コード例 #1
ファイル: router.py プロジェクト: siscia/crossbar
    def _create_resource(self, path_config, nested=True):
        Creates child resource to be added to the parent.

        :param path_config: Configuration for the new child resource.
        :type path_config: dict

        :returns: Resource -- the new child resource
        # WAMP-WebSocket resource
        if path_config['type'] == 'websocket':

            ws_factory = WampWebSocketServerFactory(self._router_session_factory, self.config.extra.cbdir, path_config, self._templates)

            # FIXME: Site.start/stopFactory should start/stop factories wrapped as Resources

            return WebSocketResource(ws_factory)

        # Static file hierarchy resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'static':

            static_options = path_config.get('options', {})

            if 'directory' in path_config:

                static_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.config.extra.cbdir, path_config['directory']))

            elif 'package' in path_config:

                if 'resource' not in path_config:
                    raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing resource")

                    mod = importlib.import_module(path_config['package'])
                except ImportError as e:
                    emsg = "Could not import resource {} from package {}: {}".format(path_config['resource'], path_config['package'], e)
                    raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)
                        static_dir = os.path.abspath(pkg_resources.resource_filename(path_config['package'], path_config['resource']))
                    except Exception as e:
                        emsg = "Could not import resource {} from package {}: {}".format(path_config['resource'], path_config['package'], e)
                        raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)


                raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing web spec")

            static_dir = static_dir.encode('ascii', 'ignore')  # http://stackoverflow.com/a/20433918/884770

            # create resource for file system hierarchy
            if static_options.get('enable_directory_listing', False):
                static_resource_class = StaticResource
                static_resource_class = StaticResourceNoListing

            cache_timeout = static_options.get('cache_timeout', DEFAULT_CACHE_TIMEOUT)

            static_resource = static_resource_class(static_dir, cache_timeout=cache_timeout)

            # set extra MIME types
            if 'mime_types' in static_options:

            # render 404 page on any concrete path not found
            static_resource.childNotFound = Resource404(self._templates, static_dir)

            return static_resource

        # WSGI resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'wsgi':

            if not _HAS_WSGI:
                raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "WSGI unsupported")

            if 'module' not in path_config:
                raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing WSGI app module")

            if 'object' not in path_config:
                raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing WSGI app object")

            # import WSGI app module and object
            mod_name = path_config['module']
                mod = importlib.import_module(mod_name)
            except ImportError as e:
                raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "WSGI app module '{}' import failed: {} - Python search path was {}".format(mod_name, e, sys.path))
                obj_name = path_config['object']
                if obj_name not in mod.__dict__:
                    raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "WSGI app object '{}' not in module '{}'".format(obj_name, mod_name))
                    app = getattr(mod, obj_name)

            # Create a threadpool for running the WSGI requests in
            pool = ThreadPool(maxthreads=path_config.get("maxthreads", 20),
                              minthreads=path_config.get("minthreads", 0),
            self._reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown', pool.stop)

            # Create a Twisted Web WSGI resource from the user's WSGI application object
                wsgi_resource = WSGIResource(self._reactor, pool, app)

                if not nested:
                    wsgi_resource = WSGIRootResource(wsgi_resource, {})
            except Exception as e:
                raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "could not instantiate WSGI resource: {}".format(e))
                return wsgi_resource

        # Redirecting resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'redirect':
            redirect_url = path_config['url'].encode('ascii', 'ignore')
            return RedirectResource(redirect_url)

        # JSON value resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'json':
            value = path_config['value']

            return JsonResource(value)

        # CGI script resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'cgi':

            cgi_processor = path_config['processor']
            cgi_directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.config.extra.cbdir, path_config['directory']))
            cgi_directory = cgi_directory.encode('ascii', 'ignore')  # http://stackoverflow.com/a/20433918/884770

            return CgiDirectory(cgi_directory, cgi_processor, Resource404(self._templates, cgi_directory))

        # WAMP-Longpoll transport resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'longpoll':

            path_options = path_config.get('options', {})

            lp_resource = WampLongPollResource(self._router_session_factory,
                                               timeout=path_options.get('request_timeout', 10),
                                               killAfter=path_options.get('session_timeout', 30),
                                               queueLimitBytes=path_options.get('queue_limit_bytes', 128 * 1024),
                                               queueLimitMessages=path_options.get('queue_limit_messages', 100),
                                               debug=path_options.get('debug', False),
                                               debug_transport_id=path_options.get('debug_transport_id', None)
            lp_resource._templates = self._templates

            return lp_resource

        # Publisher resource (part of REST-bridge)
        elif path_config['type'] == 'publisher':

            # create a vanilla session: the publisher will use this to inject events
            publisher_session_config = ComponentConfig(realm=path_config['realm'], extra=None)
            publisher_session = ApplicationSession(publisher_session_config)

            # add the publisher session to the router
            self._router_session_factory.add(publisher_session, authrole=path_config.get('role', 'anonymous'))

            # now create the publisher Twisted Web resource
            return PublisherResource(path_config.get('options', {}), publisher_session)

        # Webhook resource (part of REST-bridge)
        elif path_config['type'] == 'webhook':

            # create a vanilla session: the webhook will use this to inject events
            webhook_session_config = ComponentConfig(realm=path_config['realm'], extra=None)
            webhook_session = ApplicationSession(webhook_session_config)

            # add the webhook session to the router
            self._router_session_factory.add(webhook_session, authrole=path_config.get('role', 'anonymous'))

            # now create the webhook Twisted Web resource
            return WebhookResource(path_config.get('options', {}), webhook_session)

        # Caller resource (part of REST-bridge)
        elif path_config['type'] == 'caller':

            # create a vanilla session: the caller will use this to inject calls
            caller_session_config = ComponentConfig(realm=path_config['realm'], extra=None)
            caller_session = ApplicationSession(caller_session_config)

            # add the calling session to the router
            self._router_session_factory.add(caller_session, authrole=path_config.get('role', 'anonymous'))

            # now create the caller Twisted Web resource
            return CallerResource(path_config.get('options', {}), caller_session)

        # File Upload resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'upload':

            upload_directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.config.extra.cbdir, path_config['directory']))
            upload_directory = upload_directory.encode('ascii', 'ignore')  # http://stackoverflow.com/a/20433918/884770
            if not os.path.isdir(upload_directory):
                emsg = "configured upload directory '{}' in file upload resource isn't a directory".format(upload_directory)
                raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)

            if 'temp_directory' in path_config:
                temp_directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.config.extra.cbdir, path_config['temp_directory']))
                temp_directory = temp_directory.encode('ascii', 'ignore')  # http://stackoverflow.com/a/20433918/884770
                temp_directory = os.path.abspath(tempfile.gettempdir())
                temp_directory = os.path.join(temp_directory, 'crossbar-uploads')
                if not os.path.exists(temp_directory):

            if not os.path.isdir(temp_directory):
                emsg = "configured temp directory '{}' in file upload resource isn't a directory".format(temp_directory)
                raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)

            # file upload progress and finish events are published via this session
            upload_session_config = ComponentConfig(realm=path_config['realm'], extra=None)
            upload_session = ApplicationSession(upload_session_config)

            self._router_session_factory.add(upload_session, authrole=path_config.get('role', 'anonymous'))

            self.log.info("File upload resource started. Uploads to {upl} using temp folder {tmp}.", upl=upload_directory, tmp=temp_directory)

            return FileUploadResource(upload_directory, temp_directory, path_config['form_fields'], upload_session, path_config.get('options', {}))

        # Generic Twisted Web resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'resource':

                klassname = path_config['classname']

                self.log.debug("Starting class '{}'".format(klassname))

                c = klassname.split('.')
                module_name, klass_name = '.'.join(c[:-1]), c[-1]
                module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
                make = getattr(module, klass_name)

                return make(path_config.get('extra', {}))

            except Exception as e:
                emsg = "Failed to import class '{}' - {}".format(klassname, e)
                self.log.error("PYTHONPATH: {pythonpath}", pythonpath=sys.path)
                raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.class_import_failed", emsg)

        # Schema Docs resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'schemadoc':

            realm = path_config['realm']

            if realm not in self.realm_to_id:
                raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.no_such_object", "No realm with URI '{}' configured".format(realm))

            realm_id = self.realm_to_id[realm]

            realm_schemas = self.realms[realm_id].session._schemas

            return SchemaDocResource(self._templates, realm, realm_schemas)

        # Nested subpath resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'path':

            nested_paths = path_config.get('paths', {})

            if '/' in nested_paths:
                nested_resource = self._create_resource(nested_paths['/'])
                nested_resource = Resource404(self._templates, b'')

            # nest subpaths under the current entry
            self._add_paths(nested_resource, nested_paths)

            return nested_resource

            raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration",
                                   "invalid Web path type '{}' in {} config".format(path_config['type'],
                                                                                    'nested' if nested else 'root'))
コード例 #2
    def create_resource(self, path_config):
      Creates child resource to be added to the parent.

      :param path_config: Configuration for the new child resource.
      :type path_config: dict

      :returns: Resource -- the new child resource
        ## WAMP-WebSocket resource
        if path_config['type'] == 'websocket':

            ws_factory = CrossbarWampWebSocketServerFactory(
                self.session_factory, self.config.extra.cbdir, path_config,

            ## FIXME: Site.start/stopFactory should start/stop factories wrapped as Resources

            return WebSocketResource(ws_factory)

        ## Static file hierarchy resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'static':

            static_options = path_config.get('options', {})

            if 'directory' in path_config:

                static_dir = os.path.abspath(

            elif 'package' in path_config:

                if not 'resource' in path_config:
                    raise ApplicationError(
                        "missing resource")

                    mod = importlib.import_module(path_config['package'])
                except ImportError as e:
                    emsg = "ERROR: could not import resource '{}' from package '{}' - {}".format(
                        path_config['resource'], path_config['package'], e)
                    raise ApplicationError(
                        "crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)
                        static_dir = os.path.abspath(
                    except Exception as e:
                        emsg = "ERROR: could not import resource '{}' from package '{}' - {}".format(
                            path_config['resource'], path_config['package'], e)
                        raise ApplicationError(
                            "crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)


                raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration",
                                       "missing web spec")

            static_dir = static_dir.encode(
                'ignore')  # http://stackoverflow.com/a/20433918/884770

            ## create resource for file system hierarchy
            if static_options.get('enable_directory_listing', False):
                static_resource = File(static_dir)
                static_resource = FileNoListing(static_dir)

            ## set extra MIME types
            if 'mime_types' in static_options:

            ## render 404 page on any concrete path not found
            static_resource.childNotFound = Resource404(
                self._templates, static_dir)

            return static_resource

        ## WSGI resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'wsgi':

            if not _HAS_WSGI:
                raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration",
                                       "WSGI unsupported")

            wsgi_options = path_config.get('options', {})

            if not 'module' in path_config:
                raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration",
                                       "missing module")

            if not 'object' in path_config:
                raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration",
                                       "missing object")

                mod = importlib.import_module(path_config['module'])
            except ImportError as e:
                raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration",
                                       "module import failed - {}".format(e))
                if not path_config['object'] in mod.__dict__:
                    raise ApplicationError(
                        "object not in module")
                    app = getattr(mod, path_config['object'])

            ## create a Twisted Web WSGI resource from the user's WSGI application object
                wsgi_resource = WSGIResource(reactor, reactor.getThreadPool(),
            except Exception as e:
                raise ApplicationError(
                    "could not instantiate WSGI resource: {}".format(e))
                return wsgi_resource

        ## Redirecting resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'redirect':
            redirect_url = path_config['url'].encode('ascii', 'ignore')
            return RedirectResource(redirect_url)

        ## JSON value resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'json':
            value = path_config['value']

            return JsonResource(value)

        ## CGI script resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'cgi':

            cgi_processor = path_config['processor']
            cgi_directory = os.path.abspath(
            cgi_directory = cgi_directory.encode(
                'ignore')  # http://stackoverflow.com/a/20433918/884770

            return CgiDirectory(cgi_directory, cgi_processor,
                                Resource404(self._templates, cgi_directory))

        ## WAMP-Longpoll transport resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'longpoll':

            path_options = path_config.get('options', {})

            lp_resource = WampLongPollResource(
                timeout=path_options.get('request_timeout', 10),
                killAfter=path_options.get('session_timeout', 30),
                                                 128 * 1024),
                debug=path_options.get('debug', False),
            lp_resource._templates = self._templates

            return lp_resource

        ## Pusher resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'pusher':

            ## create a vanilla session: the pusher will use this to inject events
            pusher_session_config = ComponentConfig(realm=path_config['realm'],
            pusher_session = ApplicationSession(pusher_session_config)

            ## add the pushing session to the router
                                         'role', 'anonymous'))

            ## now create the pusher Twisted Web resource
            return PusherResource(path_config.get('options', {}),

        ## Schema Docs resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'schemadoc':

            realm = path_config['realm']

            if not realm in self.realm_to_id:
                raise ApplicationError(
                    "No realm with URI '{}' configured".format(realm))

            realm_id = self.realm_to_id[realm]

            realm_schemas = self.realms[realm_id].session._schemas

            return SchemaDocResource(self._templates, realm, realm_schemas)

        ## Nested subpath resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'path':

            nested_paths = path_config.get('paths', {})

            if '/' in nested_paths:
                nested_resource = self.create_resource(nested_paths['/'])
                nested_resource = Resource()

            ## nest subpaths under the current entry
            self.add_paths(nested_resource, nested_paths)

            return nested_resource

            raise ApplicationError(
                "invalid Web path type '{}'".format(path_config['type']))
コード例 #3
ファイル: router.py プロジェクト: Tsunami2069/crossbar
    def start_router_transport(self, id, config, details=None):
        Start a transport on this router.

        :param id: The ID of the transport to start.
        :type id: str
        :param config: The transport configuration.
        :type config: dict
                       id=id, config=config)

        # prohibit starting a transport twice
        if id in self.transports:
            emsg = "Could not start transport: a transport with ID '{}' is already running (or starting)".format(id)
            raise ApplicationError(u'crossbar.error.already_running', emsg)

        # check configuration
        except Exception as e:
            emsg = "Invalid router transport configuration: {}".format(e)
            raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)
            self.log.debug("Starting {}-transport on router.".format(config['type']))

        # standalone WAMP-RawSocket transport
        if config['type'] == 'rawsocket':

            transport_factory = WampRawSocketServerFactory(self._router_session_factory, config)
            transport_factory.noisy = False

        # standalone WAMP-WebSocket transport
        elif config['type'] == 'websocket':

            transport_factory = WampWebSocketServerFactory(self._router_session_factory, self.config.extra.cbdir, config, self._templates)
            transport_factory.noisy = False

        # Flash-policy file server pseudo transport
        elif config['type'] == 'flashpolicy':

            transport_factory = FlashPolicyFactory(config.get('allowed_domain', None), config.get('allowed_ports', None))

        # WebSocket testee pseudo transport
        elif config['type'] == 'websocket.testee':

            transport_factory = WebSocketTesteeServerFactory(config, self._templates)

        # Stream testee pseudo transport
        elif config['type'] == 'stream.testee':

            transport_factory = StreamTesteeServerFactory()

        # Twisted Web based transport
        elif config['type'] == 'web':

            options = config.get('options', {})

            # create Twisted Web root resource
            root_config = config['paths']['/']

            root_type = root_config['type']
            root_options = root_config.get('options', {})

            # Static file hierarchy root resource
            if root_type == 'static':

                if 'directory' in root_config:

                    root_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.config.extra.cbdir, root_config['directory']))

                elif 'package' in root_config:

                    if 'resource' not in root_config:
                        raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing resource")

                        mod = importlib.import_module(root_config['package'])
                    except ImportError as e:
                        emsg = "Could not import resource {} from package {}: {}".format(root_config['resource'], root_config['package'], e)
                        raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)
                            root_dir = os.path.abspath(pkg_resources.resource_filename(root_config['package'], root_config['resource']))
                        except Exception as e:
                            emsg = "Could not import resource {} from package {}: {}".format(root_config['resource'], root_config['package'], e)
                            raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)
                            mod_version = getattr(mod, '__version__', '?.?.?')
                            self.log.info("Loaded static Web resource '{}' from package '{} {}' (filesystem path {})".format(root_config['resource'], root_config['package'], mod_version, root_dir))

                    raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing web spec")

                root_dir = root_dir.encode('ascii', 'ignore')  # http://stackoverflow.com/a/20433918/884770
                self.log.debug("Starting Web service at root directory {}".format(root_dir))

                # create resource for file system hierarchy
                if root_options.get('enable_directory_listing', False):
                    static_resource_class = StaticResource
                    static_resource_class = StaticResourceNoListing

                cache_timeout = root_options.get('cache_timeout', DEFAULT_CACHE_TIMEOUT)

                root = static_resource_class(root_dir, cache_timeout=cache_timeout)

                # set extra MIME types
                if 'mime_types' in root_options:

                # render 404 page on any concrete path not found
                root.childNotFound = Resource404(self._templates, root_dir)

            # WSGI root resource
            elif root_type == 'wsgi':

                if not _HAS_WSGI:
                    raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "WSGI unsupported")

                # wsgi_options = root_config.get('options', {})

                if 'module' not in root_config:
                    raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing WSGI app module")

                if 'object' not in root_config:
                    raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing WSGI app object")

                # import WSGI app module and object
                mod_name = root_config['module']
                    mod = importlib.import_module(mod_name)
                except ImportError as e:
                    raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "WSGI app module '{}' import failed: {} - Python search path was {}".format(mod_name, e, sys.path))
                    obj_name = root_config['object']
                    if obj_name not in mod.__dict__:
                        raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "WSGI app object '{}' not in module '{}'".format(obj_name, mod_name))
                        app = getattr(mod, obj_name)

                # create a Twisted Web WSGI resource from the user's WSGI application object
                    wsgi_resource = WSGIResource(self._reactor, self._reactor.getThreadPool(), app)
                except Exception as e:
                    raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "could not instantiate WSGI resource: {}".format(e))
                    # create a root resource serving everything via WSGI
                    root = WSGIRootResource(wsgi_resource, {})

            # Redirecting root resource
            elif root_type == 'redirect':

                redirect_url = root_config['url'].encode('ascii', 'ignore')
                root = RedirectResource(redirect_url)

            # Publisher resource (part of REST-bridge)
            elif root_type == 'publisher':

                # create a vanilla session: the publisher will use this to inject events
                publisher_session_config = ComponentConfig(realm=root_config['realm'], extra=None)
                publisher_session = ApplicationSession(publisher_session_config)

                # add the publishing session to the router
                self._router_session_factory.add(publisher_session, authrole=root_config.get('role', 'anonymous'))

                # now create the publisher Twisted Web resource and add it to resource tree
                root = PublisherResource(root_config.get('options', {}), publisher_session)

            # Webhook resource (part of REST-bridge)
            elif root_type == 'webhook':

                # create a vanilla session: the webhook will use this to inject events
                webhook_session_config = ComponentConfig(realm=root_config['realm'], extra=None)
                webhook_session = ApplicationSession(webhook_session_config)

                # add the publishing session to the router
                self._router_session_factory.add(webhook_session, authrole=root_config.get('role', 'anonymous'))

                # now create the webhook Twisted Web resource and add it to resource tree
                root = WebhookResource(root_config.get('options', {}), webhook_session)

            # Caller resource (part of REST-bridge)
            elif root_type == 'caller':

                # create a vanilla session: the caller will use this to inject calls
                caller_session_config = ComponentConfig(realm=root_config['realm'], extra=None)
                caller_session = ApplicationSession(caller_session_config)

                # add the calling session to the router
                self._router_session_factory.add(caller_session, authrole=root_config.get('role', 'anonymous'))

                # now create the caller Twisted Web resource and add it to resource tree
                root = CallerResource(root_config.get('options', {}), caller_session)

            # Generic Twisted Web resource
            elif root_type == 'resource':

                    klassname = root_config['classname']

                    self.log.debug("Starting class '{}'".format(klassname))

                    c = klassname.split('.')
                    module_name, klass_name = '.'.join(c[:-1]), c[-1]
                    module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
                    make = getattr(module, klass_name)
                    root = make(root_config.get('extra', {}))

                except Exception as e:
                    emsg = "Failed to import class '{}' - {}".format(klassname, e)
                    self.log.error("PYTHONPATH: {pythonpath}",
                    raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.class_import_failed", emsg)

            # Invalid root resource
                raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "invalid Web root path type '{}'".format(root_type))

            # create Twisted Web resources on all non-root paths configured
            self.add_paths(root, config.get('paths', {}))

            # create the actual transport factory
            transport_factory = Site(root)
            transport_factory.noisy = False

            # Web access logging
            if not options.get('access_log', False):
                transport_factory.log = lambda _: None

            # Traceback rendering
            transport_factory.displayTracebacks = options.get('display_tracebacks', False)

            # HSTS
            if options.get('hsts', False):
                if 'tls' in config['endpoint']:
                    hsts_max_age = int(options.get('hsts_max_age', 31536000))
                    transport_factory.requestFactory = createHSTSRequestFactory(transport_factory.requestFactory, hsts_max_age)
                    self.log.warn("Warning: HSTS requested, but running on non-TLS - skipping HSTS")

            # enable Hixie-76 on Twisted Web
            if options.get('hixie76_aware', False):
                transport_factory.protocol = HTTPChannelHixie76Aware  # needed if Hixie76 is to be supported

        # Unknown transport type
            # should not arrive here, since we did check_transport() in the beginning
            raise Exception("logic error")

        # create transport endpoint / listening port from transport factory
        d = create_listening_port_from_config(config['endpoint'], transport_factory, self.config.extra.cbdir, self._reactor)

        def ok(port):
            self.transports[id] = RouterTransport(id, config, transport_factory, port)
            self.log.debug("Router transport '{}'' started and listening".format(id))

        def fail(err):
            emsg = "Cannot listen on transport endpoint: {}".format(err.value)
            raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.cannot_listen", emsg)

        d.addCallbacks(ok, fail)
        return d
コード例 #4
    def create_resource(self, path_config):
        Creates child resource to be added to the parent.

        :param path_config: Configuration for the new child resource.
        :type path_config: dict

        :returns: Resource -- the new child resource
        # WAMP-WebSocket resource
        if path_config['type'] == 'websocket':

            ws_factory = WampWebSocketServerFactory(self._router_session_factory, self.config.extra.cbdir, path_config, self._templates)

            # FIXME: Site.start/stopFactory should start/stop factories wrapped as Resources

            return WebSocketResource(ws_factory)

        # Static file hierarchy resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'static':

            static_options = path_config.get('options', {})

            if 'directory' in path_config:

                static_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.config.extra.cbdir, path_config['directory']))

            elif 'package' in path_config:

                if 'resource' not in path_config:
                    raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing resource")

                    mod = importlib.import_module(path_config['package'])
                except ImportError as e:
                    emsg = "Could not import resource {} from package {}: {}".format(path_config['resource'], path_config['package'], e)
                    raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)
                        static_dir = os.path.abspath(pkg_resources.resource_filename(path_config['package'], path_config['resource']))
                    except Exception as e:
                        emsg = "Could not import resource {} from package {}: {}".format(path_config['resource'], path_config['package'], e)
                        raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)


                raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing web spec")

            static_dir = static_dir.encode('ascii', 'ignore')  # http://stackoverflow.com/a/20433918/884770

            # create resource for file system hierarchy
            if static_options.get('enable_directory_listing', False):
                static_resource_class = StaticResource
                static_resource_class = StaticResourceNoListing

            cache_timeout = static_options.get('cache_timeout', DEFAULT_CACHE_TIMEOUT)

            static_resource = static_resource_class(static_dir, cache_timeout=cache_timeout)

            # set extra MIME types
            if 'mime_types' in static_options:

            # render 404 page on any concrete path not found
            static_resource.childNotFound = Resource404(self._templates, static_dir)

            return static_resource

        # WSGI resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'wsgi':

            if not _HAS_WSGI:
                raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "WSGI unsupported")

            # wsgi_options = path_config.get('options', {})

            if 'module' not in path_config:
                raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing WSGI app module")

            if 'object' not in path_config:
                raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing WSGI app object")

            # import WSGI app module and object
            mod_name = path_config['module']
                mod = importlib.import_module(mod_name)
            except ImportError as e:
                raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "WSGI app module '{}' import failed: {} - Python search path was {}".format(mod_name, e, sys.path))
                obj_name = path_config['object']
                if obj_name not in mod.__dict__:
                    raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "WSGI app object '{}' not in module '{}'".format(obj_name, mod_name))
                    app = getattr(mod, obj_name)

            # create a Twisted Web WSGI resource from the user's WSGI application object
                wsgi_resource = WSGIResource(self._reactor, self._reactor.getThreadPool(), app)
            except Exception as e:
                raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "could not instantiate WSGI resource: {}".format(e))
                return wsgi_resource

        # Redirecting resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'redirect':
            redirect_url = path_config['url'].encode('ascii', 'ignore')
            return RedirectResource(redirect_url)

        # JSON value resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'json':
            value = path_config['value']

            return JsonResource(value)

        # CGI script resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'cgi':

            cgi_processor = path_config['processor']
            cgi_directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.config.extra.cbdir, path_config['directory']))
            cgi_directory = cgi_directory.encode('ascii', 'ignore')  # http://stackoverflow.com/a/20433918/884770

            return CgiDirectory(cgi_directory, cgi_processor, Resource404(self._templates, cgi_directory))

        # WAMP-Longpoll transport resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'longpoll':

            path_options = path_config.get('options', {})

            lp_resource = WampLongPollResource(self._router_session_factory,
                                               timeout=path_options.get('request_timeout', 10),
                                               killAfter=path_options.get('session_timeout', 30),
                                               queueLimitBytes=path_options.get('queue_limit_bytes', 128 * 1024),
                                               queueLimitMessages=path_options.get('queue_limit_messages', 100),
                                               debug=path_options.get('debug', False),
                                               debug_transport_id=path_options.get('debug_transport_id', None)
            lp_resource._templates = self._templates

            return lp_resource

        # Publisher resource (part of REST-bridge)
        elif path_config['type'] == 'publisher':

            # create a vanilla session: the publisher will use this to inject events
            publisher_session_config = ComponentConfig(realm=path_config['realm'], extra=None)
            publisher_session = ApplicationSession(publisher_session_config)

            # add the publisher session to the router
            self._router_session_factory.add(publisher_session, authrole=path_config.get('role', 'anonymous'))

            # now create the publisher Twisted Web resource
            return PublisherResource(path_config.get('options', {}), publisher_session)

        # Webhook resource (part of REST-bridge)
        elif path_config['type'] == 'webhook':

            # create a vanilla session: the webhook will use this to inject events
            webhook_session_config = ComponentConfig(realm=path_config['realm'], extra=None)
            webhook_session = ApplicationSession(webhook_session_config)

            # add the webhook session to the router
            self._router_session_factory.add(webhook_session, authrole=path_config.get('role', 'anonymous'))

            # now create the webhook Twisted Web resource
            return WebhookResource(path_config.get('options', {}), webhook_session)

        # Caller resource (part of REST-bridge)
        elif path_config['type'] == 'caller':

            # create a vanilla session: the caller will use this to inject calls
            caller_session_config = ComponentConfig(realm=path_config['realm'], extra=None)
            caller_session = ApplicationSession(caller_session_config)

            # add the calling session to the router
            self._router_session_factory.add(caller_session, authrole=path_config.get('role', 'anonymous'))

            # now create the caller Twisted Web resource
            return CallerResource(path_config.get('options', {}), caller_session)

        # File Upload resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'upload':

            upload_directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.config.extra.cbdir, path_config['directory']))
            upload_directory = upload_directory.encode('ascii', 'ignore')  # http://stackoverflow.com/a/20433918/884770
            if not os.path.isdir(upload_directory):
                emsg = "configured upload directory '{}' in file upload resource isn't a directory".format(upload_directory)
                raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)

            if 'temp_directory' in path_config:
                temp_directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.config.extra.cbdir, path_config['temp_directory']))
                temp_directory = temp_directory.encode('ascii', 'ignore')  # http://stackoverflow.com/a/20433918/884770
                temp_directory = os.path.abspath(tempfile.gettempdir())
                temp_directory = os.path.join(temp_directory, 'crossbar-uploads')
                if not os.path.exists(temp_directory):

            if not os.path.isdir(temp_directory):
                emsg = "configured temp directory '{}' in file upload resource isn't a directory".format(temp_directory)
                raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)

            # file upload progress and finish events are published via this session
            upload_session_config = ComponentConfig(realm=path_config['realm'], extra=None)
            upload_session = ApplicationSession(upload_session_config)

            self._router_session_factory.add(upload_session, authrole=path_config.get('role', 'anonymous'))

            self.log.info("File upload resource started. Uploads to {upl} using temp folder {tmp}.", upl=upload_directory, tmp=temp_directory)

            return FileUploadResource(upload_directory, temp_directory, path_config['form_fields'], upload_session, path_config.get('options', {}))

        # Generic Twisted Web resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'resource':

                klassname = path_config['classname']

                self.log.debug("Starting class '{}'".format(klassname))

                c = klassname.split('.')
                module_name, klass_name = '.'.join(c[:-1]), c[-1]
                module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
                make = getattr(module, klass_name)

                return make(path_config.get('extra', {}))

            except Exception as e:
                emsg = "Failed to import class '{}' - {}".format(klassname, e)
                self.log.error("PYTHONPATH: {pythonpath}", pythonpath=sys.path)
                raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.class_import_failed", emsg)

        # Schema Docs resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'schemadoc':

            realm = path_config['realm']

            if realm not in self.realm_to_id:
                raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.no_such_object", "No realm with URI '{}' configured".format(realm))

            realm_id = self.realm_to_id[realm]

            realm_schemas = self.realms[realm_id].session._schemas

            return SchemaDocResource(self._templates, realm, realm_schemas)

        # Nested subpath resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'path':

            nested_paths = path_config.get('paths', {})

            if '/' in nested_paths:
                nested_resource = self.create_resource(nested_paths['/'])
                nested_resource = Resource()

            # nest subpaths under the current entry
            self.add_paths(nested_resource, nested_paths)

            return nested_resource

            raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "invalid Web path type '{}'".format(path_config['type']))
コード例 #5
    def start_router_transport(self, id, config, details=None):
      Start a transport on this router.

      :param id: The ID of the transport to start.
      :type id: str
      :param config: The transport configuration.
      :type config: dict
        if self.debug:
                id, config)

        ## prohibit starting a transport twice
        if id in self.transports:
            emsg = "ERROR: could not start transport - a transport with ID '{}'' is already running (or starting)".format(
            raise ApplicationError('crossbar.error.already_running', emsg)

        ## check configuration
        except Exception as e:
            emsg = "ERROR: invalid router transport configuration ({})".format(
            raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration",
            if self.debug:
                log.msg("Starting {}-transport on router.".format(

        ## standalone WAMP-RawSocket transport
        if config['type'] == 'rawsocket':

            transport_factory = CrossbarWampRawSocketServerFactory(
                self.session_factory, config)
            transport_factory.noisy = False

        ## standalone WAMP-WebSocket transport
        elif config['type'] == 'websocket':

            transport_factory = CrossbarWampWebSocketServerFactory(
                self.session_factory, self.config.extra.cbdir, config,
            transport_factory.noisy = False

        ## Flash-policy file server pseudo transport
        elif config['type'] == 'flashpolicy':

            transport_factory = FlashPolicyFactory(
                config.get('allowed_domain', None),
                config.get('allowed_ports', None))

        ## WebSocket testee pseudo transport
        elif config['type'] == 'websocket.testee':

            transport_factory = WebSocketTesteeServerFactory(
                config, self._templates)

        ## Stream testee pseudo transport
        elif config['type'] == 'stream.testee':

            transport_factory = StreamTesteeServerFactory()

        ## Twisted Web based transport
        elif config['type'] == 'web':

            options = config.get('options', {})

            ## create Twisted Web root resource
            root_config = config['paths']['/']

            root_type = root_config['type']
            root_options = root_config.get('options', {})

            ## Static file hierarchy root resource
            if root_type == 'static':

                if 'directory' in root_config:

                    root_dir = os.path.abspath(

                elif 'package' in root_config:

                    if not 'resource' in root_config:
                        raise ApplicationError(
                            "missing resource")

                        mod = importlib.import_module(root_config['package'])
                    except ImportError as e:
                        emsg = "ERROR: could not import resource '{}' from package '{}' - {}".format(
                            root_config['resource'], root_config['package'], e)
                        raise ApplicationError(
                            "crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)
                            root_dir = os.path.abspath(
                        except Exception as e:
                            emsg = "ERROR: could not import resource '{}' from package '{}' - {}".format(
                                root_config['package'], e)
                            raise ApplicationError(
                                "crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)
                            mod_version = getattr(mod, '__version__', '?.?.?')
                                "Loaded static Web resource '{}' from package '{} {}' (filesystem path {})"
                                        root_config['package'], mod_version,

                    raise ApplicationError(
                        "missing web spec")

                root_dir = root_dir.encode(
                    'ignore')  # http://stackoverflow.com/a/20433918/884770
                if self.debug:
                    log.msg("Starting Web service at root directory {}".format(

                ## create resource for file system hierarchy
                if root_options.get('enable_directory_listing', False):
                    root = File(root_dir)
                    root = FileNoListing(root_dir)

                ## set extra MIME types
                if 'mime_types' in root_options:

                ## render 404 page on any concrete path not found
                root.childNotFound = Resource404(self._templates, root_dir)

            ## WSGI root resource
            elif root_type == 'wsgi':

                if not _HAS_WSGI:
                    raise ApplicationError(
                        "WSGI unsupported")

                wsgi_options = root_config.get('options', {})

                if not 'module' in root_config:
                    raise ApplicationError(
                        "missing module")

                if not 'object' in root_config:
                    raise ApplicationError(
                        "missing object")

                    mod = importlib.import_module(root_config['module'])
                except ImportError:
                    raise ApplicationError(
                        "module import failed")
                    if not root_config['object'] in mod.__dict__:
                        raise ApplicationError(
                            "object not in module")
                        app = getattr(mod, root_config['object'])

                ## create a Twisted Web WSGI resource from the user's WSGI application object
                    wsgi_resource = WSGIResource(reactor,
                                                 reactor.getThreadPool(), app)
                except Exception as e:
                    raise ApplicationError(
                        "could not instantiate WSGI resource: {}".format(e))
                    ## create a root resource serving everything via WSGI
                    root = WSGIRootResource(wsgi_resource, {})

            ## Redirecting root resource
            elif root_type == 'redirect':

                redirect_url = root_config['url'].encode('ascii', 'ignore')
                root = RedirectResource(redirect_url)

            ## Pusher resource
            elif root_type == 'pusher':

                ## create a vanilla session: the pusher will use this to inject events
                pusher_session_config = ComponentConfig(
                    realm=root_config['realm'], extra=None)
                pusher_session = ApplicationSession(pusher_session_config)

                ## add the pushing session to the router
                                             'role', 'anonymous'))

                ## now create the pusher Twisted Web resource and add it to resource tree
                root = PusherResource(root_config.get('options', {}),

            ## Invalid root resource
                raise ApplicationError(
                    "invalid Web root path type '{}'".format(root_type))

            ## create Twisted Web resources on all non-root paths configured
            self.add_paths(root, config.get('paths', {}))

            ## create the actual transport factory
            transport_factory = Site(root)
            transport_factory.noisy = False

            ## Web access logging
            if not options.get('access_log', False):
                transport_factory.log = lambda _: None

            ## Traceback rendering
            transport_factory.displayTracebacks = options.get(
                'display_tracebacks', False)

            ## HSTS
            if options.get('hsts', False):
                if 'tls' in config['endpoint']:
                    hsts_max_age = int(options.get('hsts_max_age', 31536000))
                    transport_factory.requestFactory = createHSTSRequestFactory(
                        transport_factory.requestFactory, hsts_max_age)
                        "Warning: HSTS requested, but running on non-TLS - skipping HSTS"

            ## enable Hixie-76 on Twisted Web
            if options.get('hixie76_aware', False):
                transport_factory.protocol = HTTPChannelHixie76Aware  # needed if Hixie76 is to be supported

        ## Unknown transport type
            ## should not arrive here, since we did check_transport() in the beginning
            raise Exception("logic error")

        ## create transport endpoint / listening port from transport factory
        d = create_listening_port_from_config(config['endpoint'],
                                              self.config.extra.cbdir, reactor)

        def ok(port):
            self.transports[id] = RouterTransport(id, config,
                                                  transport_factory, port)
            if self.debug:
                    "Router transport '{}'' started and listening".format(id))

        def fail(err):
            emsg = "ERROR: cannot listen on transport endpoint ({})".format(
            raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.cannot_listen", emsg)

        d.addCallbacks(ok, fail)
        return d
コード例 #6
    def start_router_transport(self, id, config, details=None):
        Start a transport on this router and return when the transport has started.


        This procedure is registered under

        * ``crossbar.node.<node_id>.worker.<worker_id>.start_router_transport``

        The procedure takes a WAMP transport configuration with a listening endpoint, e.g.

        .. code-block:: javascript

                "type": "websocket",
                "endpoint": {
                    "type": "tcp",
                    "port": 8080


        The procedure may raise the following errors:

        * ``crossbar.error.invalid_configuration`` - the provided transport configuration is invalid
        * ``crossbar.error.already_running`` - a transport with the given ID is already running (or starting)
        * ``crossbar.error.cannot_listen`` - could not listen on the configured listening endpoint of the transport
        * ``crossbar.error.class_import_failed`` - a side-by-side component could not be instantiated


        The procedure will publish an event when the transport **is starting** to

        * ``crossbar.node.<node_id>.worker.<worker_id>.on_router_transport_starting``

        and publish an event when the transport **has started** to

        * ``crossbar.node.<node_id>.worker.<worker_id>.on_router_transport_started``

        :param id: The ID of the transport to start.
        :type id: unicode
        :param config: The transport configuration.
        :type config: dict
                       id=id, config=config)

        # prohibit starting a transport twice
        if id in self.transports:
            emsg = "Could not start transport: a transport with ID '{}' is already running (or starting)".format(id)
            raise ApplicationError(u'crossbar.error.already_running', emsg)

        # check configuration
        except Exception as e:
            emsg = "Invalid router transport configuration: {}".format(e)
            raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)
            self.log.debug("Starting {}-transport on router.".format(config['type']))

        # standalone WAMP-RawSocket transport
        if config['type'] == 'rawsocket':

            transport_factory = WampRawSocketServerFactory(self._router_session_factory, config)
            transport_factory.noisy = False

        # standalone WAMP-WebSocket transport
        elif config['type'] == 'websocket':

            transport_factory = WampWebSocketServerFactory(self._router_session_factory, self.config.extra.cbdir, config, self._templates)
            transport_factory.noisy = False

        # Flash-policy file server pseudo transport
        elif config['type'] == 'flashpolicy':

            transport_factory = FlashPolicyFactory(config.get('allowed_domain', None), config.get('allowed_ports', None))

        # WebSocket testee pseudo transport
        elif config['type'] == 'websocket.testee':

            transport_factory = WebSocketTesteeServerFactory(config, self._templates)

        # Stream testee pseudo transport
        elif config['type'] == 'stream.testee':

            transport_factory = StreamTesteeServerFactory()

        # Twisted Web based transport
        elif config['type'] == 'web':

            options = config.get('options', {})

            # create Twisted Web root resource
            root_config = config['paths']['/']

            root_type = root_config['type']
            root_options = root_config.get('options', {})

            # Static file hierarchy root resource
            if root_type == 'static':

                if 'directory' in root_config:

                    root_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.config.extra.cbdir, root_config['directory']))

                elif 'package' in root_config:

                    if 'resource' not in root_config:
                        raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing resource")

                        mod = importlib.import_module(root_config['package'])
                    except ImportError as e:
                        emsg = "Could not import resource {} from package {}: {}".format(root_config['resource'], root_config['package'], e)
                        raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)
                            root_dir = os.path.abspath(pkg_resources.resource_filename(root_config['package'], root_config['resource']))
                        except Exception as e:
                            emsg = "Could not import resource {} from package {}: {}".format(root_config['resource'], root_config['package'], e)
                            raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)
                            mod_version = getattr(mod, '__version__', '?.?.?')
                            self.log.info("Loaded static Web resource '{}' from package '{} {}' (filesystem path {})".format(root_config['resource'], root_config['package'], mod_version, root_dir))

                    raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing web spec")

                root_dir = root_dir.encode('ascii', 'ignore')  # http://stackoverflow.com/a/20433918/884770
                self.log.debug("Starting Web service at root directory {}".format(root_dir))

                # create resource for file system hierarchy
                if root_options.get('enable_directory_listing', False):
                    static_resource_class = StaticResource
                    static_resource_class = StaticResourceNoListing

                cache_timeout = root_options.get('cache_timeout', DEFAULT_CACHE_TIMEOUT)

                root = static_resource_class(root_dir, cache_timeout=cache_timeout)

                # set extra MIME types
                if 'mime_types' in root_options:

                # render 404 page on any concrete path not found
                root.childNotFound = Resource404(self._templates, root_dir)

            # WSGI root resource
            elif root_type == 'wsgi':

                if not _HAS_WSGI:
                    raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "WSGI unsupported")

                # wsgi_options = root_config.get('options', {})

                if 'module' not in root_config:
                    raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing WSGI app module")

                if 'object' not in root_config:
                    raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing WSGI app object")

                # import WSGI app module and object
                mod_name = root_config['module']
                    mod = importlib.import_module(mod_name)
                except ImportError as e:
                    raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "WSGI app module '{}' import failed: {} - Python search path was {}".format(mod_name, e, sys.path))
                    obj_name = root_config['object']
                    if obj_name not in mod.__dict__:
                        raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "WSGI app object '{}' not in module '{}'".format(obj_name, mod_name))
                        app = getattr(mod, obj_name)

                # create a Twisted Web WSGI resource from the user's WSGI application object
                    wsgi_resource = WSGIResource(self._reactor, self._reactor.getThreadPool(), app)
                except Exception as e:
                    raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "could not instantiate WSGI resource: {}".format(e))
                    # create a root resource serving everything via WSGI
                    root = WSGIRootResource(wsgi_resource, {})

            # Redirecting root resource
            elif root_type == 'redirect':

                redirect_url = root_config['url'].encode('ascii', 'ignore')
                root = RedirectResource(redirect_url)

            # Publisher resource (part of REST-bridge)
            elif root_type == 'publisher':

                # create a vanilla session: the publisher will use this to inject events
                publisher_session_config = ComponentConfig(realm=root_config['realm'], extra=None)
                publisher_session = ApplicationSession(publisher_session_config)

                # add the publishing session to the router
                self._router_session_factory.add(publisher_session, authrole=root_config.get('role', 'anonymous'))

                # now create the publisher Twisted Web resource and add it to resource tree
                root = PublisherResource(root_config.get('options', {}), publisher_session)

            # Webhook resource (part of REST-bridge)
            elif root_type == 'webhook':

                # create a vanilla session: the webhook will use this to inject events
                webhook_session_config = ComponentConfig(realm=root_config['realm'], extra=None)
                webhook_session = ApplicationSession(webhook_session_config)

                # add the publishing session to the router
                self._router_session_factory.add(webhook_session, authrole=root_config.get('role', 'anonymous'))

                # now create the webhook Twisted Web resource and add it to resource tree
                root = WebhookResource(root_config.get('options', {}), webhook_session)

            # Caller resource (part of REST-bridge)
            elif root_type == 'caller':

                # create a vanilla session: the caller will use this to inject calls
                caller_session_config = ComponentConfig(realm=root_config['realm'], extra=None)
                caller_session = ApplicationSession(caller_session_config)

                # add the calling session to the router
                self._router_session_factory.add(caller_session, authrole=root_config.get('role', 'anonymous'))

                # now create the caller Twisted Web resource and add it to resource tree
                root = CallerResource(root_config.get('options', {}), caller_session)

            # Generic Twisted Web resource
            elif root_type == 'resource':

                    klassname = root_config['classname']

                    self.log.debug("Starting class '{}'".format(klassname))

                    c = klassname.split('.')
                    module_name, klass_name = '.'.join(c[:-1]), c[-1]
                    module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
                    make = getattr(module, klass_name)
                    root = make(root_config.get('extra', {}))

                except Exception as e:
                    emsg = "Failed to import class '{}' - {}".format(klassname, e)
                    self.log.error("PYTHONPATH: {pythonpath}",
                    raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.class_import_failed", emsg)

            # Invalid root resource
                raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "invalid Web root path type '{}'".format(root_type))

            # create Twisted Web resources on all non-root paths configured
            self.add_paths(root, config.get('paths', {}))

            # create the actual transport factory
            transport_factory = Site(root)
            transport_factory.noisy = False

            # Web access logging
            if not options.get('access_log', False):
                transport_factory.log = lambda _: None

            # Traceback rendering
            transport_factory.displayTracebacks = options.get('display_tracebacks', False)

            # HSTS
            if options.get('hsts', False):
                if 'tls' in config['endpoint']:
                    hsts_max_age = int(options.get('hsts_max_age', 31536000))
                    transport_factory.requestFactory = createHSTSRequestFactory(transport_factory.requestFactory, hsts_max_age)
                    self.log.warn("Warning: HSTS requested, but running on non-TLS - skipping HSTS")

        # Unknown transport type
            # should not arrive here, since we did check_transport() in the beginning
            raise Exception("logic error")

        # create transport endpoint / listening port from transport factory
        d = create_listening_port_from_config(config['endpoint'], transport_factory, self.config.extra.cbdir, self._reactor)

        def ok(port):
            self.transports[id] = RouterTransport(id, config, transport_factory, port)
            self.log.debug("Router transport '{}'' started and listening".format(id))

        def fail(err):
            emsg = "Cannot listen on transport endpoint: {}".format(err.value)
            raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.cannot_listen", emsg)

        d.addCallbacks(ok, fail)
        return d
コード例 #7
ファイル: router.py プロジェクト: honeyflyfish/crossbar
    def create_resource(self, path_config):
        Creates child resource to be added to the parent.

        :param path_config: Configuration for the new child resource.
        :type path_config: dict

        :returns: Resource -- the new child resource
        # WAMP-WebSocket resource
        if path_config["type"] == "websocket":

            ws_factory = WampWebSocketServerFactory(
                self._router_session_factory, self.config.extra.cbdir, path_config, self._templates

            # FIXME: Site.start/stopFactory should start/stop factories wrapped as Resources

            return WebSocketResource(ws_factory)

        # Static file hierarchy resource
        elif path_config["type"] == "static":

            static_options = path_config.get("options", {})

            if "directory" in path_config:

                static_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.config.extra.cbdir, path_config["directory"]))

            elif "package" in path_config:

                if "resource" not in path_config:
                    raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing resource")

                    mod = importlib.import_module(path_config["package"])
                except ImportError as e:
                    emsg = "Could not import resource {} from package {}: {}".format(
                        path_config["resource"], path_config["package"], e
                    raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)
                        static_dir = os.path.abspath(
                            pkg_resources.resource_filename(path_config["package"], path_config["resource"])
                    except Exception as e:
                        emsg = "Could not import resource {} from package {}: {}".format(
                            path_config["resource"], path_config["package"], e
                        raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)


                raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing web spec")

            static_dir = static_dir.encode("ascii", "ignore")  # http://stackoverflow.com/a/20433918/884770

            # create resource for file system hierarchy
            if static_options.get("enable_directory_listing", False):
                static_resource_class = StaticResource
                static_resource_class = StaticResourceNoListing

            cache_timeout = static_options.get("cache_timeout", DEFAULT_CACHE_TIMEOUT)

            static_resource = static_resource_class(static_dir, cache_timeout=cache_timeout)

            # set extra MIME types
            if "mime_types" in static_options:

            # render 404 page on any concrete path not found
            static_resource.childNotFound = Resource404(self._templates, static_dir)

            return static_resource

        # WSGI resource
        elif path_config["type"] == "wsgi":

            if not _HAS_WSGI:
                raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "WSGI unsupported")

            # wsgi_options = path_config.get('options', {})

            if "module" not in path_config:
                raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing WSGI app module")

            if "object" not in path_config:
                raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing WSGI app object")

            # import WSGI app module and object
            mod_name = path_config["module"]
                mod = importlib.import_module(mod_name)
            except ImportError as e:
                raise ApplicationError(
                    "WSGI app module '{}' import failed: {} - Python search path was {}".format(mod_name, e, sys.path),
                obj_name = path_config["object"]
                if obj_name not in mod.__dict__:
                    raise ApplicationError(
                        "WSGI app object '{}' not in module '{}'".format(obj_name, mod_name),
                    app = getattr(mod, obj_name)

            # create a Twisted Web WSGI resource from the user's WSGI application object
                wsgi_resource = WSGIResource(self._reactor, self._reactor.getThreadPool(), app)
            except Exception as e:
                raise ApplicationError(
                    u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "could not instantiate WSGI resource: {}".format(e)
                return wsgi_resource

        # Redirecting resource
        elif path_config["type"] == "redirect":
            redirect_url = path_config["url"].encode("ascii", "ignore")
            return RedirectResource(redirect_url)

        # JSON value resource
        elif path_config["type"] == "json":
            value = path_config["value"]

            return JsonResource(value)

        # CGI script resource
        elif path_config["type"] == "cgi":

            cgi_processor = path_config["processor"]
            cgi_directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.config.extra.cbdir, path_config["directory"]))
            cgi_directory = cgi_directory.encode("ascii", "ignore")  # http://stackoverflow.com/a/20433918/884770

            return CgiDirectory(cgi_directory, cgi_processor, Resource404(self._templates, cgi_directory))

        # WAMP-Longpoll transport resource
        elif path_config["type"] == "longpoll":

            path_options = path_config.get("options", {})

            lp_resource = WampLongPollResource(
                timeout=path_options.get("request_timeout", 10),
                killAfter=path_options.get("session_timeout", 30),
                queueLimitBytes=path_options.get("queue_limit_bytes", 128 * 1024),
                queueLimitMessages=path_options.get("queue_limit_messages", 100),
                debug=path_options.get("debug", False),
                debug_transport_id=path_options.get("debug_transport_id", None),
            lp_resource._templates = self._templates

            return lp_resource

        # Publisher resource (part of REST-bridge)
        elif path_config["type"] == "publisher":

            # create a vanilla session: the publisher will use this to inject events
            publisher_session_config = ComponentConfig(realm=path_config["realm"], extra=None)
            publisher_session = ApplicationSession(publisher_session_config)

            # add the publisher session to the router
            self._router_session_factory.add(publisher_session, authrole=path_config.get("role", "anonymous"))

            # now create the publisher Twisted Web resource
            return PublisherResource(path_config.get("options", {}), publisher_session)

        # Webhook resource (part of REST-bridge)
        elif path_config["type"] == "webhook":

            # create a vanilla session: the webhook will use this to inject events
            webhook_session_config = ComponentConfig(realm=path_config["realm"], extra=None)
            webhook_session = ApplicationSession(webhook_session_config)

            # add the webhook session to the router
            self._router_session_factory.add(webhook_session, authrole=path_config.get("role", "anonymous"))

            # now create the webhook Twisted Web resource
            return WebhookResource(path_config.get("options", {}), webhook_session)

        # Caller resource (part of REST-bridge)
        elif path_config["type"] == "caller":

            # create a vanilla session: the caller will use this to inject calls
            caller_session_config = ComponentConfig(realm=path_config["realm"], extra=None)
            caller_session = ApplicationSession(caller_session_config)

            # add the calling session to the router
            self._router_session_factory.add(caller_session, authrole=path_config.get("role", "anonymous"))

            # now create the caller Twisted Web resource
            return CallerResource(path_config.get("options", {}), caller_session)

        # File Upload resource
        elif path_config["type"] == "upload":

            upload_directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.config.extra.cbdir, path_config["directory"]))
            upload_directory = upload_directory.encode("ascii", "ignore")  # http://stackoverflow.com/a/20433918/884770
            if not os.path.isdir(upload_directory):
                emsg = "configured upload directory '{}' in file upload resource isn't a directory".format(
                raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)

            if "temp_directory" in path_config:
                temp_directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.config.extra.cbdir, path_config["temp_directory"]))
                temp_directory = temp_directory.encode("ascii", "ignore")  # http://stackoverflow.com/a/20433918/884770
                temp_directory = os.path.abspath(tempfile.gettempdir())
                temp_directory = os.path.join(temp_directory, "crossbar-uploads")
                if not os.path.exists(temp_directory):

            if not os.path.isdir(temp_directory):
                emsg = "configured temp directory '{}' in file upload resource isn't a directory".format(temp_directory)
                raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)

            # file upload progress and finish events are published via this session
            upload_session_config = ComponentConfig(realm=path_config["realm"], extra=None)
            upload_session = ApplicationSession(upload_session_config)

            self._router_session_factory.add(upload_session, authrole=path_config.get("role", "anonymous"))

            return FileUploadResource(
                path_config.get("options", {}),

        # Generic Twisted Web resource
        elif path_config["type"] == "resource":

                klassname = path_config["classname"]

                self.log.debug("Starting class '{}'".format(klassname))

                c = klassname.split(".")
                module_name, klass_name = ".".join(c[:-1]), c[-1]
                module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
                make = getattr(module, klass_name)

                return make(path_config.get("extra", {}))

            except Exception as e:
                emsg = "Failed to import class '{}' - {}".format(klassname, e)
                self.log.error("PYTHONPATH: {pythonpath}", pythonpath=sys.path)
                raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.class_import_failed", emsg)

        # Schema Docs resource
        elif path_config["type"] == "schemadoc":

            realm = path_config["realm"]

            if realm not in self.realm_to_id:
                raise ApplicationError(
                    u"crossbar.error.no_such_object", "No realm with URI '{}' configured".format(realm)

            realm_id = self.realm_to_id[realm]

            realm_schemas = self.realms[realm_id].session._schemas

            return SchemaDocResource(self._templates, realm, realm_schemas)

        # Nested subpath resource
        elif path_config["type"] == "path":

            nested_paths = path_config.get("paths", {})

            if "/" in nested_paths:
                nested_resource = self.create_resource(nested_paths["/"])
                nested_resource = Resource()

            # nest subpaths under the current entry
            self.add_paths(nested_resource, nested_paths)

            return nested_resource

            raise ApplicationError(
                u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "invalid Web path type '{}'".format(path_config["type"])
コード例 #8
ファイル: router.py プロジェクト: honeyflyfish/crossbar
    def start_router_transport(self, id, config, details=None):
        Start a transport on this router and return when the transport has started.


        This procedure is registered under

        * ``crossbar.node.<node_id>.worker.<worker_id>.start_router_transport``

        The procedure takes a WAMP transport configuration with a listening endpoint, e.g.

        .. code-block:: javascript

                "type": "websocket",
                "endpoint": {
                    "type": "tcp",
                    "port": 8080


        The procedure may raise the following errors:

        * ``crossbar.error.invalid_configuration`` - the provided transport configuration is invalid
        * ``crossbar.error.already_running`` - a transport with the given ID is already running (or starting)
        * ``crossbar.error.cannot_listen`` - could not listen on the configured listening endpoint of the transport
        * ``crossbar.error.class_import_failed`` - a side-by-side component could not be instantiated


        The procedure will publish an event when the transport **is starting** to

        * ``crossbar.node.<node_id>.worker.<worker_id>.on_router_transport_starting``

        and publish an event when the transport **has started** to

        * ``crossbar.node.<node_id>.worker.<worker_id>.on_router_transport_started``

        :param id: The ID of the transport to start.
        :type id: unicode
        :param config: The transport configuration.
        :type config: dict
        self.log.debug("{}.start_router_transport".format(self.__class__.__name__), id=id, config=config)

        # prohibit starting a transport twice
        if id in self.transports:
            emsg = "Could not start transport: a transport with ID '{}' is already running (or starting)".format(id)
            raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.already_running", emsg)

        # check configuration
        except Exception as e:
            emsg = "Invalid router transport configuration: {}".format(e)
            raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)
            self.log.debug("Starting {}-transport on router.".format(config["type"]))

        # standalone WAMP-RawSocket transport
        if config["type"] == "rawsocket":

            transport_factory = WampRawSocketServerFactory(self._router_session_factory, config)
            transport_factory.noisy = False

        # standalone WAMP-WebSocket transport
        elif config["type"] == "websocket":

            transport_factory = WampWebSocketServerFactory(
                self._router_session_factory, self.config.extra.cbdir, config, self._templates
            transport_factory.noisy = False

        # Flash-policy file server pseudo transport
        elif config["type"] == "flashpolicy":

            transport_factory = FlashPolicyFactory(
                config.get("allowed_domain", None), config.get("allowed_ports", None)

        # WebSocket testee pseudo transport
        elif config["type"] == "websocket.testee":

            transport_factory = WebSocketTesteeServerFactory(config, self._templates)

        # Stream testee pseudo transport
        elif config["type"] == "stream.testee":

            transport_factory = StreamTesteeServerFactory()

        # Twisted Web based transport
        elif config["type"] == "web":

            options = config.get("options", {})

            # create Twisted Web root resource
            root_config = config["paths"]["/"]

            root_type = root_config["type"]
            root_options = root_config.get("options", {})

            # Static file hierarchy root resource
            if root_type == "static":

                if "directory" in root_config:

                    root_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.config.extra.cbdir, root_config["directory"]))

                elif "package" in root_config:

                    if "resource" not in root_config:
                        raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing resource")

                        mod = importlib.import_module(root_config["package"])
                    except ImportError as e:
                        emsg = "Could not import resource {} from package {}: {}".format(
                            root_config["resource"], root_config["package"], e
                        raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)
                            root_dir = os.path.abspath(
                                pkg_resources.resource_filename(root_config["package"], root_config["resource"])
                        except Exception as e:
                            emsg = "Could not import resource {} from package {}: {}".format(
                                root_config["resource"], root_config["package"], e
                            raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)
                            mod_version = getattr(mod, "__version__", "?.?.?")
                                "Loaded static Web resource '{}' from package '{} {}' (filesystem path {})".format(
                                    root_config["resource"], root_config["package"], mod_version, root_dir

                    raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing web spec")

                root_dir = root_dir.encode("ascii", "ignore")  # http://stackoverflow.com/a/20433918/884770
                self.log.debug("Starting Web service at root directory {}".format(root_dir))

                # create resource for file system hierarchy
                if root_options.get("enable_directory_listing", False):
                    static_resource_class = StaticResource
                    static_resource_class = StaticResourceNoListing

                cache_timeout = root_options.get("cache_timeout", DEFAULT_CACHE_TIMEOUT)

                root = static_resource_class(root_dir, cache_timeout=cache_timeout)

                # set extra MIME types
                if "mime_types" in root_options:

                # render 404 page on any concrete path not found
                root.childNotFound = Resource404(self._templates, root_dir)

            # WSGI root resource
            elif root_type == "wsgi":

                if not _HAS_WSGI:
                    raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "WSGI unsupported")

                # wsgi_options = root_config.get('options', {})

                if "module" not in root_config:
                    raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing WSGI app module")

                if "object" not in root_config:
                    raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing WSGI app object")

                # import WSGI app module and object
                mod_name = root_config["module"]
                    mod = importlib.import_module(mod_name)
                except ImportError as e:
                    raise ApplicationError(
                        "WSGI app module '{}' import failed: {} - Python search path was {}".format(
                            mod_name, e, sys.path
                    obj_name = root_config["object"]
                    if obj_name not in mod.__dict__:
                        raise ApplicationError(
                            "WSGI app object '{}' not in module '{}'".format(obj_name, mod_name),
                        app = getattr(mod, obj_name)

                # create a Twisted Web WSGI resource from the user's WSGI application object
                    wsgi_resource = WSGIResource(self._reactor, self._reactor.getThreadPool(), app)
                except Exception as e:
                    raise ApplicationError(
                        u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "could not instantiate WSGI resource: {}".format(e)
                    # create a root resource serving everything via WSGI
                    root = WSGIRootResource(wsgi_resource, {})

            # Redirecting root resource
            elif root_type == "redirect":

                redirect_url = root_config["url"].encode("ascii", "ignore")
                root = RedirectResource(redirect_url)

            # Publisher resource (part of REST-bridge)
            elif root_type == "publisher":

                # create a vanilla session: the publisher will use this to inject events
                publisher_session_config = ComponentConfig(realm=root_config["realm"], extra=None)
                publisher_session = ApplicationSession(publisher_session_config)

                # add the publishing session to the router
                self._router_session_factory.add(publisher_session, authrole=root_config.get("role", "anonymous"))

                # now create the publisher Twisted Web resource and add it to resource tree
                root = PublisherResource(root_config.get("options", {}), publisher_session)

            # Webhook resource (part of REST-bridge)
            elif root_type == "webhook":

                # create a vanilla session: the webhook will use this to inject events
                webhook_session_config = ComponentConfig(realm=root_config["realm"], extra=None)
                webhook_session = ApplicationSession(webhook_session_config)

                # add the publishing session to the router
                self._router_session_factory.add(webhook_session, authrole=root_config.get("role", "anonymous"))

                # now create the webhook Twisted Web resource and add it to resource tree
                root = WebhookResource(root_config.get("options", {}), webhook_session)

            # Caller resource (part of REST-bridge)
            elif root_type == "caller":

                # create a vanilla session: the caller will use this to inject calls
                caller_session_config = ComponentConfig(realm=root_config["realm"], extra=None)
                caller_session = ApplicationSession(caller_session_config)

                # add the calling session to the router
                self._router_session_factory.add(caller_session, authrole=root_config.get("role", "anonymous"))

                # now create the caller Twisted Web resource and add it to resource tree
                root = CallerResource(root_config.get("options", {}), caller_session)

            # Generic Twisted Web resource
            elif root_type == "resource":

                    klassname = root_config["classname"]

                    self.log.debug("Starting class '{}'".format(klassname))

                    c = klassname.split(".")
                    module_name, klass_name = ".".join(c[:-1]), c[-1]
                    module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
                    make = getattr(module, klass_name)
                    root = make(root_config.get("extra", {}))

                except Exception as e:
                    emsg = "Failed to import class '{}' - {}".format(klassname, e)
                    self.log.error("PYTHONPATH: {pythonpath}", pythonpath=sys.path)
                    raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.class_import_failed", emsg)

            # Invalid root resource
                raise ApplicationError(
                    u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "invalid Web root path type '{}'".format(root_type)

            # create Twisted Web resources on all non-root paths configured
            self.add_paths(root, config.get("paths", {}))

            # create the actual transport factory
            transport_factory = Site(root)
            transport_factory.noisy = False

            # Web access logging
            if not options.get("access_log", False):
                transport_factory.log = lambda _: None

            # Traceback rendering
            transport_factory.displayTracebacks = options.get("display_tracebacks", False)

            # HSTS
            if options.get("hsts", False):
                if "tls" in config["endpoint"]:
                    hsts_max_age = int(options.get("hsts_max_age", 31536000))
                    transport_factory.requestFactory = createHSTSRequestFactory(
                        transport_factory.requestFactory, hsts_max_age
                    self.log.warn("Warning: HSTS requested, but running on non-TLS - skipping HSTS")

        # Unknown transport type
            # should not arrive here, since we did check_transport() in the beginning
            raise Exception("logic error")

        # create transport endpoint / listening port from transport factory
        d = create_listening_port_from_config(
            config["endpoint"], transport_factory, self.config.extra.cbdir, self._reactor

        def ok(port):
            self.transports[id] = RouterTransport(id, config, transport_factory, port)
            self.log.debug("Router transport '{}'' started and listening".format(id))

        def fail(err):
            emsg = "Cannot listen on transport endpoint: {}".format(err.value)
            raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.cannot_listen", emsg)

        d.addCallbacks(ok, fail)
        return d
コード例 #9
ファイル: router.py プロジェクト: Inspire2Innovate/crossbar
   def start_router_transport(self, id, config, details = None):
      Start a transport on this router.

      :param id: The ID of the transport to start.
      :type id: str
      :param config: The transport configuration.
      :type config: dict
      if self.debug:
         log.msg("{}.start_router_transport".format(self.__class__.__name__), id, config)

      ## prohibit starting a transport twice
      if id in self.transports:
         emsg = "ERROR: could not start transport - a transport with ID '{}'' is already running (or starting)".format(id)
         raise ApplicationError('crossbar.error.already_running', emsg)

      ## check configuration
      except Exception as e:
         emsg = "ERROR: invalid router transport configuration ({})".format(e)
         raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)
         if self.debug:
            log.msg("Starting {}-transport on router.".format(config['type']))

      ## standalone WAMP-RawSocket transport
      if config['type'] == 'rawsocket':

         transport_factory = CrossbarWampRawSocketServerFactory(self.session_factory, config)
         transport_factory.noisy = False

      ## standalone WAMP-WebSocket transport
      elif config['type'] == 'websocket':

         transport_factory = CrossbarWampWebSocketServerFactory(self.session_factory, self.config.extra.cbdir, config, self._templates)
         transport_factory.noisy = False

      ## Twisted Web based transport
      elif config['type'] == 'web':

         options = config.get('options', {})

         ## create Twisted Web root resource
         root_config = config['paths']['/']

         root_type = root_config['type']
         root_options = root_config.get('options', {})

         ## Static file hierarchy root resource
         if root_type == 'static':

            if 'directory' in root_config:

               root_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.config.extra.cbdir, root_config['directory']))

            elif 'package' in root_config:

               if not 'resource' in root_config:
                  raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing resource")

                  mod = importlib.import_module(root_config['package'])
               except ImportError as e:
                  emsg = "ERROR: could not import resource '{}' from package '{}' - {}".format(root_config['resource'], root_config['package'], e)
                  raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)
                     root_dir = os.path.abspath(pkg_resources.resource_filename(root_config['package'], root_config['resource']))
                  except Exception as e:
                     emsg = "ERROR: could not import resource '{}' from package '{}' - {}".format(root_config['resource'], root_config['package'], e)
                     raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)
                     mod_version = getattr(mod, '__version__', '?.?.?')
                     log.msg("Loaded static Web resource '{}' from package '{} {}' (filesystem path {})".format(root_config['resource'], root_config['package'], mod_version, root_dir))

               raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing web spec")

            root_dir = root_dir.encode('ascii', 'ignore') # http://stackoverflow.com/a/20433918/884770
            if self.debug:
               log.msg("Starting Web service at root directory {}".format(root_dir))

            ## create resource for file system hierarchy
            if root_options.get('enable_directory_listing', False):
               root = File(root_dir)
               root = FileNoListing(root_dir)

            ## set extra MIME types
            if 'mime_types' in root_options:

            ## render 404 page on any concrete path not found
            root.childNotFound = Resource404(self._templates, root_dir)

         ## WSGI root resource
         elif root_type == 'wsgi':

            if not _HAS_WSGI:
               raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "WSGI unsupported")

            wsgi_options = root_config.get('options', {})

            if not 'module' in root_config:
               raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing module")

            if not 'object' in root_config:
               raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing object")

               mod = importlib.import_module(root_config['module'])
            except ImportError:
               raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "module import failed")
               if not root_config['object'] in mod.__dict__:
                  raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "object not in module")
                  app = getattr(mod, root_config['object'])

            ## create a Twisted Web WSGI resource from the user's WSGI application object
               wsgi_resource = WSGIResource(reactor, reactor.getThreadPool(), app)
            except Exception as e:
               raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "could not instantiate WSGI resource: {}".format(e))
               ## create a root resource serving everything via WSGI
               root = WSGIRootResource(wsgi_resource, {})

         ## Redirecting root resource
         elif root_type == 'redirect':

            redirect_url = root_config['url'].encode('ascii', 'ignore')
            root = RedirectResource(redirect_url)

         ## Pusher resource
         elif root_type == 'pusher':

            ## create a vanilla session: the pusher will use this to inject events
            pusher_session_config = ComponentConfig(realm = root_config['realm'], extra = None)
            pusher_session = ApplicationSession(pusher_session_config)

            ## add the pushing session to the router
            self.session_factory.add(pusher_session, authrole = root_config.get('role', 'anonymous'))

            ## now create the pusher Twisted Web resource and add it to resource tree
            root = PusherResource(root_config.get('options', {}), pusher_session)

         ## Invalid root resource
            raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "invalid Web root path type '{}'".format(root_type))

         ## create Twisted Web resources on all non-root paths configured
         for path in sorted(config.get('paths', [])):

            if path != "/":

               path_config = config['paths'][path]

               ## websocket_echo
               ## websocket_testee
               ## s3mirror
               ## websocket_stdio

               ## WAMP-WebSocket resource
               if path_config['type'] == 'websocket':

                  ws_factory = CrossbarWampWebSocketServerFactory(self.session_factory, self.config.extra.cbdir, path_config, self._templates)

                  ## FIXME: Site.start/stopFactory should start/stop factories wrapped as Resources

                  ws_resource = WebSocketResource(ws_factory)
                  root.putChild(path, ws_resource)

               ## Static file hierarchy resource
               elif path_config['type'] == 'static':

                  static_options = path_config.get('options', {})

                  if 'directory' in path_config:

                     static_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.config.extra.cbdir, path_config['directory']))

                  elif 'package' in path_config:

                     if not 'resource' in path_config:
                        raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing resource")

                        mod = importlib.import_module(path_config['package'])
                     except ImportError as e:
                        emsg = "ERROR: could not import resource '{}' from package '{}' - {}".format(path_config['resource'], path_config['package'], e)
                        raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)
                           static_dir = os.path.abspath(pkg_resources.resource_filename(path_config['package'], path_config['resource']))
                        except Exception as e:
                           emsg = "ERROR: could not import resource '{}' from package '{}' - {}".format(path_config['resource'], path_config['package'], e)
                           raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)


                     raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing web spec")

                  static_dir = static_dir.encode('ascii', 'ignore') # http://stackoverflow.com/a/20433918/884770

                  ## create resource for file system hierarchy
                  if static_options.get('enable_directory_listing', False):
                     static_resource = File(static_dir)
                     static_resource = FileNoListing(static_dir)

                  ## set extra MIME types
                  if 'mime_types' in static_options:

                  ## render 404 page on any concrete path not found
                  static_resource.childNotFound = Resource404(self._templates, static_dir)

                  root.putChild(path, static_resource)

               ## WSGI resource
               elif path_config['type'] == 'wsgi':

                  if not _HAS_WSGI:
                     raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "WSGI unsupported")

                  wsgi_options = path_config.get('options', {})

                  if not 'module' in path_config:
                     raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing module")

                  if not 'object' in path_config:
                     raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing object")

                     mod = importlib.import_module(path_config['module'])
                  except ImportError as e:
                     raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "module import failed - {}".format(e))
                     if not path_config['object'] in mod.__dict__:
                        raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "object not in module")
                        app = getattr(mod, path_config['object'])

                  ## create a Twisted Web WSGI resource from the user's WSGI application object
                     wsgi_resource = WSGIResource(reactor, reactor.getThreadPool(), app)
                  except Exception as e:
                     raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "could not instantiate WSGI resource: {}".format(e))
                     root.putChild(path, wsgi_resource)

               ## Redirecting resource
               elif path_config['type'] == 'redirect':
                  redirect_url = path_config['url'].encode('ascii', 'ignore')
                  redirect_resource = RedirectResource(redirect_url)
                  root.putChild(path, redirect_resource)

               ## JSON value resource
               elif path_config['type'] == 'json':
                  value = path_config['value']

                  json_resource = JsonResource(value)
                  root.putChild(path, json_resource)

               ## CGI script resource
               elif path_config['type'] == 'cgi':

                  cgi_processor = path_config['processor']
                  cgi_directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.config.extra.cbdir, path_config['directory']))
                  cgi_directory = cgi_directory.encode('ascii', 'ignore') # http://stackoverflow.com/a/20433918/884770

                  cgi_resource = CgiDirectory(cgi_directory, cgi_processor, Resource404(self._templates, cgi_directory))

                  root.putChild(path, cgi_resource)

               ## WAMP-Longpoll transport resource
               elif path_config['type'] == 'longpoll':

                  path_options = path_config.get('options', {})

                  lp_resource = WampLongPollResource(self.session_factory,
                     timeout = path_options.get('request_timeout', 10),
                     killAfter = path_options.get('session_timeout', 30),
                     queueLimitBytes = path_options.get('queue_limit_bytes', 128 * 1024),
                     queueLimitMessages = path_options.get('queue_limit_messages', 100),
                     debug = path_options.get('debug', False),
                     debug_transport_id = path_options.get('debug_transport_id', None)
                  lp_resource._templates = self._templates

                  root.putChild(path, lp_resource)

               ## Pusher resource
               elif path_config['type'] == 'pusher':

                  ## create a vanilla session: the pusher will use this to inject events
                  pusher_session_config = ComponentConfig(realm = path_config['realm'], extra = None)
                  pusher_session = ApplicationSession(pusher_session_config)

                  ## add the pushing session to the router
                  self.session_factory.add(pusher_session, authrole = path_config.get('role', 'anonymous'))

                  ## now create the pusher Twisted Web resource and add it to resource tree
                  pusher_resource = PusherResource(path_config.get('options', {}), pusher_session)
                  root.putChild(path, pusher_resource)

               ## Schema Docs resource
               elif path_config['type'] == 'schemadoc':

                  realm = path_config['realm']

                  if not realm in self.realm_to_id:
                     raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.no_such_object", "No realm with URI '{}' configured".format(realm))

                  realm_id = self.realm_to_id[realm]

                  realm_schemas = self.realms[realm_id].session._schemas

                  schemadoc_resource = SchemaDocResource(self._templates, realm, realm_schemas)
                  root.putChild(path, schemadoc_resource)

                  raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "invalid Web path type '{}'".format(path_config['type']))

         ## create the actual transport factory
         transport_factory = Site(root)
         transport_factory.noisy = False

         ## Web access logging
         if not options.get('access_log', False):
            transport_factory.log = lambda _: None

         ## Traceback rendering
         transport_factory.displayTracebacks = options.get('display_tracebacks', False)

         ## HSTS
         if options.get('hsts', False):
            if 'tls' in config['endpoint']:
               hsts_max_age = int(options.get('hsts_max_age', 31536000))
               transport_factory.requestFactory = createHSTSRequestFactory(transport_factory.requestFactory, hsts_max_age)
               log.msg("Warning: HSTS requested, but running on non-TLS - skipping HSTS")

         ## enable Hixie-76 on Twisted Web
         if options.get('hixie76_aware', False):
            transport_factory.protocol = HTTPChannelHixie76Aware # needed if Hixie76 is to be supported

         ## should not arrive here, since we did check_transport() in the beginning
         raise Exception("logic error")

      ## create transport endpoint / listening port from transport factory
      d = create_listening_port_from_config(config['endpoint'], transport_factory, self.config.extra.cbdir, reactor)

      def ok(port):
         self.transports[id] = RouterTransport(id, config, transport_factory, port)
         if self.debug:
            log.msg("Router transport '{}'' started and listening".format(id))

      def fail(err):
         emsg = "ERROR: cannot listen on transport endpoint ({})".format(err.value)
         raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.cannot_listen", emsg)

      d.addCallbacks(ok, fail)
      return d
コード例 #10
ファイル: router.py プロジェクト: biddyweb/crossbar
    def create_resource(self, path_config):
        Creates child resource to be added to the parent.

        :param path_config: Configuration for the new child resource.
        :type path_config: dict

        :returns: Resource -- the new child resource
        # WAMP-WebSocket resource
        if path_config['type'] == 'websocket':

            ws_factory = CrossbarWampWebSocketServerFactory(self.session_factory, self.config.extra.cbdir, path_config, self._templates)

            # FIXME: Site.start/stopFactory should start/stop factories wrapped as Resources

            return WebSocketResource(ws_factory)

        # Static file hierarchy resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'static':

            static_options = path_config.get('options', {})

            if 'directory' in path_config:

                static_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.config.extra.cbdir, path_config['directory']))

            elif 'package' in path_config:

                if 'resource' not in path_config:
                    raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing resource")

                    mod = importlib.import_module(path_config['package'])
                except ImportError as e:
                    emsg = "ERROR: could not import resource '{}' from package '{}' - {}".format(path_config['resource'], path_config['package'], e)
                    raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)
                        static_dir = os.path.abspath(pkg_resources.resource_filename(path_config['package'], path_config['resource']))
                    except Exception as e:
                        emsg = "ERROR: could not import resource '{}' from package '{}' - {}".format(path_config['resource'], path_config['package'], e)
                        raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)


                raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing web spec")

            static_dir = static_dir.encode('ascii', 'ignore')  # http://stackoverflow.com/a/20433918/884770

            # create resource for file system hierarchy
            if static_options.get('enable_directory_listing', False):
                static_resource_class = StaticResource
                static_resource_class = StaticResourceNoListing

            cache_timeout = static_options.get('cache_timeout', DEFAULT_CACHE_TIMEOUT)

            static_resource = static_resource_class(static_dir, cache_timeout=cache_timeout)

            # set extra MIME types
            if 'mime_types' in static_options:

            # render 404 page on any concrete path not found
            static_resource.childNotFound = Resource404(self._templates, static_dir)

            return static_resource

        # WSGI resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'wsgi':

            if not _HAS_WSGI:
                raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "WSGI unsupported")

            # wsgi_options = path_config.get('options', {})

            if 'module' not in path_config:
                raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing WSGI app module")

            if 'object' not in path_config:
                raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "missing WSGI app object")

            # import WSGI app module and object
            mod_name = path_config['module']
                mod = importlib.import_module(mod_name)
            except ImportError as e:
                raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "WSGI app module '{}' import failed: {} - Python search path was {}".format(mod_name, e, sys.path))
                obj_name = path_config['object']
                if obj_name not in mod.__dict__:
                    raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "WSGI app object '{}' not in module '{}'".format(obj_name, mod_name))
                    app = getattr(mod, obj_name)

            # create a Twisted Web WSGI resource from the user's WSGI application object
                wsgi_resource = WSGIResource(reactor, reactor.getThreadPool(), app)
            except Exception as e:
                raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "could not instantiate WSGI resource: {}".format(e))
                return wsgi_resource

        # Redirecting resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'redirect':
            redirect_url = path_config['url'].encode('ascii', 'ignore')
            return RedirectResource(redirect_url)

        # JSON value resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'json':
            value = path_config['value']

            return JsonResource(value)

        # CGI script resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'cgi':

            cgi_processor = path_config['processor']
            cgi_directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.config.extra.cbdir, path_config['directory']))
            cgi_directory = cgi_directory.encode('ascii', 'ignore')  # http://stackoverflow.com/a/20433918/884770

            return CgiDirectory(cgi_directory, cgi_processor, Resource404(self._templates, cgi_directory))

        # WAMP-Longpoll transport resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'longpoll':

            path_options = path_config.get('options', {})

            lp_resource = WampLongPollResource(self.session_factory,
                                               timeout=path_options.get('request_timeout', 10),
                                               killAfter=path_options.get('session_timeout', 30),
                                               queueLimitBytes=path_options.get('queue_limit_bytes', 128 * 1024),
                                               queueLimitMessages=path_options.get('queue_limit_messages', 100),
                                               debug=path_options.get('debug', False),
                                               debug_transport_id=path_options.get('debug_transport_id', None)
            lp_resource._templates = self._templates

            return lp_resource

        # Publisher resource (part of REST-bridge)
        elif path_config['type'] == 'publisher':

            # create a vanilla session: the publisher will use this to inject events
            publisher_session_config = ComponentConfig(realm=path_config['realm'], extra=None)
            publisher_session = ApplicationSession(publisher_session_config)

            # add the publisher session to the router
            self.session_factory.add(publisher_session, authrole=path_config.get('role', 'anonymous'))

            # now create the publisher Twisted Web resource
            return PublisherResource(path_config.get('options', {}), publisher_session)

        # Caller resource (part of REST-bridge)
        elif path_config['type'] == 'caller':

            # create a vanilla session: the caller will use this to inject calls
            caller_session_config = ComponentConfig(realm=path_config['realm'], extra=None)
            caller_session = ApplicationSession(caller_session_config)

            # add the calling session to the router
            self.session_factory.add(caller_session, authrole=path_config.get('role', 'anonymous'))

            # now create the caller Twisted Web resource
            return CallerResource(path_config.get('options', {}), caller_session)

        # Schema Docs resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'schemadoc':

            realm = path_config['realm']

            if realm not in self.realm_to_id:
                raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.no_such_object", "No realm with URI '{}' configured".format(realm))

            realm_id = self.realm_to_id[realm]

            realm_schemas = self.realms[realm_id].session._schemas

            return SchemaDocResource(self._templates, realm, realm_schemas)

        # Nested subpath resource
        elif path_config['type'] == 'path':

            nested_paths = path_config.get('paths', {})

            if '/' in nested_paths:
                nested_resource = self.create_resource(nested_paths['/'])
                nested_resource = Resource()

            # nest subpaths under the current entry
            self.add_paths(nested_resource, nested_paths)

            return nested_resource

            raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "invalid Web path type '{}'".format(path_config['type']))