コード例 #1
ファイル: run_generation.py プロジェクト: drnida/biosort
def make_random_kid(env, folder, num, parent_num):
    org = makegene(random.randint(1, env.maxgenes+1)) # make a random gene
    org.folder = folder.path # set org folder (created in init of bfolder)
    org.logloc = "P_"+str(num+1)+"_B_"+str(parent_num+1) # set log output for location
    org.is_primeval = True # came from random, so its primeval
    folder.org = org # add the org to the folder
    writec(folder.path, folder.org) # write out the file
    if env.debug == True:
        call('g++ '+ folder.path + '*.cpp ./habitat/biosort.o -o ' + folder.path + 'organism.out -g -O0', shell = True) 
        call('g++ '+ folder.path + '*.cpp ./habitat/biosort.o -o ' + folder.path + 'organism.out -O0', shell = True) 
コード例 #2
ファイル: run_generation.py プロジェクト: drnida/biosort
def make_random(env, folder, num):
    org = makegene(random.randint(1, env.maxgenes+1))
    org.folder = folder.path
    org.logloc = "R_"+str(num)
    org.is_primeval = True
    folder.org = org
    writec(folder.path, folder.org)
    if env.debug == True:
        call('g++ '+folder.path+'*.cpp ./habitat/biosort.o -o '+folder.path+'organism.out -g -O0', shell = True)
        call('g++ '+ folder.path + '*.cpp ./habitat/biosort.o -o ' + folder.path + 'organism.out -O0', shell = True) 
コード例 #3
ファイル: run_generation.py プロジェクト: drnida/biosort
def make_random_breeder(env, folder, num):
    org = makegene(random.randint(1, env.maxgenes+1)) # Make a random gene
    org.is_primeval = True # Came from random, so its primeval
    org.folder = folder.path # set org folder (needed for mutate)
    org.logloc = "B_"+str(num) # set log output for location
    folder.org = org
    writec(folder.path, folder.org) # write out the file
    if env.debug == True:
        call('g++ '+ folder.path + '*.cpp ./habitat/biosort.o -o ' + folder.path + 'organism.out -g -O0', shell = True)
        call('g++ '+ folder.path + '*.cpp ./habitat/biosort.o -o ' + folder.path + 'organism.out -O0', shell = True)
    copy('./habitat/biosort.h', './habitat/breeder'+str(num))
コード例 #4
ファイル: biosort.py プロジェクト: drnida/biosort
def Start(env):
    ops = 0 #Counter for operations performed by organism before completing
    org = '' #Variable to hold the first organism
    random_counter = 1 #Counts randoms until a sorter is found

    #Creates an organism and runs it, repeats until an organism is found
    #which sorts within the given pressure threshold.
    while ops not in range(1, env.pressure+1):
        sys.stdout.write("Attempting to find first sorter: Attempt %i\r" %random_counter)
        random_counter += 1
        org = makegene(random.randint(1, env.maxgenes+1))
        org.folder = "breeder1/"
        arraylist = []#List populated with a number of random arrays of ints of the size
                      #requested by the environment. Arraylist contains x number of these arrays
                      #where x is the number of runs per generation.
        for i in range(env.runs):
        testgene(org, arraylist, env)#Function to test a gene without logging to see if it sorts
                                     #within the given pressure threshold.
        ops = org.avgops

    #Once an organism that sorts under pressure is found, program begins generation 1.

    print "\nFirst successful sorter found.  Beginning first generation."

    org.lineage_id = env.lineage_counter#Lineage ID is the number given to any organism if it was
                                        #produced randomly and earned a breeder spot. This lets the
                                        #log file trace back where a specific organism came from
    env.lineage_counter += 1
    foldlist = Prep_First_Generation(org, env)#Foldlist holds the folders containing the organisms
                                              #to start Generation 1 with. It contains 2 indexes,
                                              #the nonrandom folders are index 0, the random folders
                                              #are index 2.
    folders = foldlist[0]
    rfolders = foldlist[1]
    arraylist = Run_Gen(folders, rfolders, env)#Array list used in each generation is returned for
                                               #logging purposes. Logging cannot be done until a 
                                               #certain point in the Setup for the next gen.
    #Loop to run all generations requested
        for x in range(env.gens):
            Setup_Gen(folders, rfolders, arraylist, env)
            arraylist = Run_Gen(folders, rfolders, env)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        if not os.path.exists('./logs/'):
        log = open("./logs/log-terminated.txt", 'a')
    #Once program is finished, all log files are placed into a new subfolder named using
    #the run name and a timestamp. This folder contains all the logs and the config file
    #used for the run.
    path = env.name + str(int(time.time())) + "/"
        subprocess.call("mkdir ./logs/" + path, shell = True)
    subprocess.call("mv ./logs/log* ./logs/" + path, shell = True)
    subprocess.call("cp ./config.cfg ./logs/" + path, shell = True)