def compress(self, data_list): if data_list: # if the widget returns False as opposed to None, the "clear" checkbox was checked (this is a Django thing) if data_list[0] is False: return False image_file = data_list[0] coords_csv = data_list[1] # an image won't exist here if the image field is being cleared by the user if image_file: if IMAGE_FIELD_DELIMITER in raise forms.ValidationError('You cannot upload image files containing the image field delimiter: \"' + \ IMAGE_FIELD_DELIMITER + '\". You can configure this with the \ IMAGE_FIELD_DELIMITER setting' ) = IMAGE_FIELD_DELIMITER.join( [, coords_csv]) return image_file if coords_csv: return coords_csv return None
def save(self, name, content, save=True): # if the _committed attribute (from the super-class) is True, there is no new image to upload # that means we are either just changing coordinates (in which case name = coordinates) or not changing anything at all (use self.coords_csv) if self._committed: coords_csv = self.coords_csv if hasattr(self, 'coords_csv') else name stashed_filepath = getattr(self.instance, + '_stashed_name').split(IMAGE_FIELD_DELIMITER)[0] compound_name = IMAGE_FIELD_DELIMITER.join([stashed_filepath, coords_csv]) # get imagekit spec field names --> spec files spec_dict = dict(zip(self.instance._ik.spec_fields, self.instance._ik.spec_files)) # invalidate imagekit spec files if self.field.invalidate_on_save: = self.filename if hasattr(self, 'filename') else stashed_filepath self.coords_csv = self.coords_csv if hasattr(self, 'coords_csv') else coords_csv for spec_name in self.field.invalidate_on_save: if spec_name in spec_dict: spec = spec_dict.get(spec_name) spec.delete() spec.invalidate() else: # call the super's save() which will save to storage with the proper filename # explicitly set the "save" arg to False so that model isn't saved (we don't want to save with actual filename) storage_name = self.field.generate_filename(self.instance, self.filename) super(CroppableImageFieldFile, self).save(storage_name, content, save=False) # create compound filename to save to the model in the database # must be done *after* the call to the super class in case the storage backend changes the filename (e.g. duplicates) actual_filepath = getattr(self.instance, compound_name = IMAGE_FIELD_DELIMITER.join([actual_filepath, self.coords_csv]) # update name on both self & model instance to compound_name which is what we want to save to the database setattr(self.instance,, compound_name) = compound_name # if we were supposed to save the model, now we should actually do it since the filename was reverted above # (the below 2 lines are also the last 2 lines in the from Django) if save:
def compress(self, data_list): if data_list: # if the widget returns False as opposed to None, the "clear" checkbox was checked (this is a Django thing) if data_list[0] is False: return False image_file = data_list[0] coords_csv = data_list[1] # an image won't exist here if the image field is being cleared by the user if image_file: if IMAGE_FIELD_DELIMITER in raise forms.ValidationError('You cannot upload image files containing the image field delimiter: \"' + \ IMAGE_FIELD_DELIMITER + '\". You can configure this with the \ IMAGE_FIELD_DELIMITER setting') = IMAGE_FIELD_DELIMITER.join([, coords_csv]) return image_file if coords_csv: return coords_csv return None