class TestCredential(unittest.TestCase): ''' Args: unittest.TestCase class that helps in creating test cases. ''' def setUp(self): ''' Set up method to run before each test cases ''' self.new_cred = Credential('twitter', 'brian__jibril', 'steph') def tearDown(self): ''' Method that does clean up after each test has run. ''' Credential.cred_list = [] def test_init(self): ''' test init to test if the object is initialized properly ''' self.assertEqual(self.new_cred.account_name, 'twitter') self.assertEqual(self.new_cred.username, 'brian__jibril') self.assertEqual(self.new_cred.password, 'steph') def test_save_cred(self): ''' test case to check if we can save our credentilas in the empty cred_list. ''' self.new_cred.save_cred() self.assertEqual(len(Credential.cred_list), 1) def test_save_multiple_cred(self): ''' test case to check if we can save multiple credentials objects to the cred_list ''' self.new_cred.save_cred() test_cred = Credential('facebook', 'jesse jane', 'crew') test_cred.save_cred() self.assertEqual(len(Credential.cred_list), 2) def test_display_cred(self): ''' Test case to check if the credentials can be displayed. ''' self.assertEqual(Credential.display_cred(), Credential.cred_list) def test_delete_cred(self): ''' test case to check if i can remove credentials that i no longer need ''' self.new_cred.save_cred() test_cred = Credential('facebook', 'jesse jane', 'crew') test_cred.save_cred() self.new_cred.delete_cred() #Deleteing the credentials objects self.assertEqual(len(Credential.cred_list), 1) def test_copy_cred(self): """ Test to check if credentials are copied to clipboard. """ self.new_cred.save_cred() Credential.copy_cred('brian__jibril') self.assertEqual(pyperclip.paste(), self.new_cred.username)
class TestCredential(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): ''' Set up method to run before each test cases. ''' self.new_cred = Credential("Facebook","AbugaAroni","password") def tearDown(self): ''' tearDown method that does clean up after each test case has run. ''' Credential.credential_list = [] def test_init(self): ''' test_init test case to test if the object is initialized properly ''' self.assertEqual(self.new_cred.appname,"Facebook") self.assertEqual(self.new_cred.appusername,"AbugaAroni") self.assertEqual(self.new_cred.apppassword,"password") def test_save_cred(self): ''' test case to test if the cred object is saved into the cred list ''' self.new_cred.save_cred() self.assertEqual(len(Credential.credential_list),1) def test_save_multiple_cred(self): ''' check if we can save multiple objects to our cred_list ''' self.new_cred.save_cred() test_cred = Credential("Twitter","John75","20password20") test_cred.save_cred() self.assertEqual(len(Credential.credential_list),2) def test_delete_cred(self): ''' test if we can remove a credential from our credential list ''' self.new_cred.save_cred() test_cred = Credential("Slack","username","1224password") # new credential test_cred.save_cred() self.new_cred.delete_cred()# Deleting a cred object self.assertEqual(len(Credential.credential_list),1) def test_find_cred_by_appname(self): ''' test to check if we can find a credential by the appname and get display information ''' self.new_cred.save_cred() test_cred= Credential("Youtube","usernameyt","1224paseresword") # new credential test_cred.save_cred() found_cred = Credential.find_by_appname("Youtube") self.assertEqual(found_cred.appname,test_cred.appname) def test_display_all_cred(self): ''' method that returns a list of all credentials saved ''' self.assertEqual(Credential.display_creds(),Credential.credential_list) def test_passwordgenerator(self): ''' method that test the password generator ''' self.new_cred.save_cred() test_cred= Credential("Newgrounds","usyt","") # new credential test_cred.save_cred() new_password = Credential.generatePassword(8) test_cred.apppassword = new_password self.assertEqual(test_cred.apppassword,new_password) def test_cred_exists(self): ''' test to check if we can return a Boolean if we cannot find the credential information. ''' self.new_cred.save_cred() test_cred = Credential("Google","amceweyt","12cewgaeusircord") # new user test_cred.save_cred() cred_exists = Credential.cred_exist("Google") self.assertTrue(cred_exists)