * 1000 * units.fs) #dyn.atoms.rattle(1e-3) # non-deterministic simulations - adjust to suit #!simulation outputs numbered, avoids deleting exisiting results iterFile = open("simIteration.txt", 'r+') iteration = int(iterFile.readlines()[0]) + 1 if params.overwrite_output: iteration -= 1, 0) iterFile.write(str(iteration)) iterFile.close() dir = "./.simout/void/sim_" + str(iteration) + "_" + str( params.keep_test).lower() + "_" + params.desc + "/" cf.createFolder(dir) #!Saving parameter values for each iteration of the simulation logFile = open(dir + "params_log.txt", 'w') for p, value in params.compose_params().iteritems(): logFile.write(p + " ==> " + str(value) + "\n") logFile.close crack_pos = [] if params.keep_test: traj = NetCDFTrajectory(dir + 'traj' + str(iteration) + '.nc', 'w', c) dyn.attach(traj.write, 10, dyn.atoms, arrays=['stokes', 'momenta']) # #! isolating crack tip_x for saving # crack_tip_file2 = open(dir+'tip_x.txt','w') # crack_tip_file2.close() tip_x_file = open(dir + 'tip_x.txt', 'a') console_output = open(dir + 'console_output.txt', 'a') coord_file = open(dir + 'coordinates.csv', 'a') coordinates = [] distances = [] dyn.attach(find_crack_tip, 10, dyn.atoms, tipxfile=tip_x_file, cout=console_output, coord=coordinates, d=distances, dt=params.dt * 10, store=True, results=crack_pos) # run for 2000 time steps to reach steady state at initial load # for i in range(10): # # if extend_strip(dyn.atoms, params.a, params.N, params.M, params.vacuum): # set_constraints(dyn.atoms, params.a) # start decreasing strain #set_constraints(dyn.atoms, params.a, delta_strain=delta_strain) # strain_atoms = ConstantStrainRate(['OrigHeight'], # delta_strain) # dyn.attach(strain_atoms.apply_strain, 1, dyn. atoms ) # for i in range(50): # # if extend_strip(dyn.atoms, params.a, params.N, params.M, params.vacuum): # set_constraints(dyn.atoms, params.a) # #cleardel dyn.observers[-1] # stop increasing the strain # for i in range(1000): # # if extend_strip(dyn.atoms, params.a, params.N, params.M, params.vacuum): # set_constraints(dyn.atoms, params.a) * frame_count) * 10 + 10) # print("\n\n\n\n\n -----Adding Temperature------\n\n\n\n\n") # # mbd(c, 2*params.T * units.kB, force_temp = True) # dyn.set_temperature(params.T*units.kB) #*frame_count)*10+10) for c in coordinates: coord_file.write(str(c[0]) + ',' + str(c[1]) + '\n') coord_file.close() if params.keep_test: traj.close() tip_x_file.close() console_output.close()
def feature_dir(self, fold_dir): dir = "objFeature/" + fold_dir + "/" createFolder(dir) return dir
config.control_light = True # enable controlling the light - True allows RPI to control the lights #__________________________________________________________________________________ # Setup Hardware setup_rpi.hardware() #__________________________________________________________________________________ # welcome screen on stdio # welcome.startup() # Welcome Screen on LCD #send_values.version_to_lcd() #__________________________________________________________________________________ # Creates a folder in the current directory for retaining values if none exists # Also creates new data file if none exists create_folder.createFolder(config.RetValFolder) #__________________________________________________________________________________ # set baseline temp hi/lo levels first time thru get.dht22_values() config.hi_temp_value = config.tempF config.lo_temp_value = config.tempF config.hi_humid_value = config.humidity config.lo_humid_value = config.humidity get.bme280_values() config.bme280_hi_temp_value = config.bme280_tempF config.bme280_lo_temp_value = config.bme280_tempF config.bme280_hi_humid_value = config.bme280_humidity config.bme280_lo_humid_value = config.bme280_humidity #__________________________________________________________________________________