コード例 #1
def woodbury_inv(A_diag, U, V, k):
    """This matrix inversion is O(k^3) rather than O(p^3) where p is the
    dimensionality of the data and k is the latent dimension.
    # Helps with numerics. If A_diag[i, j] == 0, then 1 / 0 == inf.
    SMALL = 1e-12
    A_inv_diag = 1. / (A_diag + SMALL)

    I = torch.eye(k, device=cuda.device())
    B_inv = inv(I + ((V * A_inv_diag) @ U))

    # We want to perform the operation `U @ B_inv @ V` but need to optimize it:
    # - Computing `tmp1` is fast because it is (p, k) * (k, k).
    # - Computing `tmp2` is slow because it is (p, k) * (k, p).
    tmp1 = U @ B_inv
    tmp2 = torch.einsum('ab,bc->ac', (tmp1, V))

    # Use `view` rather than `reshape`. The former guarantees that a new tensor
    # is returned.
    tmp3 = A_inv_diag.view(-1, 1) * tmp2
    right = tmp3 * A_inv_diag

    # This is a fast version of `diag(A_inv_diag) - right`.
    right = -1 * right
    idx = torch.arange(0, A_diag.size(0), device=cuda.device())
    right[idx, idx] = A_inv_diag + right[idx, idx]

    return right
コード例 #2
    def test_untile_params(self):
        device = cuda.device()

        L1_before = torch.ones(self.p1, self.k, device=device)
        L2_before = torch.ones(self.p2, self.k, device=device) * 2
        B1_before = torch.ones(self.p1, self.k, device=device) * 3
        B2_before = torch.ones(self.p2, self.k, device=device) * 4
        B12_before = torch.zeros(self.p1, self.k, device=device)
        B21_before = torch.zeros(self.p2, self.k, device=device)
        P1_before = torch.ones(self.p1, device=device) * 5
        P2_before = torch.ones(self.p2, device=device) * 6

        L = torch.cat([
            torch.cat([L1_before, B1_before, B12_before], dim=1),
            torch.cat([L2_before, B21_before, B2_before], dim=1)
        P = torch.cat([P1_before, P2_before])

        L1_after, L2_after, B1_after, B2_after, P1_after, P2_after = \
            self.pcca.untile_params(L, P)

        self.assertTrue((L1_after == L1_before).all())
        self.assertTrue((L2_after == L2_before).all())
        self.assertTrue((B1_after == B1_before).all())
        self.assertTrue((B2_after == B2_before).all())
        self.assertTrue((P1_after == P1_before).all())
        self.assertTrue((P2_after == P2_before).all())
コード例 #3
def to_positive(A_diag, eps=0.00001):
    """Convert n-vector into an n-vector with nonnegative entries.
    A_diag[A_diag < 0] = eps
    inds = torch.isclose(A_diag, torch.zeros(1, device=cuda.device()))
    A_diag[inds] = eps
    return A_diag
コード例 #4
    def tile_params(self):
        """Tile parameters so we can use factor analysis updates for PCCA.

        :return: Model parameters concatenated appropriately.
        p1 = self.p1
        p2 = self.p2
        k = self.latent_dim
        device = cuda.device()

        B12 = torch.zeros(p1, k).to(device)
        B21 = torch.zeros(p2, k).to(device)

        if self.private_z:
            Lambda = torch.cat([
                torch.cat([self.Lambda1, self.B1, B12], dim=1),
                torch.cat([self.Lambda2, B21, self.B2], dim=1)
            Lambda = torch.cat([self.Lambda1, self.Lambda2], dim=0)

        Psi_diag = torch.cat([self.Psi1_diag, self.Psi2_diag])

        return Lambda, Psi_diag
コード例 #5
ファイル: gemm_profile.py プロジェクト: lijun99/pyre
def benchmark2(m, n, k, device=0, precision='float32', iteration=10):
    benchmarking gemm
    generate C(m,n) = A(m,k) x B(k, n)
    :param device: cuda device to be used
    :param precision: gpu precision 'float32' or 'float64'
    :param iteration: times to repeat gemm for averaging
    # set up device
    device = cuda.device(0)
    cublas_hanlde = device.get_cublas_handle()
    # create a gpu timer (with cudaEvent)
    gtimer = cuda.timer()

    # set up matrices
    matrix_A = cuda.curand.gaussian(size=(m, k), dtype=precision)
    matrix_B = cuda.curand.gaussian(size=(k, n), dtype=precision)
    matrix_C = cuda.matrix(shape=(m, n), dtype=precision)
    # record the start time

    #record the stop time
    elapsedtime = gtimer.profile(mat_mul, matrix_A, matrix_B, matrix_C,
                                 cublas_hanlde, iteration)

    # get the average computation time (in s)
    time = elapsedtime / iteration / 1e3

    # all done
    return time
コード例 #6
 def sample_x1_from_x2(self, x2):
     """Sample images based on gene expression data.
     device = cuda.device()
     y1 = torch.zeros(x2.shape[0], self.cfg.IMG_EMBED_DIM, device=device)
     y2 = self.genes_net.encode(x2)
     x1r, _ = self._sample(y1, y2, n_samples=None, sample_across=True)
     return x1r
コード例 #7
 def sample_x2_from_x1(self, x1):
     """Sample gene expression data from images.
     device = cuda.device()
     y1 = self.image_net.encode(x1)
     y2 = torch.zeros(x1.shape[0], self.cfg.GENE_EMBED_DIM, device=device)
     _, x2r = self._sample(y1, y2, n_samples=None, sample_across=True)
     return x2r
コード例 #8
def test():
    Test random numbers
    samples = 4096 * 16
    parameters = 2

    dtype = 'float32'

    if dtype == 'float32':
        maxerr = 1e-6
        maxerr = 1e-12

    device = cuda.device(0)

    # vector
    gvector = cuda.curand.gaussian(size=parameters, dtype=dtype)
    gmean = gvector.mean()
    gstd = gvector.std(mean=gmean)

    vector = gvector.copy_to_host(type='gsl')
    mean = vector.mean()
    std = vector.sdev(mean=mean)

    print("vector mean/std difference between cpu/gpu", gmean - mean,
          gstd - std)
    assert (abs(gmean - mean) < maxerr)

    # matrix
    gmatrix = cuda.curand.gaussian(loc=2.5,
                                   size=(samples, parameters),

    # cuda results
    gmean, gsd = gmatrix.mean_sd(axis=0)

    # gsl results
    gslmatrix = gmatrix.copy_to_host(type='gsl')
    gslmean, gslsd = gslmatrix.mean_sd(axis=0)

    print("matrix mean/std max difference between cpu/gpu",
          cuda.stats.max_diff(gmean, cuda.vector(source=gslmean, dtype=dtype)),
          cuda.stats.max_diff(gsd, cuda.vector(source=gslsd, dtype=dtype)))

    print("max value difference between gpu/cpu:",
          gmatrix.amax() - gslmatrix.max())
    print("min value difference between gpu/cpu:",
          gmatrix.amin() - gslmatrix.min())

コード例 #9
    def test_parameters_simple(self):
        device = cuda.device()
        params = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(3, 5, device=device))
        optimizer = optim.Adam([params], lr=0.1)
        params_saved = deepcopy(params.data)
        x = torch.ones(5, device=device)
        y = params @ x
        t = torch.zeros(3, device=device)
        loss = F.mse_loss(t, y)

        # We expect the parameters to change.
        self.assertFalse(bool((params.data == params_saved).all()))
コード例 #10
    def init_params(self):
        """Create model parameters and move them to appropriate device.

        :return: Model parameters.
        p1 = self.p1
        p2 = self.p2
        k  = self.latent_dim

        device = cuda.device()

        Lambda1 = torch.randn(p1, k).to(device)
        Lambda2 = torch.randn(p2, k).to(device)

        Psi1_diag = torch.ones(p1).to(device)
        Psi2_diag = torch.ones(p2).to(device)

        return Lambda1, Lambda2, Psi1_diag, Psi2_diag
コード例 #11
    def test_tiled_params(self):
        device = cuda.device()
        model = Model()

        optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.1)
        params1_saved = deepcopy(model.params1.data)
        params2_saved = deepcopy(model.params2.data)

        x = torch.ones(5, device=device)
        y = model.forward(x)
        t = torch.zeros(6, device=device)
        loss = F.mse_loss(t, y)

        # # We expect the parameters to change.
        self.assertFalse(bool((model.params1.data == params1_saved).all()))
        self.assertFalse(bool((model.params2.data == params2_saved).all()))
コード例 #12
    def reparameterize(self, Lambda, Psi_diag, z):
        """Performs the reparameterization trick for a Gaussian random variable.
        For details, see:


        :param Lambda:   Current value for Lambda parameter.
        :param Psi_diag: Current value for Psi parameter.
        :param z:        Latent variable.
        :return:         Samples of y from estimated parameters Lambda and Psi.
        n = z.shape[1]
        p = Psi_diag.shape[0]
        eps = torch.randn(p, n, device=cuda.device())
        # For numerical stability. For Psi to be PD, all elements must be
        # positive: https://math.stackexchange.com/a/927916/159872.
        Psi_diag = LA.to_positive(Psi_diag)
        R = torch.cholesky(diag(Psi_diag), upper=False)
        return Lambda @ z + R @ eps
コード例 #13
    def init_params(self):
        """Create model parameters and move them to appropriate device.

        :return: Model parameters.
        p1 = self.p1
        p2 = self.p2
        k = self.latent_dim
        device = cuda.device()

        Lambda1 = torch.randn(p1, k).to(device)
        Lambda2 = torch.randn(p2, k).to(device)

        # Create these modality-specific parameters regardless. We will discard
        # them if the user did not set `private_z=True`.
        B1 = torch.randn(p1, k).to(device)
        B2 = torch.randn(p2, k).to(device)

        Psi1_diag = torch.ones(p1).to(device)
        Psi2_diag = torch.ones(p2).to(device)

        return Lambda1, Lambda2, B1, B2, Psi1_diag, Psi2_diag
コード例 #14
ファイル: correlation.py プロジェクト: lijun99/pyre
def test():
    Test random numbers
    samples = 2**12
    parameters = 4096

    maxerr = 1e-12

    device = cuda.device(0)

    # vector correlation by gpu
    gv1 = cuda.curand.gaussian(loc=1, scale=2, size=samples)
    gv2 = cuda.curand.gaussian(size=samples)
    gcorr = cuda.stats.correlation(gv1, gv2)

    # vector correlation by cpu
    v1 = gv1.copy_to_host()
    v2 = gv2.copy_to_host()
    corr = gsl.stats.correlation(v1, v2)

    # compare the results
    diff = gcorr-corr
    print("vector correlation, cpu/gpu difference", diff)
    assert(abs(diff) < maxerr)

    # create two random matrices
    gm1 = cuda.curand.gaussian(size=(samples, parameters))
    gm2 = cuda.curand.gaussian(size=(samples, parameters))
    # copy to cpu
    m1 = gm1.copy_to_host()
    m2 = gm2.copy_to_host()

    # correlation along row
    gcorr = cuda.stats.correlation(gm1, gm2, axis=0)

    corr = gsl.vector(shape=m1.shape[1])
    for col in range(m1.shape[1]):
        v1 = m1.getColumn(col)
        v2 = m2.getColumn(col)
        corr[col] = gsl.stats.correlation(v1, v2)

    # check difference
    diff = cuda.stats.max_diff(gcorr, cuda.vector(source=corr, dtype=gcorr.dtype))
    print("matrix correlation along row, cpu/gpu max difference", diff)
    assert( diff < maxerr)

    # correlation along column
    gcorr = cuda.stats.correlation(gm1, gm2, axis=1)

    corr = gsl.vector(shape=m1.shape[0])
    for row in range(m1.shape[0]):
        v1 = m1.getRow(row)
        v2 = m2.getRow(row)
        corr[row] = gsl.stats.correlation(v1, v2)

    # check difference
    diff = cuda.stats.max_diff(gcorr, cuda.vector(source=corr, dtype=gcorr.dtype))
    print("matrix correlation along column, cpu/gpu max difference", diff)
    assert( diff < maxerr)

コード例 #15
    def test_untile_params_grad(self):
        device = cuda.device()

        # These are the parameters we want to be updated even if we manipulate
        # them after tiling and then unrolling.
        L1_before = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(self.p1, self.k, device=device))
        L2_before = nn.Parameter(
            torch.ones(self.p2, self.k, device=device) * 2)
        B1_before = nn.Parameter(
            torch.ones(self.p1, self.k, device=device) * 3)
        B2_before = nn.Parameter(
            torch.ones(self.p2, self.k, device=device) * 4)
        B12_before = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(self.p1, self.k, device=device))
        B21_before = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(self.p2, self.k, device=device))
        P1_before = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(self.p1, device=device) * 5)
        P2_before = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(self.p2, device=device) * 6)

        L = torch.cat([
            torch.cat([L1_before, B1_before, B12_before], dim=1),
            torch.cat([L2_before, B21_before, B2_before], dim=1)
        P = torch.cat([P1_before, P2_before])

        L1_after, L2_after, B1_after, B2_after, P1_after, P2_after = \
            self.pcca.untile_params(L, P)

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Gradient before is None because we have never called backward().
        self.assertTrue(L1_before.grad is None)
        x = torch.ones(self.p1)
        y = L1_after.t() @ x
        # Gradient after is not None because manipulating L1_after effects
        # L1_before.
        self.assertTrue(L1_before.grad is not None)
        self.assertFalse((L1_before.grad == 0).all())

        # Gradient before is not None because we have manipulated L2_before via
        # L1_before via L.
        self.assertTrue((L2_before.grad == 0).all())
        x = torch.ones(self.p2)
        y = L2_after.t() @ x
        # The gradient before is not None but it should not be all 0s.
        self.assertTrue(L2_before.grad is not None)
        self.assertFalse((L2_before.grad == 0).all())

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Gradient before is not None because we have manipulated B1_before via
        # L1_before and L2_before via L.
        self.assertTrue((B1_before.grad == 0).all())
        x = torch.ones(self.p1)
        y = B1_after.t() @ x
        # The gradient before is not None but it should not be all 0s.
        self.assertTrue(B1_before.grad is not None)
        self.assertFalse((B1_before.grad == 0).all())

        # Gradient before is not None because we have manipulated B2_before via
        # L1_before and L2_before via L.
        self.assertTrue((B2_before.grad == 0).all())
        x = torch.ones(self.p2)
        y = B2_after.t() @ x
        # The gradient before is not None but it should not be all 0s.
        self.assertTrue(B2_before.grad is not None)
        self.assertFalse((B2_before.grad == 0).all())

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Gradient before is None because we have not manipulated Psi in any way
        # when manipulating Lambdas and Bs.
        self.assertTrue(P1_before.grad is None)
        x = torch.ones(self.p1)
        y = P1_after @ x
        self.assertTrue(P1_before.grad is not None)
        self.assertFalse((P1_before.grad == 0).all())

        self.assertTrue((P2_before.grad == 0).all())
        x = torch.ones(self.p2)
        y = P2_after @ x
        self.assertTrue(P2_before.grad is not None)
        self.assertFalse((P2_before.grad == 0).all())
コード例 #16
    def __init__(self):
        super(Model, self).__init__()
        device = cuda.device()

        self.params1 = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(3, 5, device=device))
        self.params2 = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(3, 5, device=device))
コード例 #17
import os

import torch
import torch.utils.data
from   torch import optim
from   torch import nn

from torchvision.models import inception_v3, resnet18

import cuda
from   data import get_data_loaders, split_across

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

device = cuda.device()

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def main(args):
    """Train fear extinction CNN.
    start_time = time.time()
    print('-' * 80)
    print('-' * 80)

    model = load_model(args.model, args.pretrained)
    model = model.to(device)
    print('Model loaded.')