コード例 #1
    def _minify(self, file_type, files, position, out):

        cache = Env.get('cache_dir')
        out_name = 'minified_' + out
        out = os.path.join(cache, out_name)

        raw = []
        for file_path in files:
            f = open(file_path, 'r').read()

            if file_type == 'script':
                data = jsmin(f)
                data = cssprefixer.process(f, debug = False, minify = True)
                data = data.replace('../images/', '../static/images/')
                data = data.replace('../fonts/', '../static/fonts/')
                data = data.replace('../../static/', '../static/') # Replace inside plugins

            raw.append({'file': file_path, 'date': int(os.path.getmtime(file_path)), 'data': data})

        # Combine all files together with some comments
        data = ''
        for r in raw:
            data += self.comment.get(file_type) % (r.get('file'), r.get('date'))
            data += r.get('data') + '\n\n'

        self.createFile(out, ss(data.strip()))

        if not self.minified.get(file_type):
            self.minified[file_type] = {}
        if not self.minified[file_type].get(position):
            self.minified[file_type][position] = []

        minified_url = 'api/%s/file.cache/%s?%s' % (Env.setting('api_key'), out_name, tryInt(os.path.getmtime(out)))
コード例 #2
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: exe-dealer/cssprefixer
 def test_inline_comment(self):
     #TODO: it would be nice if comments on the same line remained there, but this may not be possible because
     #cssutils tears everything apart into objects and then we rebuild it.
     self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('''article, aside, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, section {
 display: block;/* HTML5 display-role reset for older browsers */
 }''', minify=False), '''article, aside, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, section {
 display: block;
 /* HTML5 display-role reset for older browsers */
     self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('''article, aside, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, section {
 /* HTML5 display-role reset for older browsers */
 display: block;
 }''', minify=False), '''article, aside, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, section {
 /* HTML5 display-role reset for older browsers */
 display: block
コード例 #3
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: exe-dealer/cssprefixer
    def test_comment(self):
        self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('''/* HTML5 display-role reset for older browsers */
article, aside, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, section {
    display: block
    }''', minify=False), '''/* HTML5 display-role reset for older browsers */
article, aside, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, section {
    display: block
コード例 #4
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: GunioRobot/cssprefixer
 def test_opacity(self):
     self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('''a {
 opacity: 0.25;
 }''', minify=False), '''a {
 -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=25)";
 filter: alpha(opacity=25);
 opacity: 0.25
コード例 #5
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: exe-dealer/cssprefixer
 def test_transition(self):
     self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('''div {
   -webkit-transition: color .25s linear, -webkit-transform .15s linear .1s;
 }''', minify=False), '''div {
 -moz-transition: color 0.25s linear, -moz-transform 0.15s linear 0.1s;
 -o-transition: color 0.25s linear, -o-transform 0.15s linear 0.1s;
 -webkit-transition: color 0.25s linear, -webkit-transform 0.15s linear 0.1s;
 transition: color 0.25s linear, transform 0.15s linear 0.1s
コード例 #6
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: exe-dealer/cssprefixer
 def test_linear_no_pos(self):
     self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('''.box_gradient {
 background-image: linear-gradient(#444444, #999999);
 }''', minify=False), '''.box_gradient {
 background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(#444, #999);
 background-image: -o-linear-gradient(#444, #999);
 background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(#444, #999);
 background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0, #444), color-stop(1, #999));
 background-image: linear-gradient(#444, #999)
コード例 #7
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: exe-dealer/cssprefixer
 def test_webkit_gradient_mixed(self):
     self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('''.box_gradient {
 background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0, #444), color-stop(1, #999)), -webkit-linear-gradient(top, black, white);
 }''', minify=False), '''.box_gradient {
 background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(#444, #999), -moz-linear-gradient(top, black, white);
 background-image: -o-linear-gradient(#444, #999), -o-linear-gradient(top, black, white);
 background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(#444, #999), -webkit-linear-gradient(top, black, white);
 background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0, #444), color-stop(1, #999)), -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0, black), color-stop(1, white));
 background-image: linear-gradient(#444, #999), linear-gradient(top, black, white)
コード例 #8
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: exe-dealer/cssprefixer
 def test_background_multiple_images_and_gradients(self):
     self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('''.box_gradient {
 background: linear-gradient(top, black, white), url(images/gradient.png) top center no-repeat, url(images/background.png), -moz-linear-gradient(top, #444444, #999999);
 }''', minify=False), '''.box_gradient {
 background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, black, white), url(images/gradient.png) top center no-repeat, url(images/background.png), -moz-linear-gradient(top, #444, #999);
 background: -o-linear-gradient(top, black, white), url(images/gradient.png) top center no-repeat, url(images/background.png), -o-linear-gradient(top, #444, #999);
 background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, black, white), url(images/gradient.png) top center no-repeat, url(images/background.png), -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #444, #999);
 background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0, black), color-stop(1, white)), url(images/gradient.png) top center no-repeat, url(images/background.png), -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0, #444), color-stop(1, #999));
 background: linear-gradient(top, black, white), url(images/gradient.png) top center no-repeat, url(images/background.png), linear-gradient(top, #444, #999)
コード例 #9
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: GunioRobot/cssprefixer
 def test_webkit_gradient_mixed(self):
     self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('''.box_gradient {
 background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0, #444), color-stop(1, #999)), -webkit-linear-gradient(top, black, white);
 }''', minify=False), '''.box_gradient {
 background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(#444, #999), -webkit-linear-gradient(top, black, white);
 background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0, #444), color-stop(1, #999)), -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0, black), color-stop(1, white));
 background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(#444, #999), -moz-linear-gradient(top, black, white);
 background-image: -o-linear-gradient(#444, #999), -o-linear-gradient(top, black, white);
 filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr=#444, EndColorStr=#999)";
 background-image: linear-gradient(#444, #999), linear-gradient(top, black, white)
コード例 #10
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: GunioRobot/cssprefixer
 def test_background_multiple_images_and_gradient(self):
     self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('''.box_gradient {
 background: linear-gradient(top, black, white), url(images/gradient.png) top center no-repeat, url(images/background.png);
 }''', minify=False), '''.box_gradient {
 background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, black, white), url(images/gradient.png) top center no-repeat, url(images/background.png);
 background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0, black), color-stop(1, white)), url(images/gradient.png) top center no-repeat, url(images/background.png);
 background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, black, white), url(images/gradient.png) top center no-repeat, url(images/background.png);
 background: -o-linear-gradient(top, black, white), url(images/gradient.png) top center no-repeat, url(images/background.png);
 filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr=black, EndColorStr=white)";
 background: linear-gradient(top, black, white), url(images/gradient.png) top center no-repeat, url(images/background.png)
コード例 #11
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: shon/cowspa
 def render(self, context):
     theme_dir = pathjoin(theme_root, context['theme'])
     print "compiling", theme_dir
     cssdefs_path = os.path.join(theme_dir, 'theme.py')
     theme_data = {}
     execfile(cssdefs_path, {}, theme_data)
     print theme_data
     out = super(CSSTemplate, self).render(context)
     out = cssprefixer.process(out, debug=False, minify=(not DEBUG))
     return out
コード例 #12
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: exe-dealer/cssprefixer
 def test_image(self):
     #I don't think this test produces valid css but it shows that data and order is being preserved.
     self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('''.box_gradient {
 background-image: url(images/background.png), linear-gradient(top, black, white);
 }''', minify=False), '''.box_gradient {
 background-image: url(images/background.png), -moz-linear-gradient(top, black, white);
 background-image: url(images/background.png), -o-linear-gradient(top, black, white);
 background-image: url(images/background.png), -webkit-linear-gradient(top, black, white);
 background-image: url(images/background.png), -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0, black), color-stop(1, white));
 background-image: url(images/background.png), linear-gradient(top, black, white)
コード例 #13
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: exe-dealer/cssprefixer
    def test_media_no_mini(self):
        self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('''@media screen and (max-device-width: 480px){
        border-radius: 1em;
}''', minify=False), '''@media screen and (max-device-width: 480px) {
    #book {
        -moz-border-radius: 1em;
        -webkit-border-radius: 1em;
        border-radius: 1em
コード例 #14
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: exe-dealer/cssprefixer
 def _test_background_multiple_images_and_gradients(self):
     self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('''.box_gradient {
     left top,
     left bottom,
     from(rgb(240, 240, 240)),
     to(rgb(210, 210, 210))
 )}''', minify=False), '''.box_gradient {
コード例 #15
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: exe-dealer/cssprefixer
 def test_transition_property(self):
     self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('''div {
 -webkit-transition-property: -webkit-transform, opacity, left;
 -webkit-transition-duration: rotatey(45deg), 2s, 4s;
 }''', minify=False), '''div {
 -moz-transition-property: -moz-transform, opacity, left;
 -o-transition-property: -o-transform, opacity, left;
 -webkit-transition-property: -webkit-transform, opacity, left;
 transition-property: transform, opacity, left;
 -moz-transition-duration: rotatey(45deg), 2s, 4s;
 -o-transition-duration: rotatey(45deg), 2s, 4s;
 -webkit-transition-duration: rotatey(45deg), 2s, 4s;
 transition-duration: rotatey(45deg), 2s, 4s
コード例 #16
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: miracle2k/cssprefixer
    def test_keyframes(self):
        self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('''@keyframes round {
    from {border-radius: 2px}
    to {border-radius: 10px}
    }''', minify=False), "@-webkit-keyframes round {\nfrom {\n    -webkit-border-radius: 2px;\n    border-radius: 2px\n    }\nto {\n    -webkit-border-radius: 10px;\n    border-radius: 10px\n    }\n}\n@-moz-keyframes round {\nfrom {\n    -moz-border-radius: 2px;\n    border-radius: 2px\n    }\nto {\n    -moz-border-radius: 10px;\n    border-radius: 10px\n    }\n}\n@keyframes round {\n    from {\n        border-radius: 2px\n        } to {\n        border-radius: 10px\n        }\n    }")

        # Test with comment within the keyframes definition.
        self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('''@keyframes round /* comment */ {
    from {border-radius: 2px}
    to {border-radius: 10px}
    }''', minify=False), "@-webkit-keyframes round {\nfrom {\n    -webkit-border-radius: 2px;\n    border-radius: 2px\n    }\nto {\n    -webkit-border-radius: 10px;\n    border-radius: 10px\n    }\n}\n@-moz-keyframes round {\nfrom {\n    -moz-border-radius: 2px;\n    border-radius: 2px\n    }\nto {\n    -moz-border-radius: 10px;\n    border-radius: 10px\n    }\n}\n@keyframes round {\n    from {\n        border-radius: 2px\n        } to {\n        border-radius: 10px\n        }\n    }")

        # Test with percentage values.
        self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('''@keyframes round {
    0% {border-radius: 2px}
    100% {border-radius: 10px}
    }''', minify=False), "@-webkit-keyframes round {\0% {\n    -webkit-border-radius: 2px;\n    border-radius: 2px\n    }\n100% {\n    -webkit-border-radius: 10px;\n    border-radius: 10px\n    }\n}\n@-moz-keyframes round {\nfrom {\n    -moz-border-radius: 2px;\n    border-radius: 2px\n    }\nto {\n    -moz-border-radius: 10px;\n    border-radius: 10px\n    }\n}\n@keyframes round {\n    from {\n        border-radius: 2px\n        } to {\n        border-radius: 10px\n        }\n    }")

        # Test with vendor-prefix in input.
        self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('''@-webkit-keyframes round {
    0% {border-radius: 2px}
    100% {border-radius: 10px}
    }''', minify=False), "@-webkit-keyframes round {\nfrom {\n    -webkit-border-radius: 2px;\n    border-radius: 2px\n    }\nto {\n    -webkit-border-radius: 10px;\n    border-radius: 10px\n    }\n}\n@-moz-keyframes round {\nfrom {\n    -moz-border-radius: 2px;\n    border-radius: 2px\n    }\nto {\n    -moz-border-radius: 10px;\n    border-radius: 10px\n    }\n}\n@keyframes round {\n    from {\n        border-radius: 2px\n        } to {\n        border-radius: 10px\n        }\n    }")
コード例 #17
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: exe-dealer/cssprefixer
 def test_multi_transition(self):
     self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('''div {
 transition: color .25s linear;
 transition: background-color .15s linear .1;
 }''', minify=False), '''div {
 -moz-transition: color 0.25s linear;
 -o-transition: color 0.25s linear;
 -webkit-transition: color 0.25s linear;
 transition: color 0.25s linear;
 -moz-transition: background-color 0.15s linear 0.1;
 -o-transition: background-color 0.15s linear 0.1;
 -webkit-transition: background-color 0.15s linear 0.1;
 transition: background-color 0.15s linear 0.1
コード例 #18
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: exe-dealer/cssprefixer
    def test_keyframes(self):
        self.maxDiff = None
        self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('''@keyframes round {
    from {border-radius: 2px}
    to {border-radius: 10px}
    }''', minify=False),
'''@keyframes round {
    from {
        border-radius: 2px
        } to {
        border-radius: 10px
@-webkit-keyframes round {
from {
    -webkit-border-radius: 2px;
    border-radius: 2px
to {
    -webkit-border-radius: 10px;
    border-radius: 10px
@-moz-keyframes round {
from {
    -moz-border-radius: 2px;
    border-radius: 2px
to {
    -moz-border-radius: 10px;
    border-radius: 10px
@-ms-keyframes round {
from {
    border-radius: 2px
to {
    border-radius: 10px
@-o-keyframes round {
from {
    border-radius: 2px
to {
    border-radius: 10px
コード例 #19
ファイル: media_processors.py プロジェクト: AlfredArouna/hyde
 def process(resource):
     data = resource.source_file.read_all()
         import cssprefixer
         out = cssprefixer.process(data, debug=False, minify=False)
     except ImportError:
             data = urllib.urlencode({"css": resource.source_file.read_all()})
             req = urllib2.Request("http://cssprefixer.appspot.com/process/", data)
             out = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
         except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
             print 'HTTP Error %s when calling remote CSSPrefixer' % e.code
             return False
         except urllib2.URLError, e:
             print 'Error when calling remote CSSPrefixer:', e.reason
             return False
コード例 #20
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: GunioRobot/cssprefixer
    def test_no_mini(self):
        self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('''.my-class, #my-id {
    border-radius: 1em;
    transition: all 1s ease;
    box-shadow: #123456 0 0 10px;
    display: box;
}''', minify=False), '''.my-class, #my-id {
    -webkit-border-radius: 1em;
    -moz-border-radius: 1em;
    border-radius: 1em;
    -webkit-transition: all 1s ease;
    -moz-transition: all 1s ease;
    -o-transition: all 1s ease;
    transition: all 1s ease;
    -webkit-box-shadow: #123456 0 0 10px;
    -moz-box-shadow: #123456 0 0 10px;
    box-shadow: #123456 0 0 10px;
    display: -webkit-box;
    display: -moz-box;
    display: box
コード例 #21
 def test_undefined(self):
     #test prefixed styles that don't have a rule yet, we use a fake property
     #for this test becuase we will never have a rule for this
         cssprefixer.process('a{-webkit-faker: black}', minify=True),
コード例 #22
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: exe-dealer/cssprefixer
 def test_mixed_duplicate(self):
     self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('a{-moz-border-radius: 1em;border-radius: 1em;-webkit-border-radius: 1em}', minify=True),
コード例 #23
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: exe-dealer/cssprefixer
 def test_mq(self):
     self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('@media screen and (min-width:480px){a{color:red}}', minify=True),
                      '@media screen and (min-width:480px){a{color:red}}')
コード例 #24
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: exe-dealer/cssprefixer
 def test_flexbox(self):
     self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('a{display: flex;}', minify=True),
コード例 #25
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: exe-dealer/cssprefixer
 def test_moz_border_radius(self):
     self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('a{border-top-left-radius: 1em;border-top-right-radius: 1em;border-bottom-right-radius: 1em;border-bottom-left-radius: 1em;}', minify=True),
コード例 #26
 def test_empty(self):
     self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('a{}', minify=True), '')
     self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('a{}', minify=False), '')
コード例 #27
 def test_common_and_opera(self):
         cssprefixer.process('a{transform: rotate(10deg)}', minify=True),
コード例 #28
 def test_webkit(self):
         cssprefixer.process('a{-webkit-background-clip: padding-box}',
コード例 #29
 def test_flexbox(self):
         cssprefixer.process('a{-webkit-display: box;}', minify=True),
コード例 #30
 def text_resource_complete(self, resource, text):
     if not resource.source_file.kind in ("less", "css"):
     return cssprefixer.process(text, debug=False, minify=True)
コード例 #31
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: exe-dealer/cssprefixer
 def test_appearance(self):
     #test prefixed styles that don't have a rule yet, we use a fake property
     #for this test becuase we will never have a rule for this
     self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('a{-webkit-appearance: none;}', minify=True),
コード例 #32
 def test_mq(self):
     self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('@media screen and (min-width:480px){a{color:red}}', minify=True),
                      '@media screen and (min-width:480px){a{color:red}}')
コード例 #33
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: exe-dealer/cssprefixer
 def test_ie_and_opera(self):
     self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('a{text-overflow: ellipsis}', minify=True),
コード例 #34
 def test_moz_border_radius(self):
     self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('a{border-top-left-radius: 1em;border-top-right-radius: 1em;border-bottom-right-radius: 1em;border-bottom-left-radius: 1em;}', minify=True),
コード例 #35
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: exe-dealer/cssprefixer
 def test_cursor_zoom_out(self):
     self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('a{cursor: zoom-out;}', minify=True),
コード例 #36
 def test_ie_and_opera(self):
     self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('a{text-overflow: ellipsis}', minify=True),
コード例 #37
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: exe-dealer/cssprefixer
 def test_displaybox(self):
     self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('a{display: display;}', minify=True),
コード例 #38
 def test_displaybox(self):
         cssprefixer.process('a{display: display;}', minify=True),
コード例 #39
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: exe-dealer/cssprefixer
 def test_mq_common(self):
     self.assertEqual(cssprefixer.process('@media screen and (min-width:480px){a{border-radius: 1em}}', minify=True),
                      '@media screen and (min-width:480px){a{-moz-border-radius:1em;-webkit-border-radius:1em;border-radius:1em}}')
コード例 #40
 def test_cursor_zoom_out(self):
         cssprefixer.process('a{cursor: zoom-out;}', minify=True),
コード例 #41
 def test_appearance(self):
     #test prefixed styles that don't have a rule yet, we use a fake property
     #for this test becuase we will never have a rule for this
         cssprefixer.process('a{-webkit-appearance: none;}', minify=True),
コード例 #42
 def test_common(self):
         cssprefixer.process('a{-moz-border-radius: 1em}', minify=True),
コード例 #43
ファイル: media_processors.py プロジェクト: sirex/hyde
 def process(resource):
     import cssprefixer
     data = resource.source_file.read_all()
     out = cssprefixer.process(data, debug=False, minify=False)
コード例 #44
 def process(resource):
     import cssprefixer
     data = resource.source_file.read_all()
     out = cssprefixer.process(data, debug=False, minify=False)