コード例 #1
def main():

    # Server sends base, prime and k

    data = requests.get('').json()
    prime, base, k = data['prime'], data['base'], data['k']

    # Client and server exchange public keys, but the server sends 0 as its public

    email = b'*****@*****.**'.decode()

    #Test a few bad public keys which are all 0 mod prime. These allow us to
    #login without knowing the password
    for bad_public_key in [0, prime, prime**2, 4 * prime]:

        server_response = requests.post('',
                                            'email': email,
                                            'dhA': bad_public_key

        #We only need the salt, not the secret key. Convert to bytes to calculate
        #our bogus hmac
        salt = bso.int_to_bytes(server_response['salt'])

        # Hmac is calculated by the client and sent to the server.
        K = sha256(bso.int_to_bytes(0)).digest()
        bogus_hmac = bso.bytes_to_hex(
            hmac(K, salt, lambda val: sha256(val).digest(), 64, 32))

            requests.post('', data={
                'HMAC': bogus_hmac
コード例 #2
def main():
    message = b'A test message'
    message_int = int(bso.bytes_to_hex(message), 16)

    ciphertexts = []
    public_keys = []

    #Encrypt the same message 3 times with 3 different public keys. Keep track
    # of the ciphertext and public key. It is not necessary to use 3, just need to
    # use the value of e in rsa.

    while len(ciphertexts) < 3:
        server = rsa.RSAServer(e=3)
        client = rsa.RSAClient()
        e, n = server.send_public_key()
        client.recv_public_key(e, n)
        ciphertext = client.encrypt(message_int)

    #Now decrypt without using the secret key

    discovered_message_int = rsa_attacks.hastad_attack(3, ciphertexts,
    discovered_message = bso.hex_to_bytes(hex(discovered_message_int)[2:])

    assert discovered_message == message
コード例 #3
    def bad_verify_message(self, message, signature):
        """Verifies a signature by decrypting and checking the signature (in hex)
        starts with '0001ff' and contains the correct ans1 for sha16 and hash
        of the message

            message (bytes): message which has been signed
            signature (int): supposed signratur for the message
            bool: True if the signature passes the verification
            Exception('Signiture is invalid'): if the signature does not pass validation
        message_hash = sha256(message).hexdigest()
        signature = rsa.RSAClient.encrypt(self, signature)

        signature = bso.bytes_to_hex(signature.to_bytes(128, 'big'))
        invalid_signature = Exception('Signiture is invalid')

        if signature[:6] != '0001ff':
            raise invalid_signature

        if not signature.find('ff00' + message_hash):
            raise invalid_signature

        return True
コード例 #4
    def verify_hmac(self, recv_hmac, filename='Challenge38_hash_storage.txt'):
        Simulates final SRP verification but instead of doing the verification,
        stores recv_hmac and necessary values for cracking.    

            recv_hmac (bytes): hmac computed bytes he client
            string, int: 'OK', 200

        #Create a dict with all of the data for storage
        data = {}
        data['HMAC'] = bso.bytes_to_hex(recv_hmac)
        data['base'] = self.base
        data['u'] = self.u
        data['client_public_key'] = self.client_public_key
        data['salt'] = self.salt
        data['secret_key'] = self.secret_key

        with open(filename, 'w') as file:
            json.dump(data, file)

        return 'OK', 200
コード例 #5
    def calculate_hmac(self):
        """Calculates the hmac and returns it. If the password is correct, it
        it should match the hmac calculated byt the server.
            string: hmac encoded as a hex string depending on password, salt 
            and server and client keys

        return bso.bytes_to_hex(SRPClient.calculate_hmac(self))
コード例 #6
def main():
    """ Input and outputs in hex as given by the challenge"""
    hex_in_1 = '1c0111001f010100061a024b53535009181c'
    hex_in_2 = '686974207468652062756c6c277320657965'
    hex_out = '746865206b696420646f6e277420706c6179'
    """Convert hex to bytes for XOR"""
    bytes_in_1 = bso.hex_to_bytes(hex_in_1)
    bytes_in_2 = bso.hex_to_bytes(hex_in_2)

    XOR = bso.FixedXOR(bytes_in_1, bytes_in_2)
    """Don't miss out on the 90's rap reference"""
    """Check results"""
    assert bso.bytes_to_hex(XOR) == hex_out
コード例 #7
def main():
    alice = rsa.RSAServer()
    bob = rsa.RSAClient()
    e, n = alice.send_public_key()
    bob.recv_public_key(e, n)

    bob_msg = secrets.randbelow(2**1024)
    ciphertext = bob.encrypt(bob_msg)
    assert alice.decrypt(ciphertext) == bob_msg

    plaintext = b'A random message'
    plaintext_int = int(bso.bytes_to_hex(plaintext), 16)
    decrypted_message = alice.decrypt(bob.encrypt(plaintext_int))
    decrypted_message = hex(decrypted_message)

    decrypted_message = bso.hex_to_bytes(decrypted_message[2:])
    assert decrypted_message == plaintext
コード例 #8
def main():

    oracle = RSAOracle()

    client = rsa.RSAClient()

    message = b'A secret message'

    #Client encrypts the message
    message_int = int(bso.bytes_to_hex(message), 16)
    ciphertext = client.encrypt(message_int)

    #Client sends ciphertext which gets decrypted

    assert message == bso.hex_to_bytes(hex(oracle.decrypt(ciphertext))[2:])

    #Attacker intercepts the ciphertext and tries to get the plaintext from
    #the oracle. This fails because the oracle only decrypts each plaintext once

        successfully_decrypted = message == bso.hex_to_bytes(
        successfully_decrypted = False

    assert successfully_decrypted == False

    #instead the attacker can get the decryption of an alternate ciphertext and
    # convert it to the original message. This attack uses the fat that exponentiation
    # is a homomorphism

    e, n = oracle.send_public_key()

    #S can be any value

    S = 2

    altered_ciphertext = nt.modexp(S, e, n) * ciphertext % n

    altered_message = oracle.decrypt(altered_ciphertext)

    #altered message = S * message

    new_message = altered_message * nt.invmod(S, n) % n
    assert message == bso.hex_to_bytes(hex(new_message)[2:])
コード例 #9
def main():
    server = RSAParityOracle()
    client = rsa.RSAClient()
    e, mod = server.send_public_key()
    client.recv_public_key(e, mod)

    plaintext = 'VGhhdCdzIHdoeSBJIGZvdW5kIHlvdSBkb24ndCBwbGF5IGFyb3VuZCB3aXRoIHRoZSBGdW5reSBDb2xkIE1lZGluYQ=='
    plaintext = base64.b64decode(plaintext)

    integer_plaintext = int(bso.bytes_to_hex(plaintext), 16)
    ciphertext = client.encrypt(integer_plaintext)

    cracked_plaintext = rsa_attacks.parity_oracle_attack(
        ciphertext, e, mod, lambda val: server.is_even(val))

    assert bso.hex_to_bytes(
    ) == b"That's why I found you don't play around with the Funky Cold Medind"
コード例 #10
 def pad_and_encrypt(self, plaintext):
     plaintext = self.pad(plaintext)
     plaintext = int(bso.bytes_to_hex(plaintext), 16)
     return self.encrypt(plaintext)