コード例 #1
class NN_tb3():
    def __init__(self, env, env_config, policy):

        self.env = env
        self.env_config = env_config
        # configure robot
        self.robot = Robot(env_config, 'robot')

        self.env.set_robot(self.robot)  #pass robot parameters into env
        self.ob = env.reset(
            'test', 1
        )  #intial some parameters from .config file such as time_step,success_reward for other instances
        self.policy = policy
        # for subscribers
        self.pose = PoseStamped()
        self.vel = Vector3()
        self.psi = 0.0

        # for publishers
        self.global_goal = PoseStamped()
        self.goal = PoseStamped()
        self.desired_position = PoseStamped()
        self.desired_action = np.zeros((2, ))

        # # publishers
        self.pub_twist = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=1)
        self.pub_pose_marker = rospy.Publisher('', Marker, queue_size=1)
        # self.pub_agent_markers = rospy.Publisher('~agent_markers',MarkerArray,queue_size=1)
        # self.pub_path_marker = rospy.Publisher('~path_marker',Marker,queue_size=1)
        # self.pub_goal_path_marker = rospy.Publisher('~goal_path_marker',Marker,queue_size=1)
        # # sub
        self.sub_pose = rospy.Subscriber('/odom', Odometry, self.cbPose)
        self.sub_global_goal = rospy.Subscriber('/goal', PoseStamped,
        # self.sub_subgoal = rospy.Subscriber('~subgoal',PoseStamped, self.cbSubGoal)

        # subgoals
        self.sub_goal = Vector3()

        # self.sub_clusters = rospy.Subscriber('~clusters',Clusters, self.cbClusters)

        # control timer
        # self.control_timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.01),self.cbControl)
        self.nn_timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.3),

    def cbGlobalGoal(self, msg):
        self.stop_moving_flag = True
        self.new_global_goal_received = True
        self.global_goal = msg
        self.goal.pose.position.x = msg.pose.position.x
        self.goal.pose.position.y = msg.pose.position.y
        self.goal.header = msg.header

        # reset subgoals
        print("new goal: " +
              str([self.goal.pose.position.x, self.goal.pose.position.y]))

    def cbSubGoal(self, msg):
        self.sub_goal.x = msg.pose.position.x
        self.sub_goal.y = msg.pose.position.y
        # print "new subgoal: "+str(self.sub_goal)

    def cbPose(self, msg):
        q = msg.pose.pose.orientation
        self.psi = np.arctan2(2.0 * (q.w * q.z + q.x * q.y), 1 - 2 *
                              (q.y * q.y + q.z * q.z))  # bounded by [-pi, pi]
        self.pose = msg.pose
        # self.visualize_pose(msg.pose.pose.position,msg.pose.pose.orientation)

    def cbVel(self, msg):
        self.vel = msg.twist.twist.linear

    def cbClusters(self, msg):
        other_agents = []

        xs = []
        ys = []
        radii = []
        labels = []
        num_clusters = len(msg.labels)

        for i in range(num_clusters):
            index = msg.labels[i]
            x = msg.mean_points[i].x
            y = msg.mean_points[i].y
            v_x = msg.velocities[i].x
            v_y = msg.velocities[i].y
            radius = self.obst_rad

            # self.visualize_other_agent(x,y,radius,msg.labels[i])
            # helper fields
            heading_angle = np.arctan2(v_y, v_x)
            pref_speed = np.linalg.norm(np.array([v_x, v_y]))
            goal_x = x + 5.0
            goal_y = y + 5.0

            if pref_speed < 0.2:
                pref_speed = 0
                v_x = 0
                v_y = 0
                agent.Agent(x, y, goal_x, goal_y, radius, pref_speed,
                            heading_angle, index))
        self.visualize_other_agents(xs, ys, radii, labels)
        self.other_agents_state = other_agents

    def stop_moving(self):
        twist = Twist()

    def update_action(self, action):
        # print 'update action'
        self.desired_action = action
        self.desired_position.pose.position.x = self.pose.pose.position.x + 1 * action[
            0] * np.cos(action[1])
        self.desired_position.pose.position.y = self.pose.pose.position.y + 1 * action[
            0] * np.sin(action[1])

    def cbControl(self, event):

        if self.goal.header.stamp == rospy.Time(
        ) or self.stop_moving_flag and not self.new_global_goal_received:
        elif self.operation_mode.mode == self.operation_mode.NN:
            desired_yaw = self.desired_action[1]
            yaw_error = desired_yaw - self.psi
            if abs(yaw_error) > np.pi:
                yaw_error -= np.sign(yaw_error) * 2 * np.pi

            gain = 1.3  # canon: 2
            vw = gain * yaw_error

            use_d_min = True
            if False:  # canon: True
                # use_d_min = True
                # print "vmax:", self.find_vmax(self.d_min,yaw_error)
                vx = min(self.desired_action[0],
                         self.find_vmax(self.d_min, yaw_error))
                vx = self.desired_action[0]

            twist = Twist()
            twist.angular.z = vw
            twist.linear.x = vx

        elif self.operation_mode.mode == self.operation_mode.SPIN_IN_PLACE:
            print('Spinning in place.')
            self.stop_moving_flag = False
            angle_to_goal = np.arctan2(self.global_goal.pose.position.y - self.pose.pose.position.y, \
                self.global_goal.pose.position.x - self.pose.pose.position.x)
            global_yaw_error = self.psi - angle_to_goal
            if abs(global_yaw_error) > 0.5:
                vx = 0.0
                vw = 1.0
                twist = Twist()
                twist.angular.z = vw
                twist.linear.x = vx
                # print twist
                print('Done spinning in place')
                self.operation_mode.mode = self.operation_mode.NN
                # self.new_global_goal_received = False

    def cbComputeActionCrowdNav(self, event):
        robot_x = self.pose.pose.position.x
        robot_y = self.pose.pose.position.y
        # goal
        goal_x = self.global_goal.pose.position.x
        goal_y = self.global_goal.pose.position.x
        # velocity
        robot_vx = self.vel.x
        robot_vy = self.vel.y
        # oriantation
        theta = self.psi
        robot_radius = 0.3

        # set robot info
        self.robot.set(robot_x, robot_y, goal_x, goal_y, robot_vx, robot_vy,
                       theta, robot_radius)

        # obstacle: position, velocity, radius
        # position
        # obstacle_x = [0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5]
        # obstacle_y = [0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5]
        # # velocity
        # obstacle_vx = [0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5]
        # obstacle_vy = [0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5]

        obstacle_x = [-6.0, -6.0, -6.0, -6.0, -6.0]
        obstacle_y = [-6.0, -6.0, -6.0, -6.0, -6.0]
        # velocity
        obstacle_vx = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        obstacle_vy = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        obstacle_radius = 0.3

        # initial obstacle instances and set value
        for i in range(self.env_config.getint('sim', 'human_num')):
            self.env.humans[i].set(obstacle_x[i], obstacle_y[i], goal_x,
                                   goal_y, obstacle_vx[i], obstacle_vy[i],
                                   theta, obstacle_radius)
            self.ob[i] = self.env.humans[i].get_observable_state()

        # ************************************ Output ************************************
        # get action info
        action = self.robot.act(self.ob)
        position = self.robot.get_observable_state()
        print('\n---------\nrobot position (X,Y):', position.position)

        # self.update_action(action)

    def update_subgoal(self, subgoal):
        self.goal.pose.position.x = subgoal[0]
        self.goal.pose.position.y = subgoal[1]

    def visualize_pose(self, pos, orientation):
        # Yellow Box for Vehicle
        marker = Marker()
        marker.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        marker.header.frame_id = 'map'
        marker.ns = 'agent'
        marker.id = 0
        marker.type = marker.CUBE
        marker.action = marker.ADD
        marker.pose.position = pos
        marker.pose.orientation = orientation
        marker.scale = Vector3(x=0.7, y=0.42, z=1)
        marker.color = ColorRGBA(r=1.0, g=1.0, a=1.0)
        marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration(1.0)

        # Red track for trajectory over time
        marker = Marker()
        marker.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        marker.header.frame_id = 'map'
        marker.ns = 'agent'
        marker.id = self.num_poses
        marker.type = marker.CUBE
        marker.action = marker.ADD
        marker.pose.position = pos
        marker.pose.orientation = orientation
        marker.scale = Vector3(x=0.2, y=0.2, z=0.2)
        marker.color = ColorRGBA(r=1.0, a=1.0)
        marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration(10.0)

    def on_shutdown(self):
        rospy.loginfo("[%s] Shutting down.")
        rospy.loginfo("Stopped %s's velocity.")
コード例 #2
ファイル: demo.py プロジェクト: tzhaojustdoit/arena-rosnav
# robot: position, goal, radius, x_velocity, y_velocity, theta, radius
# position
robot_x = 0.1
robot_y = 0.1
# goal
goal_x = 1
goal_y = 1
# velocity
robot_vx = 1
robot_vy = 2
# oriantation
theta = 1
robot_radius = 0.3

# set robot info
robot.set(robot_x, robot_y, goal_x, goal_y, robot_vx, robot_vy, theta, robot_radius)

# obstacle: position, velocity, radius
# position
obstacle_x = [0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5]
obstacle_y = [0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5]
# velocity
obstacle_vx = [0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5]
obstacle_vy = [0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5]
obstacle_radius = 0.3

# initial obstacle instances and set value
for i in range(env_config.getint('sim','human_num')):
    env.humans[i].set(obstacle_x[i], obstacle_y[i], goal_x,goal_y, obstacle_vx[i], obstacle_vy[i], theta, obstacle_radius)
    ob[i]= env.humans[i].get_observable_state()
コード例 #3
ファイル: crowd_sim.py プロジェクト: EcustBoy/CrowdNav_DSRNN
class CrowdSim(gym.Env):
    def __init__(self):
        Movement simulation for n+1 agents
        Agent can either be human or robot.
        humans are controlled by a unknown and fixed policy.
        robot is controlled by a known and learnable policy.
        self.time_limit = None
        self.time_step = None
        self.robot = None  # a Robot instance representing the robot
        self.humans = None  # a list of Human instances, representing all humans in the environment
        self.global_time = None

        # reward function
        self.success_reward = None
        self.collision_penalty = None
        self.discomfort_dist = None
        self.discomfort_dist_front = None
        self.discomfort_penalty_factor = None
        # simulation configuration
        self.config = None
        self.case_capacity = None
        self.case_size = None
        self.case_counter = None
        self.randomize_attributes = None

        self.circle_radius = None
        self.human_num = None

        self.action_space = None
        self.observation_space = None

        # limit FOV
        self.robot_fov = None
        self.human_fov = None

        self.dummy_human = None
        self.dummy_robot = None

        self.thisSeed = None  # the seed will be set when the env is created

        self.nenv = None  # the number of env will be set when the env is created.
        # Because the human crossing cases are controlled by random seed, we will calculate unique random seed for each
        # parallel env.

        self.phase = None  # set the phase to be train, val or test
        self.test_case = None  # the test case ID, which will be used to calculate a seed to generate a human crossing case

        # for render
        self.render_axis = None

        self.humans = []

        self.potential = None

    def configure(self, config):
        self.config = config

        self.time_limit = config.env.time_limit
        self.time_step = config.env.time_step
        self.randomize_attributes = config.env.randomize_attributes

        self.success_reward = config.reward.success_reward
        self.collision_penalty = config.reward.collision_penalty
        self.discomfort_dist = config.reward.discomfort_dist_back
        self.discomfort_dist_front = config.reward.discomfort_dist_front
        self.discomfort_penalty_factor = config.reward.discomfort_penalty_factor

        if self.config.humans.policy == 'orca' or self.config.humans.policy == 'social_force':
            self.case_capacity = {
                'train': np.iinfo(np.uint32).max - 2000,
                'val': 1000,
                'test': 1000
            self.case_size = {
                'train': np.iinfo(np.uint32).max - 2000,
                'val': self.config.env.val_size,
                'test': self.config.env.test_size
            self.circle_radius = config.sim.circle_radius
            self.human_num = config.sim.human_num
            self.group_human = config.sim.group_human

            raise NotImplementedError
        self.case_counter = {'train': 0, 'test': 0, 'val': 0}

        logging.info('human number: {}'.format(self.human_num))
        if self.randomize_attributes:
            logging.info("Randomize human's radius and preferred speed")
            logging.info("Not randomize human's radius and preferred speed")

        logging.info('Circle width: {}'.format(self.circle_radius))

        self.robot_fov = np.pi * config.robot.FOV
        self.human_fov = np.pi * config.humans.FOV
        logging.info('robot FOV %f', self.robot_fov)
        logging.info('humans FOV %f', self.human_fov)

        # set dummy human and dummy robot
        # dummy humans, used if any human is not in view of other agents
        self.dummy_human = Human(self.config, 'humans')
        # if a human is not in view, set its state to (px = 100, py = 100, vx = 0, vy = 0, theta = 0, radius = 0)
        self.dummy_human.set(7, 7, 7, 7, 0, 0, 0)  # (7, 7, 7, 7, 0, 0, 0)
        self.dummy_human.time_step = config.env.time_step

        self.dummy_robot = Robot(self.config, 'robot')
        self.dummy_robot.set(7, 7, 7, 7, 0, 0, 0)
        self.dummy_robot.time_step = config.env.time_step
        self.dummy_robot.kinematics = 'holonomic'
        self.dummy_robot.policy = ORCA(config)

        self.r = self.config.humans.radius

        # configure noise in state
        self.add_noise = config.noise.add_noise
        if self.add_noise:
            self.noise_type = config.noise.type
            self.noise_magnitude = config.noise.magnitude

        # configure randomized goal changing of humans midway through episode
        self.random_goal_changing = config.humans.random_goal_changing
        if self.random_goal_changing:
            self.goal_change_chance = config.humans.goal_change_chance

        # configure randomized goal changing of humans after reaching their respective goals
        self.end_goal_changing = config.humans.end_goal_changing
        if self.end_goal_changing:
            self.end_goal_change_chance = config.humans.end_goal_change_chance

        # configure randomized radii changing when reaching goals
        self.random_radii = config.humans.random_radii

        # configure randomized v_pref changing when reaching goals
        self.random_v_pref = config.humans.random_v_pref

        # configure randomized goal changing of humans after reaching their respective goals
        self.random_unobservability = config.humans.random_unobservability
        if self.random_unobservability:
            self.unobservable_chance = config.humans.unobservable_chance

        self.last_human_states = np.zeros((self.human_num, 5))

        # configure randomized policy changing of humans every episode
        self.random_policy_changing = config.humans.random_policy_changing

        # set robot for this envs
        rob_RL = Robot(config, 'robot')


    def set_robot(self, robot):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def generate_random_human_position(self, human_num):
        Generate human position: generate start position on a circle, goal position is at the opposite side
        :param human_num:
        # initial min separation distance to avoid danger penalty at beginning
        for i in range(human_num):

    # return a static human in env
    # position: (px, py) for fixed position, or None for random position
    def generate_circle_static_obstacle(self, position=None):
        # generate a human with radius = 0.3, v_pref = 1, visible = True, and policy = orca
        human = Human(self.config, 'humans')
        # For fixed position
        if position:
            px, py = position
        # For random position
            while True:
                angle = np.random.random() * np.pi * 2
                # add some noise to simulate all the possible cases robot could meet with human
                v_pref = 1.0 if human.v_pref == 0 else human.v_pref
                px_noise = (np.random.random() - 0.5) * v_pref
                py_noise = (np.random.random() - 0.5) * v_pref
                px = self.circle_radius * np.cos(angle) + px_noise
                py = self.circle_radius * np.sin(angle) + py_noise
                collide = False
                for agent in [self.robot] + self.humans:
                    min_dist = human.radius + agent.radius + self.discomfort_dist
                    if norm((px - agent.px, py - agent.py)) < min_dist or \
                                    norm((px - agent.gx, py - agent.gy)) < min_dist:
                        collide = True
                if not collide:

        # make it a static obstacle
        # px, py, gx, gy, vx, vy, theta
        human.set(px, py, px, py, 0, 0, 0, v_pref=0)
        return human

    def generate_circle_crossing_human(self):
        human = Human(self.config, 'humans')
        if self.randomize_attributes:

        while True:
            angle = np.random.random() * np.pi * 2
            # add some noise to simulate all the possible cases robot could meet with human
            v_pref = 1.0 if human.v_pref == 0 else human.v_pref
            px_noise = (np.random.random() - 0.5) * v_pref
            py_noise = (np.random.random() - 0.5) * v_pref
            px = self.circle_radius * np.cos(angle) + px_noise
            py = self.circle_radius * np.sin(angle) + py_noise
            collide = False

            if self.group_human:
                collide = self.check_collision_group((px, py), human.radius)

                for i, agent in enumerate([self.robot] + self.humans):
                    # keep human at least 3 meters away from robot
                    if self.robot.kinematics == 'unicycle' and i == 0:
                        min_dist = self.circle_radius / 2  # Todo: if circle_radius <= 4, it will get stuck here
                        min_dist = human.radius + agent.radius + self.discomfort_dist
                    if norm((px - agent.px, py - agent.py)) < min_dist or \
                            norm((px - agent.gx, py - agent.gy)) < min_dist:
                        collide = True
            if not collide:

        # px = np.random.uniform(-6, 6)
        # py = np.random.uniform(-3, 3.5)
        # human.set(px, py, px, py, 0, 0, 0)
        human.set(px, py, -px, -py, 0, 0, 0)
        return human

    # add noise according to env.config to state
    def apply_noise(self, ob):
        if isinstance(ob[0], ObservableState):
            for i in range(len(ob)):
                if self.noise_type == 'uniform':
                    noise = np.random.uniform(-self.noise_magnitude,
                                              self.noise_magnitude, 5)
                elif self.noise_type == 'gaussian':
                    noise = np.random.normal(size=5)
                    print('noise type not defined')
                ob[i].px = ob[i].px + noise[0]
                ob[i].py = ob[i].px + noise[1]
                ob[i].vx = ob[i].px + noise[2]
                ob[i].vy = ob[i].px + noise[3]
                ob[i].radius = ob[i].px + noise[4]
            return ob
            if self.noise_type == 'uniform':
                noise = np.random.uniform(-self.noise_magnitude,
                                          self.noise_magnitude, len(ob))
            elif self.noise_type == 'gaussian':
                noise = np.random.normal(size=len(ob))
                print('noise type not defined')
                noise = [0] * len(ob)

            return ob + noise

    # update the robot belief of human states
    # if a human is visible, its state is updated to its current ground truth state
    # else we assume it keeps going in a straight line with last observed velocity
    def update_last_human_states(self, human_visibility, reset):
        update the self.last_human_states array
        human_visibility: list of booleans returned by get_human_in_fov (e.x. [T, F, F, T, F])
        reset: True if this function is called by reset, False if called by step
        # keep the order of 5 humans at each timestep
        for i in range(self.human_num):
            if human_visibility[i]:
                humanS = np.array(self.humans[i].get_observable_state_list())
                self.last_human_states[i, :] = humanS

                if reset:
                    humanS = np.array([15., 15., 0., 0., 0.3])
                    self.last_human_states[i, :] = humanS

                    px, py, vx, vy, r = self.last_human_states[i, :]
                    # Plan A: linear approximation of human's next position
                    px = px + vx * self.time_step
                    py = py + vy * self.time_step
                    self.last_human_states[i, :] = np.array(
                        [px, py, vx, vy, r])

                    # Plan B: assume the human doesn't move, use last observation
                    # self.last_human_states[i, :] = np.array([px, py, 0., 0., r])

    # return the ground truth locations of all humans
    def get_true_human_states(self):
        true_human_states = np.zeros((self.human_num, 2))
        for i in range(self.human_num):
            humanS = np.array(self.humans[i].get_observable_state_list())
            true_human_states[i, :] = humanS[:2]
        return true_human_states

    def randomize_human_policies(self):
        Randomize the moving humans' policies to be either orca or social force
        for human in self.humans:
            if not human.isObstacle:
                new_policy = random.choice(['orca', 'social_force'])
                new_policy = policy_factory[new_policy]()

    # Generates group of circum_num humans in a circle formation at a random viable location
    def generate_circle_group_obstacle(self, circum_num):
        group_circumference = self.config.getfloat('humans',
                                                   'radius') * 2 * circum_num
        # print("group circum: ", group_circumference)
        group_radius = group_circumference / (2 * np.pi)
        # print("group radius: ", group_radius)
        while True:
            rand_cen_x = np.random.uniform(-3, 3)
            rand_cen_y = np.random.uniform(-3, 3)
            success = True
            for i, group in enumerate(self.circle_groups):
                # print(i)
                dist_between_groups = np.sqrt((rand_cen_x - group[1])**2 +
                                              (rand_cen_y - group[2])**2)
                sum_radius = group_radius + group[
                    0] + 2 * self.config.getfloat('humans', 'radius')
                if dist_between_groups < sum_radius:
                    success = False
            if success:
                # print("------------\nsuccessfully found valid x: ", rand_cen_x, " y: ", rand_cen_y)
        self.circle_groups.append((group_radius, rand_cen_x, rand_cen_y))

        # print("current groups:")
        # for i in self.circle_groups:
        #     print(i)

        arc = 2 * np.pi / circum_num
        for i in range(circum_num):
            angle = arc * i
            curr_x = rand_cen_x + group_radius * np.cos(angle)
            curr_y = rand_cen_y + group_radius * np.sin(angle)
            point = (curr_x, curr_y)
            # print("adding circle point: ", point)
            curr_human = self.generate_circle_static_obstacle(point)
            curr_human.isObstacle = True


    # given an agent's xy location and radius, check whether it collides with all other humans
    # including the circle group and moving humans
    # return True if collision, False if no collision
    def check_collision_group(self, pos, radius):
        # check circle groups
        for r, x, y in self.circle_groups:
            if np.linalg.norm(
                [pos[0] - x, pos[1] - y]
            ) <= r + radius + 2 * 0.5:  # use 0.5 because it's the max radius of human
                return True

        # check moving humans
        for human in self.humans:
            if human.isObstacle:
                if np.linalg.norm([pos[0] - human.px, pos[1] - human.py
                                   ]) <= human.radius + radius:
                    return True
        return False

    # check collision between robot goal position and circle groups
    def check_collision_group_goal(self, pos, radius):
        # print('check goal', len(self.circle_groups))
        collision = False
        # check circle groups
        for r, x, y in self.circle_groups:
            # print(np.linalg.norm([pos[0] - x, pos[1] - y]), r + radius + 4 * 0.5)
            if np.linalg.norm(
                [pos[0] - x, pos[1] - y]
            ) <= r + radius + 4 * 0.5:  # use 0.5 because it's the max radius of human
                collision = True
        return collision

    # set robot initial state and generate all humans for reset function
    # for crowd nav: human_num == self.human_num
    # for leader follower: human_num = self.human_num - 1
    def generate_robot_humans(self, phase, human_num=None):
        if human_num is None:
            human_num = self.human_num
        # for Group environment
        if self.group_human:
            # set the robot in a dummy far away location to avoid collision with humans
            self.robot.set(10, 10, 10, 10, 0, 0, np.pi / 2)

            # generate humans
            self.circle_groups = []
            humans_left = human_num

            while humans_left > 0:
                # print("****************\nhumans left: ", humans_left)
                if humans_left <= 4:
                    if phase in ['train', 'val']:
                    humans_left = 0
                    if humans_left < 10:
                        max_rand = humans_left
                        max_rand = 10
                    # print("randint from 4 to ", max_rand)
                    circum_num = np.random.randint(4, max_rand)
                    # print("circum num: ", circum_num)
                    humans_left -= circum_num

            # randomize starting position and goal position while keeping the distance of goal to be > 6
            # set the robot on a circle with radius 5.5 randomly
            rand_angle = np.random.uniform(0, np.pi * 2)
            # print('rand angle:', rand_angle)
            increment_angle = 0.0
            while True:
                px_r = np.cos(rand_angle + increment_angle) * 5.5
                py_r = np.sin(rand_angle + increment_angle) * 5.5
                # check whether the initial px and py collides with any human
                collision = self.check_collision_group((px_r, py_r),
                # if the robot goal does not fall into any human groups, the goal is okay, otherwise keep generating the goal
                if not collision:
                    #print('initial pos angle:', rand_angle+increment_angle)
                increment_angle = increment_angle + 0.2

            increment_angle = increment_angle + np.pi  # start at opposite side of the circle
            while True:
                gx = np.cos(rand_angle + increment_angle) * 5.5
                gy = np.sin(rand_angle + increment_angle) * 5.5
                # check whether the goal is inside the human groups
                # check whether the initial px and py collides with any human
                collision = self.check_collision_group_goal((gx, gy),
                # if the robot goal does not fall into any human groups, the goal is okay, otherwise keep generating the goal
                if not collision:
                    # print('goal pos angle:', rand_angle + increment_angle)
                increment_angle = increment_angle + 0.2

            self.robot.set(px_r, py_r, gx, gy, 0, 0, np.pi / 2)

        # for FoV environment
            if self.robot.kinematics == 'unicycle':
                angle = np.random.uniform(0, np.pi * 2)
                px = self.circle_radius * np.cos(angle)
                py = self.circle_radius * np.sin(angle)
                while True:
                    gx, gy = np.random.uniform(-self.circle_radius,
                                               self.circle_radius, 2)
                    if np.linalg.norm([px - gx, py - gy]) >= 6:  # 1 was 6
                self.robot.set(px, py, gx, gy, 0, 0,
                                   0, 2 * np.pi))  # randomize init orientation

            # randomize starting position and goal position
                while True:
                    px, py, gx, gy = np.random.uniform(-self.circle_radius,
                                                       self.circle_radius, 4)
                    if np.linalg.norm([px - gx, py - gy]) >= 6:
                self.robot.set(px, py, gx, gy, 0, 0, np.pi / 2)

            # generate humans

    def reset(self, phase='train', test_case=None):
        Set px, py, gx, gy, vx, vy, theta for robot and humans

        if self.phase is not None:
            phase = self.phase
        if self.test_case is not None:
            test_case = self.test_case

        if self.robot is None:
            raise AttributeError('robot has to be set!')
        assert phase in ['train', 'val', 'test']
        if test_case is not None:
                phase] = test_case  # test case is passed in to calculate specific seed to generate case
        self.global_time = 0

        self.humans = []
        # train, val, and test phase should start with different seed.
        # case capacity: the maximum number for train(max possible int -2000), val(1000), and test(1000)
        # val start from seed=0, test start from seed=case_capacity['val']=1000
        # train start from self.case_capacity['val'] + self.case_capacity['test']=2000
        counter_offset = {
            'train': self.case_capacity['val'] + self.case_capacity['test'],
            'val': 0,
            'test': self.case_capacity['val']

        np.random.seed(counter_offset[phase] + self.case_counter[phase] +


        # If configured to randomize human policies, do so
        if self.random_policy_changing:

        for agent in [self.robot] + self.humans:
            agent.time_step = self.time_step
            agent.policy.time_step = self.time_step

        # case size is used to make sure that the case_counter is always between 0 and case_size[phase]
        self.case_counter[phase] = (self.case_counter[phase] +
                                    int(1 * self.nenv)) % self.case_size[phase]

        # get current observation
        ob = self.generate_ob(reset=True)

        # initialize potential
        self.potential = -abs(
                np.array([self.robot.px, self.robot.py]) -
                np.array([self.robot.gx, self.robot.gy])))

        return ob

    # Update the humans' end goals in the environment
    # Produces valid end goals for each human
    def update_human_goals_randomly(self):
        # Update humans' goals randomly
        for human in self.humans:
            if human.isObstacle or human.v_pref == 0:
            if np.random.random() <= self.goal_change_chance:
                if not self.group_human:  # to improve the runtime
                    humans_copy = []
                    for h in self.humans:
                        if h != human:

                # Produce valid goal for human in case of circle setting
                while True:
                    angle = np.random.random() * np.pi * 2
                    # add some noise to simulate all the possible cases robot could meet with human
                    v_pref = 1.0 if human.v_pref == 0 else human.v_pref
                    gx_noise = (np.random.random() - 0.5) * v_pref
                    gy_noise = (np.random.random() - 0.5) * v_pref
                    gx = self.circle_radius * np.cos(angle) + gx_noise
                    gy = self.circle_radius * np.sin(angle) + gy_noise
                    collide = False

                    if self.group_human:
                        collide = self.check_collision_group((gx, gy),
                        for agent in [self.robot] + humans_copy:
                            min_dist = human.radius + agent.radius + self.discomfort_dist
                            if norm((gx - agent.px, gy - agent.py)) < min_dist or \
                                    norm((gx - agent.gx, gy - agent.gy)) < min_dist:
                                collide = True
                    if not collide:

                # Give human new goal
                human.gx = gx
                human.gy = gy

    # Update the specified human's end goals in the environment randomly
    def update_human_goal(self, human):

        # Update human's goals randomly
        if np.random.random() <= self.end_goal_change_chance:
            if not self.group_human:
                humans_copy = []
                for h in self.humans:
                    if h != human:

            # Update human's radius now that it's reached goal
            if self.random_radii:
                human.radius += np.random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1)

            # Update human's v_pref now that it's reached goal
            if self.random_v_pref:
                human.v_pref += np.random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1)

            while True:
                angle = np.random.random() * np.pi * 2
                # add some noise to simulate all the possible cases robot could meet with human
                v_pref = 1.0 if human.v_pref == 0 else human.v_pref
                gx_noise = (np.random.random() - 0.5) * v_pref
                gy_noise = (np.random.random() - 0.5) * v_pref
                gx = self.circle_radius * np.cos(angle) + gx_noise
                gy = self.circle_radius * np.sin(angle) + gy_noise
                collide = False
                if self.group_human:
                    collide = self.check_collision_group((gx, gy),
                    for agent in [self.robot] + humans_copy:
                        min_dist = human.radius + agent.radius + self.discomfort_dist
                        if norm((gx - agent.px, gy - agent.py)) < min_dist or \
                                norm((gx - agent.gx, gy - agent.gy)) < min_dist:
                            collide = True
                if not collide:

            # Give human new goal
            human.gx = gx
            human.gy = gy

    # Caculate whether agent2 is in agent1's FOV
    # Not the same as whether agent1 is in agent2's FOV!!!!
    # arguments:
    # state1, state2: can be agent instance OR state instance
    # robot1: is True if state1 is robot, else is False
    # return value:
    # return True if state2 is visible to state1, else return False
    def detect_visible(self, state1, state2, robot1=False, custom_fov=None):
        if self.robot.kinematics == 'holonomic':
            real_theta = np.arctan2(state1.vy, state1.vx)
            real_theta = state1.theta
        # angle of center line of FOV of agent1
        v_fov = [np.cos(real_theta), np.sin(real_theta)]

        # angle between agent1 and agent2
        v_12 = [state2.px - state1.px, state2.py - state1.py]
        # angle between center of FOV and agent 2

        v_fov = v_fov / np.linalg.norm(v_fov)
        v_12 = v_12 / np.linalg.norm(v_12)

        offset = np.arccos(np.clip(np.dot(v_fov, v_12), a_min=-1, a_max=1))
        if custom_fov:
            fov = custom_fov
            if robot1:
                fov = self.robot_fov
                fov = self.human_fov

        if np.abs(offset) <= fov / 2:
            return True
            return False

    # for robot:
    # return only visible humans to robot and number of visible humans and visible humans' ids (0 to 4)
    def get_num_human_in_fov(self):
        human_ids = []
        humans_in_view = []
        num_humans_in_view = 0

        for i in range(self.human_num):
            visible = self.detect_visible(self.robot,
            if visible:
                num_humans_in_view = num_humans_in_view + 1

        return humans_in_view, num_humans_in_view, human_ids

    # convert an np array with length = 34 to a JointState object
    def array_to_jointstate(self, obs_list):
        fullstate = FullState(obs_list[0], obs_list[1], obs_list[2],
                              obs_list[3], obs_list[4], obs_list[5],
                              obs_list[6], obs_list[7], obs_list[8])

        observable_states = []
        for k in range(self.human_num):
            idx = 9 + k * 5
                ObservableState(obs_list[idx], obs_list[idx + 1],
                                obs_list[idx + 2], obs_list[idx + 3],
                                obs_list[idx + 4]))
        state = JointState(fullstate, observable_states)
        return state

    def last_human_states_obj(self):
        convert self.last_human_states to a list of observable state objects for old algorithms to use
        humans = []
        for i in range(self.human_num):
            h = ObservableState(*self.last_human_states[i])
        return humans

    # find R(s, a)
    def calc_reward(self, action):
        # collision detection
        dmin = float('inf')

        danger_dists = []
        collision = False

        for i, human in enumerate(self.humans):
            dx = human.px - self.robot.px
            dy = human.py - self.robot.py
            closest_dist = (dx**2 +
                            dy**2)**(1 / 2) - human.radius - self.robot.radius

            if closest_dist < self.discomfort_dist:
            if closest_dist < 0:
                collision = True
                # logging.debug("Collision: distance between robot and p{} is {:.2E}".format(i, closest_dist))
            elif closest_dist < dmin:
                dmin = closest_dist

        # check if reaching the goal
        reaching_goal = norm(
            np.array(self.robot.get_position()) -
            np.array(self.robot.get_goal_position())) < self.robot.radius

        if self.global_time >= self.time_limit - 1:
            reward = 0
            done = True
            episode_info = Timeout()
        elif collision:
            reward = self.collision_penalty
            done = True
            episode_info = Collision()
        elif reaching_goal:
            reward = self.success_reward
            done = True
            episode_info = ReachGoal()

        elif dmin < self.discomfort_dist:
            # only penalize agent for getting too close if it's visible
            # adjust the reward based on FPS
            # print(dmin)
            reward = (dmin - self.discomfort_dist
                      ) * self.discomfort_penalty_factor * self.time_step
            done = False
            episode_info = Danger(dmin)

            # potential reward
            potential_cur = np.linalg.norm(
                np.array([self.robot.px, self.robot.py]) -
            reward = 2 * (-abs(potential_cur) - self.potential)
            self.potential = -abs(potential_cur)

            done = False
            episode_info = Nothing()

        # if the robot is near collision/arrival, it should be able to turn a large angle
        if self.robot.kinematics == 'unicycle':
            # add a rotational penalty
            # if action.r is w, factor = -0.02 if w in [-1.5, 1.5], factor = -0.045 if w in [-1, 1];
            # if action.r is delta theta, factor = -2 if r in [-0.15, 0.15], factor = -4.5 if r in [-0.1, 0.1]
            r_spin = -5 * action.r**2

            # add a penalty for going backwards
            if action.v < 0:
                r_back = -2 * abs(action.v)
                r_back = 0.

            reward = reward + r_spin + r_back

        return reward, done, episode_info

    # compute the observation
    def generate_ob(self, reset):
        visible_human_states, num_visible_humans, human_visibility = self.get_num_human_in_fov(
        self.update_last_human_states(human_visibility, reset=reset)
        if self.robot.policy.name in ['lstm_ppo', 'srnn']:
            ob = [num_visible_humans]
            # append robot's state
            robotS = np.array(self.robot.get_full_state_list())

            ob = np.array(ob)

        else:  # for orca and sf
            ob = self.last_human_states_obj()

        if self.add_noise:
            ob = self.apply_noise(ob)

        return ob

    def step(self, action, update=True):
        Compute actions for all agents, detect collision, update environment and return (ob, reward, done, info)

        # clip the action to obey robot's constraint
        action = self.robot.policy.clip_action(action, self.robot.v_pref)

        # step all humans
        human_actions = []  # a list of all humans' actions
        for i, human in enumerate(self.humans):
            # observation for humans is always coordinates
            ob = []
            for other_human in self.humans:
                if other_human != human:
                    # Chance for one human to be blind to some other humans
                    if self.random_unobservability and i == 0:
                        if np.random.random(
                        ) <= self.unobservable_chance or not self.detect_visible(
                                human, other_human):
                    # Else detectable humans are always observable to each other
                    elif self.detect_visible(human, other_human):

            if self.robot.visible:
                # Chance for one human to be blind to robot
                if self.random_unobservability and i == 0:
                    if np.random.random(
                    ) <= self.unobservable_chance or not self.detect_visible(
                            human, self.robot):
                        ob += [self.dummy_robot.get_observable_state()]
                        ob += [self.robot.get_observable_state()]
                # Else human will always see visible robots
                elif self.detect_visible(human, self.robot):
                    ob += [self.robot.get_observable_state()]
                    ob += [self.dummy_robot.get_observable_state()]


        # compute reward and episode info
        reward, done, episode_info = self.calc_reward(action)

        # apply action and update all agents
        for i, human_action in enumerate(human_actions):
        self.global_time += self.time_step  # max episode length=time_limit/time_step

        ##### compute_ob goes here!!!!!
        ob = self.generate_ob(reset=False)

        if self.robot.policy.name in ['srnn']:
            info = {'info': episode_info}
        else:  # for orca and sf
            info = episode_info

        # Update all humans' goals randomly midway through episode
        if self.random_goal_changing:
            if self.global_time % 5 == 0:

        # Update a specific human's goal once its reached its original goal
        if self.end_goal_changing:
            for human in self.humans:
                if not human.isObstacle and human.v_pref != 0 and norm(
                    (human.gx - human.px, human.gy - human.py)) < human.radius:

        return ob, reward, done, info

    def render(self, mode='human'):
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        import matplotlib.lines as mlines
        from matplotlib import patches

        plt.rcParams['animation.ffmpeg_path'] = '/usr/bin/ffmpeg'

        robot_color = 'yellow'
        goal_color = 'red'
        arrow_color = 'red'
        arrow_style = patches.ArrowStyle("->", head_length=4, head_width=2)

        def calcFOVLineEndPoint(ang, point, extendFactor):
            # choose the extendFactor big enough
            # so that the endPoints of the FOVLine is out of xlim and ylim of the figure
            FOVLineRot = np.array([[np.cos(ang), -np.sin(ang), 0],
                                   [np.sin(ang), np.cos(ang), 0], [0, 0, 1]])
            # apply rotation matrix
            newPoint = np.matmul(FOVLineRot, np.reshape(point, [3, 1]))
            # increase the distance between the line start point and the end point
            newPoint = [
                extendFactor * newPoint[0, 0], extendFactor * newPoint[1, 0], 1
            return newPoint

        ax = self.render_axis
        artists = []

        # add goal
        goal = mlines.Line2D([self.robot.gx], [self.robot.gy],

        # add robot
        robotX, robotY = self.robot.get_position()

        robot = plt.Circle((robotX, robotY),

        plt.legend([robot, goal], ['Robot', 'Goal'], fontsize=16)

        # compute orientation in each step and add arrow to show the direction
        radius = self.robot.radius
        arrowStartEnd = []

        robot_theta = self.robot.theta if self.robot.kinematics == 'unicycle' else np.arctan2(
            self.robot.vy, self.robot.vx)

            ((robotX, robotY), (robotX + radius * np.cos(robot_theta),
                                robotY + radius * np.sin(robot_theta))))

        for i, human in enumerate(self.humans):
            theta = np.arctan2(human.vy, human.vx)
                ((human.px, human.py), (human.px + radius * np.cos(theta),
                                        human.py + radius * np.sin(theta))))

        arrows = [
            for arrow in arrowStartEnd
        for arrow in arrows:

        # draw FOV for the robot
        # add robot FOV
        FOVAng = self.robot_fov / 2
        FOVLine1 = mlines.Line2D([0, 0], [0, 0], linestyle='--')
        FOVLine2 = mlines.Line2D([0, 0], [0, 0], linestyle='--')

        startPointX = robotX
        startPointY = robotY
        endPointX = robotX + radius * np.cos(robot_theta)
        endPointY = robotY + radius * np.sin(robot_theta)

        # transform the vector back to world frame origin, apply rotation matrix, and get end point of FOVLine
        # the start point of the FOVLine is the center of the robot
        FOVEndPoint1 = calcFOVLineEndPoint(
            FOVAng, [endPointX - startPointX, endPointY - startPointY],
            20. / self.robot.radius)
            np.array([startPointX, startPointX + FOVEndPoint1[0]]))
            np.array([startPointY, startPointY + FOVEndPoint1[1]]))
        FOVEndPoint2 = calcFOVLineEndPoint(
            -FOVAng, [endPointX - startPointX, endPointY - startPointY],
            20. / self.robot.radius)
            np.array([startPointX, startPointX + FOVEndPoint2[0]]))
            np.array([startPointY, startPointY + FOVEndPoint2[1]]))


        # add humans and change the color of them based on visibility
        human_circles = [
            plt.Circle(human.get_position(), human.radius, fill=False)
            for human in self.humans

        for i in range(len(self.humans)):

            # green: visible; red: invisible
            if self.detect_visible(self.robot, self.humans[i], robot1=True):

        for item in artists:
            )  # there should be a better way to do this. For example,
コード例 #4
class NN_tb3():
    def __init__(self, env, env_config, policy):
        self.env = env
        self.env_config = env_config
        # configure robot
        self.robot = Robot(env_config, 'robot')
        self.env.set_robot(self.robot)    #pass robot parameters into env
        self.ob = env.reset('test',1)     #intial some parameters from .config file such as time_step,success_reward for other instances
        self.policy = policy
        # for action
        self.angle2Action = 0
        self.distance = 0
        # for subscribers
        self.pose = PoseStamped()
        self.vel = Vector3()
        self.psi = 0.0
        # for publishers
        self.global_goal = PoseStamped()
        self.goal = PoseStamped()
        self.desired_position = PoseStamped()
        self.desired_action = np.zeros((2,))
        # # publishers
        self.pub_twist = rospy.Publisher('/robot_0/cmd_vel',Twist,queue_size=1) 
        # self.pub_pose_marker = rospy.Publisher('',Marker,queue_size=1)
        # self.pub_agent_markers = rospy.Publisher('~agent_markers',MarkerArray,queue_size=1)
        # self.pub_path_marker = rospy.Publisher('/action',Marker,queue_size=1)
        # self.pub_goal_path_marker = rospy.Publisher('~goal_path_marker',Marker,queue_size=1)
        # # sub
        self.sub_pose = rospy.Subscriber('/robot_0/odom',Odometry,self.cbPose)
        self.sub_global_goal = rospy.Subscriber('/robot_0/move_base_simple/goal',PoseStamped, self.cbGlobalGoal)
        self.sub_subgoal = rospy.Subscriber('/robot_0/move_base_simple/goal',PoseStamped, self.cbSubGoal)
        self.sub_obstacle = rospy.Subscriber('/robot_0/move_base/TebLocalPlannerROS/obstacles', ObstacleArrayMsg, self.get_obstacles)
        # subgoals
        self.sub_goal = Vector3()
        # self.sub_clusters = rospy.Subscriber('~clusters',Clusters, self.cbClusters)
        # control timer
        self.control_timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.2),self.cbControl)
        self.nn_timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.01),self.cbComputeActionCrowdNav)
    def update_angle2Action(self):
        # action vector
        v_a = np.array([self.desired_position.pose.position.x-self.pose.pose.position.x,self.desired_position.pose.position.y-self.pose.pose.position.y])
        # pose direction
        e_dir = np.array([math.cos(self.psi), math.sin(self.psi)])
        # angle: <v_a, e_dir>
        self.angle2Action = np.math.atan2(np.linalg.det([v_a,e_dir]),np.dot(v_a,e_dir))
    def cbGlobalGoal(self,msg):
        self.stop_moving_flag = True
        self.new_global_goal_received = True
        self.global_goal = msg
        self.goal.pose.position.x = msg.pose.position.x
        self.goal.pose.position.y = msg.pose.position.y
        self.goal.header = msg.header
        # reset subgoals
        print("new goal: "+str([self.goal.pose.position.x,self.goal.pose.position.y])) 
    def cbSubGoal(self,msg):
        # update subGoal
        self.sub_goal.x = msg.pose.position.x
        self.sub_goal.y = msg.pose.position.y
    def goalReached(self):
        # check if near to global goal
        if self.distance > 0.3:
            return False
            return True
    def cbPose(self, msg):
        # update robot vel (vx,vy)
        # get pose angle
        q = msg.pose.pose.orientation
        self.psi = np.arctan2(2.0*(q.w*q.z + q.x*q.y), 1-2*(q.y*q.y+q.z*q.z)) # bounded by [-pi, pi]
        self.pose = msg.pose
        # self.visualize_path()
        v_p = msg.pose.pose.position
        v_g = self.sub_goal
        v_pg = np.array([v_g.x-v_p.x,v_g.y-v_p.y])
        self.distance = np.linalg.norm(v_pg)
        # self.visualize_pose(msg.pose.pose.position,msg.pose.pose.orientation)
    def cbVel(self, msg):
        self.vel = msg.twist.twist.linear
    def cbClusters(self,msg):
        other_agents = []
        xs = []; ys = []; radii = []; labels = []
        num_clusters = len(msg.labels)
        for i in range(num_clusters):
            index = msg.labels[i]
            x = msg.mean_points[i].x; y = msg.mean_points[i].y
            v_x = msg.velocities[i].x; v_y = msg.velocities[i].y
            radius = self.obst_rad
            xs.append(x); ys.append(y); radii.append(radius); labels.append(index)
            # self.visualize_other_agent(x,y,radius,msg.labels[i])
            # helper fields
            heading_angle = np.arctan2(v_y, v_x)
            pref_speed = np.linalg.norm(np.array([v_x, v_y]))
            goal_x = x + 5.0; goal_y = y + 5.0
            if pref_speed < 0.2:
                pref_speed = 0; v_x = 0; v_y = 0
            other_agents.append(agent.Agent(x, y, goal_x, goal_y, radius, pref_speed, heading_angle, index))
        self.visualize_other_agents(xs, ys, radii, labels)
        self.other_agents_state = other_agents
    def stop_moving(self):
        twist = Twist()
    def update_action(self, action):
        # print 'update action'
        self.desired_action = action
        # self.desired_position.pose.position.x = self.pose.pose.position.x + 1*action[0]*np.cos(action[1])
        # self.desired_position.pose.position.y = self.pose.pose.position.y + 1*action[0]*np.sin(action[1])
        self.desired_position.pose.position.x = self.pose.pose.position.x + (action[0])
        self.desired_position.pose.position.y = self.pose.pose.position.y + (action[1])
        # print(action[0])
    def cbControl(self, event):
        twist = Twist()
        if not self.goalReached():
            if abs(self.angle2Action) > 0.1 and self.angle2Action > 0:
                twist.angular.z = -0.3
                print("spinning in place +")
            elif abs(self.angle2Action) > 0.1 and self.angle2Action < 0:
                twist.angular.z = 0.3
                print("spinning in place -")
            # else:
            vel = np.array([self.desired_action[0],self.desired_action[1]])
            twist.linear.x = 0.1*np.linalg.norm(vel)
    def cbComputeActionCrowdNav(self, event):
        robot_x = self.pose.pose.position.x
        robot_y = self.pose.pose.position.y
        # goal
        goal_x = self.sub_goal.x
        goal_y = self.sub_goal.y
        # velocity
        robot_vx = self.vel.x
        robot_vy = self.vel.y
        # oriantation
        theta = self.psi
        robot_radius = 0.3
        # set robot info
        self.robot.set(robot_x, robot_y, goal_x, goal_y, robot_vx, robot_vy, theta, robot_radius)
        # obstacle: position, velocity, radius
        # position
        # obstacle_x = [0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5]
        # obstacle_y = [0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5]
        # # velocity
        # obstacle_vx = [0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5]
        # obstacle_vy = [0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5]
        # obstacle_x = [-6.0,-6.0,-6.0,-6.0,-6.0]
        # obstacle_y = [-6.0,-6.0,-6.0,-6.0,-6.0]
        # velocity
        # obstacle_vx = [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
        # obstacle_vy = [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
        obstacle_radius = 0.3
        # initial obstacle instances and set value
        for i in range(self.env_config.getint('sim','human_num')):
            obstacle_x = self.obstacles[i].polygon.points[0].x
            obstacle_y = self.obstacles[i].polygon.points[0].y
            obstacle_vx = self.obstacles[i].velocities.twist.linear.x
            obstacle_vy = self.obstacles[i].velocities.twist.linear.y
            self.env.humans[i].set(obstacle_x, obstacle_y, goal_x,goal_y, obstacle_vx, obstacle_vy, theta, obstacle_radius)
            self.ob[i]= self.env.humans[i].get_observable_state()
        # ************************************ Output ************************************
        # get action info
        action = self.robot.act(self.ob)
        # print('\n---------\nrobot position (X,Y):', position.position)
        # print(action)
        # print(theta)
    def get_obstacles(self,msg):
        self.obstacles = []
        for i in range(len(msg.obstacles)):
    def update_subgoal(self,subgoal):
        self.goal.pose.position.x = subgoal[0]
        self.goal.pose.position.y = subgoal[1]
    # def visualize_path(self):
    #     marker = Marker()
    #     marker.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
    #     marker.header.frame_id = 'map'
    #     marker.ns = 'path_arrow'
    #     marker.id = 0
    #     marker.type = marker.ARROW
    #     marker.action = marker.ADD
    #     marker.points.append(self.pose.pose.position)
    #     marker.points.append(self.desired_position.pose.position)
    #     marker.scale = Vector3(x=0.1,y=0.2,z=0.2)
    #     marker.color = ColorRGBA(b=1.0,a=1.0)
    #     marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration(1)
    #     self.pub_path_marker.publish(marker)
    #     # # Display BLUE DOT at NN desired position
    #     # marker = Marker()
    #     # marker.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
    #     # marker.header.frame_id = 'map'
    #     # marker.ns = 'path_trail'
    #     # marker.id = self.num_poses
    #     # marker.type = marker.CUBE
    #     # marker.action = marker.ADD
    #     # marker.pose.position = copy.deepcopy(self.pose.pose.position)
    #     # marker.scale = Vector3(x=0.2,y=0.2,z=0.2)
    #     # marker.color = ColorRGBA(g=0.0,r=0,b=1.0,a=0.3)
    #     # marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration(60)
    #     # self.pub_path_marker.publish(marker)
    def on_shutdown(self):
        rospy.loginfo("[%s] Shutting down.")
        rospy.loginfo("Stopped %s's velocity.")