コード例 #1
ファイル: router.py プロジェクト: rvdmei/crossbar
    def start_realm(self, realm):
        Starts a realm on this router.

        :param realm: The realm to start.
        :type realm: instance of :class:`crossbar.worker.router.RouterRealm`.

        :returns: The router instance for the started realm.
        :rtype: instance of :class:`crossbar.router.session.CrossbarRouter`
        self.log.debug("CrossbarRouterFactory.start_realm(realm = {realm})",

        # get name of realm (an URI in general)
        uri = realm.config['name']
        assert(uri not in self._routers)

        # if configuration of realm contains a "store" item, set up a
        # realm store as appropriate ..
        store = None
        if 'store' in realm.config:
            store_config = realm.config['store']

            if store_config['type'] == 'lmdb':
                # if LMDB is available, and a realm store / database is configured,
                # create an LMDB environment
                if not HAS_LMDB:
                    raise Exception("LDMB not available")
                store = LmdbRealmStore(store_config)

            elif store_config['type'] == 'memory':
                store = MemoryRealmStore(store_config)
                raise Exception('logic error')

        mqtt_payload_format = "opaque"
        if 'mqtt_payload_format' in realm.config:
            mqtt_payload_format = realm.config['mqtt_payload_format']

            if mqtt_payload_format not in ["opaque", "json", "cbor"]:
                raise Exception("Not a valid mqtt_payload_format.")

        # now create a router for the realm
        router = Router(self, realm, self._options, store=store,
        self._routers[uri] = router
        self.log.debug("Router created for realm '{uri}'", uri=uri)

        return router