def test_dumpcmd(): assert dumpcmd(None, "/tmp") == ([ "sqlite3", os.path.join("/tmp", "db", "cuckoo.db"), ".dump" ], {}) assert dumpcmd("sqlite:///db/cuckoo.db", "/tmp") == ([ "sqlite3", os.path.join("/tmp", "db/cuckoo.db"), ".dump" ], {}) assert dumpcmd("sqlite:////tmp/cuckoo.db", "/tmp") == (["sqlite3", "/tmp/cuckoo.db", ".dump"], {}) assert dumpcmd("mysql://*****:*****@localh0st/baz", "/tmp") == ([ "mysqldump", "-u", "foo", "-pbar", "-h", "localh0st", "baz" ], {}) assert dumpcmd("postgresql://*****:*****@localhost/baz", "/tmp") == (["pg_dump", "-U", "user", "baz"], { "PGPASSWORD": "******" })
def test_dumpcmd(): assert dumpcmd(None, "/tmp") == ( ["sqlite3", os.path.join("/tmp", "db/cuckoo.db"), ".dump"], {} ) assert dumpcmd("sqlite:///db/cuckoo.db", "/tmp") == ( ["sqlite3", os.path.join("/tmp", "db/cuckoo.db"), ".dump"], {} ) assert dumpcmd("sqlite:////tmp/cuckoo.db", "/tmp") == ( ["sqlite3", "/tmp/cuckoo.db", ".dump"], {} ) assert dumpcmd("mysql://*****:*****@localh0st/baz", "/tmp") == ( ["mysqldump", "-u", "foo", "-pbar", "-h", "localh0st", "baz"], {} ) assert dumpcmd("mysql://*****:*****@localhost/cuckoo", "/tmp") == ( ["mysqldump", "-u", "cuckoo", "-prandom!", "cuckoo"], {} ) assert dumpcmd("postgresql://*****:*****@localhost/baz", "/tmp") == ( ["pg_dump", "-U", "user", "baz"], {"PGPASSWORD": "******"} ) assert dumpcmd("postgresql://user name!:bar@localhost/baz", "/tmp") == ( ["pg_dump", "-U", "user name!", "baz"], {"PGPASSWORD": "******"} ) assert dumpcmd("postgresql://:b@c/d", "/tmp") == ( ["pg_dump", "-h", "c", "d"], {"PGPASSWORD": "******"} ) with pytest.raises(CuckooOperationalError) as e: dumpcmd("notadatabaseuri", "/tmp") e.match("URI wasn't understood") with pytest.raises(CuckooOperationalError) as e: dumpcmd("notadatabase://*****:*****@c/d", "/tmp") e.match("URI wasn't understood")
def test_dumpcmd(): assert dumpcmd(None, "/tmp") == ([ "sqlite3", os.path.join("/tmp", "db/cuckoo.db"), ".dump" ], {}) assert dumpcmd("sqlite:///db/cuckoo.db", "/tmp") == ([ "sqlite3", os.path.join("/tmp", "db/cuckoo.db"), ".dump" ], {}) assert dumpcmd("sqlite:////tmp/cuckoo.db", "/tmp") == (["sqlite3", "/tmp/cuckoo.db", ".dump"], {}) assert dumpcmd("mysql://*****:*****@localh0st/baz", "/tmp") == ([ "mysqldump", "-u", "foo", "-pbar", "-h", "localh0st", "baz" ], {}) assert dumpcmd("mysql://*****:*****@localhost/cuckoo", "/tmp") == ([ "mysqldump", "-u", "cuckoo", "-prandom!", "cuckoo" ], {}) assert dumpcmd("postgresql://*****:*****@localhost/baz", "/tmp") == (["pg_dump", "-U", "user", "baz"], { "PGPASSWORD": "******" }) assert dumpcmd("postgresql://user name!:bar@localhost/baz", "/tmp") == (["pg_dump", "-U", "user name!", "baz"], { "PGPASSWORD": "******" }) assert dumpcmd("postgresql://:b@c/d", "/tmp") == (["pg_dump", "-h", "c", "d"], { "PGPASSWORD": "******" }) with pytest.raises(CuckooOperationalError) as e: dumpcmd("notadatabaseuri", "/tmp") e.match("URI wasn't understood") with pytest.raises(CuckooOperationalError) as e: dumpcmd("notadatabase://*****:*****@c/d", "/tmp") e.match("URI wasn't understood")