コード例 #1
def load_data(uri, dateFormat):
    logging.info('loading data; uri: {0}'.format(uri))
    from urllib2 import urlopen
    from csv import DictReader
    reader = DictReader(urlopen(uri).readlines())
    encodedFieldNames = []
    for fieldname in reader.fieldnames:
    reader.fieldnames = encodedFieldNames
    data = []
    from time import strptime
    for row in reader:
            'date': strptime(row['Date'], dateFormat),
            'open': float(row['Open']),
            'close': float(row['Close']),
            'high': float(row['High']),
            'low': float(row['Low']),
            'volume': float(row['Volume'])
    return data
コード例 #2
def read_certified_applications(csv_file_path):
    Generator function for reading the input CSV files.  This function does the following:

    1.  We sniff the file format so we can support both default excel formatted csv and the
        semi-colon separated files (see Test 1 and Test 2).

    2.  We check if the file uses the previous LCA record layout. If so, we migrate it to the
        current H1B Record Layout.

    3.  Filter out all application that are not 'CERTIFIED'.

    The goal of this function is to separate code for reading the input file format from our
    analytical code.

    :param csv_file_path:
    print('Processing input file: {0}'.format(csv_file_path))

    with open(csv_file_path) as csv_file:

        # Sniff the file format
        dialect = Sniffer().sniff(csv_file.read(16384))

        reader = DictReader(csv_file, dialect=dialect)

        # Dirty migration of the previous LCA Record Layout to the current H1B Record Layout
        if 'LCA_CASE_NUMBER' in reader.fieldnames:
            reader.fieldnames = get_migrated_fieldnames()

        # Filter all applications that are not certified
        yield from filterfalse(lambda row: row['CASE_STATUS'] != 'CERTIFIED',
コード例 #3
def upload(request):
    # get parameters
    response, schools = get_variable_with_error(request, 'leave', 'school', as_list=True)
    if response is not None:
        return response

    response, minimum_str = get_variable_with_error(request, 'leave', 'minimum', def_value="0")
    if response is not None:
        return response
    minimum = int(minimum_str)

    csv = request.FILES['datafile']

    order = ['school', 'employee', 'manager', 'actual_balance', 'leave_accrued', 'future_leave_bookings', 'current_balance', 'current_allocated_balance']
    header = dict()
    header['school'] = 'Faculty/School'
    header['employee'] = 'Employee'
    header['manager'] = 'Manager'
    header['actual_balance'] = 'Actual balance'
    header['leave_accrued'] = 'Leave accrued'
    header['future_leave_bookings'] = 'Future bookings'
    header['current_balance'] = 'Current balance'
    header['current_allocated_balance'] = 'Current allocated balance'
    result = list()
        with open(csv.temporary_file_path(), encoding='ISO-8859-1') as csvfile:
            reader = DictReader(csvfile)
            reader.fieldnames = [name.lower().replace(" ", "_") for name in reader.fieldnames]
            for row in reader:
                school = row['main_clevel']
                if school not in schools:
                leave_type = row['leave_type']
                if leave_type != "AL":  # TODO any other types of leave to add/include?
                rrow = dict()
                rrow['school'] = school
                rrow['employee'] = row['employee_name']
                rrow['manager'] = row['manager']
                rrow['actual_balance'] = float(row['current_allocated_balance']) - float(row['future_leave_bookings'])
                rrow['current_balance'] = row['current_balance']
                rrow['current_allocated_balance'] = row['current_allocated_balance']
                rrow['leave_accrued'] = row['accrual']
                rrow['future_leave_bookings'] = row['future_leave_bookings']
                if int(rrow['actual_balance']) >= minimum:
    except Exception as ex:
        return create_error_response(request, 'leave', 'Failed to read uploaded CSV file: ' + str(ex))

    # sort
    result.sort(key=actual_balance_key, reverse=True)

    # configure template
    template = loader.get_template('leave/output.html')
    context = applist.template_context('leave')
    context['table'] = result
    context['header'] = header
    context['order'] = order
    return HttpResponse(template.render(context, request))
コード例 #4
 def _read_file(self, key):
     resp = self.boto_client.get_object(Bucket=self.bucket, Key=key)
     with gz_open(resp['Body'], mode='rt') as gz_f:
         reader = DictReader(gz_f, delimiter=' ')
         reader.fieldnames = [
             f.replace('-', '_') for f in reader.fieldnames
         yield from reader
コード例 #5
 def _read_file(self, key):
     resp = self.boto_client.get_object(Bucket=self.bucket, Key=key)
     with gz_open(resp['Body'], mode='rt') as gz_f:
         reader = DictReader(gz_f, delimiter=' ')
         reader.fieldnames = [
             f.replace('-', '_') for f in reader.fieldnames
         yield from reader
         with THREAD_LOCK:
             self.bytes_processed += gz_f.tell()
             self.compressed_bytes_processed += resp['ContentLength']
コード例 #6
def csv2ics(filename, tz=None):
    print_field("BEGIN", "VCALENDAR")

    with open(filename, "rb") as infile:
        dialect = Sniffer().sniff(infile.read())
        reader = DictReader(infile, dialect=dialect)
        reader.fieldnames = [
            transform_fieldname(name) for name in reader.fieldnames
        rows = [row for row in reader if row_nonblank(row)]
        write_events(rows, tz)

    print_field("END", "VCALENDAR")
コード例 #7
ファイル: parsingfasta.py プロジェクト: CCOM-4027/Genomics
def csvInput(file,options,dialect='excel'):
    from csv import DictReader
    with open(file,'r') as f:
        if not header:
            reader = DictReader(f,dialect=dialect)
            reader = DictReader(f,dialect=dialect,fieldnames=header.split(','))
        reader.fieldnames = map(options['alias'],reader.fieldnames)
        entries =[line for line in reader]
        return entries
コード例 #8
def startup():
    help_string = """
        The API is available at:

        Example use:

        A GET request to http://localhost:5000/api/products/1234 would return
        the details of the product with id = 1234 (if it exists) in JSON format
    if "products.csv" in os.listdir(os.getcwd()):
        #Fetch json products from aws
        aws_url = "https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/pricesearcher-code-tests/python-software-developer/products.json"
        response = requests.get(aws_url)
            # Read the fetched data as json and call parse function
            # to standardise the data into the form we require
            product_list = parse_json(response.json())
        except decoder.JSONDecodeError:
            logging.warning("Failed to retrieve json products from AWS, could not decode data into JSON")
        # Check the json products keys
        keys = []
        for d in product_list:
            for key in d:
                if key not in keys:
        if set(keys) != set(["id", "name", "brand", "retailer", "price", "in_stock"]):
            logging.warning("Json products keys differ from required")
            logging.warning("Json keys: {}".format(list(keys)))
        # Use DictReader from csv module to turn the csv data into a python dictionary
        with open("products.csv") as csvfile:
            dr = DictReader(csvfile, delimiter=",")
            # Reassign the field names to match the json data
            dr.fieldnames = ["id", "name", "brand", "retailer", "price", "in_stock"]
            # Parse the data to fit our expected scheme and add it to the list of products
            product_list.extend(parse_csv([x for x in dr]))
        return product_list
        logging.warning("Please ensure the products.csv file is in the same directory as the app!")
コード例 #9
def import_supervisors(csv, encoding, email=None, delete=True):
    Imports the supervisors (Jade Export).

    :param csv: the CSV file to import
    :type csv: str
    :param encoding: the file encoding (eg utf-8)
    :type encoding: str
    :param email: the (optional) email address to send a notification to
    :type email: str
    :param delete: whether to delete the data file
    :type delete: bool
    :return: None if successful, otherwise error message
    :rtype: str

    result = None


    # empty table
    # import
    p1 = re.compile('.*\/')
    p2 = re.compile(' .*')
        with open(csv, encoding=encoding) as csvfile:
            reader = DictReader(csvfile)
            reader.fieldnames = [
                name.lower().replace(" ", "_") for name in reader.fieldnames
            count = 0
            for row in reader:
                count += 1
                truncate_strings(row, 250)
                encode_strings(row, 'utf-8')
                r = Supervisors()
                r.student_id = row['student'][
                    row['student'].rfind(' ') +
                    1:]  # extract ID at end of string
                r.student = row['student']
                r.supervisor = row['supervisor']
                r.active_roles = row['active_roles']
                r.entity = row['entity']
                r.agreement_status = row['agreement_status']
                r.date_agreed = parse_supervisors_date('date_agreed',
                r.completion_date = parse_supervisors_date(
                    'completion_date', row['completion_date'])
                r.proposed_enrolment_date = parse_supervisors_date(
                    'proposed_enrolment_date', row['proposed_enrolment_date'])
                r.proposed_research_topic = row['proposed_research_topic']
                # normalize title a bit
                title = row['title']
                title = title.lower()
                title = title.replace(".", "").replace("/",
                                                       "").replace(" ", "")
                title = title.replace("associate", "a").replace("assoc", "a")
                title = title.replace("professor", "prof").replace(
                    "pro", "prof").replace("proff", "prof")
                title = title.replace("doctor", "dr")
                title = title.replace("sir", "")
                r.title = title
                r.quals = row['quals']
                r.comments = row['comments']
                # active if not withdrawn
                r.active = ("removed" not in title) and (
                    "replaced" not in title) and ("informal" not in title)
                # determine program type
                program = p2.sub('', p1.sub('', row['entity'])).upper()
                r.program = award_to_program(program)
                # progress
                if (count % 1000) == 0:
                                       "Imported " + str(count) + " rows...")
    except Exception as ex:
        msg = traceback.format_exc()
        result = msg
        if delete:
            except Exception as ex:
                msg = traceback.format_exc()
                result = msg

    if email is not None:
            email, 'Import: supervisors', 'Import succeeded' if
            (result is None) else 'Import failed: ' + result)

    return result
コード例 #10
def import_coursedefs(year, csv, encoding, email=None, delete=True):
    Imports the course definitions for a specific year (Brio/Hyperion export).

    :param year: the year to import the results for (eg 2015)
    :type year: int
    :param csv: the CSV file to import, can be gzip compressed
    :type csv: str
    :param encoding: the file encoding (eg utf-8)
    :type encoding: str
    :param email: the (optional) email address to send a notification to
    :type email: str
    :param delete: whether to delete the data file
    :type delete: bool
    :return: None if successful, otherwise error message
    :rtype: str

    result = None


    # delete previous rows for year
    # import
        csvfile = open(csv, encoding=encoding)
        reader = DictReader(csvfile)
        reader.fieldnames = [
            name.lower().replace(" ", "_") for name in reader.fieldnames
        count = 0
        for row in reader:
            count += 1
            truncate_strings(row, 250)
            encode_strings(row, 'utf-8')
            r = CourseDefs()
            r.year = year
            r.code = string_cell(row, ['papercode'])
            r.title = string_cell(row, ['papertitle'])
            r.description = string_cell(row, ['paperdescription'])
            r.type = string_cell(row, ['papertype'])
            r.stage = int_cell(row, ['paperstage'])
            r.points = float_cell(row, ['paperpoints'])
            r.delivery_mode = string_cell(row, ['paperdeliverymode'])
            r.owning_programme = string_cell(row, ['paperowningprogramme'])
            r.owning_programme_title = string_cell(
                row, ['paperowningprogrammetitle'])
            r.fw_level = int_cell(row, ['paperfwlevel'])
            r.hours_contact = int_cell(row, ['paperhourscontact'])
            r.hours_self_directed = int_cell(row, ['paperhoursselfdirected'])
            r.hours_other_directed = int_cell(row, ['paperhoursotherdirected'])
            r.funding_source = string_cell(row, ['paperfundingsource'])
            r.course_factor = float_cell(row, ['papercoursefactor'])
            r.cost_category_code = string_cell(row, ['papercostcategorycode'])
            r.cost_category = string_cell(row, ['papercostcategory'])
            r.funding_class_code = string_cell(row, ['paperfundingclasscode'])
            r.funding_class = string_cell(row, ['paperfundingclass'])
            r.individual_efts = int_cell(row, ['paperindividualefts'])
            r.nzsced_code = string_cell(row, ['nzscedcode'])
            r.nzsced_category = string_cell(row, ['nzscedcategory'])
            r.delivering_school_code = string_cell(
                row, ['paperdeliveringschoolcode'])
            r.delivering_school = string_cell(row, ['paperdeliveringschool'])
            r.delivering_dept_code = string_cell(row,
            r.delivering_dept = string_cell(row, ['paperdeliveringdept'])
            r.delivering_unit_code = string_cell(row,
            r.delivering_unit = string_cell(row, ['paperdeliveringunit'])
            r.owning_school_code = string_cell(row, ['paperowningschoolcode'])
            r.owning_school = string_cell(row, ['paperowningschool'])
            r.owning_dept_code = string_cell(row,
            r.owning_dept = string_cell(row, ['paperowningdepartment'])
            r.owning_unit_code = string_cell(row, ['paperowningunitcode'])
            r.owning_unit = string_cell(row, ['paperowningunit'])
            r.self_paced = bool_cell(row, ['papertitle'])
            r.online = bool_cell(row, ['paperonline'])
            r.active = bool_cell(row, ['paperactive'])
            r.pending = bool_cell(row, ['paperpending'])
            r.sub_status = string_cell(row, ['papersubstatus'])
            r.grade_method_code = string_cell(row, ['grademethodcode'])
            r.pbrf_eligibility = string_cell(row, ['pbrfeligibility'])
            r.coe_policy = string_cell(row, ['coepolicy'])
            r.report_academic_result = bool_cell(row, ['reportacademicresult'])
            r.internet_based = string_cell(row, ['paperinternetbased'])
            # progress
            if (count % 1000) == 0:
                                   "Imported " + str(count) + " rows...")

        # close file
    except Exception as ex:
        msg = traceback.format_exc()
        return msg
        if delete:
            except Exception as ex:
                msg = traceback.format_exc()
                result = msg

    if email is not None:
            email, 'Import: course definitions', 'Import succeeded' if
            (result is None) else 'Import failed: ' + result)

    return result
コード例 #11
def import_associatedrole(csv, encoding, email=None, delete=True):
    Imports the associated role (Jade Export).

    :param csv: the CSV file to import
    :type csv: str
    :param encoding: the file encoding (eg utf-8)
    :type encoding: str
    :param email: the (optional) email address to send a notification to
    :type email: str
    :param delete: whether to delete the data file
    :type delete: bool
    :return: None if successful, otherwise error message
    :rtype: str

    result = None


    # empty table
    # import
        with open(csv, encoding=encoding) as csvfile:
            reader = DictReader(csvfile)
            reader.fieldnames = [
                name.lower().replace(" ", "_") for name in reader.fieldnames
            count = 0
            for row in reader:
                count += 1
                truncate_strings(row, 250)
                encode_strings(row, 'utf-8')
                r = AssociatedRole()
                r.role = row['role']
                r.person = row['person']
                r.entity = row['entity']
                r.valid_from = parse_associatedrole_date(
                    'valid_from', row['valid_from'])
                r.valid_to = parse_associatedrole_date('valid_to',
                r.active = len(row['valid_to'].strip()) == 0
                if " - " in r.entity:
                    r.student_id = r.entity[(r.entity.index(" - ") + 3):]
                if "Award/" in r.entity:
                    r.student = r.entity[r.entity.index("Award/") + 6:]
                    r.program = award_to_program(
                        r.student[0:r.student.index(" ")].upper())
                    r.student = r.student[r.student.index(" ") + 1:]
                # progress
                if (count % 1000) == 0:
                                       "Imported " + str(count) + " rows...")

    except Exception as ex:
        msg = traceback.format_exc()
        result = msg
        if delete:
            except Exception as ex:
                msg = traceback.format_exc()
                result = msg

    if email is not None:
            email, 'Import: associated role', 'Import succeeded' if
            (result is None) else 'Import failed: ' + result)

    return result
コード例 #12
def import_grade_results(year, csv, isgzip, encoding, email=None, delete=True):
    Imports the grade results for a specific year (Brio/Hyperion export).

    :param year: the year to import the results for (eg 2015)
    :type year: int
    :param csv: the CSV file to import, can be gzip compressed
    :type csv: str
    :param isgzip: true if GZIP compressed
    :type isgzip: bool
    :param encoding: the file encoding (eg utf-8)
    :type encoding: str
    :param email: the (optional) email address to send a notification to
    :type email: str
    :param delete: whether to delete the data file
    :type delete: bool
    :return: None if successful, otherwise error message
    :rtype: str

    result = None


    query_date = None

    # delete previous rows for year
    # import
        if isgzip:
            csvfile = gzip.open(csv, mode='rt', encoding=encoding)
            csvfile = open(csv, encoding=encoding)
        reader = DictReader(csvfile)
        reader.fieldnames = [
            name.lower().replace(" ", "_") for name in reader.fieldnames
        count = 0
        for row in reader:
            count += 1
            truncate_strings(row, 250)
            encode_strings(row, 'utf-8')
            r = GradeResults()
            r.year = year
            r.student_id = string_cell(row, ['student_id'])
            r.name = string_cell(row, ['name'])
            r.title = string_cell(row, ['title'])
            r.prefered_given_name = string_cell(row, ['prefered_given_name'],
            r.given_name = string_cell(row, ['given_name'], defvalue='')
            r.other_given_names = string_cell(row, ['other_given_names'],
            r.family_name = string_cell(row, ['family_name'], defvalue='')
            r.previous_name = string_cell(row, ['previous_name'])
            r.address1 = string_cell(row, ['address1', 'address_line_1'])
            r.address2 = string_cell(row, ['address2', 'address_line_2'])
            r.address2a = string_cell(row, ['address2a'])
            r.address2b = string_cell(row, ['address2b'])
            r.address3 = string_cell(row, ['address3', 'address_line_3'])
            r.address4 = string_cell(row, ['address4', 'address_line_4'])
            r.postcode = string_cell(row, ['postcode', 'postal_area_code'])
            r.telephone = string_cell(row, ['telephone', 'perm_phone_number'])
            r.cellphone = string_cell(row,
                                      ['cellphone', 'perm_cellphone_number'])
            r.email = string_cell(row, ['email', 'perm_email_address'])
            r.hasdisability = int_cell(row, ['hasdisability'])
            r.isdomestic = int_cell(row, ['isdomestic', 'domestic_indicator'])
            r.is_domiciled_locally = int_cell(row, ['is_domiciled_locally'])
            r.citizenship = string_cell(row, ['citizenship'])
            r.residency_status = string_cell(row, ['residency_status'])
            r.origin = string_cell(row, ['origin'])
            r.gender = string_cell(row, ['gender'])
            r.ethnicity = string_cell(row, ['ethnicity'])
            r.ethnic_group = string_cell(row, ['ethnic_group'])
            r.all_ethnicities_string = string_cell(row,
            r.all_iwi_string = string_cell(row, ['all_iwi_string'])
            r.dateofbirth = parse_grade_results_date(
                string_cell(row, ['dateofbirth', 'date_of_birth']))
            r.dateofdeath = string_cell(row, ['dateofdeath'])
            r.waikato_1st = int_cell(row, ['waikato_1st'])
            r.nz_1st = int_cell(row, ['nz_1st'])
            r.last_year_sec = int_cell(row, ['last_year_sec'])
            r.sec_qual_year = int_cell(row, ['sec_qual_year'])
            r.last_sec_school = string_cell(row, ['last_sec_school'])
            r.last_sec_school_region = string_cell(row,
            r.highest_sec_qual = string_cell(row, ['highest_sec_qual'])
            r.main_activity = string_cell(row, ['main_activity'])
            r.award_title = string_cell(row, ['award_title', 'award'])
            r.prog_abbr = string_cell(row, ['prog_abbr', 'prog_-_abbr'])
            r.programme = string_cell(row, ['programme'])
            r.programme_type_code = string_cell(row, ['programme_type_code'])
            r.programme_type = string_cell(row, ['programme_type'])
            r.ishigherdegree = int_cell(row, ['ishigherdegree'])
            r.school_of_study = string_cell(row, ['school_of_study'])
            r.school_of_study_clevel = fix_org_unit(
                string_cell(row, ['school_of_study_clevel']))
            r.paper_master_code = string_cell(
                row, ['paper_master_code', 'paper_master'])
            r.paper_occurrence = string_cell(row, ['paper_occurrence'])
            r.paper_title = string_cell(row, ['paper_title'])
            r.occurrence_startdate = parse_grade_results_date(
                string_cell(row, ['occurrence_startdate']))
            r.occurrence_startyear = int_cell(row, ['occurrence_startyear'])
            r.occurrence_startweek = int_cell(row, ['occurrence_startweek'])
            r.occurrence_enddate = parse_grade_results_date(
                'occurrence_enddate', string_cell(row, ['occurrence_enddate']))
            r.stage = int_cell(row, ['stage'])
            r.credits = float_cell(row, ['credits'])
            r.student_credit_points = float_cell(
                row, ['student_credit_points', 'student_credits'])
            r.iscancelled = int_cell(row, ['iscancelled'])
            r.isoncampus = int_cell(row, ['isoncampus'])
            r.issemesteracourse = int_cell(row, ['issemesteracourse'])
            r.issemesterbcourse = int_cell(row, ['issemesterbcourse'])
            r.iswholeyearcourse = int_cell(row, ['iswholeyearcourse'])
            r.location_code = string_cell(row, ['location_code'])
            r.location = string_cell(row, ['location'])
            r.owning_school_clevel = fix_org_unit(
                string_cell(row, ['owning_school_clevel']))
            r.owning_school = string_cell(row, ['owning_school'])
            r.owning_department_clevel = string_cell(
                row, ['owning_department_clevel'])
            r.owning_department = string_cell(row, ['owning_department'])
            r.owning_level4_clevel = string_cell(row, ['owning_level4_clevel'])
            r.owning_level4_department = string_cell(
                row, ['owning_level4_department'])
            r.owning_level4or3_department = string_cell(
                row, ['owning_level4or3_department'])
            r.owning_level4or3_clevel = string_cell(
                row, ['owning_level4or3_clevel'])
            r.delivery_mode_code = string_cell(row, ['delivery_mode_code'])
            r.delivery_mode = string_cell(row, ['delivery_mode'])
            r.semester_code = string_cell(row, ['semester_code'])
            r.semester_description = string_cell(row, ['semester_description'])
            r.isselfpaced = int_cell(row, ['isselfpaced'])
            r.source_of_funding = string_cell(row, ['source_of_funding'])
            r.funding_category_code = string_cell(row,
            r.funding_category = string_cell(row, ['funding_category'])
            r.cost_category_code = string_cell(row, ['cost_category_code'])
            r.cost_category = string_cell(row, ['cost_category'])
            r.research_supplement_code = int_cell(row,
            r.research_supplement = string_cell(row, ['research_supplement'])
            r.classification_code = float_cell(row, ['classification_code'])
            r.classification = string_cell(row, ['classification'])
            r.division = string_cell(row, ['division'])
            r.division_code = string_cell(row, ['division_code'])
            r.specified_programme = string_cell(row, ['specified_programme'])
            r.major = string_cell(row, ['major'])
            r.second_major = string_cell(row, ['second_major'])
            r.major2 = string_cell(row, ['major2'])
            r.second_major2 = string_cell(row, ['second_major2'])
            r.main_subject = string_cell(row, ['main_subject'])
            r.second_subject = string_cell(row, ['second_subject'])
            r.supporting_subject = string_cell(row, ['supporting_subject'])
            r.teaching_1 = string_cell(row, ['teaching_1'])
            r.teaching_2 = string_cell(row, ['teaching_2'])
            r.teaching_3 = string_cell(row, ['teaching_3'])
            r.teaching_4 = string_cell(row, ['teaching_4'])
            r.subject = string_cell(row, ['subject'])
            r.field = string_cell(row, ['field'])
            r.specialisation = string_cell(row, ['specialisation'])
            r.stream = string_cell(row, ['stream'])
            r.endorsement = string_cell(row, ['endorsement'])
            r.award_year = int_cell(row, ['award_year'])
            r.award_completion_status = string_cell(
                row, ['award_completion_status'])
            r.award_completion_date = parse_grade_results_date(
                string_cell(row, ['award_completion_date']))
            r.award_completion_confirmed_date = parse_grade_results_date(
                string_cell(row, ['award_completion_confirmed_date']))
            r.admission_year = int_cell(row, ['admission_year'])
            r.admission_reason = string_cell(row, ['admission_reason'])
            r.admission_criteria = string_cell(row, ['admission_criteria'])
            r.admission_status = string_cell(row, ['admission_status'])
            r.grade = string_cell(row, ['grade'])
            r.grade_status = string_cell(row, ['grade_status'])
            r.result_status_code = string_cell(row, ['result_status_code'])
            r.result_status = string_cell(row, ['result_status'])
            r.grade_ranking = int_cell(row, ['grade_ranking'])
            r.mark = float_cell(row, ['mark'])
            r.moe_completion_code = int_cell(row, ['moe_completion_code'])
            r.iscontinuinggrade = int_cell(row, ['iscontinuinggrade'])
            r.ispassgrade = int_cell(row, ['ispassgrade'])
            r.query_date = parse_grade_results_date(
                'query_date', string_cell(row, ['query_date']))
            if (query_date is None) and (r.query_date is not None):
                query_date = datetime.strptime(
                                             string_cell(row, ['query_date'])),
            r.enr_year = int_cell(row, ['enr_year', 'enrolment_year'])
            r.enrolment_status = string_cell(row, ['enrolment_status'])
            r.final_grade = string_cell(row, ['final_grade'])
            r.final_grade_ranking = int_cell(row, ['final_grade_ranking'])
            r.final_grade_status = string_cell(row, ['final_grade_status'])
            r.final_grade_result_status = string_cell(
                row, ['final_grade_result_status'])
            r.papers_per_student = int_cell(row, ['papers_per_student'])
            r.credits_per_student = float_cell(row, ['credits_per_student'])
            r.gpa = float_cell(row, ['gpa'])
            r.ones = int_cell(row, ['ones'])
            r.allgradeones = int_cell(row, ['allgradeones'])
            r.passgradeones = int_cell(row, ['passgradeones'])
            r.retentionones = int_cell(row, ['retentionones'])
            r.award_completion_year = int_cell(row, ['award_completion_year'])
            r.personoid = float_cell(row, ['personoid'])
            r.courseoccurrenceoid = float_cell(row, ['courseoccurrenceoid'])
            r.awardenrolmentoid = float_cell(row, ['awardenrolmentoid'])
            r.enrolmentorcosuoid = float_cell(row, ['enrolmentorcosuoid'])
            r.isformalprogramme = int_cell(row, ['isformalprogramme'])
            r.citizenship_simple = string_cell(
                row, ['citizenship_simple', 'citizenship_code'])
            r.moe_pbrf_code = string_cell(row, ['moe_pbrf_code'])
            r.moe_pbrf = string_cell(row, ['moe_pbrf'])
            r.achievement_date = parse_grade_results_date(
                'achievement_date', string_cell(row, ['achievement_date']))
            r.te_reo = int_cell(row, ['te_reo'])
            # progress
            if (count % 1000) == 0:
                                   "Imported " + str(count) + " rows...")

        # close file
    except Exception as ex:
        msg = traceback.format_exc()
        return msg
        if delete:
            except Exception as ex:
                msg = traceback.format_exc()
                result = msg

    if (result is None) and (query_date
                             is not None) and (query_date.year
                                               == datetime.today().year):
        update_tablestatus(GradeResults._meta.db_table, timestamp=query_date)

    if email is not None:
            email, 'Import: grade results', 'Import succeeded' if
            (result is None) else 'Import failed: ' + result)

    return result
コード例 #13
def import_scholarships(csv, encoding, email=None, delete=True):
    Imports the scholarships (Jade Export).

    :param csv: the CSV file to import
    :type csv: str
    :param encoding: the file encoding (eg utf-8)
    :type encoding: str
    :param email: the (optional) email address to send a notification to
    :type email: str
    :param delete: whether to delete the data file
    :type delete: bool
    :return: None if successful, otherwise error message
    :rtype: str

    result = None


    # empty table
    # import
        with open(csv, encoding=encoding) as csvfile:
            reader = DictReader(csvfile)
            reader.fieldnames = [
                name.lower().replace(" ", "_") for name in reader.fieldnames
            count = 0
            for row in reader:
                count += 1
                truncate_strings(row, 250)
                encode_strings(row, 'utf-8')
                r = Scholarship()
                r.student_id = row['person_id']
                r.name = row['template']
                r.status = row['status']
                r.decision = row['decision']
                r.year = int(row['year'])
                # progress
                if (count % 1000) == 0:
                                       "Imported " + str(count) + " rows...")

    except Exception as ex:
        msg = traceback.format_exc()
        result = msg
        if delete:
            except Exception as ex:
                msg = traceback.format_exc()
                result = msg

    if email is not None:
            email, 'Import: scholarships', 'Import succeeded' if
            (result is None) else 'Import failed: ' + result)

    return result
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in walk(root):
    if match(".*\/mvol\/\d{4}\/\d{4}\/\d{4}", dirpath):
        print("Stopping recursion at "+dirpath)
        del dirnames[:]
    for filename in filenames:
        print("Scanning " + filename)
        if match("mvol-\d{4}-\d{4}-\d{4}\.struct\.txt$", filename) or \
        match("mvol-\d{4}-\d{4}-\d{4}\.txt$", filename):
            print("Acting on " + filename)
                with open(join(dirpath, filename), 'r') as f:
                    reader = DictReader(f, delimiter='\t')
                    assert('object' in reader.fieldnames or
                           'Object' in reader.fieldnames)
                    if reader.fieldnames != [x.lower() for x in reader.fieldnames]:
                        print("Editing " + join(dirpath, filename))
                        reader.fieldnames = [x.lower() for x in reader.fieldnames]
                        with open(join(dirpath, filename)+".new",'w') as out:
                            writer = DictWriter(out, fieldnames=reader.fieldnames, delimiter='\t',quoting=QUOTE_MINIMAL)
                            for row in reader:
                                rowDict = {}
                                for header in reader.fieldnames:
                                    rowDict[header] = row[header]
                        move(join(dirpath, filename), join(dirpath, filename+'.old'))
                        assert(isfile(join(dirpath, filename)) == False)
                        move(join(dirpath, filename+'.new'), join(dirpath, filename))
            except Exception as e: