def export(self, list): from winexport import Windowexport ec = ExportConf(self.conf) pathXsl = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "xsl") XSL = [i for i in os.listdir(pathXsl) if i[0] != "."] window_export = Windowexport(ec, "%d photos" % len(list), list, XSL) type = window_export.loop()[0] if type: # so save conf back to conf object ! # CONF WAS SAVED in the window # so the results are in ec[type+".*"] # get the commons resize = ec[type + ".resize"] percent = ec[type + ".percent"] quality = ec[type + ".quality"] maxside = ec[type + ".maxside"] order = ec[type + ".order"] metadata = ec[type + ".metadata"] delCom = False delTags = False keepInfo = True if metadata == 4: keepInfo = False elif metadata == 3: delCom = True delTags = True elif metadata == 2: delTags = True elif metadata == 1: delCom = True # 0:Keep, 1:Del comment, 2:Del tags, 3:Del comment & tags, 4:Del all if type == "CA": msg = _("Export to archive") #================================================================== path = ec["CA.folder"] if os.path.isdir(path): destination = unicode(tempfile.mkdtemp(".tmp", "jbrout")) print "Opening Archive" if ec["CA.type"] in ['tar', 'tbz', 'tgz']: if ec["CA.type"] == 'tar': archMode = 'w' elif ec["CA.type"] == 'tbz': archMode = 'w:bz2' else: archMode = 'w:gz' archive =, ("Jbrout " + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d, %H-%M-%S") + '.' + ec["CA.type"])), archMode) else: archive = zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(path, ("Jbrout " + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d, %H-%M-%S") + '.zip')), "w") else: self.MessageBox(_("The selected path doesn't exists !")) return False elif type == "FS": msg = _("Export to folder") #================================================================== path = ec["FS.folder"] if os.path.isdir(path): destination = unicode(path + "/Jbrout " + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d, %H-%M-%S")) else: self.MessageBox(_("The selected path doesn't exists !")) return False elif type == "HG": msg = _("Export as a Html Gallery") #================================================================== path = ec["HG.folder"] if os.path.isdir(path): destg = unicode(path + "/Html " + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d, %H-%M-%S")) # prepare the destination os.mkdir(destg) destination = os.path.join(destg, "img") dirThumbs = os.path.join(destg, "thumbs") if not os.path.isdir(destination): os.mkdir(destination) if not os.path.isdir(dirThumbs): os.mkdir(dirThumbs) # and prepare le xml nodeAlbum = Element("export") else: self.MessageBox(_("The selected path doesn't exists !")) return False elif type == "PW": msg = _("Export to PicasaWeb") #================================================================== destination = unicode(tempfile.mkdtemp(".tmp", "jbrout")) try: picasa = PicasaWeb(ec["PW.login"], uncrypt(ec["PW.password"])) if picasa: album = picasa.createAlbum("Jbrout " + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d, %H-%M-%S"), public=(ec["PW.privacy"] == 0)) else: raise PicasaException(_("Sorry, you can't upload to picasaweb (python import error)")) except Exception, err: self.MessageBox(_("Upload error : ") + str(err)) return False elif type == "FR": msg = _("Export to Flickr") #================================================================== destination = unicode(tempfile.mkdtemp(".tmp", "jbrout")) flickr_uploader = FlickrUploader(self.conf, self.validateWin) elif type == "SM": msg = _("Export to Email") #================================================================== destination = unicode(tempfile.mkdtemp(".tmp", "jbrout")) filesToSend = [] elif type == "FT": msg = _("Export to FTP") #================================================================== destination = unicode(tempfile.mkdtemp(".tmp", "jbrout")) try: ftp = ftplib.FTP(ec["FT.ftp"], ec["FT.login"], uncrypt(ec["FT.password"])) try: ftp.cwd(ec["FT.path"]) except: ftp.mkd(ec["FT.path"]) ftp.cwd(ec["FT.path"]) except Exception, err: self.MessageBox(_("FTP error : ") + str(err)) return False
def export(self, list): from winexport import Windowexport ec = ExportConf(self.conf) pathXsl = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "xsl") XSL = [i for i in os.listdir(pathXsl) if i[0] != "."] window_export = Windowexport(ec, "%d photos" % len(list), list, XSL) type = window_export.loop()[0] if type: # so save conf back to conf object ! # CONF WAS SAVED in the window # so the results are in ec[type+".*"] # get the commons resize = ec[type + ".resize"] percent = ec[type + ".percent"] quality = ec[type + ".quality"] maxside = ec[type + ".maxside"] order = ec[type + ".order"] metadata = ec[type + ".metadata"] delCom = False delTags = False keepInfo = True if metadata == 4: keepInfo = False elif metadata == 3: delCom = True delTags = True elif metadata == 2: delTags = True elif metadata == 1: delCom = True # 0:Keep, 1:Del comment, 2:Del tags, 3:Del comment & tags, 4:Del all if type == "CA": msg = _("Export to archive") #================================================================== path = ec["CA.folder"] if os.path.isdir(path): destination = unicode(tempfile.mkdtemp(".tmp", "jbrout")) print "Opening Archive" if ec["CA.type"] in ['tar', 'tbz', 'tgz']: if ec["CA.type"] == 'tar': archMode = 'w' elif ec["CA.type"] == 'tbz': archMode = 'w:bz2' else: archMode = 'w:gz' archive = os.path.join(path, ("Jbrout " + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d, %H-%M-%S") + '.' + ec["CA.type"])), archMode) else: archive = zipfile.ZipFile( os.path.join(path, ("Jbrout " + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d, %H-%M-%S") + '.zip')), "w") else: self.MessageBox(_("The selected path doesn't exists !")) return False elif type == "FS": msg = _("Export to folder") #================================================================== path = ec["FS.folder"] if os.path.isdir(path): destination = unicode(path + "/Jbrout " + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d, %H-%M-%S")) else: self.MessageBox(_("The selected path doesn't exists !")) return False elif type == "HG": msg = _("Export as a Html Gallery") #================================================================== path = ec["HG.folder"] if os.path.isdir(path): destg = unicode(path + "/Html " + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d, %H-%M-%S")) # prepare the destination os.mkdir(destg) destination = os.path.join(destg, "img") dirThumbs = os.path.join(destg, "thumbs") if not os.path.isdir(destination): os.mkdir(destination) if not os.path.isdir(dirThumbs): os.mkdir(dirThumbs) # and prepare le xml nodeAlbum = Element("export") else: self.MessageBox(_("The selected path doesn't exists !")) return False elif type == "PW": msg = _("Export to PicasaWeb") #================================================================== destination = unicode(tempfile.mkdtemp(".tmp", "jbrout")) try: picasa = PicasaWeb(ec["PW.login"], uncrypt(ec["PW.password"])) if picasa: album = picasa.createAlbum( "Jbrout " + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d, %H-%M-%S"), public=(ec["PW.privacy"] == 0)) else: raise PicasaException( _("Sorry, you can't upload to picasaweb (python import error)" )) except Exception, err: self.MessageBox(_("Upload error : ") + str(err)) return False elif type == "FR": msg = _("Export to Flickr") #================================================================== destination = unicode(tempfile.mkdtemp(".tmp", "jbrout")) flickr_uploader = FlickrUploader(self.conf, self.validateWin) elif type == "SM": msg = _("Export to Email") #================================================================== destination = unicode(tempfile.mkdtemp(".tmp", "jbrout")) filesToSend = [] elif type == "FT": msg = _("Export to FTP") #================================================================== destination = unicode(tempfile.mkdtemp(".tmp", "jbrout")) try: ftp = ftplib.FTP(ec["FT.ftp"], ec["FT.login"], uncrypt(ec["FT.password"])) try: ftp.cwd(ec["FT.path"]) except: ftp.mkd(ec["FT.path"]) ftp.cwd(ec["FT.path"]) except Exception, err: self.MessageBox(_("FTP error : ") + str(err)) return False
def initFromConf(self,conf): self.__conf = conf if conf["type"] == "FS": self.nbExport.set_current_page(0) elif conf["type"] == "HG": self.nbExport.set_current_page(1) elif conf["type"] == "PW": self.nbExport.set_current_page(2) elif conf["type"] == "FR": self.nbExport.set_current_page(3) elif conf["type"] == "SM": self.nbExport.set_current_page(4) elif conf["type"] == "FT": self.nbExport.set_current_page(5) elif conf["type"] == "CA": self.nbExport.set_current_page(6) else: print "bad export type in conf : %s" % str(conf["type"]) self.nbExport.set_current_page(0) self.tbFolderA.set_text( conf["CA.folder"] ) if conf["CA.type"] == "tar": self.cbTypeA.set_active(0) elif conf["CA.type"] == "tbz": self.cbTypeA.set_active(1) elif conf["CA.type"] == "tgz": self.cbTypeA.set_active(2) else: # Use zip as the default/failsafe self.cbTypeA.set_active(3) self.tbFolderF.set_text( conf["FS.folder"] ) self.tbFolderH.set_text( conf["HG.folder"] ) self.cbTemplate.set_active( conf["HG.template"] ) self.tbLoginPW.set_text( conf["PW.login"] ) self.tbPasswordPW.set_text( uncrypt(conf["PW.password"]) ) if (bool(conf["PW.privacy"])): self.rbPrivatePW.set_active(1) else: self.rbPublicPW.set_active(1) if (bool(conf["FR.public"])): self.rbPublicFR.set_active(1) else: self.rbPrivateFR.set_active(1) if (bool(conf["FR.friends"])): self.cbFriendsFR.set_active(1) else: self.cbFriendsFR.set_active(0) if (bool(conf[""])): self.cbFamilyFR.set_active(1) else: self.cbFamilyFR.set_active(0) if (bool(conf["FR.same_privacy"])): self.cbSelectAllFR.set_active(1) else: self.cbSelectAllFR.set_active(0) self.tbSmtp.set_text(conf["SM.smtp"]) self.spPortSM.set_value(int(conf["SM.port"])) if (bool(conf["SM.auth"])): self.cbAuthSM.set_active(True) self.tbUserSM.set_sensitive(True) self.tbPasswordSM.set_sensitive(True) else: self.cbAuthSM.set_active(False) self.tbUserSM.set_sensitive(False) self.tbPasswordSM.set_sensitive(False) self.tbUserSM.set_text(conf["SM.username"]) self.tbPasswordSM.set_text(uncrypt(conf["SM.password"])) self.cbSecurity.set_active(int(conf[""])) self.tbTo.set_text( conf[""] ) self.tbFrom.set_text( conf["SM.from"] ) self.tbSubject.set_text( conf["SM.subject"] ) self.tbMessage.set_text( conf["SM.message"] ) self.tbFtp.set_text( conf["FT.ftp"] ) self.tbLoginFT.set_text( conf["FT.login"] ) self.tbPasswordFT.set_text( uncrypt(conf["FT.password"]) ) self.tbPath.set_text( conf["FT.path"] )
class Plugin(JPlugin): """ Multi export plugin""" __author__ = "manatlan" __version__ = "0.10" # def menuEntries(self,l): # return [(3000,_("Export to"),False,self.export,None)] @JPlugin.Entry.PhotosProcess(_("Export to"), order=3000, alter=False) def export(self, list): from winexport import Windowexport ec = ExportConf(self.conf) pathXsl = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "xsl") XSL = [i for i in os.listdir(pathXsl) if i[0] != "."] window_export = Windowexport(ec, "%d photos" % len(list), list, XSL) type = window_export.loop()[0] if type: # so save conf back to conf object ! # CONF WAS SAVED in the window # so the results are in ec[type+".*"] # get the commons resize = ec[type + ".resize"] percent = ec[type + ".percent"] quality = ec[type + ".quality"] maxside = ec[type + ".maxside"] order = ec[type + ".order"] metadata = ec[type + ".metadata"] delCom = False delTags = False keepInfo = True if metadata == 4: keepInfo = False elif metadata == 3: delCom = True delTags = True elif metadata == 2: delTags = True elif metadata == 1: delCom = True # 0:Keep, 1:Del comment, 2:Del tags, 3:Del comment & tags, 4:Del all if type == "CA": msg = _("Export to archive") #================================================================== path = ec["CA.folder"] if os.path.isdir(path): destination = unicode(tempfile.mkdtemp(".tmp", "jbrout")) print "Opening Archive" if ec["CA.type"] in ['tar', 'tbz', 'tgz']: if ec["CA.type"] == 'tar': archMode = 'w' elif ec["CA.type"] == 'tbz': archMode = 'w:bz2' else: archMode = 'w:gz' archive = os.path.join(path, ("Jbrout " + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d, %H-%M-%S") + '.' + ec["CA.type"])), archMode) else: archive = zipfile.ZipFile( os.path.join(path, ("Jbrout " + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d, %H-%M-%S") + '.zip')), "w") else: self.MessageBox(_("The selected path doesn't exists !")) return False elif type == "FS": msg = _("Export to folder") #================================================================== path = ec["FS.folder"] if os.path.isdir(path): destination = unicode(path + "/Jbrout " + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d, %H-%M-%S")) else: self.MessageBox(_("The selected path doesn't exists !")) return False elif type == "HG": msg = _("Export as a Html Gallery") #================================================================== path = ec["HG.folder"] if os.path.isdir(path): destg = unicode(path + "/Html " + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d, %H-%M-%S")) # prepare the destination os.mkdir(destg) destination = os.path.join(destg, "img") dirThumbs = os.path.join(destg, "thumbs") if not os.path.isdir(destination): os.mkdir(destination) if not os.path.isdir(dirThumbs): os.mkdir(dirThumbs) # and prepare le xml nodeAlbum = Element("export") else: self.MessageBox(_("The selected path doesn't exists !")) return False elif type == "PW": msg = _("Export to PicasaWeb") #================================================================== destination = unicode(tempfile.mkdtemp(".tmp", "jbrout")) try: picasa = PicasaWeb(ec["PW.login"], uncrypt(ec["PW.password"])) if picasa: album = picasa.createAlbum( "Jbrout " + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d, %H-%M-%S"), public=(ec["PW.privacy"] == 0)) else: raise PicasaException( _("Sorry, you can't upload to picasaweb (python import error)" )) except Exception, err: self.MessageBox(_("Upload error : ") + str(err)) return False elif type == "FR": msg = _("Export to Flickr") #================================================================== destination = unicode(tempfile.mkdtemp(".tmp", "jbrout")) flickr_uploader = FlickrUploader(self.conf, self.validateWin) elif type == "SM": msg = _("Export to Email") #================================================================== destination = unicode(tempfile.mkdtemp(".tmp", "jbrout")) filesToSend = [] elif type == "FT": msg = _("Export to FTP") #================================================================== destination = unicode(tempfile.mkdtemp(".tmp", "jbrout")) try: ftp = ftplib.FTP(ec["FT.ftp"], ec["FT.login"], uncrypt(ec["FT.password"])) try: ftp.cwd(ec["FT.path"]) except: ftp.mkd(ec["FT.path"]) ftp.cwd(ec["FT.path"]) except Exception, err: self.MessageBox(_("FTP error : ") + str(err)) return False if order == 1: # olders first list.reverse() try: try: if not os.path.isdir( destination): # if it was not create before os.mkdir(destination) for photo in list: self.showProgress(list.index(photo), len(list), msg) if resize == 0: # no resize file = photo.copyTo(destination, keepInfo=keepInfo, delCom=delCom, delTags=delTags) elif resize == 1: # resize file = photo.copyTo(destination, resize=(float(percent / 100), quality)) elif resize == 2: # max side file = photo.copyTo(destination, resize=(int(maxside), quality)) if type == "CA": # TODO: add file to archive print "Adding file '%s'" % file if ec["CA.type"] in ['tar', 'tbz', 'tgz']: archive.add( file, os.path.basename(file).encode("utf_8")) else: archive.write( file, os.path.basename(file).encode("utf_8")) elif type == "FS": # nothing to do more pass elif type == "HG": # create a img node nodeImg = Element("img") # and create the thumb dest = os.path.join(dirThumbs, pb = photo.getThumb(), "jpeg", {"quality": "80"}) # and fill the node nodeImg.set("src", "img/" + nodeImg.set("mini", "thumbs/" + nodeImg.set("albumComment", photo.getParent().comment) nodeImg.set("album", photo.getParent().name) nodeImg.set("comment", photo.comment) nodeImg.set("tags", ", ".join(photo.tags)) nodeImg.set("hdate", cd2rd( # human date ;-) nodeImg.set("date", # and add it to the album nodeAlbum.append(nodeImg) elif type == "PW": album.uploadPhoto(file, photo.comment) # (pycasaweb) # album.uploadPhoto(file) elif type == "FR": err = flickr_uploader.upload( file, photo.comment, photo.tags, window_export.getPrivacyFR(photo)) if err: raise Exception(err) elif type == "SM": filesToSend.append(file) elif type == "FT": fid = open(file, 'rb') ftp.storbinary('STOR ' + os.path.basename(file), fid) # and close the work if type == "CA": # TODO: close archive print "Closing archive" archive.close() elif type == "HG": # finish the work for the html galleyr xml_doc = ElementTree(nodeAlbum) # save a copy of the xml used file for info (can be deleted) fid = open(destg + "/photos.xml", "w") xml_doc.write(fid) fid.close() # applys the xslt transformation xslt_doc = parse( os.path.join(pathXsl, XSL[ec["HG.template"]])) nodeParams = xslt_doc.xpath( "//xsl:param", namespaces={ "xsl": "" }) p = 1 while True: # the worst way to pass a param ;-) nodeParams[0].text = str(p) # ~ nodeParams[1].text="8" style = XSLT(xslt_doc) result = style.apply(xml_doc) page = style.tostring(result) if "body" in page: open(destg + "/page%d.html" % p, "w").write(page) p += 1 else: break elif type == "SM": fro = ec["SM.from"] if "," in ec[""]: to = ec[""].split(",") elif ";" in ec[""]: to = ec[""].split(";") else: to = [ ec[""], ] text = ec["SM.message"] subject = ec["SM.subject"] server = ec["SM.smtp"] secTypes = ['none', 'ssl', 'start tls'] security = secTypes[int(ec[""])] port = int(ec["SM.port"]) auth = bool(ec["SM.auth"]) username = ec["SM.username"].encode("utf_8") password = uncrypt(ec["SM.password"]).encode("utf_8") sendMail(fro, to, subject, text, filesToSend, server, security, port, auth, username, password) elif type == "FT": ftp.quit() if destination.endswith(".tmp"): # it's a temp dir shutil.rmtree(destination) except Exception, err: self.MessageBox(_("Plugin error : ") + str(err)) finally: self.showProgress()