def voting(the_bot,user): users = [] tweet_to_verify = {} db=SqliteDatabase('retention.db') db.connect() print("Initiating Voting") #from the answertweets table make a select to get tweets with answers ##################Pendientes### #cuando se corre el programa, debe de checar si esa pregunta ya fue hecha al usuario, #se debe guardar la fecha en que se le envio a que usuarios #si aun no se ha enviado entonces se recluta a los usuarios del leaderboard para las sigueintes preguntas y se crea el shortid #tambien se debe de tomar en cuenta que si el tweet aun no tiene los sufientes votos se deben de mandar a otras personas diferentes para que voten #saves the answers from answer_users that has not been verified answers = == False) #this for creates the short id table #the variable answer has all the information from the answer_user table ###############check that does not create duplicate rows , maybe unique = true?### for a in answers: #gets the original tweet id originalid= (a.tweet_message_answer.tweet_id) tweetid = str(originalid) #creates the short id answerid = tweetid[-5:] ShortTweetID.create(original_tweet_id = int(originalid),short_tweet_id = answerid) print("tweet:",answerid,a.woman, a.reason) tweets[tweetid] = answerid + ": " + a.woman + ", " + a.reason #this will create the users to target #get the 10 most participative users sorted_dict = get_leaderboard() count=0 for k,v in sorted_dict: if count < 3: count += 1 username = the_bot.get_screen_name(k) tpoints = v player = "|" + str(username) + ": " + str(tpoints)+ "|" users.append(username) print ("player: ",player) for u in users: print("the users to target: ",u) #and constructs a tweet [@verifier 1023: Answer to verify- "Fridah Kahlo" ""] for vv in tweets.values(): message=('@'+u +' help us decide Y or N, ID'+ vv) tweet= User_Asked_toVerify.create(user_who_verified = id_user_who_verified,verfied_short_id = itemr['screen_name']) the_bot.update_status(message)
def get_original_answer_and_mark(id): original_id = [] db=SqliteDatabase('retention.db') db.connect() #get the original tweet id for each short_id answer = == id) for a in answer: print("original tweetid: ",a.original_tweet_id.tweet_id) original_id.append(a.original_tweet_id.tweet_id) #marcar la pregunta como verificada, quiere decir que esa pregunta ya no se vuelve a mandar a los usuarios #get the original answer that belongs to that tweetid for oid in original_id: original_answer,AnswerTweets.woman,AnswerTweets.reason).where(AnswerTweets.tweet_message_answer ==oid) mark_as_verified = AnswerTweets.update(has_been_verified=True).where(AnswerTweets.tweet_message_answer ==oid) mark_as_verified.execute() return original_answer