def transfer(self, title, url, date, user, tags, description=None, commit=False): with db.session.no_autoflush: # F-SA has autoflush on by default, which causes severe performance degradation import_bookmark = Bookmark() import_bookmark.main_url = url[:2000] import_bookmark.title = title[:1024] import_bookmark.description = None import_bookmark.user = user import_bookmark.added_on = date if description is None: import_bookmark.description = None else: import_bookmark.description = description[:256] import_bookmark.deleted = False for tag in tags: # Append the tag object from the tags dict. # Doing append on the assoc. proxy causes new tags to be created import_bookmark.tags_relationship.append(self.tags_dict[tag]['obj']) db.session.add(import_bookmark) if commit is True: db.session.commit()
def new(url, user_id, description=None, tags=None, title=None, added=None): new_bookmark = Bookmark() new_bookmark.main_url = url[:2000] if title is not None: new_bookmark.title = title[:1024] if description is not None: new_bookmark.description = description[:256] new_bookmark.user = user_id if added is None: new_bookmark.added_on = datetime.utcnow() else: try: datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(added) new_bookmark.added_on = added # UNIX timestamp in seconds since epoch, only except ValueError: new_bookmark.added_on = datetime.utcnow() new_bookmark.deleted = False if tags is not None: tags = tags.split(',') new_bookmark.tags = tags for tag in tags: # If tag is present, increment counter by one, or create if not present get_tag = Tag.query.filter_by(text=tag, user=user_id).first() if not get_tag: new_tag = Tag(text=tag, user=user_id) new_tag.count = 1 db.session.add(new_tag) else: get_tag.count += 1 db.session.add(new_bookmark) db.session.commit() # Send off for archiving archive.do_archives(new_bookmark) return new_bookmark
def transfer(self, title, url, date, user, tags, commit=False): with db.session.no_autoflush: import_bookmark = Bookmark() import_bookmark.main_url = url[:2000] import_bookmark.title = title[:1024] import_bookmark.user = user import_bookmark.added_on = date import_bookmark.description = None import_bookmark.deleted = False for tag in tags: import_bookmark.tags_relationship.append(self.tags_dict[tag]['obj']) db.session.add(import_bookmark) if commit is True: db.session.commit()