コード例 #1
def getinfo(args):
    for filename in args:
        print "----------------"
        print "Filename: ", filename
        privateKey = readPrivateKey(filename)
        k = Key()
        print "Public key: ", k.getPublicKey().encode("hex")
        print "Address: ", getAddress(k)
コード例 #2
ファイル: bitcoinutils.py プロジェクト: cornwarecjp/amiko-pay
def sendToMultiSigPubKey(bitcoind, amount, toPubKey1, toPubKey2, changeHash, fee):
	Make a transaction to send funds from ourself to a 2-of-2 multi-signature
	scriptPubKey. The transaction is returned, and is NOT published on the
	Bitcoin network by this function.

	bitcoind: Bitcoind; the bitcoin daemon from which to retrieve this information
	amount: int; the amount to be sent, not including the fee (in Satoshi)
	toPubKey1: str; the first public key
	toPubKey2: str; the second public key
	changeHash: str; the SHA256- and RIPEMD160-hashed public key to which any
	            change should be sent (equivalent to the bitcoin address)
	fee: int; the transaction fee (in Satoshi)

	Return value:
	Transaction; the transaction that sends funds as specified.

	Exception: insufficient funds

	totalIn, inputs = getInputsForAmount(bitcoind, amount+fee)
	change = totalIn - fee - amount

	#print "%d -> %d, %d, %d" % (totalIn, amount, change, fee)

	tx = Transaction(
		tx_in = [
			TxIn(x[0], x[1])
			for x in inputs
		tx_out = [
			TxOut(amount, Script.multiSigPubKey([toPubKey1, toPubKey2])),
			TxOut(change, Script.standardPubKey(changeHash))

	for i in range(len(inputs)):
		scriptPubKey = Script.deserialize(inputs[i][2])
		key = Key()
		tx.signInput(i, scriptPubKey, [None, key.getPublicKey()], [key])

	return tx
コード例 #3
ファイル: bitcoinutils.py プロジェクト: cornwarecjp/amiko-pay
def sendToDataPubKey(bitcoind, data, changeHash, fee):
	Make a transaction to publish data on the block chain with an OP_RETURN
	output. No funds are sent to the OP_RETURN output: everything goes to fee
	and to the change address. The transaction is returned, and
	is NOT published on the Bitcoin network by this function.

	bitcoind: Bitcoind; the bitcoin daemon from which to retrieve this information
	data: str; the data to be included in the scriptPubKey (max. 40 bytes)
	changeHash: str; the SHA256- and RIPEMD160-hashed public key to which any
	            change should be sent (equivalent to the bitcoin address)
	fee: int; the transaction fee (in Satoshi)

	Return value:
	Transaction; the transaction that sends funds as specified.

	Exception: insufficient funds

	totalIn, inputs = getInputsForAmount(bitcoind, fee)
	change = totalIn - fee

	print "%d -> %d, %d" % (totalIn, change, fee)

	tx = Transaction(
		tx_in = [
			TxIn(x[0], x[1])
			for x in inputs
		tx_out = [
			TxOut(0, Script.dataPubKey(data)),
			TxOut(change, Script.standardPubKey(changeHash))

	for i in range(len(inputs)):
		scriptPubKey = Script.deserialize(inputs[i][2])
		key = Key()
		tx.signInput(i, scriptPubKey, [None, key.getPublicKey()], [key])

	return tx
コード例 #4
def sendToMultiSigPubKey(bitcoind, amount, toPubKey1, toPubKey2, changeHash,
	Make a transaction to send funds from ourself to a 2-of-2 multi-signature
	scriptPubKey. The transaction is returned, and is NOT published on the
	Bitcoin network by this function.

	bitcoind: Bitcoind; the bitcoin daemon from which to retrieve this information
	amount: int; the amount to be sent, not including the fee (in Satoshi)
	toPubKey1: str; the first public key
	toPubKey2: str; the second public key
	changeHash: str; the SHA256- and RIPEMD160-hashed public key to which any
	            change should be sent (equivalent to the bitcoin address)
	fee: int; the transaction fee (in Satoshi)

	Return value:
	Transaction; the transaction that sends funds as specified.

	Exception: insufficient funds

    totalIn, inputs = getInputsForAmount(bitcoind, amount + fee)
    change = totalIn - fee - amount

    #print "%d -> %d, %d, %d" % (totalIn, amount, change, fee)

    tx = Transaction(tx_in=[TxIn(x[0], x[1]) for x in inputs],
                               Script.multiSigPubKey([toPubKey1, toPubKey2])),
                         TxOut(change, Script.standardPubKey(changeHash))

    for i in range(len(inputs)):
        scriptPubKey = Script.deserialize(inputs[i][2])
        key = Key()
        tx.signInput(i, scriptPubKey, [None, key.getPublicKey()], [key])

    return tx
コード例 #5
def sendToDataPubKey(bitcoind, data, changeHash, fee):
	Make a transaction to publish data on the block chain with an OP_RETURN
	output. No funds are sent to the OP_RETURN output: everything goes to fee
	and to the change address. The transaction is returned, and
	is NOT published on the Bitcoin network by this function.

	bitcoind: Bitcoind; the bitcoin daemon from which to retrieve this information
	data: str; the data to be included in the scriptPubKey (max. 40 bytes)
	changeHash: str; the SHA256- and RIPEMD160-hashed public key to which any
	            change should be sent (equivalent to the bitcoin address)
	fee: int; the transaction fee (in Satoshi)

	Return value:
	Transaction; the transaction that sends funds as specified.

	Exception: insufficient funds

    totalIn, inputs = getInputsForAmount(bitcoind, fee)
    change = totalIn - fee

    print "%d -> %d, %d" % (totalIn, change, fee)

    tx = Transaction(tx_in=[TxIn(x[0], x[1]) for x in inputs],
                         TxOut(0, Script.dataPubKey(data)),
                         TxOut(change, Script.standardPubKey(changeHash))

    for i in range(len(inputs)):
        scriptPubKey = Script.deserialize(inputs[i][2])
        key = Key()
        tx.signInput(i, scriptPubKey, [None, key.getPublicKey()], [key])

    return tx
コード例 #6
#(these addresses are mine - thanks for donating :-P)
keyHash1 = binascii.unhexlify("fd5627c5eff58991dec54877272e82f758ea8b65")
keyHash2 = binascii.unhexlify("ab22c699d3e72f2c1e4896508bf9d8d7910104d0")

address1 = base58.encodeBase58Check(keyHash1, 0)
address2 = base58.encodeBase58Check(keyHash2, 0)
print address1
print address2

#Note: this will fail, unless you change toe above addresses to some of your own
privKey1 = base58.decodeBase58Check(d.getPrivateKey(address1), 128)
privKey2 = base58.decodeBase58Check(d.getPrivateKey(address2), 128)

key1 = Key()
key2 = Key()

print key1.getPublicKey().encode("hex")
print key2.getPublicKey().encode("hex")

amount = int(100000 * float(raw_input("Amount to be transferred (mBTC): ")))
fee = 10000 #0.1 mBTC

outputHash = binascii.unhexlify(raw_input("Input hash (empty: create multisig): "))[::-1]

if outputHash == "":
	tx = sendToMultiSigPubKey(d, amount,
コード例 #7
from crypto import Key, SHA256, RIPEMD160
import base58

def readPrivateKey(filename):
    with open(filename, "rb") as f:
        privateKey = f.read()
    privateKey = privateKey.split("\n")[0]  #first line
    privateKey = privateKey.strip()  #ignore whitespace
    return base58.decodeBase58Check(privateKey, 128)  #PRIVKEY = 128

def getTraditionalAddress(key):
    publicKeyHash = RIPEMD160(SHA256(key.getPublicKey()))
    return base58.encodeBase58Check(publicKeyHash, 0)  #PUBKEY_ADDRESS = 0

# get traditional address using a public key (given a private key)
privateKey = readPrivateKey('key.txt')
k = Key()
trad_address = getTraditionalAddress(k)
print "Public key: ", k.getPublicKey().encode("hex")
print "Public Key Hash  " + RIPEMD160(SHA256(k.getPublicKey())).encode("hex")
print "Traditional Address: ", trad_address
コード例 #8
def spend(args):
    #Load the keys
    keys = []
    for filename in args:
        privateKey = readPrivateKey(filename)
        k = Key()

    def getKey(question):
        for i in range(len(keys)):
            print i + 1, getAddress(keys[i])
        i = int(raw_input(question)) - 1
        return keys[i]

    #Ask for input information:
    inputs = []
    amounts = []
    while True:
        txid = raw_input("Transaction ID of unspent output (Enter to stop): ")
        txid = txid.strip()
        if txid == "":
        txid = binascii.unhexlify(txid)[::-1]

        vout = int(raw_input("Output index of unspent output: "))
        k = getKey("Address of unspent output: ")
        inputs.append((txid, vout, k))
                decimal.Decimal(raw_input("Amount in unspent output (BCC): "))
                * BCC))

    totalAmount = sum(amounts)
    print "Total of amounts: %s BCC" % str(decimal.Decimal(totalAmount) / BCC)

    fee = int(decimal.Decimal(raw_input("Transaction fee (BCC): ")) * BCC)

    destAddress = raw_input("Destination address: ")
    destHash = base58.decodeBase58Check(destAddress, 0)  #PUBKEY_ADDRESS = 0

    destAmount = totalAmount - fee

    print "Amount sent to destination: %s BCC" % str(
        decimal.Decimal(destAmount) / BCC)
    if destAmount < 0:
        print "Negative amount is not allowed"
	if destAmount > totalAmount - fee:
		print "Not enough funds"

    tx = btx.Transaction(
        tx_in=[btx.TxIn(x[0], x[1]) for x in inputs],
        tx_out=[btx.TxOut(destAmount, btx.Script.standardPubKey(destHash))])
	changeKey = getKey("Address to send change amount to: ")
	changeAddress = getAddress(changeKey)
	changeHash = base58.decodeBase58Check(changeAddress, 0) #PUBKEY_ADDRESS = 0

	changeAmount = totalAmount - destAmount - fee
	if changeAmount < 0:
		raise Exception("Error: got negative change amount")
	elif changeAmount == 0:
		print "Note: change amount is zero - no change is sent"
			btx.TxOut(changeAmount, btx.Script.standardPubKey(changeHash))

    for i in range(len(inputs)):
        #print tx.tx_in[i].previousOutputHash.encode("hex"), tx.tx_in[i].previousOutputIndex
        key = inputs[i][2]
        address = getAddress(key)
        hash = base58.decodeBase58Check(address, 0)  #PUBKEY_ADDRESS = 0
        scriptPubKey = btx.Script.standardPubKey(hash)
        tx.signInput(i, scriptPubKey, [None, key.getPublicKey()], [key],

    print "Serialized transaction:"
    print tx.serialize().encode("hex")
    print "Transaction ID:", tx.getTransactionID()[::-1].encode("hex")